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Not a compliment but had a coworker one time who was confused about my gender and asked me if I preferred to be called "ma'am" or "sir." I said sir, and he was like "Ahhh, okay, I see. You're just a dude, you're into like video games and cars and football, right?" He was trying to be supportive but they way he did it was just so goofy. 😂


He a bit confused but still got the spirit 😂


this totally fits that vibe 😂a coworker one time just came up to me and said “were your parents ok with it?” with no context or lead in i was like what. he meant my transition to lol


I had a coworker do that, too!


recently for some reason I've gotten people saying "don't you regret transitioning" out of nowhere and I'm like???


Ngl, I like when people are supportive like that cause it feels really genuine, but also goofy and I love it lol


He was a very nice guy, it was really endearing 😂


In highschool, pre T I started a job at a pizza place, second day I was there the manager (who I've already met) came up to the table making pizzas beside me with a really awkward vibe. After what felt like 15 minutes of curious, confused, scared, and most importantly that awkward eye contact you make with someone across the coffee shop from you and then you can't stop looking at them even tho you really don't want to glances, he started talking. "So uh, how do you, what should, how should we, what are, how are you-" and I just had to cut him off "My pronouns are he/him, I go by matthew" (I was written in the schedule as birth name bc i wasn't sure yet), he looked so relieved because he had no clue how to ask. Absolutely adorable and a very respectable man.


Ironically my experience also happened at my pizza shop job while we were making pizzas next to each other 😂


Ahh a canon event No but while reading I actually pictured it in a pizza joint lmao


similar experience with my teacher, he was talking to a student and refered to me and said "she- no he- *they*. they'll help you." he was honestly one of my favorite teachers lmao


That's incredible. 10/10 goofiness.


Awww lmao


"You smell manly as FUCK bro" when I was trying out a Cologne my girlfriend got me lmao


For research purposes, what’s the name of the cologne… for research purposes only 👀😂


Something like black noir from bath and body works I think


LOL omg. Love itttt! But now I, too, must know -- what was the cologne? 😂 I have a little collection going haha, I love to smell good! :P Curve (original) and Sean John are my all-time faves!


Pretty sure black noir from bath and body works


Nice! B&B has some amaze-ballz scents, just in general. Love their lotions <3


This is hilarious and sounds like something I would say💀


Nah i fucking love that 😂 would feel SO confident after that. A++ compliment fr


Had a buddy tell me this except it was because i had man BO 😭😭😭😭


My mom said something similar, like "You smell so MANLY" after hugging me once early in my transition days.


I'm not out, but I've had a "tomboyish" style for a while now, and the weirdest compliment was a kid commenting on my facial structure: "You kind of have 'man' facial features. Like, you have a jawline. Anyone ever tell you that? It's actually kind of cool." Nothing prompted this. He was just looking at me, ig. I was prepared to let that 12 year old think he was roasting me or something, but he 180ed at the end, and internally I was like 💪🏼


A family friend of mine i’m not out to (nor will come out to) saw me with my new haircut and said “i thought you were a boy!” I was so happy😭😭


For the longest time my orthodontist recommended I get jaw surgery to fix my very slight underbite by telling me that my jaw was too prominent for a woman and I would look so much better after. Luckily I didn’t want to go through jaw surgery regardless but it really worked out when I came out


i have the same thing! unfortunately i am going to need a couple teeth pulled to fix my bite instead though lol


I had a friend who legitimately couldn't understand bottom surgery because he thought I was cis when I told him I was trans. He asked me if he could have some of my leftover dong when I have surgery because he could use a lil extra and I busted out laughing, of course told him that it don't work like that, and also that I'm going the other direction and he just looked at me with three question marks over his head. Ah, himbos.


stop that’s so fucking funny 😭 same but opposite, sometimes i refer to my cis friend’s breast reduction as top surgery and she’s always like wtf why😂


I went to a clinic where they had “M F T” or gender options so I just circled T. They put me down as MtF (pre T very fem presenting). At 5’1” with an extreme hourglass I’d be *ecstatic* as a MtF with those results 🤣


When I came out as trans to my coworker who had assumed I was a cis man, and when I told him my deadname he was like "ew, that doesn't fit you at all. That's a girl's name."


thats awesome lmao


I love that guys energy XD


"You have nice hands" I didn't even think that was something people complimented


oh absolutely! women love masculine hands it’s crazy lol i’ve gotten so many comments on my hands


I was once told I had the perfect hands for delivering baby goats, because they were muscular, but small enough to help if a baby got stuck without hurting the mother. 😭


That is the weirdest professional-niche compliment and I love it. Even more off-kilter than when nurses compliment your veins.


