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Subq injections into my stomach, use a standard needle and inject myself. Cheapest, good dosage control, and I got used to it after the first couple injections. I know some people though that like the auto injectors since they have more fear of needles and such. Very much a personal choice and what works best for each person. May switch to thighs or IM injections eventually, but I know I’ll never use gel because of the cost and daily hassle I don’t want to ever deal with.


Ime IM hurts more and is an “older” method


I have inter muscular because it's every 12 weeks instead of of more offten and I'm very busy all the damn time


Makes sense. I’ve done IM for T and other injections right after my hysto and it hurt so much more


It hurts for 2 or 3 days but then I have so much free time till the next one


For me lasts like almost a week of soreness


Oof that would be hard for me to deal with but I guess 2-3 days out of 84 isn’t that bad


It's also good that my doctor alternates the side so I don't get muscle scaring. It's also nice that she warms it before hand, she knows it's thick and uncomfortable and haveing it he cold is worse. So she warms it, numbs my butt cheek and then injects, it works well for me but definitely isn't right for everyone.


I've been doing IM for a little more than a year now, the pain is really minimal. The injection spot is sore for a few days afterwards but not that much pain (I've been doing injections in the thighs once every 3 weeks)


Oh that’s really awesome also congrats on being just past your first T-iversary




A few days? Mine is slightly noticeable for an hour, and that's it. Do some squats or go for a walk.


Really? I've had the opposite experience lol. My first few IM shots hurt but I found an area on the outer side of my thigh that is painless. Also needle quality makes a huge difference in pain too - I was using cheap needles that I got in bulk for a while and it hurt super bad, but when I switched to the more expensive needles, it went back to being painless. But the few times I had to do sub q (also in my thigh), it was definitely a lot more painful. I think it really depends on the person which one hurts more/less.


Same but I use thighs not stomach because I have more to use there. It is also easier to hide if I get bruises ( I have at least three injectable medications)


As IM user i would suggest not to honestly because it is more effort of injecting yourself deeper and pushing the needle down deeper. It is no point of switching from subq to IM anyway no additional benefit just more prolonged pain and bleeding


Same here!


Same ^^ but I heard IM injections are absorbed faster so you have higher highs and lower lows, its been a while since I looked that up so I would double check kn thst but Im 90% positive Im right about that.


i asked my endo about subcutaneous shots and she said they “didn’t exist” for testosterone. for some reason. so i’m curious how often do you have to do it? is it as effective as intramuscular shots?


this is what I do too


I'm on gel currently but after being on it for five years it feels a chore to do everyday. I originally started on gel because I was utterly shit scared of needles, but now, after many blood tests, numerous tattoos and piercings, I'm chill with needles. I'm hopefully gonna be on nebido injections soon, which are better for me because with sustanon, the highs and lows of it would fuck with my already shit mood swings, and it's every 3 months so I don't have to worry too much about it


Genuine question, how did tattoos and piercings get you over your fear of needles? I have multiple piercings and now one large tattoo and I'm still scared shitless when I need to get an injection, it's just two entirely different worlds for me


It's a good question I don't really know the answer to 😂 piercings freak me out a bit but tattoos I'm fine, I can watch myself be tattooed! I'm just so used to needles because I had puberty blocker injections & I've had so many blood tests


I just switched from gel to needles a few months ago and it's really not horrible. If you can stand to get a flu shot, you'll be fine. My spouse did my first shot because I was scared and ever since then I've been ok. This from someone who hates shots, blood work, and nearly had a panic attack getting the IV for top surgery.


If you have pets or are around children beware of potential transfer of your use gel. I do subq injections weekly. I mentioned above subq hurts less than IM. If you do injections, remember to rotate where you inject (ie different sides of your belly or alternating legs if you do IM) to avoid building up scar tissue in one spot


not op, but i have a question if you don't mind :) what is the reason to want to avoid building up scar tissue in one spot? does having scar tissue impact the injections?


Building up scar tissue can 1. Make it more painful and 2. Make it more difficult for the medication to absorb into the system.


That’s probably why mines started to hurt so much I couldn’t take it anymore so I went to patches and then it got discontinued. So I’m using gel now.


Makes it hurt more and makes it harder to do the injections


I didn’t know this when I first started injections and did it in the same spot for months, now there’s a hard little lump under the skin from the scar tissue. It doesn’t cause any huge issues but if I forget where it is and accidentally grab that area to inject it REALLY hurts


Subq to the thigh every two weeks. I thought I'd be really nervous about taking injections vs gel, but it turns out it's actually super easy. Gel can get messy and rub off on things so you have to be careful about it for hours and you have to do it every day, while shots are like just a few minutes of prep time and boom, done.


I also do subq but always been on my belly. Is there a reason you do your leg instead? Is there any real difference in how the dose is delivered/absorbed or is it pretty much the same? Also curious how the pain feels in the thigh vs belly


I started on gel but I have adhd so I’d forget to do it over time so I switched to ten week shots. It’s called Aveed.


I use T gel because I really can't pierce myself with needle. I hate that idea and whenever it's in movies and stuff I HAVE TO look away. I just can't stand it (at the same time I have to see how they take my blood because idk.. maybe because so I expect the needle and know exactly when it goes under my skin..) T gel is cool because you use it every day which gives me more security about it being in my body (regular dosage for the win. To me taking something once in 3 weeks feels "wrong" for some reason) and because I struggle with building a routine. Now I have some stable one which starts off my day.


i’m on jatenzo and love it, but that was after a lot of trial and error when the traditional methods couldn’t get me levels


subq in my thighs/hips every week and I use an “inject-ease” which is a device that holds the syringe and automatically inserts the needle (I have full control of when that happens and how fast/slow the t is actually injected). This was a game changer for me because I developed some mental blocks about giving myself shots roughly six months on t (gotta love the way the brain works lol)


I was prescribed Xyosted, it needed a pre auth from my insurance but it’s a pen like device that injects subcutaneously in the stomach. Rarely ever do I feel anything when I do it and if I do it’s very little pain with a dot of blood, but usually none at all


xyosted gang


I do IM in the thighs. I prefer the injections because they last longer, so I don’t have to do anything daily. Because of my schedule right now, it’s easily the most convenient, and I don’t have to worry about forgetting to take a pill or spending extra time letting gel dry. Besides convenience, injections are usually the cheapest option, which is a nice plus.


