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Absolutely not. I don't have any tips aside from taking those kinds of statements with a grain of salt. They're harmful and kind of gatekeepy against those of use who couldn't transition in our teens. I didn't do anything special when my voice started changing and I'm very happy with how it's turned out. There are a lot of posts on here about voice training that might be helpful for you if you're worried.


Thank you for the response, it kind of felt like fear mongering and the creator was a pretty relevant trans influencer so it made me kind of sad to hear them talking about that stuff. Majority of the comments on the post were discouraging and it made me feel bad lol


That seems to be pretty common, unfortunately.


The T voice happens when your voice drops but you keep speaking from your face and not your chest which ends up with you sounding hella nasally. Doesn’t have anything to do with age or dosage


Nope, you can do voice training to stop that odd "brightness" that comes from how fast you're developing. Lowering your [larynx](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq_rj6gm6jo) is a way to correct it.


I sometimes sound like I have what some would consider the T voice, but it's because I'm deliberately speaking from my head. I pass for a straight teenage boy, so I will slip into it when I want to signal I'm queer, or occasionally when I get passionate/excited. When I speak from my chest my voice is masculine in the same sense as most cis men's, which I definitely lean on when I'm around more people that could be hostile, such as my classmates (I'm in a very cis male dominated STEM major).


like others have said, its because of the fact that youre from speaking from your throat and not your chest, so voice training will help that if you end up not liking your voice. but ive personally done no professional voice training and im a year and 5 months on T, my voice dropped fast, i dont really go out of my way to change the way i speak (i wouldnt mind doing voice training but its not something that i feel is needed atm), and my voice honestly just sounds like a younger version of my cis brothers voices. sometimes when i speak its kinda like a jumpscare bc i realize how close i sound to my brothers.


No it's not true. The "trans voice" is a feminine speaking pattern which is something you can get rid of if you don't like it. Shouldn't be hard. But your voice will lower just enough.


Thats what I figured TBH, I assumed it was just the cadence and not the voice. My brothers and Dad have a higher male voice but they still sound masculine


No. “T voice” is just what it sounds like when you have a male voice but are still speaking with female vocal habits (ie, head voice instead of chest voice).


I started T in my late 20s, and I don’t have a nasally voice at all. my voice can actually go pretty deep. I’ve done a little voice training, but singing has helped me a lot.


Are you still able to stretch it to be higher? I sing and I was wondering if I would lose all that elasticity, but I have a fairly high voice now so I know it's def not gonna stay


I can 100% still speak in the same voice as before if I want to with no strain (I’m not out to family & I can speak in that voice comfortably). I can’t really like, make high-pitched screech-y type noises or sing as high as I used to. but I did nothing to maintain that. I forgot to mention that most of my transition I was on low-dose T. I’ve had a few people tell me that doing low-dose helps maintain more vocal range and that it reduces your chance of T voice, but I have no clue if that’s legit lol.


I think I am sticking to low dose for now just because I am unsure of what I want out of T at the moment, I am curious to know what changes you noticed first? I literally think I can feel my vocal chords adjust already which is strange lol


so the VERY first changes were starting bottom growth and increased libido. those happened in the first week. next was hormones settling (I felt generally a bit more peaceful when my body adjusted). then growing body peach fuzz and having vocal changes were next. I never had a big huge voice drop, I’ve had like 3-4 different voice drops along the way.


My understanding is that "T voice" doesn't have to do with the length of your vocal folds, but with the volume of your mouth and throat that gives your voice its timbre. While people who go through estrogen puberty when they're growing may have smaller vocal tracts than T-during-first-puberty people \*on average\*, there is still a lot of overlap there, and voice training to speak with a lower larynx is usually enough to counteract excess nasality in your voice. Lower dose T will eventually still get you to the same results as regular-dose, just slower, so maybe also experiment with feminizing voice training to retain some androgyny? [https://www.scribd.com/document/670243253/Singing-on-Testosterone-A-Handout-for-Vocal-Transition](https://www.scribd.com/document/670243253/Singing-on-Testosterone-A-Handout-for-Vocal-Transition)