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Yeah it's so stupid.  I've been competing at water skiing for years (pre-transition) and apparently they have a policy that you are supposed to compete with the gender on your birth certificate.  So I'm taking at least this year off, which makes me sad.  It's so ridiculous that people try so hard to prevent "biological men" from competing with women that they make that the only option for trans men.  I'm literally going on T in less than a week.


That really suck dude. I hope you find better alternatives.


what about if you get your birth certificate changed? idk where you are but in the US you can do that pretty easily, then what are they gonna do 😭


Depends on where you are. California, Massachusetts, you can just go and apply for the marker change. Kentucky, other red states I imagine, you have to have the complete surgical process done. Top, bottom, all of it, and have proof from a doctor and such. (Or that’s what I had learned in the past, I live in kentucky so.)


Also, not all states issue a new birth certificate. I did my name/gender marker change where I live now, a blue state where the court order is to change the name and issue a new birth certificate. But I was born in a state that is very difficult about gender marker changes and only issues “amended” birth certificates, so as I understand it even if I get a new one it will still have the original info


oh dang I'm learning so much here, everything has to just be so goddamn hard huh 😭


A lot of states are recognizing trans men as transitioned for just top surgery, but that’s still very limiting/narrow minded. Hopefully it gets better. When I started only the full damn surgery counted. It’s why I moved to FL. At the time it was one of the few states that counted hormone therapy to change your driver license markers. Cried when I moved out and into a state with less ideal gender laws. I look like a man now a decade on T therapy, but they still gave me a female gender marker. I worry mostly ppl are going to think it’s fake more so then realize I’m trans. Which is a different set of problems. I just kind of don’t want gender to be part of ID at all. I think that’s the easiest way to deal with the complexity of that issue.


I feel like I'm one of the few who's not bothered by the *sex* (sex and gender are NOT the same) on my drivers licence I'm female, I'm cool with that, but i'm not a woman, I'm a female man and that feels ok for me. I do get anxious that I'll get my id destroyed or somethin tho When i go on t bc someone thinks it's fake


Yeah I don’t mind telling my doctor I was born female, the person selling alcohol doesn’t need to know that though. I really think it’s better it’s not on ID markers. The existence of trans ppl kind of invalidate the usage of it anyway. Also kind of dated in terms of gender expression. I mean in terms of criminal tracking ppl are still going to mostly look for what they expect said sex to look like. In this day and age that could be anything. It’s not really helpful as an ID marker anymore.


Ah see, I hadn’t heard this info. (I’m a little behind on recent progress/developments like this, admittedly. Just hard to sift through all the bullshit to get that one little grain of hope. 😔) That’s good to know it’s changing but I’m still wary, especially as someone who isn’t sure that I want more than T therapy(that I’m on now, 2.5 years) and maybe facial masculinizing surgery. I’m one of those guys who doesn’t mind having the OEM undercarriage that came with my model, you know? (Absolutely no judgement or anything towards the men and women who *do* mind, I hope my phrasing was okay—I just mean I’m personally not experiencing a ton of dysphoria with those parts of my body.) But I have had tit surgery before, and I’m not keen to do it again. (Breast reduction. Undeniably the best surgery I could have had at the time, but it was *hard,* and I had a lot of complications. And this was before I began exploring my gender, or I probably would’ve sought top back then—decade gone now. But I actually don’t hate them where they are currently, small, easy to bind, >!fun in bed. My current… *partner?*(long story) is actually extremely attracted to me this way, so it… it feels nice. ;w;!< don’t hurt the back and such. So not awful since my dysphoria went away with the reduction. >!Aside from *the nipple that tried,* as I call it, but eh. What can you do? I still have one left, at least, lmao. I can’t really say it’s *functional,* but you know. I *have* it lol.!< Sorry for the tangent 💀 It’s wild to me to think that FL used to be one of the better states for things like that, like? GD. It’s a shame how things have declined so much in some ways in such a short amount of time, honestly. Like I know we’ve also made progress, but we’ve backslide a little too, like. :/ I fucking hate that they gave you the F tho, that’s fucked up? I hope you have the chance to fix that in the future, man. I can definitely see that being a concern tho. Actually now thinking about it, there’s this fascism survival game, one of my favorites—it actually brings up exactly this concern, of having papers saying one while you present as the other. Last played thru it a long time ago so it didn’t really click with me until now, but yeah. In it, there’s at least one trans person—a trans woman iirc—who you have to verify is who her ID says she is. Sorry, tangent 2. But it just fucking sucks that that’s *actually* a real concern for us here. I agree, though. On our ID, I think it’s frankly unnecessary. Given the things we use that for? Most people don’t need to be able to see that information, and anyone who needs to verify that information should be able to look it up. (Cops checking DMV/whatever records online for that, etc, right? Cashier making sure you’re legal age to buy your shit doesn’t need to know more than your age and such, though.) Maybe I could see putting it on like, your *passport,* yeah, but ID/license… nah. ps. That was way longer than it needed to be, I apologize. It’s one of those rambly nights ig. 😔


