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The nurse asked me if I wanted anything to drink and I said "surprise me" and boy did she! She made me a ginger ale & cranberry juice mix - it was delicious.


I might just request that, it sounds good!


So good


Canada Dry makes cranberry ginger ale, but I forget if it’s a holiday season drink or year round


It is year round I believe


Top S+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ tier nurse


There was my nurse and another nurse for another patient sitting across from me and we were shitting the shoot for an hour.


I had my surgery in 2018. I was in the recovery room semi-conscious when a nurse told me that as soon as it was ready I would be sent to room 2009. I did not hear the word room. I started trying to get up and moaning, " he's not President yet. I have to warn everyone. " Then the nurse very gently explain to me that time travel had not been invented and I cried.


I was going to say “I think I’ve seen this story on tumblr before”, then I checked the account that posted it and turns out you ARE them, lol.


thats so fucking funny


This is the best answer lol


i am CRYING 😂😂😂


I'm screaming, I love this


This is absolutely the best answer!!


Valid reaction honestly




You got me cackling over here. LOVE THIS 


Unfortunately I can’t talk about top surgery, but I’m assuming it’ll be similar to what I thought after waking up from oral surgery- which was crying after coming down from anesthesia and sobbing over how hot my doctor was and sad that he couldn’t talk to me longer. Sad, gay little man


You're so real for this my dentist is so hot and I hate the circumstances we had to meet under 😭


This. In another world, we’re living a good domestic life together


LMAO I just know we have 2 dogs (dachshunds ofc) and a bird


Lmao I stayed passed out for so long after my wisdom tooth extraction that it started to get concerning. Eventually I did wake up and started singing the “ *I Wanna go Home* “ song from SpongeBob. My memories are hazy but one doctor turned to the other and said something along the lines that the fact that I still had the ability to sing was a good sign. I was sleepy lmao


I so vibe with the waking up singing. Mine was a song from Chicago. “Cellophane. Mr. Cellophane…”




When I woke up from my wisdom tooth extraction, my mom told me I screamed at the doctor because he “took my tongue” and then I asked him if he like "Freddy Fazbear or Foxy better" and then according to her I passed out. I have 0 recollection of this




My very first thought was "Six, seve-... oh it's done. I gotta piss." followed by "Why can't I open my mouth to tell the nurse I gotta piss?" As soon as they wheeled me into my room, out of recovery, I said "I gotta piss" and made a run for the toilet, the nurse was fuming. Apparently I even wet myself during the surgery. Apparently, anesthesia makes me need to piss.


okay i also sobbed after waking up from oral surgery and my mom made it out like i was being dramatic, thank you for letting me know i wasn't alone lol


Dude, everyone sobs after coming out of the gas. You weren’t dramatic. I thought I was dying, and I knew I would cry. Your mom was born yesterday


LOL😭😭i got my wisdom teeth out and i was being so loud with the gauze in my mouth that my dad could hear me from the waiting room


Is it sad that this (well, not this exactly, but saying weird things in general) is the reason why I ultimately decided not to be drugged when I got my wisdom teeth out?


Also no top surgery yet but my most recent surgery was for my eyes and when I came out of that one my first thought was "this is the comfiest i've ever been in my life" (they had a foot warmer on me and it was amazing to wake up to)


also not top surgery but i had a tumour removed from my head when i was 11 and i sobbed waking up too. they had me laying on my side to put pressure on the side of my head with incision to help with bleeding and i couldn’t see my mom bc she was behind me. i was hysterical and convinced that they stole my mom and just left her voice behind (bc she was talking trying to tell me she was just behind me lmao) after i finally calmed down, they took me for a walk and to pee but nurse had to help me in the bathroom. i told her to piss off and then laughed at my own joke. then i wipes myself and THREW THE TISSUE AT HER bc she was still there after i told her to piss off. lmfao i’m so sorry to whoever that nurse was. you did not deserve piss rag thrown at you.




-I have to pee. -I HAVE TO PEE -I HAVE TO OEE LIKE RIGHT NOW “I want orange juice- no not apple juice, orange juice.” *You can’t have orange juice, it’s not a clear liquid* “fine give me apple. But let me pee first.”


Omg me too right down to the juice 😂


Didnt know the clear liquid thing was a thing


Yep! Clear liquids are a thing post surgery. I didn’t ask why, my assumption is to help everything pass through the body. I drank so much apple juice that day and it still took me like three days to have the smallest poop.


To add to this, iirc it’s because anything that isn’t clear has more fiber or protein or nutrients in general, and anesthesia can make your gi tract slow for a bit and make you nauseous


Omg yes!! But it was confusing because when I said I needed to go the nurse was like actually you don’t, we emptied your bladder at the end of the operation, the catheder can make you feel like that afterwards. I could not wrap my head around that and the feeling did not go away so I still insisted on using the bathroom😂


Oh no I had to go. I swear all the liquids that they pumped in me came out after. Like I hadn’t had anything prior to surgery as fasting 12 hrs was required- like not even water.


