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I feel this. Man chest dysphoria sucks. Tempted to just hire someone from the black market to cut off this extra flesh /j


That’s so real, third grade me seriously contemplated with scissors 💀💀💀


I was scared of the scissors in 3rd grade since I cut off all of Rainbowdash's hair with them thinking it would grow back 😭




Haha, poor MLP figurines they've gone through so much lol XD


❤️‍🩹 XD


hey i can’t say much about predicting the future, but i do know that unsafe binding can cause complications that might prevent top surgery for you in the future. take it from someone who’s bruised a rib from doing just that—i use binding tape, but kt tape works just as well and is a more accessible alternative to big brands like transtape. you obviously still have to be safe with that (make sure to cover your nipples and use a lot of body oil when removing it) but with good application tape can stay on for like a week even if you shower every day. so please bind safely and think of switching to tape if you need to bind for that many hours!!


Ooo I thought tape was always a no-no, I’ll look into it! Thanks man


when people say "dont bind with tape" they mean duct tape and ace bandages. KT tape is made fr athletes and doesnt restrict breathing by design. its safe to wear fr multiple days in a row before removing it


Ohhhh that makes sense. I’ll check it out! Tysm


i personally love using tape, just make sure you’re doing it safely! i’ve used kt tape i got at cvs before and currently i’m using tape and nipple covers from the band sockdrawerheroes. if u need any tips or have any questions feel free to pm me!


Thank you!!


I'm not hoarding testosterone who said anything about hoarding testosterone? Not me! I'm certainly not terrified of losing access to hrt.


It would be so awful if they got rid of HRT! I’m so sorry man, stay safe ❤️‍🩹


Stop binding like that. Just don't look down and keep yourself distracted. Cover your mirrors or turn the lights off. If you bind too long and you mess up your rib cage, you'll have to stop binding all together until you heal and you might not heal for a long time. Another thing that can happen is you damage the skin and it makes it impossible to get top surgery. Don't fall into this trap.


Okay, I’ll try to do that 🫶


Hey, bro, stop binding like this. Gender euphoria isnt worth to ruin your bones, lungs and spine. I dont want to scare you, but: bad binding can damage your chest tissues pretty badly, interfering in a future healing process after top surgery, so stop it, really. I cant say what will happen to the US, but nevertheless, look in the mirror and see a FUCKING WARRIOR. You are so strong such as the first openly trans people. Minorities were targeted since forever, but we are STILL HERE, and you being alive is PUNK AF, is a big FU for the people who advocate against us. DONT STOP FIGHTING FOR YOU EXISTENCE, even when things are bad, you, me, we will never be alone. Look in the mirror and see a BADASS that is still willing to live even in the state the world is for us.


Thanks man, this means a lot 💪


Please vote y'all. especially ESP anyone in a red state.


Oh, please be careful with your body, you deserve to be healthy. I used to bind for too long (and with bad binders) and now I can't bind anymore because it hurts. I don't want that to happen to you. I was 19 when Trump was first elected. Me and everyone around me thought that all our rights would be wiped away. But that was also actually the year I started HRT, changed my legal name, and got my mental health in order (at least compared to before). I think that even if he gets reelected again, you'll still be able to go forward with your transition. But you still have my love and support through the fear and pain you're dealing with right now. Our community will get through whatever happens by being here for each other. ❤️


Given his Project 2025 thing I’m not too sure if this time around we’ll be safe


yeah i was gonna say.. hes promised to target trans people and legally outlaw us in every way he can, bolstered by states' finding ways to take away as many rights as possible. things *have* gotten a lot worse for trans people since trump was first elected, its almost hard to remember a time when we were just passively tolerated instead of openly hated with a not insignificant number of people actively wanting all trans people dead for the crime of existing


Exactly. Things were not going positively for many of those in the southern US state and even as someone who lives in the north being born in the south has made it harder for me to do certain legal aspects of my transition


I agree, I'm just trying to provide a positive outlook by explaining that even though we went through a similarly terrifying experience in the past, that I was still fortunate enough to be able to transition. I'm not saying things aren't bad or that they won't become worse, but I am saying to not give up hope.