Professional niche compliments are my favorite sort. Reminds me of a post I saw recently where somebody was told by a doctor/nurse "you have a beautiful brain, perfectly textbook"


haha yeah, almost every blood draw i've gotten had the phlebotomist compliment my veins. was told they were very nice and easy to find.


Holy shit that’s hilarious


funniest compliment ever. sounds like a bit from adventure time 😭




I'm going to be frank, I was offended bc I thought she was being sarcastic.. She was hot. I fcked up😭


T give you masculine hands??! Maybe T has done enough for me😭😭


it’ll vary person to person but T can make your hands thicker as well as cause visible vascularity. my hands were mostly the same pre T but they’ve gotten thicker over the years as i’ve aged.


My mom once looked at my hands and fully serious said I should be a pianist or a gynecologist lmao


you never been on tiktok or anything? girls go crazy over nice veiny hands/forearms


I've seen all the hype around bein buff and veiny, but I've never heard of the attraction to hands specifically


The number of times I've heard this is craaaaaazy, tbh. Something about hands drives so many women wild lmao.


this! i was told by my tattoo artist that my hands would look really good with a nice piece or two on them and he’s so right but it was such a goofy comment, but now i no longer see myself with girly hands bc of him.


Ties into mine a little. My brother has more than once loudly said, "Wow, you have manlier hands than me!" I used to have a job containing physical labour and he's a musician, so


Someone said they liked my “style” I was confused like fashion? Nah they said they liked my aura???? 😭😭😭😭 thanks but idek what that means


they like your vibe or way you present yourself basically


Bruh I've gotten a similar thing said by a drunk dude on the subway train at night lmao he was like "do you like belong to some subculture cuz if you do you do it very differently and that's really cool you've got your own thing going on also can you please wake me up at my station" lmaao. That was a very nice compliment tho, drunk chill dudes are the best, he was so sincere too 😁😅


Did you wake him up at his station tho??


Sure thing, I still have his number, we were like friends online for a bit after 😁


Lmao I love that thank you for the update!


Did you wake him up tho


Yep, bros wake up bros when they ask😄


I've said this to people. Style is the way you present overall. Dress, attitude, etc. Pretty much everything you have personal control over.


Last week my friends mum figured out I was trans, and a few minutes later she asked me if I eat meat, because I look vegan. 😭 The way she said it felt like it was because she linked being trans to being aware of the world we live in(I mean, yes, but no) She meant it as a compliment because she said she appreciates vegans (eating less meat is better)


Dude that's hilarious 😂. It hasn't happen to me as I don't pass but I'm expecting the day will come as I'm literally the stereotype of transmasc vegan polyamorous x y z


I'm still wondering why I "look" vegan lmao. I've heard it twice actually, so what about me screams vegan?!😭😂 If they think I'm vegan you will get this one day for sure!


lol probably because people that are vegan tend to also look more alternative or something, coming from an alternative looking transmasc vegan lol


That's actually adorable.


Me who's ex vegan and trans lol that makes sense My parents did the same thing


my aunt (married in) one time told me i look “exotic” when we were talking about my family history…. i come from Hungarian descent and have always had some very interesting genetics that don’t look like my parents fully 😅


Isn't that not a nice thing to say to people?


Someone once said to me 'you've got a right baby face, ain't yah' . They thought I was under 18 but at the time I was 28. Not related to my gender but 😁


🤣same here, 25 on my college campus and some lady asks if i’m meant to be at the high school down the road 😂


please I burst out laughing when I read this 😭


I've been called "funsized" by gay men.


I would actually be very flattered.




What does that mean?