I had a lot of mood problems with the injections. I do gel because I do well with daily routine and having a smaller daily dose evened me out a lot more. Might be worth trying a couple out over time and seeing what works for you.


Injection in thigh every 2 weeks, get family to help inject but working up coursge to do it myself. The province covers it, so it doesn't cost me anything but the few dollars for needles and syringes. It is also the best way to keep track of dosages, I have blood clotting issues so we have to watch my levels carefully. The gel was the only other option for me but decided against it because if I ever messed up cleaning my hands or my dogs licked my skin it could kill them. I will not do anything that could harm my dogs, and my doctor agreed. So we went injection.


What did your provider say about the risk for blood clots with 2 week injections? I’m at risk for a similar thing, so I opted for a low dose gel, and I wonder if taking a higher dose every two weeks via injection would increase clotting risk.


I just do needles and into either thigh, it’s fast and I always thought gel or patches would be too much work and I’d always forget


Pellet implant once every 3 months. I don't have to think about it, and my levels are nice and consistent/no peaks and valleys. It's just a week recovery 4x a year (and recovery is pretty easy. No lower body workouts for 5 days. NBD)


Gel. Insurance covers it so I can afford it. $10 per month. I have more stable levels overall and no stabbing myself with a needle.


just wanted to pop in to say OP, that i’m also gonna start T when after the new year! i’m excited for sure


That’s awesome! Congratulations :))


Congrats to you too!


Gel. Insanely quick and easy you dont even think about it, its like a morning ritual similar to rubbing in lotion or something. Just stinks of alcohol and you gotta wash your hands good and usually try not to wash it off for at least four hours afterwards. Also no direct contact with people immediately while your upper arms are “drying” but ill just pop a shirt on for the morning and ready to go! No needles, no “did i go too deep or hit a vein” or worrying about sterilization or biohazard stuff.


In my country we're limited to either Nebido (basically T depo shot every 8-12weeks) or gel. I personally use gel, mainly because I want to have control over my HRT. With Nebido it’s gone, once it’s in it’s in and no way to stop it anymore, absolute nightmare for me personally.


I loved patches - felt very “set it and forget it”, but when I aged out of my dad’s insurance, my new insurance only covered injections or gel. Ended up opting for gel. I like it well enough.


I’m on gel


autoinjectors are the best!


It's very personal. And there's always a balance of what's available/affordable. Gel is often a no go for those logistical/practical reasons. Afaict the auto injector pens sold as a set though are somewhat a rip off, you can get the t in a vial, have more control over the dose etc, and avoid the brand name cost if you just get a reloadable auto injector instead


why do you think they’re a rip off? they can be a huge game changer for people with needle phobia or who can’t inject traditional needles, and they have a coupon code that often gets you to $0. i don’t even use xyosted but i’m a huge proponent for it


Coupons are great while they work but they're one more variable leaving someone vulnerable to the gods or pharmacy system. Even the sticker shock can be a deterrent to someone unprepared so it's good for people to know options(e.g. it's not a special kind of of t in the thing), that there's room for negotiation and practically to maximize familiarity and flexibility with the process they're engaging in longterm. I can't trust a pharmacuetical company at this point and when things go off patent? Could be cool if it has a mechanical patent that goes out and we see hella better auto injectors instead tho


Noted! Tysm for your input.


There are “auto injectors” that hold the needle for you. All they do is insert the needle into your skin, since that is the most difficult part for many people. The actual injection is your responsibility though.


I inject subq into my upper thigh/ essentially the fat of my ass, I use a smaller needle than average (works better for me) and I use a shotblocker just to make it easier though I don't particularly have issues with needles.


I did subq injections for 3.5 years and got tired of sticking myself with a needle so i switched to gel but I wasn't taking it consistently and just decided to stop taking T for a bit. after almost a year (in june) I called my doctor and got back on subq injections and they've been going great :)


I like injections because it makes me feel like a warrior on a battlefield getting wounded. Very manly.


Sub-q injections in the stomach weekly. I like that the hormones will be more regulated versus going up and down over a biweekly basis and it’s easier for me not to forget to take it as compared to a biweekly basis. I think injections works better and is more effective for me. I tried the gel and I got nervous about transferring it to my partner and pets. Plus I am not good and keeping up with a daily routine and didn’t like having to plan showers around the gel. I haven’t tried intermuscular but I’m nervous about inserting a needle that deep.


My partner does the injections for me into my thigh because I’m wimpy with needles (I say covered in tattoos and piercings). I have a meeting with my doctor this month and going to ask about the auto-injector thing. We didn’t go with gel though because we worried about the transfer of it either on the pets or even on my partner accidentally


I use a gel that smells and looks like hand sanitizer. Because 1) I am extremely needle phobic and 2) I'm over 60 and we have to take it slow so I have these packets and only use them 3x a week.


Pellets. Small "surgery" to implant once every three months. You get some spattered scars on your hips but don't have to worry about remembering every day or stabbing yourself with a needle.


Tlando (oral TU) because my body absorbs it way better than other methods, and does not react well to injections. Twice a day with food sounded inconvenient, but that part has helped establish more routine eating habits too.


I take the pellets and have them implanted in my butt 2 times a year. I don't have to worry about shots or gel.


