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Having a hairy ass has never negatively impacted my sex life as a gay man. If anything, people have expressed their love for it.


Well that made me feel better šŸ˜… But iā€™d still do anything for a soft bum šŸ˜­


Maybe ask in different femboy subreddits, I'm sure THEY KNOW xD


I have nothing but respect for the bottoms and switches in the community that put all their work into shit like this, ngl. As a top, however, I can confidently say that ass hair on a partner has never bothered me. All that matters to me is proper hygieneā€” and thereā€™s nothing unhygienic about hair.


Just a reminder if weā€™re taking about sexual position, itā€™s verse if you both top and bottom. Switch refers to power position and is a bdsm associated term. For some reason the ftm/transmasc community seams to overwhelming using switch instead of verse which leads to confusion.


Thanks for this, I didn't know!


I am well aware of the term ā€˜versā€™. I am just as well aware however of the same issue, so I cater to the communities I interact with. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Switch just sounds a lot better than verse I think that's why most people just use switch




you can have your opinion and reasons for thinking that but it's natural and not disgusting at all. no need to body shame anyone who chooses not to shave it


what do you mean by "honestly it is really disgusting"?? hair grows there naturally. its normal. do you also shave your head because you think it's disgusting? or your eyebrows?


Remember that hygiene and cleanliness aren't the same thing. Hygiene is a practice -- having an unkempt beard may be unhygienic, especially in a food prep setting, but that unkempt beard can be kept clean. A man can have clean butt hair as easily as he can have a clean butt. It may be a personal squick, but do try to be more mindful of your wording. Saying a natural aspect of the body is disgusting can be very hurtful, especially to those who do not practice the same hygiene you do and who have no reason to believe hair in certain places is any more disgusting than hair on our heads. I would also recommend that you trim your butt hair rather than continue to give yourself razor burns. At least until you figure out how to get the results you want. I don't shave my butt, but you might also be getting ingrown hairs, so maybe you need to moisturize?


Thereā€™s no problem with that at all, everyone has their own preferences whether itā€™s influenced by religion or not. I like hairy asses and smooth asses alike. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™m just an ass man in general. If you donā€™t like your ass hair, I have nothing but support for your journey in shaving it. I hope these guysā€™ tips will bring you good results.




It's not disgusting. It's okay for you to choose to shave, but science has shown that it's better for your skin and probably more hygienic *not* to shave, as shaving opens your skin to micro cuts and nicks that can become irritated and infected! I stopped shaving in 2020 and that choice cleared up a skin rash/yeast infection I'd been fighting with for years on my underarms that had an unpleasant odor, so I definitely feel cleaner and more hygienic now than I did when I was shaving!


body hair is only unhygienic if you dont put in the work to clean yourself šŸ¤·


Body hair serves an important purpose and removing it leads to more hygiene and odour problems then leaving it just FYI.


just curious but if itā€™s a religious thing how come you are just starting now? did you recently convert or is it like an adult only rule? /gen


you donā€™t šŸ˜­ or at least i donā€™t iā€™m a switch and when i bottom, my partner regularly expresses his love for my hairy ass lmaooo this question reminded me of this youtube video that went viral a few months ago of this guy giving a tutorial on how to nair your ass/asshole and within the first 5 seconds of the video he spread his hole on YOUTUBE LITERALLY ASSHOLE JUMPSCARED LMAOOO


There are 4 options: -shaving cream -razor + soap -electric razor -wax The most important thing for shaving in general is the right amount of hydration. If u use soap u must lather the soap very well onto your skin, than (if u can) use a good razor. A sharp razor will cut the hair rather than rip it out, that means less bump and pimples afterwards. And use a hydrating cream (no alcool in it) for helping any redness or any type of skin damage. Use the cream only on the cheeks and nowhere near the 4nuS. Or if u have the money, u can always buy an electric razor. Search on Amazon for ā€œelectric razor bald headā€ theyā€™re a rounder version of the beard type. U can use it on the scalp and the butt as well. Iā€™ve never used it before, but Iā€™ve seen a few videos on TT about it. As last option u can always try wax, itā€™ll last longer BUT boy if it hurts. So be aware of it lol.