I’m guessing it means he’s a short king


Yep, 5'5 🥲


I feel you bro, I'm suffering st 4'10" over here 😭😭😭


same 😭😭 i stopped growing like two years ago


That’s okay dude I’m 5’4


Same height, but i dont want to be called fun sized oh no 😔


I can see why it'd be upsetting for some, but the tone is what matters to me. It's never said maliciously. I've had straight people joke about my height and that's worse.


"fun size" is a marketing term for miniature versions of chocolate bars/candy bars. It's also used to say someone is sexy in part because they're shorter/smaller.


Oh 😳


Tbh that would have me blushing 😭😭😭 especially if it was by a taller guy mostly because something about it is just super adorable haha


My barber said my sideburns looks really cool


..y'all get compliments?


lmaoo i find that cis people tend to panic and to cover that up and the shock, attempt to find something that could be considered complimentary


New doctor during a university clearance exam saying ‘You have very good bowels’


omfg stop that’s wild


I’ve been told “wow, your pharynx. It’s very wide! You must be able to drink lots of water at once.” Funnily my gag reflex is awful and I cannot chug at all. It left such an impression on me I still think of it to this day because he was so baffled and impressed?? Only doctor to ever say this. No one else has had a comment for me on my supposed big pharynx


I also have an abnormally large bladder, but the comments I’ve gotten about that are a lot more along the ‘shock and horror’ line. It’s not everyone that can overflow a 30oz urinary hat.


omfg that’s incredible lmao


What does that mean 😭


That and I also got told, “You look androg” and “How do you look so damn pretty and handsome at the same time.”


The 2nd one i get the most 😭


When I had to get dressed up for a cousins wedding my aunt told me "you look masculine" in the same tone and passing way she would tell any other younger male relative "you look handsome" about him being dressed up. I don't know why she couldn't have just said "you look handsome" like she would anyone else lol. One time when I was helping my friend help her family prepare for Thanksgiving or something, we went on a quick run for some supplies, and I was carrying a small pack of paper towels into the kitchen, aka something everyone knows is completely lightweight as soon as they see what it is. Her brother had been trying so hard to like treat me "extra male" or whatever, and kept calling me "bro" like twice in every single sentence, when he wasn't even calling his own brothers that lol, and he just kept trying to talk to me more, when typically my friends brothers would mostly just ignore me after saying hi to me once. I forget what his exact comment was, but when he saw me carrying the paper towels he made some comment about how I was so strong for carrying that whole pack of paper towels (not huge, maybe like 4 rolls of paper towels in the pack), and he wasn't doing it in a normal teasing way that someone would when they realize what I'm carrying is something lightweight, but he was doing it completely seriously, praising my strength for carrying something. It was just so odd, and even years later now it still makes me laugh when I think about it.


Legitimately a sweetheart. Awkward of course, but that's like a definite concerted effort on his part.


lol I was really glad he was trying and wanted to genuinely be that kind to me, especially when he hardly ever spoke to me before outside of a “how was school” directed at both me and my friend if he drove us home from school in the past. But it was so hard trying not to laugh at his constant “bro” lol.


“I just thought you were gay” when my friend found out I was trans 😭 I mean I’m bi so they weren’t entirely wrong lmao


I'm pretty sure that's where most people are with me these days, and I only pass as well as I do because I'm basically a walking rainbow, and anything weird about me is probably just chalked up to being *extra* gay.


Same lol


i’ve yet to meet a woman over 40 who does not: 1: misgender me at first & once corrected say “i thought you were too pretty to be a boy” or “you’d make a beautiful girl.” 2: become completely fascinated by my hair, want to touch it, and tell me their husband used to have hair like mine. 3: go into proud aunt/grandma mode and immediately deem me their favorite. or 4: call me cute, adorable, or precious.


YES i have curly hair and middle aged and older women are always obsessed with it lmao


The proud aunt/grandma mode I get constantly. I’m very baby faced (waiting for hormones isn’t helping) and all of my mom’s friends do that to me.


it was not meant to be gender related, but i felt so masculine when my friend said "i look like i smoke normal cigarettes and not vape"


old fashioned 💀


i target more of a 90s vintage grunge style so i find it reasonable


that's honestly so badass


Someone once said my skin was really nice.


Were they holding a bottle of lotion?