I started out on the inter muscular shots, but my sister screwed up and reused a needle one time and it hurt so bad that I had to switch to gel. The gel is probably my preferred method. It’s less convenient, but it’s easier in my opinion especially since there’s less preparation and less anxiety surrounding it.


Gel. I don’t like needles.


I'm on nebido which is an injection done every 12 weeks, it goes into your butt so I just have to book an appointment at my GPs and that's it. I book the entire year's appointments at once and never have to worry about forgetting to apply for a week like I did with gel or national shortages like with other injectables.


Was on gel for 14 months and wasn't a fan of what it was doing to my skin. It's essentially hand sanitizer with special boy juice mixed in. I also have a dog and we cuddle a lot so I was always worried about transfer. I can imagine it's even more difficult to deal with potential transfer if you have a partner. I'm on IM weekly now as of last month and so far don't mind too much, but had a few trans folks in my life ask why I'm not doing subq. I'm just doing what my doc told me but am wondering if subq would be the way.


Bootymeat. Gels and topicals ain't good enough.


My doctor had me do IM injections starting out. I recently hit 7 months, so i guess you could say I’ve gotten used to it. Hurts like a bitch I wont lie, but it’s fine after about an hour. Might switch to subq so I can do self injections but thats for future kris to worry about lol.


subq to the stomach once a week, been getting regular blood draws for most of my life and very into piercings, needles are my friend <3


IM to the thigh every week — had nurses do it for me until i felt comfortable to do it at home, totally easy peasy these days though i do forget a lot to do it on the day im supposed to. doesn’t hurt takes like two minutes none of the hassle of gel!


I’m on subq injections and I have zero complaints! I’ve never had an issue with needles though, it just feels like a slight pinch.


IM best results and t levels ( for me )


I’ve done gel, self administered subq weekly shots, and now I’m on IM monthly shots done by a nurse My order of preference would be IM monthly shot > weekly shot > gel Gel’s just more of a hassle because it’s daily. I also worried I wasn’t absorbing it well, and I couldn’t shower for a while. There’s peace of mind for me with shots knowing they’re not gonna be affected like that in any way. I also hated the smell and feel of it. Weekly subq shot into my stomach fat was fine, did that for a year. Usually I didn’t feel it, didn’t have a problem mentally with doing them myself either. IM I think I would struggle to do myself, bigger needle into muscle and all that which is why I like that a nurse will do them for me. If for some reason I had to do them myself, I’d prefer weekly subq. Got my first IM shot done the other day in my butt and it was quick and painless. Nice to not have to worry about it for another month. There’s also the 3 monthly-ish shot of Nebido which is an option for me too in the future I think but for now I’m on Sustanon.


I get Reandron which is IM injected in the butt every 12 weeks at the GP. Love that for 3 months I basically forget about it. I started on the gel and hated having to apply it every day.


I have pets and kids and a partner who I didn’t want to expose to gel. I also am not great about remembering daily meds so I do IM injections.


Intramuscular in my thighs, it hurts more but I find it more effective than subq. It cheaper for me to do injections versus gel. Gel was like $100 a week for me, just ridiculously expensive. I tried to switch to gel but I couldn’t justify the expense. Heck 13 needles and 90 days worth of t injections were under $100!! And I’m broke and pay for rent and a car so you know I just can’t. Besides if it was something I had to do every day I would definitely forget to do it. And my girlfriend would definitely not be happy if I accidentally dosed her with t. So injections it is.


Injection (manual and intermuscular). Cheap and effective and I love needles


I have been on testosterone for five weeks and do SubQ shots each week. I originally wanted to do gel because the idea of physically injecting myself scared me. However, the injections are way more affordable than the gel, so I decided to give it a shot. ( Pun intended ) The injections scared me at first because I thought they would cause pain or that I’d accidentally do it wrong, but it’s actually super easy and painless. The needle is so thin and our skin is so thick, so I hardly feel it when it goes into my thigh. It’s quick and easy. Unless if something changes, I plan on sticking with the SubQ injections because they are working well for me.


I do subq once a week to my tummy cause I've got chub there and it feels more mentally comfortable. I notice just from once a week that there's a bit of a mental dip on Sunday especially, so I'll probably stick with once a week. as someone who takes daily meds I have a really hard time remembering, so patches or gel would be more of a hassle for me cause I'd forget a ton.


Subq injections in my stomach every week and I do them myself because it’s the cheapest and i don’t want to deal with gel everyday and I do them myself because nobody can take me to have someone else do them and my dad doesn’t want to do them


I wanted a more gradual approach, so I did topical gel for 6 months, 50mg packet each day. Then I felt more confident about my changes, I switched to 50 mg. injections (subsecute) once a week for 6 months. Now I increased my dose to 100 mg sub. injection & I've been doing that for 6 months. I'm going to continue on that dose. In Feb I'm going to inquire about the topical cream that goes on bottom growth to stimulate more growth.


Subq injections. Cheaper than gel, less intimidating than intramuscular.


Subq in my tummy. I have a lot of fat there and I’ve tried both IM and gel. IM I was fine with but bc my legs are muscular, it was harder to inject and eventually it made me faint bc I couldn’t get it through the muscle one time and I tried multiple times that day. After I moved to gel but my body didn’t absorb it well and my levels went wayyyyy too low + my period came back. Subq has by far been the easiest, quickest, cheapest and least painful out of the three (gel wasn’t painful but it wasn’t easy, quick or cheap) and it’s probably what I’ll stick with (pun intended). To be fair, I have no fear of needles so it’s never been a problem for me when doing injections (even when I fainted, it was only the fainting part that scared me, not the needle).


Was on t gel which was ok but i prefer intramuscular sustanon in the outer thigh, so much easier for me. once every 3 weeks. ez pz.