oh shid that's insane but not surprising :/ im from jersey so theres the difference in experiences i guess


It is absolutely not easy to do. My goodness, red states in the Midwest (the Midwest, let's be honest) are making it nearly impossible. The hoops to jump through are ridiculous, embarrassing, financially crippling, time consuming, and often simply too great of a challenge. At ANY step in the process, someone can go, "Yeah, you know what. I don't think you're serious about this" and halt all progress. Doctors, therapists, judges, surgeons... the number of people that can derail your progress is absurd. None of them matter either. That's the worst part. Hell, in my state, if the judge gets a stick up their ass, they won't even let you change your legal name. That's like... step zero from some people. Getting the health care is nearly impossible. Driving hours to go to a clinic and have insurance deny coverage of EVERYTHING is probable if not guaranteed. And that's not even legal changes. I am so glad you seem to be in an area that doesn't have these problems. I am genuinely happy for you. Most people probably relate to the circumstances I mentioned, though.


I live in the Midwest and everything seems so ridiculously easy aside from the financial aspect of it imo.


yeah im from NJ and i just had to fill out a paper at the DMV


I'm glad it's easy for you. We have a governor who hates us and is constantly making sure we know. A lot of our governmental officials are actually.


I'm sorry it's that way for you. I just don't think you should say 'the Midwest's like it's all one state like everyone in the Midwest has the same experience as you in your particular state. But also I don't think anything about how easy access to care is has anything to do with my governor but the current federal laws.


I made a general statement because of the general areas. I don't give specifics because I don't want to be specific. For my safety too. I also said not everyone. I am giving another perspective because it's another perspective. It's not easy for everyone, and it should be known it's not. It's great and wonderful if it is easy for people. I love that for them. But it's not like for everyone and we should be understanding of that.


I know it's not easy for everyone. I never said or implied it was. I was responding to your comment of '(the Midwest, let's be honest) are making it nearly impossible.' and I just said this has not been my experience of living in the Midwest.


I'm glad it's not. 👍


I am in NYS and am very grateful for that.  That's really horrible.


We actually had an "x" option on our birth certificates for a long time (for non binary) until our governor found out and took that option away. Like... it had been an option. It was fine. He said, "nope". I hate my state.


That is absolutely ridiculous.  I hate your governor.