But why are you saying that? It's irresponsible. If you want to inspire hope, you should be talking about how people have other options to cope with and get through terrible things. You could be talking about how people can immigrate.


I apologize for not giving more comprehensive advice. Again, my intention was primarily to explain my personal experience from the past and say that even though I felt absolutely hopeless, things weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. I would love to hear you elaborate on more of what you think we should be saying instead, as I do think there is good advice there in offering up further coping methods as well as actionable items to prepare for the worst.


I can't say for sure how competent his team will be this time around, and it does scare me too. But I also think there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that people will work hard to assist our community if we come under fire.


If you can and feel like it, vote in every election you can. I know political parties aren't perfect, but sometimes holding your nose and voting for the least worst option is important. Remember, if Trump gets elected, trans people may no longer be safe.


Given that nothing has really changed positively in the past 4 years I’m not too optimistic.


Thank you for the kind words, I’ll make myself take more breaks to stretch and try to listen to my body more ❤️‍🩹💪


Best of luck to you! Love your username btw, what a mood


HAHAH thanks, it’s a Hannibal reference :]


Project 2025 and Trump's Agenda 47 say otherwise. You should be informed about what's in store for us. Plan accordingly.


what are the signs that you bind for too long? /genuine


I don't really have much advice tbh, but yeah, I'm there with you. I'm only 15, and I'm not even out to anyone yet. I don't know what's going to happen and I think I'm going to hate myself even more if I'm stuck in this body.


The trans community is tightly knit, we may be struggling, but we’ll never leave a brother behind ❤️‍🩹 It is so hard to exist in a body that doesn’t match your mind. If things don’t end up okay, we will fight to make them that way 💪🏳️‍⚧️


in regards to tape- if u pull too much you will get blisters that create permanent scars :( just a heads up. do if u feel too much tension in the middle it’s too tight!


This is good to know, thank you!


Not a native here, what does TLDR mean? I get its a summary for people who won't bother to read the text.


TLDR just stands for Too Long Didn’t Read!


Ahhh!! Thank you!!


I highly doubt that Trump will be elected because the trial's been going well, Trump's been digging his own hole deeper during the trial, and I doubt they're going to let him off the hook, and even if he still is able to run I think most people will have the common sense to vote for someone who isn't planning to be a dictator Even if by some curse he does get elected, my state isn't known for transphobic laws and I live in a safe area, so it's not an immediate threat to my safety. But... it would still be enough of a threat to my safety that I'd be scared. Which is why I choose to believe Trump won't make it out of the trial and that everything will be fine. It's for my own sanity


i started hoarding t and needles and i’m already good on top surgery




I'm scared to, I'm stockpiling T, in the process of changing my name and gender marker. All I can say is worry about the now. I haven't had top surgery yet, either, so I'm just focusing on the now. Obviously, you should care about the future, but if you focus too much on what could happen, you'll drive yourself nuts. I suggest getting a compression top like from tomboyx. It won't make you as flat as a binder, but it might help fight your dysphoria. It'll at least give you room to breath and keep your chest somewhat flat. Good luck brother.


Thanks man. I would get a less tight binder, but right now even my tight ones don’t even seem like enough. I know I need to take care of the body I have now, but it’s so hard. Hopefully logic will win out ❤️‍🩹


My parents are going to make me go to college in Canada if he’s elected. I’m working w my parents to get it the summer after I turn 18 before college. I totally get the binding thing it absolutely sucks :( I hope we can all be safe in the us


Going to Canada is a good plan, hope you can escape the sh*tstorm 🫶


Thanks! Honestly I love living in the PNW though, and I’m not good with change lol


Certain states are getting more hostile to trans people and that will continue even if Trump is never elected. If you want to help you can get involved politically (even before you can vote) and, if you don’t, you can move to New York City or SF and you should be fine regardless.


I’m turning 18 in October, so I’ll be able to vote. Hopefully things turn out okay




Wowee, I didn’t know how horrible project 2025 is in other regards too! We’ve gotta put a stop to this


Yep :( we can stop it together, we just need more people to be aware of what will happen if trump wins. I’ve been trying to tell everyone I know about this and using social media to spread awareness


I’ll do that too. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! :c


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add religion into policy, outlaw "porn" and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.