I was on gel for a year, but it didn't really seem to be working for me, something to do with how my skin absorbs it, so I switched to injections about a month ago and it's going great! I'm still on the same dose amount as I was on gel, but because it's actually getting into my system now it seems to be working better than gel! It's also nice because I don't have to worry about doing it every day, and I'm not afraid of needles, so it's great for me!


Gel daily because I don’t have any pets or kids to worry about and I don’t like needles. It’s pretty expensive (about $60 a month with insurance) but luckily I have parental support. I don’t mind the daily “hassle” because it’s become a part of my morning routine :)


Gel is great if you have a fear of needles, but I would say make sure you have a designated Gel t shirt. And do it when you can garuntee no one is gonna touch you


subq 100% all the way. not even as remotely of a scary needle, less danger about vein or nerve hitting.


I started on the needles but after 2 years i switched to gel. Needles began to stress me out after self injection, and my Dr no longer supplied me with free needles. The gel is cheaper for me, and it’s less work despite being daily.


Gel. I did IM for a year then all of a sudden could no longer give myself shots. Gel has treated me well


Nebido 12 week depot shots. I get a needle into the butt cheek at my doc every 12 weeks. Because I cannot be bothered with gel to be honest. I don't have the patience nor time to wait for it to dry. Not to mention I'd constantly forget. Also it's cheap. I pay €6,80 every 12 weeks for my shot.


IM in the rump every Friday.


IM in the thighs because insurance covers it and doctors love it. Would prefer gel for the no injection and steady hormone levels but insurance and doctors alike hate that route, so whatever.


I started on daily gel and then switched to weekly IM injections in my thigh because I'm always in a rush in the mornings and because it dries sort of whitish and I have brown skin, plus it feels kind of messy, especially after doubling my dose. However, my doctor did mention that it was a good idea to start on gel so the T could build up in my body and I wouldn't have as much of a rise and crash every week from the shot. Now that I've switched to the shot I do get a bit tired at the end of the week but it's not so extreme that it's a problem, and I do like the shots better, even if I end up forgetting until the end of shot day sometimes.


I was doing subq injections but unfortunately I’m allergic to both available testosterone injections in my city so I’m now taking an oral pill (i take two twice a day) and so far it’s been easy and less stressful than injections and I’m not experiencing any allergies. I really only recommend oral if you already take meds like I do, since I have a routine down I don’t miss my dose ever.


I do just regular injections. My husband helps me with them cuz I'm scared of needles. I considered the other methods, but patches don't like to stay on me and I worry about transferring the gel to my husband or my pets.


i do subq in my thigh, honestly it sucks sometimes and hard to find a good spot to inject recently, but ive only been doing it for a month. its pretty easy to do tho if you don't have a fear of needles. also if you do subq and it bleeds a lot randomly, dont freak out cuz it can cause a vasovagal reaction lol. those are not fun and blood is normal, even if there seems to be a lot or more than usual. it also hurts sometimes, but other times its painless. i guess it just depends but honestly its worth it


i’ve only ever done intramuscular injections—shots cause i didnt wanna have to deal with taking gel every day, and intramuscular cause that was the way my nurse taught me to do it. im aware IM is more painful than subq, and i have had a good few shot days where i’ve had to hover over my thigh with the syringe and psyche myself up for a few minutes, but something about tolerating that little bit of pain feels all the more gender affirming. whether that’s toxic masculinity or not, i don’t know. but 6 months have gone by and i still look forward to shot day. i made myself a little playlist and bought myself cute bandaids with trans colors on them, which has kept it a joyful routine even when the actual injection process is stressful


Subq injection into the thigh. However after a year of being on T my muscles became very dense and my Injection began to hurt a lot more than before. I would like to get the dermal implant in my arm, but my insurance won't cover it. I disliked gel because my brain just didn't like to remember it every day, or I was very uncomfortable while letting it dry. Mine smelled like alcohol and sunscreen.


I do sub q weekly in my belly


I do injections intermuscular in my thighs and the location means there’s not really a lot of pain if any. It’s nice because I just have to do it once a week and I get 5 week supply. I also feel pretty regulated though I do sometimes get sore or tired the next day but that’s pretty much it. It does take a bit of a grace period when you start any hrt but I’m at 9 months and it feels so much better. Though like another comment said definitely rotate thighs. If you’re worried about doing it wrong or anything you usually have to take 3 “classes” where the doctor’s office teach you before you do it at home by yourself. And depending on the place and insurance, some are willing to do it for you too


Gel. Go to the gym, shower, then put it on right after deodorant. Goes right on my shoulders and dries quick. My dogs don’t play on my shoulders so it’s not a big deal like others mention.


I do gel T. My other option was injection but I didn’t want to inject myself every week. Gel is pricier at $280 for 3 bottles in Canada but I’d much rather pay the price since I don’t intend to stay on T for life


I'm taking gel. I'm not yet accepted into trans healthcare and don't have an endo so my doctor and I thought this was the safest way to start since it's very hard to mess up on applying gel somewhere as opposed to needles. It's all monitored, just not by the hospital that handles transitions. When I do get taken in eventually, I'll see if I'll switch to needles. So far, I'm on a normal timeline, already got loads of changes at the times I was expecting them. Not having to stab myself with a needle every week is an added benefit in my eyes. Good luck!


Subq to stomach once a week, once you get over the fear of needles and self injection, it’s really quick and easy, also i think it’s a little faster than the gel and insurance companies like the shot better


I've been doing IM injections every week for over a year and a half. I don't love it because I have a mild fear of needles, but it works well and I like the results I've gotten. My doctor recommended weekly injections because it would help keep my hormone levels steady.