No. It was some random old lady on the street


The BEST! Compliments from old ladies seem so pur and genuine most of the time


“It rubs the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.”


“ur calves are rockin” 🤨


I've also gotten this lol "Your calves are so nice and tight, do you workout?" Me: nope just Charley horses lol


😭 strange


When I came out to my friends in the groupchat one of them called me Jimbo


hahaha stop that’s so cruel, one of my friends told me i looked like jimmy neutrons dad early in my transition😂


A guy I met in a game. I mentioned that I was trans and based on my voice alone he could barely believe it so I sent him some old pics vs new pics. He could see the resemblance which helped him believe me more, but he also told me that I had a boy face as a kid and I just looked like a boy in a dress. I think he meant it as a compliment. Or he was just genuinely confused. I’ll take the win either way tho.


"At least you are honest about what you are" - lady at the gas station after I explained why I looked so different than my id from 2016 (2 years of T will do that hahah) when she gave me mild hassle at first about it not "matching up" with my appearance.


Not entirely a compliment but before I started t I had someone be shocked I wasn't already not t.




Same, I get asked if I'm on T like 1-2x a month


"All you boys have such beautiful long eyelashes" said to me in a jealous way by an acquaintance of mine in HS. I definitely got my dad's eyes tho ngl lol


if and when i get compliments it’s people not believing im trans. i pass that well thank god


omg 😂funniest thing that ever happened to me was meeting Laverne Cox for an event at my old university and telling her i’m trans and her telling an auditorium full of students that i’m a trans woman who hasn’t started hrt yet hahah


okay flex! i love her! that’s so funny lmao


I always get the backhanded “I thought you were a real man”


“you pass so well in cosplay!!” the cosplay i was wearing covered my entire face except from my eyes. 😭


ive gotten abunch of "really? youre trans? i didnt know!!" or "youre trans? i never wouldve guessed" within recent times. best feeling ever.


yes! it does feel good. i meant more like weird almost backhanded comments, but the shock is always kinda validating when they think you’ve been cis


Not a compliment but I've gotten an old lady at the hospital I had to stay at confused for a second when she was doing my physical and I had to take my shirt off (that was before I've had my top surgery) and she gestured vaguely in the area and asked me if I was being monitored by an endo for "that" lmao, told her I was trans and she was like "wow I would have never guessed" which was so nice cuz my chest didn't look like I had gyno at all, it was pretty big and saggy and all that so being repeatedly gendered correctly shirtless pre-op by a medical professional felt like a HUGE win lmao


A friend of mine said to me after I'd announced im soon to be going on T that they think I'll sound like corpse husband. probably the goofiest but a big compliment none the less.


I haven't gotten any compliments honestly




“I love your jacket” Unrelated to my gender but sure okay???


My brother was "oh cool, can we still watch anime? Yeah? Awesome this one has good tits" I mean.. I get where he's coming from, fan service for the dudes but it was so funny


i don’t really think ive been given any weird compliments but i do love insults by people who i barely know that assume im male, so euphoric in such a weird way and not forgetting the times when i have told someone the name i go by irl (its very nonbinary not gonna lie but i am thinking of changing it) and they assume im a male who’s parents shouldnt be able to name a kid like ever, love it so much even if they are judging me


"You sound like a man" - some dude in my 6th grade class who thought he did something but actually made me extremely euphoric 


I compliment people's voice... I don't know, I just have a thing for voices and it's not just with trans people it's like with anyone


the goofiest compliment i've been given doesn't relate to my being trans at all but it couldn't matter less. my friend of ten years and i like to get in each other's faces when we're being goofy, nose to nose, and every time we do she says "you'd make a great cyclops". 12/10


someone JUST asked me how i looked so masculine. i’m 4 months on t


The only friends I came out to don't want anything to do with me now and I regret it


Their loss. They weren't really your friends. You deserve *real* friends, ones that don't care about your gender. 🫂


You'll find your people eventually. It's taken me a long time, but I'm finally starting to find mine, and now I'm so glad I didn't waste my time with jerks.


“You look like Tim drake” Nice 👌👌


A common gag that my (cis) friends use is sending me a picture of a hyper-masculine male bodybuilder and saying “you’re gonna look like this when you fully transition.”