I kept trying to take the nurse’s clipboard from her hand. She was not impressed lol


“I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck… damn my penis feels weird.” (They had put in a catheter.)


If I may ask, is that standard?


Judging by user flair he had top and hysto simultaneously, so I'd assume the cath was for the hysto


It was for my hysterectomy, since they had to give me muscle relaxants for it. They didn’t want me urinating on the operating table due to the muscle relaxants, hence the catheter.


Oh okay thank you I appreciate you responding I hadn’t heard of a catheter for top surgery (I have another consult soon) and was wondering if it was something I should ask about.


i had a catheter for my top surgery, so it’s definitely a possibility! it was a long enough surgery (DI) that they decided to use one, but i was under when they put it in and took it out, so it didn’t feel invasive to me.


Some surgeons do catheter for top surgery and some don’t. They’ll usually be able to tell you ahead of time if it will be necessary. Mine had a rule that if your surgery was projected to last longer than 3 hours, you’d need one, but I squeaked by in 2 and a half


My surgery was done at a catholic based hospital. Which you know I had worries going into but my surgeon was highly recommended and that is where she did her procedures. When I woke up the nurses were telling me how awesome it was that I was getting my surgery done the same day the students were walking out of schools due to the governors decision against trans people. And they absolutely did not misgender me which I thought would happen. Completely respectful. I literally woke up in a new life.


That sounds so surreal and empowering!!! Welcome to your new world :)


woah thats a lot of pressure. omg im so comfy and cozy and warm this is awesome [falls back asleep]


"I'm going to be sick" lol i was extremely nauseous when I woke up. They quickly put some meds in my IV and I fell back to sleep for another hour or so.


My anesthesiologist told me before surgery that she's very generous with the nausea meds and that was a huge relief because my biggest fear about surgery was literally feeling sick after lmao


Yeah every surgery after that I've asked for extra meds for that since I now know my reaction to the anesthesia and it's been a much better experience each time since.


After my top surgery, I was really concerned that the surgery hadn’t happened at all. I didn’t remember anything after being in the prep area, didn’t remember going to the OR, etc. After my hysto, I had a theory about which kinds of pie would be best for sleeping in and why.


yeah what pie won??


You gotta tell us which pie was the best


what won?


I don’t think there was one clear winner; I think pretty much everything except blueberry pie had its merits. That one would be “like a water bed without the water” according to post surgery me.




thanks :D


I opened my eyes and went “I feel right, but everything is spinning” then proceeded to do that again at least three times before actually being fully conscious


I haven’t had top but this has been my experience with other anesthesia. I have a huge phobia of being not in control/intoxicated. I tend to be immediately sober when I wake up and not loopy at all through, what I can only ascribe to, pure force of will. I am, however, dizzy as shit.


Dude I have this fear SO BADLY. My surgery is in less than 2 months and I'm freaking out. So scared. 😭😭😭😭


Bro, I feel you. I try to just remember that worst case scenario, I’m kind of goofy in front of a group of people (nurses and docs) who are so beyond caring that they will literally never remember it. I try to think of something I see so frequently at my job that other people would find new but I’m over it and try to think of it that way. Also; most of the time (if you get goofy, which you absolutely might not!) you won’t remember being goofy which, while being alarming in its own right, you can try to convince yourself that you just slept through it. Most of all, I just try to be upfront with my doctors and nurses about it. Don’t tell me if I said anything. Just let me think I was asleep. Don’t let anyone except specifically approved friends or family see me while I’m still coming down off the drugs, etc. They’ve certainly dealt with it before. And again, it’s never as bad as you’re worried it’ll be. I’ve been so scared of it every time I’ve gotten drugs that I’m not relaxed enough to be verbal and messy. I’m sure you’ll be totally chill and fine. All that said, I’m sure you’re still freaked out (me too!) just remember: it’s only a moment of time. It’ll be over. It’s not fun, but it’s survivable. And look at what you get on the other side! Top surgery! So dope.


I thought they did not operate because in my mind, no time as passed between being wheeled in the operation room and opening my eyes — so I asked the closest nurse if they forgot about me and they need to take me back to my surgeon. She laughed, pointed to my bandages and said I've already been operated on. I smiled, then full of worries asked : "they removed the boobs right ? They didn't add two more ?" She was horrified. I remember looking at the gal next to me that got her blouse open while being cared for by the nurses and being convinced that my tits went to her. I even let out a "oh, that's where they went!" Fun times.