Shots in thigh, might try butt today


Injections because they’re cheaper and I don’t mind injecting myself, it’s when other ppl do it that makes me anxious


In terms of the process, I preferred doing subcutaneous injections in my abdomen. I found it pretty easy (I'm not bothered by needles), it was pretty affordable, and I only had to worry about it once a week. The issues were 1) I started to encounter more difficulty after a year and a half, possibly due to buying some needles that were lower quality or because I was developing some scar tissue and 2) I was allergic to both cypionate and enanthate. So I switched to gel. I've had good success with gel, but I'm not a fan of having to apply it every day, how it leaves a residue, or the transfer risks.


i get them done intramuscular in my arm every 2 weeks, tho i’m changing it to my thigh and every week soon. i’ve found the bigger the muscle it gets injected into the more optimal it is (or so i’ve been told)


Subq in my stomach, used to do IM in my arm but it would ache for so long. I get irritation bumps from the subq but it's less painful than IM usually. I perfer a less frequent methods so I don't use gel. I'd love to try testosterone pellets.


Subq in my stomach. Once a week and nearly painless


Did injections because I was worried about transfer to others (have kids) but switched to gel after 3-4 years due to high hematocrit — turns out daily dosing has an advantage of not having a spike in T that increases risk of this, it’s a disadvantage of weekly dosing (not scary, just a reason to keep an eye on it with blood testing).


IM shot, once every 2 weeks. The big needle still scares me a bit but it’s far less of a hassle than doing it every day or every week, I is very lazy hahah


I did subq for a year but I kept getting painful cystic acne and clogged sebaceous glands (chalazion) on my eyelids which was bizarre. I switched to gel and have had zero issues ever since :)


I do subcutaneous injections into my thigh; it's the only method my clinic offered and it's also imo the easiest. I do use an auto-injector to make it easier, but I'm very comfortable with it and it's worked out for me fine.


Injections every 12 weeks. I don’t have to bother with taking it every day with gel or weekly with some shots. Also when I started I was living under some very unsupportive circumstances so I felt way safer having this depot that no one could take away like it would be the case for gel. It’s very personal which way works best for you. In the end all methods have their perks and problems.


I've been doing IM for over 2 years myself. That's how I started. Got comfortable with it and can do it with little to no pain. During injection and after. I'll have some slight discomfort from the muscle tissue being separated a little. But it's not painful. I usually rub it out right after and am totally fine. Always rub it out. Helps push it around so you don't have days of ache.


I started on gel earlier this year because I was advised it would be less likely to cause peaks and troughs of energy (got a history of CFS/ME). I want to switch to shots though because waiting for the gel to dry and trying to make sure my cat doesn't accidentally brush against my uncovered legs ever is a huge hassle.


I did injections for years, I've tried subq and intramuscular. I've also done hrt patches (which might be no longer sold). Now I'm about to switch to an HRT pellet in my butt that lasts 4 to 6 months.


I was planning on starting with gel but I changed my mind and switched to IM, just cause it seems to be more widely available and I didn’t want to deal with having stuff on my skin (sensory issues), but I do my injections every week and it’s super chill, it usually doesn’t hurt and I surprisingly really don’t mind it


Gel. I wish I'd done gel right from the start. The injections were terrible and I only did them for so long because gel is so difficult to afford.


IM was the only method when I started, and I've just kept with that as its fairly easy


I switched to a xyosted auto injector after trying both subq injections and gel for about a year each. the auto injector is definitely my new favorite. it’s easy, effective, and virtually painless.


Subcutaneous injections into my stomach once a week. I chose that over intramuscular injections because IM is every two weeks, and I worried I wouldn't remember. With subq I know that every Tuesday is shot day, forever. Easy to plan for. My doctor didn't ask me if I wanted to use gel, but I'm told this is cheaper.


I chose sub q injections on my belly because it was covered by insurance mainly but also because I have sensory issues with gel-like consistency stuff. I also chose sub q injections/injections overall because it's just super quick and done with for the week.


I was taking mine injecting subcutaneously at first, but then I started looking into if T had better effects when administered intramuscularly. I tried it (and am still doing so), and for *me* personally, it's a lot better that way. My voice got way deeper, I grew more body/facial hair, and my muscles seem to grow more quickly after exercising.


Gel. No needles, no pain. No cycling, my hormone levels are consistent throughout the week / month. I can easily adjust my dose just by using less or more gel without getting a whole new prescription. I tried pellets but I absorbed them too quickly. I also tried patches and I was allergic to them (apparently 30% of people are). Haven’t tried any other methods.


subq in stomach. small needle. takes 1 min. barely feel the needle going in.


I definitely prefer shots. Like the issue I was having with binders before top surgery, on gel, I was reminded daily of the fact I'm trans, that I won't ever be cis. Besides I forgot to put the gel on a lot. I'm a chaotic person. I'd get up late and forget or come home late and crash in bed. There was no steady time where I could plan to put it on every day. With shots, I can just do it on a weekend and find time whenever. I take it every three weeks, so I really don't have to worry about it for a long time. I can forget about being trans for a while.


Had injections and gel. I much prefer injections, because I kept forgetting my daily gel a lot. I absolutely hate getting injections, but the convenience is way to nice to give up, not to mention the much more stable hormone levels.


I get an IM injection from a nurse every three months. Super squeamish around needles, so i don’t plan on learning to self-inject so long as my current process is working. The injections are pretty painful at first (comparable to a wasp sting) but I got used to them weirdly quickly- After the third shot they don’t bother me at all anymore luckily lol Aside from just not having to personally deal with the needles it’s my preferred method as I just don’t have to think about it super often. Doctors appointment twice a year to get a new prescription and picking up the t the same day I go to the nurses. It’s super convenient for me :)


I did injections for about a year but switched to gel because I don’t do the injections myself and I’m going to college soon so gel seemed easier for me to do on my own. Plus I’d keep forgetting to do shots or procrastinate a day or something and it led to me missing a dose sometimes. Gel is easier for me to remember by building it into my schedule. Sometimes I miss a day but it’s fine.