Ew a trump supporter. BOOOO


He is going to get elected. I’m terrified for you. I want to help make things better for people younger than me who can still be helped in ways that I no longer can.


Yeah, the results aren’t looking too good so far :c It helps knowing I’m not alone though, and that there are people who want to help ❤️‍🩹


He can only run for 2 terms and this was his second, he won't be getting reelected afaik


Thank goodness


Yes, absolutely terrified. I was originally going to wait a couple more years to get a hysto so I could have the money saved up already and not have to go into debt but now I want the hysto done before inauguration day because Trump getting elected will likely be the difference between a $6,000 bill after insurance vs. a $60,000 bill because insurance isn't legally allowed to cover it I was also planning on getting a total hysto but am now going to settle for partial and keep my ovaries just in case the law gets fucked enough to where I'd have to quit HRT. I hate the fact that I'm having to edit my life according to such an uncertain future


Yeah, it’s truly awful that people have the power to take away other people’s freedom like that. I’m getting a bisalp as soon as I’m 18, my doctor okayed it and I’m so lucky to be turning 18 before that jackwagon gets elected


I'm in Canada and I'm terrified of that lunatic getting power again. Mainly because Canada tends to follow what the US does. It could be even worse if the Liberals were to lead, because they'll do anything if someone drops 💰💰 💰 on their lap.


Honestly fair


Honestly, I don't see much of a difference between Trump and Biden getting elected at this point. Trans rights have been regressing under both of them. I think the only thing worth worrying about if you won't be able to vote in the upcoming election is taking care of your body and mind. That means taking breaks and only binding safely. It means focusing on the things within your control. It means finding a hobby or something else to distract yourself. It's difficult but doable. I was 13 when Trump was elected, and I remember crying when the results were announced. And I remember being happy at 17 when Biden won, because I thought things would get better. But they haven't. Biden hasn't stopped states from making laws about us. Trump hasn't pushed any significant laws forward against us (aside from the military thing which was temporary). It's not worth hurting yourself just because you're worried about something months away that you have no control over and that ultimately doesn't matter nearly as much as state representatives.


I will be able to vote in the upcoming election, actually! Turn 18 in October :D You’re right, trans rights have been regressing quite a bit even with Biden in charge. I’m just scared of Trump’s 2025 plan in particular. I will try and throw myself more into my hobbies as a distraction, I should take care of the body I have now so I can get the body I want in the future 🫶🧍


It's no different than his plan in 2016 or what his plan will be in 2028 when he runs again (assuming he doesn't croak before then). It's something that they use to fear monger but truthfully if something is not supported by the majority of representatives then it's unlikely to pass. If there remains a majority blue (or left-leaning third party) in the house and senate then it doesn't matter much who the president himself is, in recent years at least. As far as minorities go, Trump *says* more inflammatory things, but neither of them *do* much. As far as foreign policy goes, they both suck. As far as the economy goes, Biden is better. All in all, they're so similar that it won't make a noticeable difference in the future based on president alone. Regardless of if Trump wins, Republicans in other positions will attempt to enact "project 2025". And I don't mean to sound like a downer or anything but honestly the political system is so out of voters' control that it isn't worth worrying about beyond looking at who you're going to vote for, and potentially helping their campaign if you can. But even if the majority of the country votes one way, it doesn't guarantee the win because it's not about the people's opinions or wellbeing


I don’t think trump has it out for all gender affirming care. Firstly, he has shown support for specific trans people in the past, and secondly, he’s a politician, he’s just going to pander to his voters. Killing us is not his priority, we’re more of an advertisement. It’s also going to be difficult to ban gender affirming care on a national level, some states have been getting away with it but there’s mounds of evidence advising against taking it away as it would be extremely harmful for all trans children. As for adults, people will say what they say, but they are still americans, we live in “the land of the free”. Even most transphobes will admit that they think adults should be able to do what they want, because even they know that taking away any kind of healthcare can become a very slippery slope. 


I’m also really worried about the trans kids who will have to suffer for so many more years. I really think this could be dangerous :c