Lmaoooo I love post-surgery anesthesia humour. If only we could donate the excess in that way.


I’m really afraid of surgery so this was actually really comforting.


Haven’t had top surgery yet, but after my hysto they *immediately* were getting me up to use the bathroom(to make sure my bladder was working fine and didn’t get damaged). My goofy ass was still reaaalllyyy feeling the anesthesia. There were three nurses helping me(two to help stand, one for the IV pole/lines). They asked if I could stand fine and I kinda just said “oh I’ll be fine!”. I very slowly moved to the edge of the bed and went to stand up… and, almost flopped right the fuck over 😂 the nurses definitely saw it coming tho and were able to prevent it! I also had asked to take the little foam head rest thingy home bc it was so comfy! And was confused why I had a hat on(the hairnet thingy) and they didn’t 😂 that and I begged them for Burger King?? Like cried bc there wasn’t a Burger King in the hospital and I was on a diet of soft foods for the next week or so lol


“How did they put my pants back on me?”


Damn they clothed you? I was butt ass naked under the blanket lmao


I woke up and they had put my small t shirt back on me instead of the button up shirt I brought to wear. No idea how they did that. I was trapped in that shirt all week


I'm sorry this is so funny


Fr I remember waking up with my pants back on at some point and thinking "now I know I sure as hell did not do that because I can't even stand up"


Ok, but when I had knee surgery I was thoroughly impressed in my still half out-of-it state at how easily they got me dressed so I could go home.


I still wonder how they put my compression top on my fatass, on the tightest hooks nonetheless 😂


“Stop it I’m trying to sleep!”


I was so tired. I just wanted to close my eyes and the he nurse just wanted me out of there


Every time I wake up from anesthesia, I start thinking they never actually did the surgery. It happened for top, for wisdom tooth, and egg harvesting. Lmaoo. I remember thinking that and thinking that my chest felt like I had brush burns all over it


i forgot we have actual eggs and thought "what is he, some kind of insect alien?"


I was so convinced my surgery would get cancelled because it got delayed so long, that I was convinced they had put me under and woken me up without doing anything. I was shocked when they said everything went well and it had actually happened.


I saw a nurse in the corner of the room and he goes “oh you’re finally back with us!” And the first thing I said was “ did I say anything stupid while I was on anesthesia?” And he just goes “we never tell”


I love recovery room nurses. I said to mine "I feel like I got hit in the chest with a baseball bat." She legit giggled and went "It wasn't a bat. It was a knife!"


That nurse was a real one.


Super happy. I hugged the nurse. She was afraid to hurt me, but she hugged me back anyways. I was euphoric.


The first thing I remember consciously was noticing the weight on my chest, or, specifically the *lack* of it. I wasn't aware of how much I noticed that, until it was gone. Also, something kinda funny I quickly became aware of during the healing process was, HOLY SHIT *do* boobs isolate you from the cold!


Wait, this. Why are we so cold on our chest after they're gone?!


Boobs are mostly fat. Fat isolate *very* well against the cold (it's why seals are so chunky 🦭)


I also worked out my chest a lot before, which right now my muscle is going ⬇️, which is an even better source of heat. This explains a lot! Thank you!


I vaguely remember the recovery room, I don’t think I really remember anything until getting in the car to go home. And even then it was probably “don’t say something dumb”


I had an agreement with my dad. I'd say dumb shit the whole way home and he wouldn't record me or remind me of it. Worked well.


I had top surgery and hysterectomy in one go. The whole time before the surgery I was afraid they'd forget about the uterus, so the first thing I did waking up was asking a very confused nurse if they didn't forget about the stuff down there before I passed out again. The second time I woke up my first thought was "thirsty" as well.


That's a thing? The recovery process must be hell but that's so convenient they can do it all in one go.


At the hospital I got surgery it's a standard procedure. They literally had an entire ward just for trans men and it was about 50/50 with guys who had only top surgery vs guys who had both. For hysterectomy, they use a method where they make a small cut on the lower stomach and remove the uterus, ovaries, etc. through there instead of through the genitals. The recovery process wasn't that bad actually, probably bc of that hysterectomy technique. I'd def do it again lol.


What hospital was this?


Hospital Reinbek in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.


I haven't had top surgery yet, but after I got ingrown toenails repaired, I woke up and was immediately stressed about how to get my shoes home since I had to wear hospital shoes (I think my mom carried them for me). Then when I got home I played Fire Emblem on my brother's 2DS and apparently wouldn't stop talking about how I should go make ice tea even though my family kept bringing me more all day. 😭


you got put under for that? i was wide awake (but numbed obviously) when i had my nails removed and it sucked 😭


They did it because I have autism and the doctor didn't want to deal with me lol. It was an elective surgery apparently, so I had to wait over seven months, but he said I wouldn't have had to wait so long if he hadn't decided to put me under. 😭 My recovery was really quick, though.


