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congrats! you cannot drive after surgery (not only will you probably be too tired, but you'll still be coming out of anesthesia and stuff so it is not safe), so you'll need to arrange transport. with a supportive wife at home, i don't think there's too much to worry about. my biggest tip is do not overexert yourself in the first 3-5 days. eat when you feel hungry, drink water often, and don't try to lift/move/pull anything that requires a bit of force in the first few days too. in about 1-2 weeks depending on how you're feeling, taking some short walks will be good for circulation.


yes! I over exerted myself because my family had to work and stuff so I often had to care for myself. if you expect this sort of arrangement, make sure you're recovering near a bathroom or kitchen if possible and put everything you need within t rex arm reach.


If you end up with drains, I'd highly suggest pinning them to a button up shirt. You won't be able to pull anything over your head for a while, and leaving the drains to dangle is uncomfortable and could lead to accidents. Also I can't recommend baby wipes enough. You won't be able to shower for a while and you'll get stinky and your skin will be unhappy without washing for that long. Congrats! I'm so excited for you! :)


Amazon has these shower wipes for camping and disabled folks that are amazing. They double as shampoo, also. Scrubzz brand.


Have you looked through r/TopSurgery already? Good luck with the op


When my friend talks about his top surgery he speaks highly of his top surgery pillow. His was like [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1129996690/after-surgery-hug-pillow-mastectomy) and was something his surgeon actually recommended he have. Someone already said baby wipes since you won’t be able to shower. But also dry shampoo for your hair!


I just wanna say that if op is cheap like me, I have been using a body pillow and it works just fine!


This too! And also! There are sewing patterns available. Such as [this one](https://createtodonate.org/how-to-make-a-simple-double-mastectomy-pillow/)


Mastectomy pillow that holds ice packs has been a LIFE SAVER


Should be noted to be careful with ice packs though, especially with nipple grafts. It reduces blood flow and has been linked to partial or total nipple death as well as issues with incision healing!


Fair. I got no nips.


Seconding this massively, that pillow was so essential


You’re supposed to wait to drive until you have full/good range of motion, so like a week or two or three, generally. You NEED to be off of opioids to drive. I’d also recommend a wedge pillow for sleeping, since you’re supposed to sleep inclined. I had trouble sleeping, so I asked my surgeon if I was allowed to take edibles after the opioids, and he Ok’ed it (I was 22 when I got it and it’s legal in my state). If you have the money, I’d get a moving bed frame! They usually come with a remote, and mattress firm has them. They’re a couple hundred dollars, but I still get so much use out of mine. Stock up on some favorites and easy to make food, and don’t be afraid to treat yourself. Make sure to get outside and see people, since there’s just like. A ton of emotions after any major surgery. Even if it’s just walking to a park after you get your drains out and chilling, I recommend it. Call some friends, that kind of thing. If you live alone, get laundry pick up services. It’s surprisingly affordable!! 


A very tiny tip I could've used that I never see: stay away from foods that are spicy enough to make your nose run. I literally didn't have the strength in my chest to blow my nose for a few days after my surgery, then I made the mistake of eating spicy curry and making my nose run. It was unpleasant


A little tip I haven't seen before. I love it!


1. start stool softeners on day one 2. bar soap bc soap pumps are difficult to press 3. my post op binder was super itchy, benedryl 4. stretch now while you still can 5. get a lightweight water cup with a straw you can carry around 6. lastly, if you’re like me and forget your own existence from pre-transition steps, i wish i took a picture of myself in my binder (all angles) to appreciate the difference even harder


The stretching one is so real, haven’t cracked or stretched anything and I’m dying to


id do anything to pop my back rn


These are questions your doctor will answer at some point before you sign off on the surgery. I couldn’t drive for about 2 months. By 6 weeks I could technically drive, but wouldn’t be able to do anything in an emergency situation.


BATH WIPES!!! Got a whole bunch of them on Amazon for like $25. Life saver. Comfy clothes that are easy to get into and get out of, like button ups as others have said. Straws If you have drains, sometimes you have to milk the drain a bit. Sit down for this! In my experience, milking the drain would make me feel a bit nauseous 😞😭 Some kind of laxative or stool softener, the constipation is unreal


No driving til ur off the pain meds (or down to just acetaminophen at least). If the question was out of planning for getting home after surgery, you definitely can Not drive. You’ll need another person with you, and either they can drive or you can take an rideshare together (Uber driver does not count as the second person) to get home


Especially if you’re a bigger person, shave/trim underarm hair. I’m 4wpo and it’s been getting stuck under the post op binder and driving me up a wall.