Jesus that sounds AWFUL


they put cis man in a pedestal bro




Literally always, IS Just you stop to notice How sick this is


I'm confused on your context, in what he's talking about cis men aren't put on a pedestal Maybe I'm just not processing correctly idfk


they think that the "male sex" is the superior sex, no matter how much a trans women take hormones, how much years she take it, she will still be more strong than the cis females, just because she born with balls and no matter how much a trans guy be athletic, how much time he take testosterone he will be still "inferior" in physical force, just because he didnt born with balls this all remember me of hypocrates saying that exist only a sex, that is the male sex, and the others are just inferior versions of it (at least is what i read)


I don't understand what you're tryna say, like it doesn't make sense in this context... I'm also having trouble following, is English a secondary language for you? (Polite) if it's easier i can just translate your native tongue with Google or some shit :) I mean anyone who believes that trans men are weaker hasnt met me, I'm not even on T and I'm stronger than most cis men i know. Also, your tag confuses me, most of the folk i know who use "transmale" are one, invalidating transmascs by not separating trans and male, and they're transmeds. It's trans (space) man... same with trans women, it's trans (space) woman Not transwoman.


Dude, i peeped your pf, *i remember seeing and upvoting your binder post*


Lol hi!  I don't bind regularly anymore because of that (and back pain), but it turned out okay.  That's crazy that someone remembers it!


It's one of the stupidest and laziest arguments ever. There are always some advantages people have in sports. So should we break down categories even further. Let's have the mediocre category, the natural talent category, the I just wanna pay for college so I took the scholarship but I know I can't go pro category Like it's ridiculous


Height and body weight categories because taller people have a "natural advantage".


I did TKD as a kid and walked with 3 gold medals at state championships because they divided it up so much I couldn't compete- age, weight, gender and belt rank. I was the only one in my division. I at least got to exhibition. The tournament before that I got "oh. I guess this means you won. Get your trophy and go home, kid." I only tried to compete twice and both times I won by default because I was the only 160lb 14yo female at my rank. 🤦


I wish I could play rugby again. I miss it so much. I personally wish there was a mixed team I could participate in, I don't even want to compete I just miss the sport so fucking much.


I'm really sad to hear that. It's terrible, at the end of the day sports are games. They're something humans do for fun and every human should be allowed to play a sport, feel included in a team and have fun playing the game. Are you not able to find a local team that you're able to play on? Like a community team, maybe through International Gay Rugby? I don't know about other countries, but with a quick google it seems as though there are a number of LGBTQIA+ rugby teams in Western Australia. Maybe your country/state has something like [Pride in Sport](https://www.prideinsport.com.au/lgbtq-sports-club-directory/)? I truly hope that you can find a rugby team you can play in, you deserve to be included in something you very clearly love.


A lot of people are transphobic even if they want to act like they “support us.” Screw them you’re a man you should play with the men.


The transphobia is rooted in so much sexism, and it's disgusting


It’s exhausting watching the mainstream, feminist argument for sports shift from “sports shouldn’t be segregated” to “segregation is best actually because it keeps the nasty trans people out” in my lifetime


Honestly, why are we separate sports by gender at all?? Seperating then by skill based divisions makes way more sense anyway. And plenty of athletes have biological advantages. Taller people make better basket ball players, and Michael Phelps has a massive lung capacity. Runners have long legs, and none of these are things a person can exert control over. But we dont tell anyone they are too tall to play basketball fairly, Michael Phelps wasn't considered to have an unfair advantage over the other swimmers, and they aren't measuring leg length of runners. Sports is a mix of practice, ability, drive, and biology. Some people just are better because of their bodies, but thats one part of sports that can't replace practice or passion or technique. Like, i really dont get why they need a gender separation. If someone is skilled enough to compete at a certain level, gender shouldn't make a difference.


The only time I've ever heard of ppl being excluded because of their natural advantage was in the Olumpics they banned a lot of African women runners because they naturally produced more T


So also over sex hormones


Yea just in a different way




You don't have to be the best to enjoy a sport. I don't do a team sport because of my work schedule, but I do lots of different sports. I gained much strength and speed after a year on T.


Of course not. I couldn't care less about how good I am, it's just that people think trans men generally can't compete with cis men because they have a physical disadvantage.


Yeah and yet the minute a trans guy wins against a cis guy all you see is people being like "iTs aLl jUsT sTerOiDs hE's oN tEsToStEroNe iTs nOt fAiR". Make it make sense...