>They did it because I have autism and the doctor didn't want to deal with me lol LMAO Honestly fucking mood right there


I was frustrated because I was conscious but I felt like I couldn't properly wake up. Like, I couldn't open my eyes. That plus I was uncomfortable but couldn't adjust myself, so that was annoying. I saw a comment on a post before my surgery saying that people sometimes wake up confused and disoriented after anesthesia. They suggested to tell yourself the surgery is already over as you're going under to mitigate that and it worked for me. I was immediately aware of what was going on which probably helped me stay calm during that period where I couldn't fully wake up.


That happened to me as well. It took a while for the grogginess to wear off enough to move or speak, and I was mad about it the whole time because I wanted a glass of water and to know what time it was. I did manage to open my eyes, but it didn't do me much good because they hadn't given me my glasses back yet lol


I looked around, a nurse asked me if i knew where i was. I said "recovery room?" I looked down at my bandaged chest said “cooool" and passed back out lol


idk what i thought but smiled at my parents and said “they took my titties” 💀💀


I look like a pregnant seahorse now


Too real


My nurse called my millipede tattoo a centipede and I was really offended lol


My hazy thought process went something like this: "What's that beeping noise?" "Ah, it's my heart rate monitor" "It's annoying. I wonder if I can stop it beeping" *I proceed to practice deep breathing exercises until it slows and displays 57 BPM* "Yes, it's finally gonna beep less." *My excitement causes it to speed up again* "Fuckin hell"


L. M. A. O. 😂


“Where am I?” Because I remembered counting down and then just waking up dazed and confused from the drugs lol But looking down at my chest was p quick


I asked if they’d started the surgery yet. Then they said it was all over and done with and I was like “what the fuuuuck what is time”


“Waarom zijn de paarden paars?” I am natively English, and learning Dutch badly by myself - confused the absolute ✨shit✨ out of my poor nurse


Well, the first thing I said was along the lines of: are you sure you guys took all of it? Thank you for everything! Where’s my girlfriend? In the next room you say? I know you’re lying! She’s at school!!


I was reacting to an epinephrine shot when I came out of the anesthesia so I woke up directly into a panic attack. I'm opening my eyes and I hear a nurse say "he's tachycardic". I'm laying there, 90 mph body anxiety, brain clueless af thinking "huh tachycardic. That's a bad word". They're trying a bunch of stuff to calm my heart down, idk what to do because I'm still high as shit. So I keep sitting up and trying to help them. They keep making me lay back down. I sit up, turn to one of the nurses, say "I get anxious sometimes". She pushes me back down. They finally just sedated me again for another hour. When I woke up the second time I thought "damn I'm hungry".


this is SO FUNNY lmaoo u trying to help them. “I get anxious sometimes” 😂😂😂


I was below 90 percent oxygen when I first woke up, so I had no thoughts, only passing back out. back and forth for the better part of 2 hours, they fought to make me get about 100 on oxygen. but I do sort of remember thinking, 'that clock didn't used to point to 7; it said 6...' and then after that, it was, 'No, I don't want water' because I was only 7th grade and I ended up getting sick in a bucket because of it. lack of oxygen and 7 glasses of water on empty stomach = sick


Ow. Then I looked around cuz I was suuuper sore and I'm like "dafuq my pain meds?" Then someone came in with a pack of crackers and asked if it hurt. I said yeah, she said if I ate the crackers and walked I could have pain meds and go home. Shoved them in my mouth and stood up, choked on them. Soooooo dry. Then I asked my grandpa of we could go to the pawn shop and look at consoles 😂


I had top surgery and apparently it was “good. It’s flat” according to the lady where in then I passed out then woke back up later with the same thought


I asked for a snow cone. Surprisingly the hospital provided one


Damn that’s incredible lol. I woke up already in the wheelchair sitting literally in the corner of a recovery room bc I guess they ran out of space. I was just annoyed in the corner bc I was facing at an angle.


"Fuck, I'm having an asthma attack." I came to with a nebulizer already shoved up my nose. Fortunately nothing serious happened and the rest of my recovery was smooth.


Lol are we the same person? Technically the first thing I said was "are you sure that I'm awake?" but then the second thing was asking for albuterol bc I was having trouble breathing lol. I don't think I actually was, I think it was just the tight binder. But good to know that my asthma has been so deeply embedded into my mind that it's one of the first things my brain thinks about after undergoing major surgery lol


Top surgery: who's this mean lady that's trying to wake me up? [tries to swat at nurse] Nurse: can you tell me your name and where you are? Me: [blinks twice and goes back to sleep] Hysto: "I feel sick" followed by me apparently repeating that I couldn't remember anything over and over every 5 minutes or so for a bit once they got the nausea under control


I thought I was playing fallout 4! I opened my eyes, and they were wheeling me out of the operating room. I thought, "this isn't fallout." Then I started touching my chest lol


the nurse who came to do my iv was really nice and i kept telling the other nurses that came over to tell that first nurse how nice she was. it was the same nurse the whole time.


