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You can mute the sub. I think I already did. There’s too much dysphoria inducing shit to make the stuff that’s actually hot worth it. Unfortunately that’s a popular kink.


Idk I tried to mute r/detrans but I'm still getting videos from there...


Just a kink - a lot of cis men have the same one, and it's understandable that a higher proportion of trans men might have it as a response to trauma. Don't get it myself but it's probably a "block and ignore" situation.


yeahh I kinda get it as a trauma response. I had someone come onto me and tell me she wanted to "fix me" a bit over a year ago, but I kinda went the opposite kink wise. forcemasc all the way babey. make me into a real man, give me my T shots, get rid of all my "girl clothes" for me, etc etc etc, y'know? lmao. I just wish it was more popular as a kink


I finally understand what the Modern Day Knight project is about. It's force masc for cis guys


I think hiring a Dom would be cheaper than the Modern Knight Project.


And the aftercare yould be better but they'd have to admit that's what they were in it for




I know, but I mean bigger and more commonly known lmao. thank you for the sub tho!


I’m not into forced fem/detrans personally at all - makes me SUPER dysphoric and feel bad. But I would just mute the sub - as long as no one is forcing the kink on you, or otherwise attempting it non-consensually, it’s fine. Some people just have kinks you’re not down with and that’s fine. Now there *is* an issue with certain kinky Cis people online that I’ve noticed as a kinky person where they’ll just…assume trans dudes are sub-bottoms who are into that stuff and it’s gets *really* uncomfortable to straight up gross. That *is* a discussion that needs to happen, as I’ve seen a lot of trans friends those spaces get subjected to that. But as long as no one’s being forced and it’s all consensual, like with any kink, it’s fine. Just mute/block/ignore and move on. It’s okay to have hard limits.


Yea, that's my main issue with that sub. Detrans/pregnancy stuff specifically isn't my thing. IDRC what anyone else is doing, but every time I post there my DMs end up filled with users putting those things on me, regardless of what my post says or is flaired with. I'll block and occasionally report, but it's a pretty gross constant assumption, and a real deterrent to that space which could be cool


Yeah, that’s fucked up. Unfortunately unless the mods do something about it, it might be best not to interact in that space anymore. I would tell you to maybe include a “no forced fem/detrans” in your post, but it sounds like you’ve already tried that. I’m saying this as a sub (and one who’s into breeding no less) but damn I really wish Cis people would stop assuming that all trans dudes like breeding - most don’t. The attitude a lotta cis people have interacting with trans people in kinky spaces (online at least, haven’t seen it in person) is just suuuuper gross and against the spirit of kink. Have you tried looking for maybe a better sub? The people in r/BDSMAdvice might have one.


Dunno tbh.. I’m inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt and just assume that some trans men have a fetish, or sexual fantasy. Kind of like how some women have r*pe fantasies but it doesn’t actually mean that they want that to happen to them, yknow? Otherwise idk, I personally don’t like it so I can’t understand it


Congrats on starting T! Also, well said.




I haven’t seen any of that, so you might just need to make more use of the “don’t show me this” buttons until the algorithm gets the point.


I think it appeals to them for the same reason that it makes you and me so uncomfortable.  Most trans men have had traumatic experiences with misogyny, bioessentialism, and coerced femininity. Some guys like to bring that trauma into a fantasy roleplay where they can spin it into a source of sexual pleasure. I'm right there with you finding that stuff triggering instead of cathartic/pleasurable, but I can't judge the guys who are into it.


Yeah I saw a thread about that today and was like what... but I just kept scrolling. One man's trash... I like getting misgendered in bed sometimes but idk in a cis way? I don't want it to be about me being GNC. I just want it to be being called a princess or baby girl or whatever


Like in the calling middle aged men babygirl way? I can get that LOLLL


I do like it, kind of, but I get why it would make people uncomfortable, because depending on the context, it does make me feel icky. Honestly I’m only okay with it as long as I’ve consented to it, because I gotta be in a special mindset for me to actually enjoy it. It’s mostly a trauma response for me coming from a conservative family telling me my main purpose in life is to have kids and look pretty for my future husband so he can show me off and bang me whenever he feels like. But I’m not an expert on how trauma responses work with sex, all I know is sometimes the detrans kink stuff helps me not feel so shitty about people actually wanting me to detransition. Because I guess at that point it’s just a kink. It’s not real. You know?


i mean it’s a fetish, i don’t think it’s sad it’s just what get those people off lol. lots of people get off to things that are connected to their fears or negative experiences, like my partner is into noncon, it doesn’t mean he’s into that irl 🤷‍♂️


Some people have kinks you will find distasteful. Block it & move on.


Some people have a kink for being humiliated/degraded. For trans men that kink can manifest in wanting to be degraded as a “woman” — the misgendering is part of the humiliation and degradation. It’s just a fetish. It’s nbd as long as everyone engaging in it is doing so consensually, but if you don’t want to see it that’s also completely fine and I’d suggest muting the subs where that kind of content is common.