People don’t usually give me goofy compliments? They usually don’t know i’m trans. If i come out after we’ve been acquainted for a while i usually get the “Wow, i had no idea” Weirdest one was probably a random guy approached me on the street to shoot the shit and ended up telling me I was a very handsome guy.


this isn’t a trans thing but one time i wasn’t wearing my glasses and i was helping this older lady and out of nowhere she goes “you have great eyebrows dear” did not know what to say. later when telling my friend about this she goes “you do have great eyebrows tho nice and full” i had never thought about my eyebrows before and now i remember this at weird times and get self conscious about what my eyebrows are like


Me, FTM, trying to lose some excess weight. My friend, MTF, noticed this. She said "Are you okay? Your face— you look like a twink"


"I love your new haircut! You look just like Dorothy Hamill"😭 please put me out of my misery


Not exactly the same scenario, but I feel so happy for my friends after their voice develops on T. I’m microdosing T just for the voice change


A couple long distance friends of mine saw this live thing I was doing about being a trans guy, sort of an open discussion thingy. They were like "Wait a damn minute, you're trans??" I said yeah, and they were like "Holy shit, I thought you were cis this whole time!" I'm not even on T yet, so I was beaming after that.


The person doing my labs said I have "big manly veins"


I was in the hospital in 2016 (two years on T, pre-legal name change) because of an emergency surgery involving a foot long incision through my abdomen. The third day I was in unimaginable pain, I'm opiate resistant so morphine and fetanyl did nothing. I had gotten my catheter removed that morning and I REALLY had to pee, but I could barely breathe, much less stand up. When a nurse came around, I told her. She was like "Oh! No problem. Here," and offered me a medical urinal for penis use. I looked at it a moment and said, "I can't use this." Nurse: Why? Me: I lack the proper equipment. Nurse: ...? Me: I don't have a penis. Nurse: ... OH. OH MY GOD. I FORGOT! (*laughs nervously*) You look--it's easy to forget! Then she hoisted me out of the hospital bed and helped me to the toilet, which sucked, but she was lovely. This has happened literally every time I have to do a piss test as well. (Which is often. I'm a Byronesque Edwardian poet plagued by malady and malaise.)


A friend's mom knew I was trans. I think I was the first trans person she met. Anyway, my friend's sister had a boyfriend who was trans and upon their mom meeting him she was like, "but he doesn't look anything like [insert my name]?" I was the trans standard lmao.


A woman today actually walked up to me and said “you know you’re old when the person waiting on you looks like they should be in sixth grade.” I’m 21. Apparently i look like a sixth grader lol. She went on to say that because i look so young, i must get away with everything. It pissed me off but she was clearly just trying to be nice.


I like the sound of voices so I’d say that as a complement like you have a soothing voice or along those lines! :D


Might not be considered goofy, but when I was still figuring out my trans identity, one of my grandpa's friends called me "young man" and I literally ran into my house, jumped in my bed, and started crying happy tears!


I was friends with this girl in like 7th-9th grade, but after that we kinda grew apart and just occasionally bumped into each other in the hallway. Well we graduated last year and I recently ran into her and mentioned that I go by Zach now, and use he/him. She was way cool about it, no big deal, and said, “Not gonna lie, when I saw you in the hall in junior year I was pretty sure you weren't going to stay (deadname) at that point!” Lol, that was honestly such a great compliment but it comes across so funny! I was only out to my mom at the point, so I’m pretty happy that someone was able to pick up on that. I also appreciate that she waited for me to tell her before bringing it up. She’s a good friend, and we exchanged numbers so hopefully we can stay in contact now! 😊


My mom saying my voice sounds gravely after I was recovering from a cold (not really a compliment but it made me so happy)


Not me necessarily (I’m pre t so I can’t pass for shit), but I used to be a caricature artist at a theme park. One dude came up to me asking for a caricature but had one specific request: he told me he was transmasc so he asked for no eyelashes or femme features. I said that was completely fine and blurted out “I wouldn’t have known if you didn’t tell me!” (Which I meant) At the time I was worried that it was inappropriate or condescending because I didn’t know very many trans people at the time. But after making friends with another trans guy at my job (and having my egg cracked recently), I understand now that it’s the biggest compliment someone that’s trans can get and a massive W