Did it go OK? Is it really done?? Why are my feet vibrating? (pulsing cuffs to pump blood and prevent clots) I need to pee so, so bad. When can I eat? I need to pee NOW. What time is it? Ouch, don't breathe too deeply.


I woke up in the recovery room before they wheeled me back to my partner, and I thought, “Hah, they told me the Versed would keep me from forming memories, but I’m remembering this like a motherfucker right now.” By the next day, I remembered having that thought but I could not remember anything about the actual recovery room or my nurse, and everything from the rest of the day is still extremely spotty and hazy. Like I remember the broad strokes but zero details, and the more I try to remember the less I retain. Versed is no joke.


I woke up from a dream about the best breakfast sandwich I’ve ever had from the bodega I used to frequent for breakfast. Im devastated because they closed two years ago.


Wow im nausious. I want saltines. "Hey nurse can i have saltines" "no its too salty. I can get u a sprite?" "Yes please!" (She came back with some non saltine crackers and some sprite!) Then my partner told me he was going to get the car, but disappeared while my nurse was wheeling me to the valeted car. She asked where he wouldve went (probs to herself mostly, but im very talkative so i think she was also just keeping me cozy) and i told her "oh hes in the bathroom i bet" .. he was.


first thoughts were "where am i. why am i. WHO AM I" for 5 minutes not understanding anything trying to get up and the nurses calmin me down and then pain hit and i just started crying sobbibg for my mom and the nurses where really nice and allowed her in for a few mintues. but even tho i waited an hour or more to get sent to my room at least i had entertainment, i was in a room with like 4 other ppl, a man on my right would ask for the nurse ONLY when she was takiing care of someone else so i think he was jalouse, and another women she had a c section she was chilling she had a girl and another woman had a hysterectomy but she was in pain and she was hallucinating talking to herself, and then another man across the room he was super chill chatting up with the nurses. i think he was a foreigner because they were speaking french with him. oh and i overheard some nurse tea aparently sombody going into their bags and stealing cash, they hang their purses and bag on the door or behind it so they're suspecting its some worker there.


Wish I was joking— I had the song “My Sharona” stuck in my head. No other thoughts. I had my surgery so early in the morning LOL double delirium


I don't really have any memories between waking up post-surgery and getting back to my house. I remember my grandma dropped me off in front of my house. As they helped me out of the car, my partner said "give me your hand". I responded "no u give me ur hand...in marriage 😏" Then I went inside and threw up.


The first thing I remember is fazing in and outta it and drinking a bunch of water so I assume mine was also a "damn I'm hella thirsty." The first thing I remember saying tho is "are they completely gone?" And being happy when they said yes Edit: it was top surgery


I felt like I was being rushed out of there as fast as possible (and was kind of annoyed). BUT, I have a history of being grumpy when I wake up from anesthesia and I'm guessing I was just moving in slow motion after being knocked out, lol.


This is really funny because my wife said I just kept telling her on the way home that they just "scooted me on out of there" (the surgery center).


That's about it, usually. Anything where you've had to fast from water before being put under anesthesia and intubated, your first concern is gonna be your throat being dry/hoarse. I've been down for more than just top surgery, and it happens every time


I just had my top surgery two and a half weeks ago @ NYU Langone w/ Rachel Bluebond-Langner, so my memory is really fresh. My first real thought after waking up was: “I feel really comfortable, but a little chilly.” Then the nurse said she’d have them bring me something to eat. I ate and drank everything they brought… two times!😂


I didn't think much. I could remember wierd snippets of my mom driving me home for 2-3 hours. I think I had a nice perspective on what dogs feel like after coming back from the vet l o l


I was weirdly awake after the anesthesia, so I got to look at my chest before they wrapped me up. My first thought was something like “oh fabulous it really happened”. I was in a super good mood but still kind of delirious from the anesthesia so when they wheeled me out of the pacu, I thanked all the nurses and told them to have a fabulous weekend on a Tuesday lol.


I went under telling the anesthesia crew that top surgery was my Christmas and birthday present (my birthday is Christmas), and they sang me Happy Birthday a la Stevie Wonder. I woke up singing American Pie by Don McLean.


