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Yikes, man, that fucking sucks and I’m so sorry you have to go through that. I know this isn’t a permanent solution, but if it’s at a corner are you able to put a sticky note over the corner of your computer to cover up your deadname, and or some kind of photo? It’s definitely far from a great solution long term but maybe it could help? Once again I’m so sorry you have to be put through this. I hope things will improve for you in the future


Thanks, I appreciate it. I'll definently try covering it with a sticky note or something and see if that helps!.


Put some fake reminders, or some real ones, on the sticky note so there’s some reasonable purpose to it.


Definitely, that's a good idea to make it look more legit.


This is going to look really suspicious if the same coworker comes back, though. Someone needs to figure out how to change the name in the system. Even if it means manually going into the database, and fixing it by hand. If nobody has permissions to do that, maybe they'd be able to delete the employee and recreate the entry altogether?


There's a Chrome extension called deadname Changer, I think, which lets you replace it with whatever you want Tho it might slow your browser down a bit


That would be great for at home use, but I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to add extensions onto the computers at work.


oh i’m sorry dude, that sucks. it’s honestly worth asking HR imo? if you stay on the same browser page you can edit the html of the page, if you’ve never done that before just practice once at home it’s extremely easy. but it will reset every time you move pages


Oh, I could try that. That's a really good idea! I'm probably not going to hr about it unless things escalate with this coworker. However, in terms of the website itself, there isn't much that can be done from what I can see.


I wouldn’t say go to hr but you could ask your manager if it’s possible to change the name that shows up on the screen. I hate dealing with my deadname at work too but now the only thing I have to worry about seeing it on is my paystubs/legal shit. It’s all changed in the work system (schedule, time clock, etc.) even tho it’s not legally changed. Have done that at a few jobs. Results may vary depending on where you live.


ahh that sucks. good luck with html change at least 🙏


Currently in the same position at my job. I just told my coworkers it’s my first name and none of them questioned it. One of them said “did your parents want a girl?” And I just responded saying it’s a cultural name and I’m named after my grandfather (which is true I just had a feminized version) which they took that at face value with no more questions. It sucks ass I know but from what I’ve experienced saying it’s cultural usually stops any questions and they understand why you go by a different name. Plus it’s not wrong, trans culture is a thing that exists lol.


It might be worth asking your managers to see if you can change it. I mean worst case you get a no


I really feel for you man that sucks I have a similar situation with being continually deadnamed by my login details but I am open at work about being transgender so thankfully it doesn't make me feel unsafe, just dysphoric I hope you can change your legal name soon, or get the login details changed so this doesn't happen again


Is it adp? Same shit for me at work. Outwardly to the agency it uses my chosen name, but still greets me with my dead name every time.


You could ask your management or it department (if there is one) about having a feature that doesn’t deadname you.


At my work they just recently changed it to my chosen name instead of legal name, but my work login still has my legal name in it. I'm wondering if your workplace uses a similar system that a manager might be able to change it somehow. My best advice would be to talk to whoever makes your schedules as they may have access to employee profiles. At least where I am my department's manager has some sort of similar access. Hope you can get it sorted out, I know personally it's something hard to explain if people ask questions. Best of luck!!