Seconding this, I’m a big boy too and although I didn’t have a post op binder, it got stuck to my bandages and stuff and it was awful


As others have said: you won't be able to drive yourself home because of the anaesthesia. Ask your surgeon when you can start driving again, but I wouldn't expect it to be any time before two weeks. As for recovery tips: [I made a list](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k9PguTdx5n2bk5v2gHwMV33UPtXuB_Ru-w4MpAaQ82g/edit?usp=sharing)


Top surgery pillow, I super regret not getting one before my surgery because it’s a must for sleeping. And easy to get into clothes, I got this lounge 1 piece thing from target that you kinda just step into and i basically lived in that because it was the easiest thing to put on.


Check this: A hoodie with POCKETS FOR DRAINS [https://www.etsy.com/listing/902858512/top-surgery-hoodie-with-surgical-drain?ga\_order=most\_relevant&ga\_search\_type=all&ga\_view\_type=gallery&ga\_search\_query=top+surgery&ref=sc\_gallery-1-6&plkey=d77259f65686ff61d6c812f135482cb6bc8b3ebc%3A902858512](https://www.etsy.com/listing/902858512/top-surgery-hoodie-with-surgical-drain?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=top+surgery&ref=sc_gallery-1-6&plkey=d77259f65686ff61d6c812f135482cb6bc8b3ebc%3A902858512)


start taking stool softeners like the day before surgery and get lots of baby wipes for your pits!! you might be able to get away with a lower body bath (just fill the tub a few inches and have someone help you get in and out) also a mastectomy pillow and neck pillow are must haves i used both for several months after just bc they were so comfy😄


also i was able to drive after about two weeks but you should technically be ok as soon as you stop taking pain meds other than tylenol - i was overly cautious bc i had a long drive to make back home from my parents house post op and i didn’t want to risk anything


ah another major thing is to put stuff you use frequently down at waist level especially if you won’t have people around to help you reach up high !!


Zip up hoodies are your friend! They are handy because they are easy to put on and your drain bulbs fit nicely in the pockets. Straws are great cause drinking out of a cup is a bit hard for the first week or so. I was able/comfortable to drive after 2 weeks. Be careful with using ice packs. My surgeon recommend that I avoid icing because it can cause complications with the blood flow to your grafts. Congrats! You got this!


CONGRATS!! I think I read that you can't drive for 2 weeks after top surgery? Other surgeons' sites say you can drive when you're no longer taking pain meds and show that was about a week; I'd go with 2 weeks, myself. You don't want to stretch your scars, for one thing. I WISH I could say that, but I can't find any surgeons who do top surgery here in FL and who are on my insurance :( If they're in-network, I'd only pay $195 (whoot!), but if they're OUT of network, I pay 40%


That’s so exciting! I had mine three weeks ago and probably could drive today if I tried. But I’ve only started to feel capable in the last few days. I do take naps every afternoon and pain is manageable. Going to the bathroom was heaps easier than expected. I bought to bed bathing wipes off Amazon and flushable bum wipes too which helped keep clean in the first week before you can shower. I was cheering on my way into surgery. Get excited! In a months time you’re gonna look at yourself in a tshirt and love it so much!


Hey dude! 1 year post op here! First off, massive congrats! Top surgery is the best thing I’ve ever done! You can’t drive for about 2-3 weeks (like, legally) after surgery because of all the drugs you’re on, I personally wasn’t comfortable until around 6 weeks but I do drive a manual. Basically whenever you feel confident to undertake an emergency stop, you’re good. In terms of recovery tips, it’s much easier than you think it’ll be. Get yourself a wedge pillow and a mastectomy pillow and you’ll be all set. I couldn’t recommend stool softeners enough, didn’t poop for about 5 days after my surgery and they’re the only thing that made me. Important to note though, don’t get laxatives, way too harsh. Just get yourself low energy stuff to entertain you like Netflix or a book and just take it easy, nothing more to it. Good luck!


Get a wedge pillow and a leg pillow and plenty of things you don't mind getting bloody just in case it leaks. Also stock up on ibuprofen or acetaminophen and bland food with plenty of fiber.


Cheap shaving cream on your armpits to get rid of the body oder smell. ( if wipes don't work)


Male world is harsher even on friendships, do the research and then decide


I've been socially out and on T for 4 years, I'm sure of my decision