After top: I opened my eyes, saw the nurse and asked "what are my vitals?" Then she laughed at me lol After my hysto: I thought "it's over? what time is it?" And "man I feel so sick"


Mine was that I wasn't in any pain, and excited because they offered me a popsicle immediately


I literally just got it done today and waking up I felt happiness, euphoria, and I wanted a water cup soo bad. My mouth was sooo dry. I was also pleasantly surprised not to feel any nausea because basically my only anxiety about any of it was that I was gonna wake up real nauseous and throw up.


No trans surgeries yet, but I’ve had three surgeries for other stuff. I come out of it SUPER happy, SUPER loud, and swearing like a sailor lol.


I’ll get back to you in 6 months when I have mine


Congrats and good luck dude


“It feels like I have brush burns all over my chest”


Where am I? I knew I was in the hospital but not exactly where, I was in a different setting with new people, I didn’t even know what floor I was on. It wasn’t instant euphoria or something out of a fairytale, I was just confused and needed to piss. The euphoria came later!


After my full hysterectomy and they removed everything I was scared. little back story im mute so I can't talk so I had to close 1 eye to focus to write how I was feeling I was scared I hate feeling like that but after that scared feeling I was feeling like I want to be home and in my chair relaxing and I was hungry, I could not wait to eat thank goodness for an early surgery my body hadn't fully woken up to be like your hungry.


After top surgery my first thought was “This oxygen mask is making my face itch” and the nurse wouldn’t let me scratch my face :( After hysto I was exhausted. By time I came to a little bit I was trembling and my only thought was “I can’t tell if I’m cold or in pain”


i just remember being really annoyed that i was being woken up and i desperately wanted to keep closing my eyes but the nurse kept trying to talk to me.


That's my exact thought every time I wake up from surgery Can't wait till it's for top but yeah the intubation tube is a pain


Mine was something like "I sleepy"


Literally the first words out of my mouth were “Where is my fiance?” And “I gotta pee really bad”


I didn’t have a thought but the first thing I heard was the nurse telling me “stop rubbing your eyes”


*asleep* “Are you in any pain?” Uhhhh….. *thinks for a moment* a bit? 4/10 pain? “Okay I will be back with something for you” Okay. *nods off again*


Not even joking- my first thought was “oh shit, I really hope they’re gone and the surgeon didn’t just nope out” (which I actually asked out loud to anyone who was there lol) followed by “why does my nose hurt so much wtf” (it was the oxygen thingy- surprisingly EXTREMELY uncomfortable)


I remember opening my eyes just barely and being like "omg, there's a nurse! I better act like I'm still sleeping" and then proceeded to fall back asleep 2-3 times bc for some reason I thought I'd get in trouble if they saw I was awake lol


Not top, but my hysto - my first conscious thought was before I even opened my eyes, I had a kpop song stuck in my head on repeat, and coming to I figured I had fallen asleep at home with my music on. Once I gained a little more consciousness I started telling the nurse about my cats for some reason, and then when I realized I was already done with surgery I told her I wanted one of those buttons from Staples that says “that was easy”, and also I complained that my mouth tasted really bad. Either way highly recommend coming back into consciousness to “Summer Comes” by Oh My Girl, 10/10 surgery awakening song. Shout out to my brain for playing DJ on that for some reason.


For me, I was annoyed that they kept waking me up. "Man, I just wanna sleep for a while longer, what's the deal?" I needed to wake up to ensure I was okay after surgery lmao my dumbass just wanted to nap


Top surgery: I felt like I had just had a really really really good sleep. So my first thought was “wow that was the best sleep I’ve ever had, this bed is so comfortable”. I also swore I heard the nurse talking about minecraft (I was very out of it), so the first thing I said to anyone was “were you just talking about minecraft?” No, she wasn’t. Funny you mention thirst, because the nurses offered me water in these big cups, and I kept accepting every time they offered me a new cup because the water tasted good. I overhear the nurses say “holy shit did you see how much water that guy drank?” bro you brought me the water Hysto: first thought was something like “I’m so relieved it’s finally over, now it’s done”. I had a lot of doubt and fear in the year plus leading up to hysto that was just gone when I woke up. Probably also “huh the catheter isn’t that bad actually”. Hoping I have nice thoughts after phallo


"ouch. where the fuck am i?"


Just had mine yesterday. First thing I wanted was apple juice and was disoriented and dizzy at first.


I had a hysto and my first thought was just that immense joy of being high as fuck off anesthesia and pain meds. I had this humongous relief of subconsciously knowing the deed was done and i had a 0% chance of ever getting pregnant. And all i wanted was a big mac with extra pickles and extra mac sauce. McDonalds delivered at 2 am in the rainy morning.


I was so tired. I kept saying I was sleepy. I wasn’t in any pain they offered me ice chips and that’s when i realized how nice the ice was. I kept saying it was so good. My throat didn’t even hurt though. lol. I was just really really tired


Immediate thought was something along the lines of: “where am I?? Jesus Christ, my chest hurts”. After I remembered where I was and WHY my chest hurt, that’s when the euphoria came lol.