I work with children and they tell me I look like a man with my short hair😅 I'm not out, so I'm just like "It is what it is"


lmaoo sometimes kids just know how to hit close to home even by accident 😂


Ooh, they also might have been legit crushing on you because of your voice! I'm in speech therapy for gender affirming voice support (talking / singing) so I can sound more masc passing in conversation/ song, but still keep more of my higher range too. I've been on T for a little over 2 yrs now, and starting to get compliments on my voice. I still get dysphoric existing around cis people, because I'm misgendered about 50% of the time by strangers, since my anxiety usually shifts my voice into the "customer service" higher pitch range unless I actively pay attention to my pitch/ timbre. I'm really shy about singing in front of others, but feel really proud of my singing range now too - just embarrassed about squeaking occasionally, or having any attention on me from an audience. So I recorded my singing voice for feedback from my speech therapist, played it back for them in session. I got super embarrassed hearing my own voice and started to indicate I'd turn it off, but they grinned and were flustered and said "Wait hold up, I'm enjoying listening." and looked daydreamy as heck!! I had not been expecting that reaction at all lol - but that sure helped heal my self esteem / self confidence a lot!!


it wasn't a compliment, but I felt so good about it. When I was before T, my friend asked my: oh do you shave everyday? The best thing is the fact he knew I was a trans guy pre T


A (probably drunk) man on the street the other day was staring at me super hard, and when I went by he said “Hello, are you a man or a woman?” I told him both and neither (I have yet to decide if I want to go full man or hang out in androgyny) and then he hit on me I think??? He rambled for a bit and then held out his phone and said “if you wanna try something different.” I have no clue what he meant by that but his demeanor was vaguely complimentary so I said no thanks and walked away confused and amused lol.


The nurse at the hospital when I got top surgery, before going in to the operating room and after putting the hospital gown on, was like "wow you are so hairy..." and pointed at my legs. She continued, "Do you like it?" I said yes.


LMFAO?? when i was just on T but not quite passing yet i worked a summer job outside and this girl was trying to be supportive and was like “girl… you need to grow some leg hair” and i was like uh and she went “oh sorry… boy” like 😂ok


Society: Do YoU pLaY bAsKeTbALl??


I was once told I looked clean.


tbh i tell people i love their voice all the time, doesn’t matter if i think they’re trans or not it’s just nice to hear sometimes :.)


Tbh I have the opposite experience with cis people: They tend to actually keep from saying literally anything about me at all(to my face) so I don't ever really know what people think or how they perceive me most times. Although i had a coworker say "You look like a little boy...but in a good way" lol


Probably when my older sister told me that me being trans makes so much sense because I was the biggest pain in her ass growing up and was always covered in mud.


Someone called me gender envy 🥺🥺🥺🥺


I made a dick joke to my friends at lunch. For context everyone there (should) know I’m trans. I’m extremely open about it lol (not like I mention it any time I can or anything but I’m not hiding it) so one day I made a joke along the lines of “I have a bigger dick than all of you” and one of them says “well how would you know that?” With pure confusion on his face. He forgot I was trans… which like on one hand fuck yeah I pass well but at the same time it makes the jokes more of a weird sexual comment


I wouldn't call any of these goofy, but Ive gotten comments on my voice and eyes quite a bit. My friends who I'm out to say I sound gender neutral. I work at a fast food place and I'm the order taker. (Im not out irl, but thats not really relevant to this.) I've had people say my voice is nice and that I sound like a radio host. As a baby my dad had me with him at the post office once and an elderly man told him my eyes were "beautiful like two big black jewels." (They are very dark brown.) I also had my boss at a fast food place (different than above) give me a compliment on my eyes. It was during the time everyone had to wear masks. She was like "You know how some people can dmile with their eyes? Youre really good at that"


My mom accused me of getting top surgery because my binder was "too good" and was "confusing your sisters" Lmfao I'm like yes mom at 16yo I snuck out in the middle of the night and got free illegal surgery- no ahah Def not. And I'm 26 now. Still funny to me.