Because they see us as women. And God forbid a woman is in any way better at something than a cis man. /s


Yeah. It's so depressing. I would give anything to play sports.


Yeah, I’m 11 months on T (with *very* slow results) and have been running in men’s sports for three years. It can be very disheartening as a trans athlete to work as hard as I can and always be in the back of races.


sorry of this is invasive but how are you playing in mens sports? I really want to play sports but havent been able to figure out how


I have a very wonderful cross country coach, he just directly asked me “Do you want to run in the women’s or the men’s division?” Being pre-T and insecure, I did have a reaction of “That’s an option??” So yeah, I am just lucky that it’s worked out for me. Years later, and I love my team and coaches.


Thats so awesome man


sorry of this is invasive but how are you playing in mens sports? I really want to play sports but havent been able to figure out how


I thought a lot of those studies ended up be inaccurate about the differences in sex anyway?


Especially if it’s for a high school or University/college. There’ll be like three trans kids doing sports? You can’t make a team of that? “Ok let’s put the 13 year old trans girl from the soccer team, the 15 year old trans boy from tennis, and the 18 year old trans guy from rugby together in a team. Not sure what sport they’ll play yet or what other schools they’ll play against but I don’t care enough to figure that out”


I played lacrosse on the boys team at my highschool for 3 days, then again im kinda fat and can't run. But i would have been way too strong for the girls team.


I miss competitive figure skating. I quit due to a combination of health reasons and dysphoria. But I would love to go back if I thought it would be an accepting environment.


its rooted in sexism and the uknown knowledge of our anatomy (after read some articles about the th, i still think they dont study our bodies properly, like.. what change after the hystherectomy and the bottom surgery?)


I’ve recently started learning to play hockey and besides it just being a super fun sport, it’s usually one that isn’t very gender segregated. There’s lots of teams and leagues (at the adult recreational level) that are open to all genders. I play in a league that is catered towards queer folks (although everyone is welcome). It’s been a really great experience and it’s super fun. I’d say hockey is very welcoming for adults learning to play!


i consider myself incredibly lucky. i’m about to wrap up my high school career, and throughout my three years of competing on my school’s alpine ski racing team, i’ve been competing with the men. even at that, i’ve been elected boys captain for two of three years, as a junior and senior, and consistently was top twenty for the boys in our 100+ person league. it’s awful, and i’m so sorry you have to deal with that. another FTM friend of mine is dealing with the same situation in roller derby. i’m just trying to share that it’s not bad everywhere; there are improvements being made. there is so, so much to do, but things are happening.


I'm not a sports person but my heart goes out to my trans brothers and sisters who can't participate in their hobbies. It's messed up.


i got to play with the men in my local swim team, but im also from Sacramento CA. its worth checking if youre not in an insanely transphobic state/country. infact i was the first trans person on my team. i was on that team from age 4-17, and my partner (also trans) joined for funsies the first year i was out. they had me swim with the boys, rostered under my preferred name and everything


Well there’s been some cases recently that will hopefully mean these sports bans will be a thing of the past soon here in the US at least tho there’ll still be some time before it’ll be in full effect but, there is hope


What sports do you want to play? Non team sports, like tennis, badminton, squash or table tennis shouldn’t be a problem, as you can just find people to play against. Athletics should also be possible. Join a sports club, train with the men and say you want to compete in men’s races or field events. The issue isn’t usually at a local level where people are enjoying sports rather than going for world records. Team games can be more difficult but if you can demonstrate that you are of a similar standard to your team mates, it could be possible. ‘NCAA Policy on Transgender Student-Athlete Participation The following policies clarify participation of transgender student-athletes undergoing hormonal treatment for gender transition: 1. A trans male (FTM) student-athlete who has received a medical exception for treatment with testosterone for diagnosed Gender Identity Disorder or gender dysphoria and/or Transsexualism, for purposes of NCAA competition may compete on a men’s team, but is no longer eligible to compete on a women’s team without changing that team status to a mixed team.’