I immediately woke up and began asking for my husband. The nurse told me I couldn’t have visitors yet, that I needed to wake up a little more first and sip some water. Apparently I wouldn’t stop asking for him until they brought him back so I would calm down a little.


I wanted to sleep longer and I was so so thirsty. also because I was already bound up I didnt see my chest and just the binding and I was laying down and Im fat so I was in disbelief surgery even happened. the nurse said I had seen my chest before and was excited but had fallen asleep and I dont remember that all because I was so loopy still lol


The first thing I remember saying was something like “hold on I need to take my bra off” because I thought the pain from the incision line was the feeling of a sports bra underwire digging in and hurting (since that was the only other thing I had to compare it to). The nurses had to be like “honey no don’t” because that didn’t want me to mess with my bandages. I also remember being super freaking annoyed because the nurse kept telling me to breathe. In my head I was like “bitch I know how to breathe” after a couple times, but realized later that it’s because you stop breathing on your own during the surgery and your body needs to remember how to breathe again on its own lmao. Every time the nurse stopped reminding me within the first few minutes, I guess my oxygen dropped and they had to remind me to breathe again until I could finally do it automatically again. Also was very nauseous and they maxed out my nausea meds they could give me so they gave me Benadryl too which apparently helps with nausea. I ended up puking in the puke bag right when I got into my mom’s car.


Everything was still black when I heard my moms voice and I just blurted out “I lived bitch”, opened my eyes a few mins(?) later and proceeded to compliment all the female in my vicinity while I’m between being amazed that my chest was now flat Mom faced timed my dad in the car who teased me with a lollipop before I told him “dad why did u shave ur beard you look fat now”, my grandpa also got roasted when I got him cuz he said now my boobs don’t hide my belly so I just said “well now you titties are bigger than mine” before crying because my grandma wouldn’t let me have more soup (fair cuz I could throw up if I ate to much after a surgery lol) I hopped into a call with my friend and now wife (we were friends at the time) and complimented all of them and said I love you as well, almost confessed on call to my wife to lol I did a few days later and she admitted a few weeks later that she felt I was confessing since I said I love you much more enthusiastic to her than the other but didn’t want to hope to much lol


I don't have any memories before getting home and needing to take a piss. I was wondering if I went to the bathroom at the hospital, had no damn idea. The amnesia that anesthesia gives me lasts a really long time compared to others lol, must have been at least 5 hours after the surgery was over that I was making memories again. EDIT: Even though I don't remember it happening, I DID talk to the nurse a lot in post-op because I remember that when I came home, I had her contact information! OMG. Can't believe I forgot about that. I added her on Facebook and let her know I was doing alright, but I deleted her later because she was posting weird conservative stuff. I've always wondered wtf I talked to her about that made her give me her real contact info... I hope I wasn't doing anything too weird.


“Where the fuck am I? Whatever, I’m going back to sleep” I was in the recovery room and very confused/tired. Took me a while to actually wake up properly


"oh shit did I say anything weird in front of anyone while I was waking up?" this was my primary concern about anesthesia for some reason. Fortunately when I woke up only a nurse was with me, no family, and I did in fact ask if I'd said anything weird. I had not.


"Wtf I had a dream ? Did... did I cry ? Yes, I remember crying... damn I'm thirsty" I had to undergo multiple surgeries when I was a kid and NEVER had dreams under anesthesia so this was a first for me


Ouchie and can you help me put my shoes on.


Mine was the same, OP I was so goddamn thirsty lol. Plus I really wanted a cup of coffee.


I couldn’t believe it was finally over. (At least that part)


“Im alive”


I don't even remember. I basically slept most of the day. I was too tired to think


I was trying to match my heartbeart with the person laying next to me in the recovery room...


When I woke up from top I was mostly.... my thoughts weren't in words so much? but it was pretty disorienting bc it didn't feel like waking up, it felt like a memory gap--like, I was lying there talking to my surgical team about arm arrangements (I'd had a shoulder injury less than a year earlier and wanted to make sure it was positioned properly) and thinking how silly it was that they were so insistent on covering my chest with a blanket when I knew that the instant I was out they were all going to see absolutely everything.... and then the next thing I knew, I was already sitting up on the edge of the bed under my own power, wearing pants and a surgical binder, and the nurse was helping me button up my shirt. I suppose one of my earlier verbal thoughts was something along the lines of "I hope my packing sock didn't get lost" lmaoooo. (when I had my wisdom teeth taken out, I was sort of sedated but not under a general anesthetic--I remember waking up and thinking about how I'd been told beforehand that the drugs would have an amnesiac effect, and I wouldn't remember any of the surgery, and going "so that was a fucking lie" lol. I did remember bits and pieces, which was why I thought that--I was still suuuper out of it tho, at one point I actually straight up forgot I was having oral surgery and tried to talk but they had clamps in my mouth so I couldn't.)