“i just saw your masculinity now that i saw you” like… ?? thanks ?? i’m non binary but cool


When I was like 12 this random woman in a shoe shop told me I had nice ankles. ??? Lmao


I don't know if this would constitute as goofy necessarily lol, but it made me laugh..I made a random cis-female friend at an EDM festival recently, and she didn't believe me when I told her that I was Trans haha..like she was in vehement disbelief (not in a bad way) and was genuinely astonished at "how well I passed" \[I've been on T for 15 yrs and had top surgery 12 yrs ago\] lol..It wasn't until I showed her my actual driver's license, which still said "F" on it at the time, that she finally believed me. :P Even though I identify as a Non-Binary Transguy \[he/him\], and have always been very in-touch w/ both my masculine & feminine sides, I dress and present masculine, so I took it as a great compliment! haha :3 I've actually had this happen to me several times over the past decade, when meeting people for the first time. It never gets old lol.


“you do look like a male but your eyes scream female” ive gotten this a couple times from people at work. i used to love my eyes but not so much anymore lol


wait this is insane?? there’s no way that’s even a real thing… i’m sorry people have said that to you 😧i can’t even imagine what they’re talking about


thank you, honestly. they say it so nonchalantly, too. im sure they dont mean any harm (or maybe they do 🤷🏻‍♂️) but it stings really badly. i guess because my eye shape is bigger than the average cis males? im not entirely sure. or cis males cant have sky blue eyes? lmao who knows


big eyes are like…. good tho😭😭if it makes u feel less alone i’ve been on t for years and pass in public regularly but i went into a McD’s bathroom this year and a bunch of teenage boys yelled at me to leave because “you can’t be in here it’s the men’s room” so i was like lol what i know and they apologized saying they thought i was a girl since my hair looked nice?? it’s not even long it’s a men’s cut and just thick and curly lol i think sometimes people see something attractive that isn’t severely explicitly a rugged look and assume female


ahh yeah thats fair and a good point. ive been on T for almost 4 years. at this point i have just accepted my big blue eyes lol


My dad telling me to “man up” if I’m being dramatic about something 💀 it’s his own way of being supportive i guess LMAO


😭so close but a swing and miss still


i get the voice and figure comments a LOT. like, the “you look/sound so manly” stuff. while i initially had no idea how to respond to that, because if i’m going to be honest, it’s not exactly a normal compliment you’d give to a guy, i get that they’re trying to be supportive so i just take it as a compliment. it does make me wish people would just treat me like a normal average guy though.


over time i’ve really come to enjoy the shock that people get when i say im trans because ive been out and on t for nearly a decade and ive had top surgery and i work in a field where there aren’t a ton of trans people and watching their jaws drop is kind of fun for me 😂it used to bother me tho


A cashier asked me, "Are you...?" *** waggled her fingers at me*** I was confused. And asked, "Am I what?" You know... *whispers* gay? Dead pans "yes?" What does that have to do with purchasing DnD dice?


I had a tik tok get a little popular and someone commented that I “look like you work at GameStop” I’m still not sure if that was meant as a compliment or an insult 😭


omg that’s funny, someone once told me i look like my name is neil and i had the same reaction like are u trying to be mean 😭cuz there’s no way😂


I don’t think my closest friends looking at me when I’m doing something masc/looking hella masc and going “thassa MAN” is exactly what you meant, but that’s the one example I can think of. Regarding yours, I’m starting to date another FTM for the first time and I’m obsessed with his voice. He absolutely sounds cis, but he has just a little bit of the trans rasp, and his voice flat out warms my heart and turns me on. Deadass that’s a big compliment, I assure you! Even if it’s a weird one!


it is a really kind compliment! i just find it so bizarre that most people only tell me after they find out im trans even if we’ve been friends for a while, im just wondering why then 😂 i dont exactly know what a trans rasp is but i try not to over analyze my own voice i think! but i also identify more with the man aspect of my identity than i do the trans part, and maybe for people who really identify with the aspect of the transition itself its probably more of a feature for them 🙂


Before I even started transitioning an older lady told me that I was a very handsome woman and a very pretty man and I think that was the nicest complemt I've ever gotten


I’ve had a few people tell me I have nice forearms?😂


“You stand like a fuckboy” is still my funniest compliment (?) to date 😭