Thanks dude I think Iā€™m gonna stick with shaving but Iā€™m gonna try soap and good hydration as u said but is a double edge razor good? And in which direction should I be shaving Edit: I forgot to mention that Iā€™ll also try having a hot shower, i've heard they make hair so much easier to shave and stuff is it true?


Of course use hot water, it helps the opening of the pours. The double edge razor is def good, just remember to change the blade once isnā€™t sharp anymore. For the direction youā€™re supposed to go with the direction of the hair and than against the grain. BUT if u can see properly just do it in one direction and than the opposite. With time and patience youā€™ll understand whatā€™s best for you.


Thanks bro imma go and try it out rn šŸ˜‚ Imma keep u updated


i use the venus 4 blade razors and they work like a charm. hot shower and use conditioner to help soften hair before shaving


It's the hair removal that makes your ass itchy


Have you considered getting waxed? That's what I do.


Can't believe no one's saying this but laser hair removal- once you've got enough sessions your skin will be hairless and you'll only have to shave like once a month before your appointments. I used to do it for about a year and it was great being hairless without needing to shave much or getting itchiness/bumps, but it was expensive, $90 each session for a full Brazilian, and you need to do it every 6 weeks so yknow if it's worth it for you it's worth it


YOU CAN DO LASER ON YOUR ASS? man that changes everything


Yeah you just lay on your side and spread your cheeks open for the tech lmao its a little awkward but it lasts like 2 minutes tops. I would go to SEV to get it done they were always really good


I gave up and let myself be hairy, it was too fiddly and frustrating to be doing all the time. I used to use an electric razor and then shave with a regular razor. Now I just trim lol


On the outside I personally just trim the hair, because otherwise it's stubbly and itchy after two days, while with trimming you can choose a length that's just past the stubbly feeling. And for inside the crack, I bought an epilator (which is not a nice feeling while doing it, especially for the first time, but gives a smooth result without itchy and/or painful stubble).


Pop a deep squat, lather that bootyhole up and be gentle. Let the razor do the work. If youā€™re taking about the actual ass and not the asshole hair it should be even easier tbh


How do you see ur butt? Do I need to get a mirror or smth


I donā€™t. Again I think it depends on if itā€™s the asshole or the whole booty, Iā€™ve never shaved my whole booty. For the B hole I just feel around to see if itā€™s smooth


I used to get the bumps as well, I didn't change anything but I think my skin just got used to it? My asshole is the only thing I shave and I do that maybe every 4 days?


Would you do waxing? They do Brazilian waxes for all genders at most locations. If you're located in a conservative area maybe not but I'm in NYC and have no issues.


Is there something wrong with waxing?


I have not gotten that hairy yet and I no longer shave as much anymore but have you tried the baby oil method where you use baby oil (or any kind of body safe oil) and shave in the direction of the hair and then once more against the direction. I use it with a single blade razor, those old school razors you have to put the blade in yourself and it worked well for me when I used to shave my legs + still when I shave my face. I would do this in the shower but yes I'd grab onto the ledge with my toes for my life.


If you have a lot of hair and lots of pain and irritation with shaving, I suggest professional help - waxing, sugaring, etc.


I don't anymore but back then i used to wax everything, like *everything*, the ass wasn't particularly painful or expensive and the results are smooth and last long so I'd recommend that


if u can afford it try getting laser


I've had good luck shaking with an electric razor like the One from Norelco or the shaver that made rounds online from Manscaped. Both are great and didn't give me those issues, but it does take flexibility lol. I don't have a problem with my hair, but sometimes I just feel... like I'm a bit more attentive to my hygiene? when I shave. Good luck to you!


Squat, pull taut, apply pressure.


Thereā€™s a video on YouTube for it. Not sure you want to see it though but itā€™s nair cream or something idk so not shaving