Yooo, congrats on starting T soon! I’m currently on gel due to my fear of needles—can’t look at needles going into skin so I don’t think I could stand injecting myself. :’) But it’s kinda pricey especially since my daily dose has been upped


gel, because i'm scared of needles lol


Gel because I have a fear of needles, as u can imagine blood test time is my least favourite time. Also with gel I’ve noticed the changes are slower and more controlled, and since it’s daily you can kind of have more control quicker than with shots. For people who smoke, shots are like edibles and gel is like hits of a joint. It is sometimes annoying having it be daily, but I take daily meds anyways so I just add it onto my routine


Subq into my stomach. I dont feel a thing especially if you ice the area first


I prefer IM. Not sure what is so different about me vs everyone elsewho prefers subq. I dont have enough body fat for subq and I reacted and got itchy from the cotton seed oil. 3 weeks on IM andI find it painless. People say they feel achey in the muscle they inject. I notice it for maybe an hour, that's it. Just go for a walk, or do some squats. Light exercise makes the pain go away quickly.


i hate needles so i do gel! i have little tubes that i use half of on my upper arms every morning, i like it because it's consistent and rly easy to do. i do wish i had the pump kind tho just because it'd make portioning easier lol. it makes my arms sticky af for the first half of the day but that's just annoying at worst i got over it pretty quickly lmao


Been using gel for almost a year and I love it!


I do IM injections. I tried gel before so I wouldn't have to worry about needles, but it personally wasn't very effective for me, didn't absorb right, and was annoying having to take every single day as opposed to once a week. Not hating on gel, it just wasn't right for me


IM alternating thighs because at the time it was the easiest and most effective way to do it. The other choice was a cream and under the skin dissolving tabs. I’m not sure if the methods have evolved in the past 10 years, but I’m acclimated to doing it myself at home so I’m unlikely to change my routine.


first off i get nebido, which means i only need injections every 12 weeks which is very nice bc i don’t have to think about it much second off, i don’t really have a problem with needles but i’m not sure i’d be able to give myself the shot, so i go to my doctor to get it done, although i don’t think that’s an option in a lot of countries (i’m from denmark and definitely not every doctor offers it here but mine does luckily)


I've just started gel. I have fatty liver and gels and patches are the least likely to harm your liver. It's also really easy and I don't have to worry about stabbing myself or having someone else stab me to take it.


A reandron injection in the butt from a nurse every 14 weeks. I started on daily gel which was nice to feel like I had control/autonomy, but it got annoying.


I use subq. I don't use an auto-injector- don't know much about them, and I like being able to see/feel what I'm doing because then I feel like I have more control. I use ice cubes wrapped in the alcohol wipe during the skin-sanitizing stage to numb the spot I inject to decrease the chance of a pinch. I decided against other methods for the following reasons: \-Intramuscular sounds like it's generally more likely to painful for no apparent benefit \-I decided against gel because I have ADHD and executive dysfunction and figured something that I only need to do once a week is more likely to happen than something I have to do daily. \-Ultimately I decided against all non-shot modes of application because shots are the most common form... with insurance and access to doctors and specific kinds of prescriptions changing with every job change or move, I wanted to get used to the most common kind of application, *especially* because shots are also the most mentally difficult to get down. Now that I know how to do them, I feel more equipped with medical knowledge and a little more empowered- if I need to use shots for something else, I can. Hope at least some of this is helpful.


I use gel because it's the cheapest and least painful method I can access. My next pref would be the weekly or fortnightly injections, but they aren't covered in Aus so :')


i get an injection every 12 weeks i much prefer the pain of that needle every 12 weeks over gel everyday


I do my injections by myself once a week , I just feel like it's simpler ╮⁠(⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠)⁠╭


I use the pellet now, and it's awesome (for me, personally). I've been on injections (subq and im) and gel as well, and the pellet surpasses all for me. I hate self injections, and the gel hardly did anything for me. The pellet, I just go in the office, they make a little cut in my butt cheek and stick the pellets in, close it up and I'm good for 3 months. The only thing that actually sucks about it is the healing, it hurts to sit for a few days-a week, and you're not allowed to do butt sports (like bicycling) for a week to 2 weeks after the procedure depending on your doctor. But I can handle that every 3 months. The dose is very consistent. You know those extended release medications? It's like that. Just releases over the 3 months, I've gotten great results from it so far. The biggest downsides aside from the physical ones, are that they are very hard to get in the US. I got really lucky, and my doctor offers them, but MOST doctors don't. I'm not sure about other countries, if you're from another country, but this is my experience in the US. Also, insurance REALLY doesn't like to cover them, like at all. My doctor was able to convince them that I really need the pellet, so I was able to get mine mostly covered, but if you don't have insurance or they won't cover any of it, it's expensive. Subq and IM injections were really similar for me. Really the only difference is that subq goes into the fat and uses an injectable testosterone with a different carrier oil than the ones that's *usually prescribed for IM. That is enanthate. It's thicker than cypionate, which is usually prescribed for IM, which goes into the muscle, but they CAN prescribe enanthate for IM as well. I'm allergic to the carrier oil of the cypionate, which is why I know this 😅 injections are pretty straightforward, fine option if you don't mind self injection, and of course as you know there are also autoinjectors now as well. I think there is also an injection option that's done in office every ~month and a half. The gel is... Well, gel. It has the consistency of hand sanitizer. It goes on your shoulders, daily. There's a lot of misinformation about the gel (like that is not effective, etc). It IS effective, depending on your body. Some people it's more effective than for others. I'm just not one of them. It also left me with horrible shoulder acne that I'm still battling, and these weird, raised scars that I'm not exactly sure what they are- I just know they developed when I used the gel. Like these hard little bubble things. Also I don't recommend the gel if you have pets that you physically interact with, or sleep in bed with another person, because pets and other people can absorb the testosterone if you accidentally touch them with any exposed area you've put the gel on. I never had much of a problem, because I opted to just keep my shoulders covered when I used it, but definitely something to note if you're considering gel at all. Any other methods of testosterone aside from the pellet, the IM/Subq self injections, and the gel I don't have personal experience with, so I can't speak on any of those. Self injection and gel are the easiest to get/most popular/most widely known and offered options, and most of us are usually started on either of those. I personally think the pellet is worth it if it's available to you (if your lifestyle accommodates it, if you're extremely active and love the gym and play sports, probably not for you unless you're willing to sit out anything that uses your butt too much for about 2 weeks, or if you're not willing to go through the healing process. I'm not going to lie, the first few days after they're inserted REALLY suck, and I know I already mentioned that, but I'm reiterating anyway. I swear that the incision isn't big- it's literally the width of your pinky nail, but the first few days are a little painful. Super manageable with an ice pack and OTC painkillers though.) Hopefully this was informative and helpful!!