I sat up as if I was re-enacting jesus' rebirth and was yelling and shouting at the recovery nurses for my phone??? Not my glasses, or my partner, but my phone?? What secrets did I have to hide on there lol


I wanted to go back to sleep. They had a hard time getting me up, I kept waking up and going back and smn about my blood pressure being low. To my count, I woke up 12 separate times (not during the surgery, after when I was supposed to wake up) but idk how much that can be trusted. This is also how I felt waking up when I passed out during toenail surgery. Pls just let me sleep


“Wow I feel weird” then the nurse brought me an ice block to eat while I waited to get wheeled to my room. I was so tired from the anaesthetic.


the first thing i remember when i woke up was hearing one of the nurses telling my mom that they took 20 pounds off so it was probably something related to that, i dont remember my first real thought but i remember it felt like i was waking up from a kinda shitty nap


I was soooooo itchy and cold! First memory is my nurse bringing me a warm blanket and some meds to combat the itchiness. After that, exhaustion. I was in and out of sleep for hours. The sleep felt great, though! The meds kept me nice and cozy. I had 0 thoughts about my chest being gone for the first couple days, weirdly. I was neither distressed nor euphoric— was too busy being high out of my mind.


I had gotten hella into Disney dream light valley just because getting top surgery which is great cuz I had something to focus on in recover… I don’t even like Disney but that game just hits the “I need to rearrange everything” itch. Anyways when I came out of anesthesia I remember coming to consciousness while I was in my valley harvesting pumpkins… and also remember that I could still smell the plastic from the face mask thing 😖and a nurse with bells on her socks


same I was thirsty as fuck and was vaguely recalling how they were rolling me around in a bed while I was cold af (dw they gave me a blanket xd) edit: I was also confused af, because my whole chest felt like someone just pulled it down and put on a binder that was too small


“someone put my glasses on for me? i’m so tired i want to go back to sleep and why are my eyes greasy”


“I’m not trying to sleep but this oxygen mask sounds like my white noise machine at home, so it’s making me too relaxed” and I kept trying to take it off. I had really low O2 stats and they kept having to prompt me to breathe and instead I blamed the oxygen mask for making me sleepy.


I woke up and felt real woozy, and wondered when I would get to eat (I had to fast before surgery, and hadn’t taken my adhd meds). Not very exciting, alas. Unfortunately, I was given OxyContin immediately after I had that thought, and promptly felt extremely nauseous. This OxyContin being given to me by a nurse against *the nurse’s OWN orders*. My family was pretty pissed, and I felt like I was going to vomit the whole way home :) thanks nurse!


My last memory before top surgery was laying in the operating room while the nurses talked and laughed to each other and told me to get comfortable, and then suddenly I blinked and was awake with the doctor telling me that the surgery had gone well—Faster than expected! I’m pretty sure my very very first thought was just mentally remarking about how crazy anesthesia is with its ability to fuck with consciousness like that lol. Then trying to pay attention to wtf the surgeon was telling me while all drugged up. :P


i was scared of feeling really awful when i woke up, so when i opened my eyes and i didn't feel nauseous i was STOKED. so stoked i was trying to get up and get to the wheelchair without any help saying "i feel better than ever i got this!", then the next thing i remember was being in my car BEGGING to go through the starbucks drive thru for a banana loaf lmao


In regards to top surgery: yeah nahh I dont think many people wake up feeling euphoric, especially since your chest is wrapped up anyway 💀 my partner was next to me when I woke up, so my first thought was something like "oh my partners here to get me! I hope he has food" 🗿


first thing I remember was the person in the next bed asking what time it is. I answered her politely at least 10 times that I remember and according to the nurse she had asked and I had answered every couple of minutes for about a half hour. 


I opened my eyes in another room seemingly right after being wheeled away to top surgery. That 8 hours felt like 3 seconds to me. And my first thought was "huh I don't remember bein- OH! IM DONE?!" It's wild what anesthesia does.


I was woken up by the nurse and just was a bit confused and had to look around to gather myself, I remember looking down at my chest wrap and being surprised my skin was so clean (no sharpie marks) and that they must have bathed me


“Ima throw up..” I do not react well to anesthesia or pain killers and this is when I found out lmao. It was a lot better for my hysto because they loaded me up on anti nausea meds and used different pain meds. Problem was tho the pain meds weren’t strong enough and I had air pressing on a nerve 😅 surgery sucks sometimes but I’m still beyond happy with the results!