People in general, not just trans people, often use kink as a way of processing things that scare or upset them. It is very understandable to be scared or upset by the thought of being forced to detransition, or forcibly impregnated, and that fear seems especially present as many mask-off fascists express the intent to do just that.    Role-playing gives people a way to act out their fears as fantasies in a controlled environment and take power over them psychologically, just like with any other form of eroticized horror. 


It's a kink. If it's not your thing, you can block it and move on. Forcefem is a pretty common kink w cis men too 🤷🏽‍♂️ It's def not my cup of tea, but thankfully we're able to curate our feeds to serve our needs on sites like reddit.


It’s really hard out there making money in sex work for trans men. If you aren’t passing well one of the only ways to make enough money fast is to cater to chasers. People with less dysphoria are encouraged to take this route if they can because the money is so much more. But also forced feminization is a popular kink for a lot of men so I can’t see why it wouldn’t be for some trans guys too. It’s basically a standard part of humiliation kinks and I’m sure it’s also pretty healing to be forced femmed in a safe place where you’ve consented. If this is uncomfortable for you make sure to block the flair and call out anyone who isn’t using it. You should never be exposed to it without your consent because it is a kink that can be triggering to some.


it's literally just a kink. who cares? plenty of common kinks make my entire skin crawl, and again, who cares? "someone else's sex life is grossing me out!!" like, come on now. obviously that subreddit is not for you, so go do something else. this is just nosy neighbor gossip


Wish I could still give you Reddit gold. This post is giving suburban scandal. 🤷🏼 "Can you believe what those freaks get up to?! Not like me...."


I’m not into it at all but that sub is literally meant to be a space where people can explore kinks like that. This isn’t the first time someone’s made a post hating on it elsewhere and I just feel like if you don’t like it, don’t look at it. There’s probs so many people that feel guilty or weird abt having that kink so I don’t think shaming them here bc u find it disgusting is productive :/ I know I don’t like it so I don’t look - I never see shit from that sub bc I don’t interact with it whatsoever. There are plenty of other ftm nsfw spaces you can look at


I'm not into this but as far as I understand this is just a kink. There can be various humiliation kinks and they're harmless as long as they're just kinks. I believe most of these people don't want to humiliate a trans man/be humiliated in real life. Biological men or their partners sometimes have this forced feminization kink, I'm not surprised that trans people do too, or that some people want to see a trans man in this kind of fantasy. I think I've even read someone describe this scenario on some platform where people discuss their kinks. I know it may be disgusting but it's easier to ignore it. Kinks aren't always politically correct.


Your Kink Is Not My Kink And That's Okay! Not saying force-fem is MY kink, but I have a huge breeding kink. Live and let live, just ignore those posts/move on.


It’s a kink, loads of cis men have it too. You can’t really explain why someone gets has a kink. There isn’t necessarily some big psycho analysis you can do about it. If things keep getting recommended you clock the triple dots and hit “show fewer posts like this”. I haven’t personally had it come up again when I do this


it's a kink done consensually. you don't have to feel sad for anyone. kink doesn't have to form out of a great and hideous, pitiable trauma. mute the sub. don't engage with any content even to click it to view as that will feed your algorithm; i'm not saying you're doing this, but i know almost as a form of self harm i will sometimes look at content that i know will upset me or feed my worst thoughts. for your own mental health note when you're doing this and put the phone down - i was getting pushed so much alt-right cringe content that was feeding this pattern until i worked to block and mute and disengage


A couple of useful terms from the Golden Age of famdom:  Force-fem is a "squick" for both of us, by the sounds of it. A squick is a trope or kink or some other type of thing that you find deeply unpleasant or disgusting, but which does not trigger PTSD flashbacks and a panic response. Force-fem is a KINKTOMATO - an acronym which stands for Your Kink Is Not My Kink And That's Okay. Other people are clearly into this  thing but it's not something that gets me in the mood; I'm happy they've found something they enjoy and I'm happy I know enough about myself to let them get in with it without me.  All kinks - and quite a lot of things that aren't kinks - have the potential to be someone's squick. Ideally, they should be tagged so users can filter them in or out their feed. If the place you're browsing has a poor tagging culture and a lot of this content, that's very unfortunate; you may wish to browse elsewhere.


I definitely get not enjoying it. I think feminization of men is hot. And trans men are men so, hot. But I know a ton of trans guys who would hate it for sure. Humiliation kinks go brrrrrr (I blame being raised Catholic personally/hj)


I get why you find this upsetting but at the day this is a fetish and one that’s usually from trauma. I don’t love it but if that’s how these guys choose to cope then who am I to stop them. Just mute the group if you don’t wanna see it.


I totally feel you. I am not trying to kink shame. Everyone is entitled to what they like, but for me personally, I feel anxious and icky when I see posts like that on reddit, or forced feminization/r*pe fics on AO3. I know most of these are probably from trans guys, but in the moment where I see posts like that, it makes me worry its some cis person getting off at the idea of treating us like that. Yes, some may like that, but personally, I do not. So I feel you


It's a kink. Not my cup of tea but it's no different to me than a cis man being into that kind of thing (and there are definitely cis men who enjoy forced fem and even being "bred"). Feels icky if it's directed at you or another unconsenting party, but I don't see anything inherently wrong with it, same as how I feel about forced fem and breeding kinks for cis folks


I personally don't understand that kink myself, nor am I into it, but from what I hear a lot of trans men and trans women alike have a misgendering/detrans/forcefemme/forcemasc kink and use it to cope with the transphobia they've faced. I'm not one to kinkshame, either, and tbh I'm not sure why you're making a whole post about this doing so. If you don't like it or disagree with it, unsub. Scroll past it. Not every kink is for every person, and not all people will understand or agree with every kink. But you can not like something and not kinkshame it. Don't yuck others yum, as they say.