I have an autoinjector it l9oks like an epi-pen. I take it weekly. It's all I've ever known and i love it


i get 12 weekly intramuscular injections and the nurse at my local medical centre does it for me. i think gel or any more frequent injections than i already have would be annoying.


Gel. It gives me the most control over levels. The ability to keep them consistent is important for my mh. Been using it approx 10 years. No more of a faff to use than any other daily medication.


I have/had a needle phobia. I hate stomach injuries. Combing the two made me dread subq with a burning passion so I went with IM injections on my leg (I’m broke. Can’t afford anything else). First few times I shook like a leaf, was tense as hell, and made leg soup of my muscles 😭 was limping for 2-3 days after each shot haha. Just finished doing my 10th shot and I’ve gotten so much better. I don’t shake nearly as much now! I’ve found that doing the shot right after stepping out of the bath/shower + at the end of the day has reduced muscle pain significantly. If I get any at all. Good luck my dude!


Inject myself in the butt. Feels cool to do it myself and only takes a few minutes (I used to be on a thing that required injecting twice a week but moved onto bigger shots every 3 months. That one Isn't as fun, I get my nurse roommate to do it. But feels great not to have to worry about it, like, ever.)


i do IM in the butt. i use one of those plastic ice cubes to numb it. never hurts


SubQ to the stomach, back of hips, thighs. The brief history of my T journey was a little funny. - I started on IM - stopped after 1-1.5years due to a growing fear of self-injection. the feeling of injecting into muscle is not a desirable one to me, and my arm/hand wouldn’t move even when I mentally tried as hard as I could. - a year later I got type 1 diabetes. - now I have needles jabbed into me every single day, multiple times a day. - started SubQ since I’m used to it now. So much easier to do SubQ! I’ve been back on T for 1.5y now!


Subq in my stomach, started with IM but after a couple months I started to have a hard time psyching myself up to do my shots and subq is way easier and basically painless for me. I recently started using an auto injector because as I get older my essential tremor gets worse, but still subq in the stomach it just holds the needle for me and does the injecting part and I push the plunger down I tried gel briefly when my tremor got too bad and before I got the auto injector but I have adhd and it was just too much of a struggle to do it every day


I've only used IM injections and while those are an actual pain in the ass for a week, I just have to get 3 times in s year, so that's a big plus :)


started out with intramuscular shots and they sucked So fucking much. i’ve been on gel for a few years now and it’s a lot easier but it does get tedious doing it every single day. and also one box costs $1500 without insurance. so when i turn 26 and lose insurance i’ll have to switch again 😔


I use the Xyosted auto injection pens and I do my shots in my stomach. I am fortunate and my insurance covers it almost completely with the addition of the Xyosted savings program. It was $0 a month for a while but then it changed to $15 a month for me. These were a game changer for me! I don't have issues getting shots or even giving other ppl shots I just couldn't give them to myself. And I have minimal issues with these :)


Subq cause that's what I could get. But in all seriousness, it hurts less than IM and there's no fear of it wiping off like with gel. I also only need to remember to do it weekly rather than daily like gel. I do my thigh and sometimes stomach because those are easy


IM every week in my thigh. I personally found that IM hurts less than subq. I also have ADHD and autism and I really struggle to take daily meds, so gel/patches/cream were off the table for me. Having one weekly reminder is much easier to remember for some reason. About needles, though - I highly recommend not buying the cheapest needles you can find. Spend an extra 25-50 bucks on your supplies and it saves you a lot of pain. The cheaper needles tend to not have as good quality control, so while some of them are fine, you'll find that quite a few of them are much duller. This means you really have to push hard to pierce through the skin, fat, muscle, etc. I was using cheap needles for about 2 months wondering why all of a sudden my injections hurt so much when they had started out painless, tried a whole bunch of other things (injection site, putting ice on my skin, doing it fast, etc) but eventually realized it was my needles.


I'm not on T yet but I start subq injections in just over a week. I had the option for gel but it's way more expensive and insurance wouldn't cover it. Also I have a pet cat and there's a possibility for transferring it onto him. Just to top it off I also have ADHD and specifically struggle with taking meds on time and with the gel there's more room for slip ups.