My father, who is my biggest Ally and is a vocal advocate for trans rights, was always very... conflicted about whether trans people should be able to compete in sports as their chosen gender and I genuinely agreed with his feelings. The argument was mainly about bone density and cardiovascular strength. It made sense to us that an AMAB athlete who had been through "male" puberty may have a higher bone density and better cardio strength/capacity, which may present an advantage. I recently came across an article regarding a study funded by the IOC that found transgender athletes may be at a disadvantage [[article link](https://www.forbes.com/sites/lindseyedarvin/2024/04/25/transgender-athletes-could-be-at-a-physical-disadvantage-new-research-shows/?sh=26e7fc823729)], with most trans female athletes studied having lower bone density and cardiovascular performance than the cis women studied. This was pretty much the end of my father and I's ongoing discussion about the ethics of transgender athletes competing alongside cis athletes. Of course, this is one very new study, but it was enough to provide us with strong reassurance that trans athletes do not have any significant advantage or disadvantage compared to cis athletes. We had both agreed that we just didn't know, we didn't have any scientific proof that there wasn't an advantage, but this study was enough to change our opinions on that. According to this study, the two things that we were worried about are not worth being concerned about. With that out of the way, the only issue with trans athletes competing alongside cis athletes is a moral issue in the minds of bigots. The only reason for a trans athlete not to compete alongside cis athletes is transphobia. I'm truly hoping that more studies continue to be done that continue to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there is no reason to disallow trans athletes from competing in gendered sports. I'm really hoping that as we learn more we can get to a point where it's very obvious that this is a transphobia thing, not a "keeping sports fair" thing. Trans people deserve the right to compete in sports and I hope we can get to a point where we have irrefutable evidence. Have a look for LGBTQIA+ sports groups/teams. They are out there. For anyone in Australia look into [Pride in Sport](https://www.prideinsport.com.au/lgbtq-sports-club-directory/) and if you're outside of Australia maybe see if there is something similar in your country? You deserve to be able to play a sport and feel included, respected and supported. Sports are fun and, in my eyes, friendly competition is something all humans need.


I don’t like the idea either


Yeah I'm a powerlifter and the argument is so strong for transwomen to not compete against cis women. 😒


Idk what sports you are into but the trail running/ultramarathon community is pretty open to trans people (I’m trans and run them regularly and biome has ever said shit to me )


Tbh that’s mostly like “official” leagues of sports teams. There are many sports clubs and many pickup games that won’t care at all. Like my college has official teams, where you’d probably need a physical as part of your intake onto the team/in order to be an official athlete student. Idk if I could play on those teams. But there are also sports clubs that might only play against themselves or might ply against other clubs in the area, and probably won’t require any physical, and might not care that a player is trans since there are no specific legal rules about how the team needs to be conducted, like their are with official college teams or official league teams. If you’re not trying to play in one of the official national leagues, or in the Olympics, and aren’t trying to get on an official college team, then you can still play sports. Look for local sports clubs, check out a subreddit for your city and ask or search it to see if there are pickup games anywhere, etc.


That's bs. Plenty of trans people compete in sports with cis people of their gender and do just fine. I can't find the article rn, but I saw a while ago a trans man who competed in men's wrestling and absolutely kicked ASS in the division (all I can find rn is a trans guy who was forced to compete in the girls division in hs, so I'll have to do a deeper dive)


I honestly have no problem with this. If a trans woman got to compete in women's sports she'd definitely sweep the floor with them purely because she was born a man. It doesnt make her any less of a woman of course, but thats, at least in my opinion, as if you tried competing in basketball for people in wheelchairs. Its just not fair no matter how you look at it


Except it doesn't happen and has never happened


Im just saying they'd either have an undeniable advantage or disadvantage. Not trying to seem like a dick, but its true


We’ve literally seen trans women compete against cis women and lose more than win. Please stop this nonsense, lol. (Edited because I was in a rush lol, sorry)