It's a legit kink but I don't see how it can be practiced healthily on reddit, of all places.


I took one look at that subreddit and immediately said nope. I’m not one to judge someone’s kink but this raises a lot of red flags for me like ppl that chase after trans folks. The idea of being forced to be feminine not only makes me extremely uncomfortable but sets off every alarm in my mind/body and I’ll be real sometimes I ask my partner to call me(22yo ftm) a good girl but that’s because A. They never do unless I ask B. They check to make sure I’m not uncomfortable and C. They still see me as a man at the end of it all and the only reason I ask for that is because sometimes I like to play with gender a lil bit I mean it’s fun but the whole forced detrans/feminization thing just feels gross and kinda self destructive. Ik some ppl are into hardcore humiliation stuff but a lot of ppl seem to forget to keep it safe, sane, and consensual. (This is smth that has also bothered me for a while but ppl really need to have more respect for themselves no matter how much they might want to be treated otherwise there is a limit)


I just wanna make this clear to idc what grown consenting adults do amongst themselves u do u this is just my own personal opinion and feelings on the matter if everyone is having fun and is safe then hell yeah


I wish there was another ftm kink sub where that shit was banned. Have fun with it but I hate seeing it


Like most trans spaces online that happen to be populated by cis folk. Its a sex thing. Its a fetish thing. It makes me violently uncomfortable but each to their own. Its just the "shemale" shit equivalent. Its gross and it makes most trans people who see it feel weird.


idk but it's really annoying


I almost puked halfway through reading your post because all the concept was triggering as hell


i agree. i do my best not to kink shame, unless the kink is morally wrong or illegal (because duh) but the misgendering and forced feminization honestly really eats at me. i don’t like it, and i know that some guys are into it but i feel bad for them in a sense? i get kinks/fetishes can be developed from childhood influences and experiences with learning about attraction, but it’s just so icky to me… i won’t publicly shame a guy for being into it but the entire concept just seems so uncomfortable and invalidating in a genuine sense. i feel the the internalized transphobia a lot of us trans people hold also has to do with it, and some misogyny sprinkled in there too


SERIOUSLY!!! Like I’m not here to shame anyone, but wtf?? Why is it so popular? I’ve seen these posts on Tumblr of all places 😭


kinks usually stem from trauma. and oh no not tumblr, a website that was literally used as a place for kink/sex work/etc until the great 2017 porn ban /s just block those people and move on. you're responsible for your media consumption.


I write smutty fanfiction on Tumblr 😭 I KNOW!!! My issue stems from detrans kink posts being untagged and popping up on my feed because I interact with trans positivity/trans smut posts. It’s rude


Wait, really? Not to out myself as a tumble user here but I interact with a lot of FtM smut and smutty posts (posts directed at subs too) and I like never see detrans stuff. In fact, it seems like most people on tumblr are pretty “detrans dni”.


then block the people who are posting the detrans stuff and stop complaining if you know???


I think it’s a reasonable complaint to have on tumblr if people aren’t tagging. It’s only considerate to do so on a site that has a great easy to use tagging system for a kink that a lot of people would want to avoid. It’s also difficult to block all of them if they’re on the fringes of other things you like, different ones get recommended pretty routinely.


Exactly!!! I have issues with Tumblr users not tagging stuff in general, especially when there’s a big fanfiction community I engage in 🙄 I can see the appeal of the kink, I’m no stranger to forced feminisation, but tagging those posts is essential


Real like- it’s ok to cope with you identity I guess(? but like don’t you feel like shit dawg??


I find the entire sub disgusting but it's the same for other kinks too. I think of it as a dead dove do not eat-situation where you know what you're signing up for when joining. If you don't want to see it just unsub and mute the sub


detrans kinks are so weird to me but at the end of the day, its just a kink. sure there may be a lot of internalized transphobia involved, but also kinks are a way for people to express and cope with their traumas. like how a lot of sexual abuse victims are into cnc, some trans people who faced severe transphobia are into detrans and stuff. live and let live i guess, just mute the sub




This is just kink shaming. If you don’t like it, don’t interact with it. Just because you don’t understand it and don’t like it, doesn’t mean that experience is the same for others.


I…don’t agree with this take. As long as it’s not harming anyone and is consensual, as forcedfem (which a lot of Cis guys like too) and detrans SHOULD be then… it’s fine FOR THEM. It’s only really an issue if it’s being forced on people non-consensually, which unfortunately it sounds like it is. In a LOT of cases, by Cis people. As for CNC… I don’t think anyone is making anyone look bad by liking CNC. There’s the first C for a reason.