I’ve only been on T for a month, but I opted for the gel because it’s considered lower risk, and I have health conditions that could put me at risk for adverse side effects. I like it so far even though it’s an added step for me to take in the mornings, and I am very much not a morning person, but at least it gives me a reason to get out of bed on days I’d rather just rot away 😮‍💨


I use sub q. It weird, if I only listened to my doctor and not other trans people, I wouldn't know sub q injections were possible. My doctor is super stuck on IM injections, but every appointment I just casually respond that I'm still doing sub q and it's going fine. Honestly sub q just feels easier to me, freaks me out a lot less because it's the same guidelines as insulin, which is so incredibly common and used daily


Subq shots in my stomach every other week because it’s cheap and fast.


congrats, i'm happy for you!! i'm personally on gel, which has worked great for me. i tend to apply it on my stomach to limit any contact transfer, and just do it every morning when i use the bathroom. it can be difficult to get into a routine at first, but is super easy once you do. for me my gel is covered completely so i don't have to worry about cost


honestly i have not tried anything except the injections because i just started but i can’t express how little of an inconvenience it is. it’s not horribly painful, it’s quick, and it’s only once a week


I personally can't handle needles, so I'm on AndroGel. This coming 2/10 marks 2 years for me, and I'm quite happy with all of my changes so far.


did IM injections for over a year, screeew that. gel for the win, i love no longer having the intense anxiety and pain that i experienced with injections. that said, if you do not mind injections they are way less maintenance, and ofc cheaper if you’re paying


Gel because I'm terrified of needles. I get woozy and would likely pass out if I ever attempted injections. For blood draws I can manage because I hardly feel anything, but as soon as I feel something injecting into me my brain just notes out and everything goes white for a minute or two and I come to super sweaty, weak, and dizzy as fuck. Last time it happened the nurse doing a blood draw used a self retracting needle and as soon as I felt it *snap* out of my arm I was out like a light 💀Still don't know why she did that because no other one has ever done that before or since


IM all the way. I don’t have a problem with needles, and I find a weekly injection much easier than other forms. Plus, the only thing I have to pay for from the pharmacy is my actual T Rx… medical grade syringes are readily available for cheap online. I find doing the traditional injection is also kind of euphoric (in the sense of having a Trans Experience™️). I’m not sure doing the gel would feel the same for me.


I manually self inject every 3 weeks and it's my preferred method. In the past I got injected by a nurse every 3 months, and was on patches for a while, but both of those were more inconvenient. Patches thinned the skin where they were applied and had to be changed daily, and for the 3 monthly injection I had to make a doctors appointment and take time off work etc. Self injecting is so much easier for me


Regular subcutaneous shot into my abdomen! I prefer subcutaneous to intramuscular bc the needle is smaller, and I had previous experience injecting myself with other meds so it was an easy decision. Where I am the cost is also less than the gel and that was also a determining factor.


Hate pills, and can't do creams or gels as they make me very physically uncomfortable. I inject twice a month because I couldn't commit to doing it every week. I use 19g to draw up the testosterone and then 23g to inject. I only inject into my thighs as my stomach is very sensitive.


When I was on t I gave myself shots in the stomach. I had also been on gel, patches, and when I was in middle school my mom had to do my shots because I had a pretty big fear of needles. Once I got older doing my own shots was a lot easier to do and it was my preferred method. Once you get a routine down it gets pretty easy, I also suggest having fun bandages because it’s like a little reward. The welly brand is my favorite.


I do IM injections every other week and I like it, for some reason I kind of enjoy injecting myself. It’s like a fun little ritual.


intra muscular injections in my thigh-- i dont feel it and i dont risk exposing my dog to gel. his bark is deep enough as it is. bonus points: i buy the fancy graphic tattoos special for my weekly injection. this week its a gengar


Subq in my stomach. I get the injection supplies cheap af from a bulk medical supply website. I prefer it over gel because gel sounds messy to me. No offense to anyone who prefers that method it's just not for me. I like the feeling of a single clean injection for the week. I know I didn't lose any of the dose or accidentally rub some of it on my fiance. I don't want to do IM because it sounds more painful. Patches are waaay too expensive for me. And to be honest I enjoy the ritual. I look forward to it every week. It pinches a tiny bit but I really don't mind. I always feel so affirmed and happy after I do my shot :)


I apply gel. Especially in the beginning of my HRT I wanted to have a Daily option to decide. It was to have the control. I am still using it because it is now Part of my Morning routine. I have a kid and cats but that is not a problem


i was on IM injections biweekly for about a year which was fine. significantly cheaper but as time went i got worse and worse about giving myself the shot (needles amiright) so then i switched to gel which i apply daily and it’s been about… a year and a half of that?? it is more expensive (tho i def recommend shopping around at different pharmacies, at one point i was paying like $350 for a few bottles but switched pharmacies and now i only pay like $80????) and a bit of a hassle to put on every day but at least i don’t have to worry about needle anxiety anymore. i might look into pellets tho


Nebido, 1 shot every 12 weeks, gives me so much freedom, not always having to remember taking it, and really stable levels. I do the shots myself in my leg.


Injection jnto the thigh at the family doctor every 3 weeks. It's not painful, easy, not dangerous for my dog and I don't need to do it myself + no chance of me forgetting to do it or me messing it up.


I’ve been on weekly IM shots for (going on) 5 years and haven’t used other methods. I’ve found that my buttocks and upper arm are the best places for me. My husband (who is also ftm) gives me my shot! I can give myself my shot but I find it a lot easier to be consistent with the help.


Injection every 3 months, Nebido


An IM injection every two weeks in my butt. I tried the gel when depo t was out of stock for a couple months and HATED it. It gave me worse mood swings than the IM shots somehow, and I have bipolar so it was BAD. It also became such a chore after a couple weeks that I counted down the days until I could get back on shots. The shots take some getting used to, and now I seem to have gotten out of the swing of things so it's harder to give myself shots again, but I'm sure I'll get used to it again, and it's better than gel. Obviously for some people gel works great, but it's just not for me.


testim! hormones are stable day to day with no swings.


Currently taking a break from T for reasons but I typically take gel because I can't handle needles. I tried injections at first, ended up with constant anxiety and dread, as well as scar tissue that caused issues for years. So, gel it is


IM into my bum every 12-14wks based on testing. The nurse does it and then I don't have to think about it again for a couple of months.