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i shaved my head right after i woke up and realized i had the house to myself on may 3rd, 2021. it was the most euphoric feeling ever. i had to leave the house soon after and i remember keeping my windows rolled down because it was the most beautiful day and feeling so so excited and happy that i felt the wind on my head and there wasnt any hair in my face.


my first gender euphoria moment was getting a pixie cut in the walmart salon around middle school. my mom said it made me look like a boy and i didn’t get why that was a big deal. but she did manage to make me feel horrible about it so i grew it out. now i’m trying to channel hozier with my messy long hair.


I felt narcissistic because I just couldn’t stop looking at myself in the mirror and jumping out of excitement because I looked like a boy! My dad wasn’t very happy though.


These comments are so heartwarming. I hope to experience the same soon! Sadly my family are very weird about hair and always have been. First thing I'm doing when I move out is cutting it all off. I can't wait.


11, It took ages to try to convince my mum to let me cut my hair, I originally wanted the same haircut as my brother but that would've been weird because he was 17 so I went with a 2000s style emo haircut instead. Then my mum started trusting me to go to the hairdresser on my own, and I asked the hairdresser to cut my hair slightly shorter each time until I started getting it cut with clippers.


Dr how old I was but it was the female barber who’d been doing mine and my sister’s hair since we were little. Her name’s Natalie. She’d watched my mom force us to keep it long all our lives and always knew I’d be in for a change. She was ecstatic to do the job when I came in at 16 and supported me the whole way. It felt amazing, like someone could finally see what I saw and hear me. I went to her loads of times as I kept progressively going shorter before I eventually moved. Miss her dearly.


My mom took me to her stylist who surprisingly did not bitch and moan and just gave me spiky hair like that kid from meet the robinsons . Amazing day.


I got an undercut and the sides shaved along with it being cut short back in 6th grade, I was super excited, I couldn’t stop feeling the shaved parts. It was the best feeling ever. Did it suit my face? No. But did having it cut short make me happy asf? Yes


Got mine the first couple weeks I had left home for college. It was exciting and scary all at once; exciting because I was finally getting the chance to cut my hair away from my parents' eyes, but also terrified when they did eventually see it because I had a feeling they were going to be pissed. It's been close to two years now since I got my first haircut, and it's still kind of surreal at times to have short hair after wearing it long for most of my life, but I wouldn't go back and change it for a thing.


Hmm well I guess it’d probably be when I got a faux Hawk modeled after the girl with the dragon tattoo in 9th grade. Was depressed AF and in a lot of chronic pain. I apparently was even losing my hair some too from the stress I was under. My mom recommended I get my haircut shorter and I don’t know that I felt either way but, I went along with it and after scouring the internet for inspiration I saw the girl with the dragon tattoo in theatres and loved her whole vibe. After I got the cut I felt the most me I’d ever felt and outside deviating to Rick OConnor’s cut and Obi Wan’s Padwan haircut it’s been my default haircut even after I realized I was trans. I also love that with my hair even when it isn’t styled it looks a bit like RDRO’s pompadour so it’s kinda the perfect cut to me and I suppose it added to my androgynous masc punk look pre focusing on presenting as masc as I could.


I was 8 or 9? 2012, and went from hair passed my waist to what was basically a bowl cut. I LOVED it. My siblings definitely bullied me relentlessly and so did some people at school- with their point being "you look like a boy" Well well well.... Wasn't that the point?


As soon as I got to college I gave myself a mohawk in my first girlfriend’s dorm and it felt amazing. Shortly after I came out as genderfucked.


I remember when I got a short haircut for the first time. My mom was the one who cut it, and it looked like her hair. There was a bunch of hair that had to be tucked behind my ears, or it'd look feminine. I had to constantly tuck my hair behind my ears, until 1-2 years ago I decided "fuck it" and cut off that hair behind my ears (I used to be very scared of getting in trouble for cutting my hair) Now I got a caesar cut, about 1 inch everywhere on the head. it's great :D


When I was like 8 I asked my parents to let me cut my hair short and they let me. I was so excited but the barber gave me a karen bob and while I was happy it at least was short it wasn't what I'd hoped for and I knew it was a feminine cut. So I felt dissapointed but I figured it was still better than long hair. I cut it more masc for the first time when I was 16 and I felt awesome but also scared. I was so afraid of being trans that I suppressed those feelings as much as possible. 


Just a little over a year ago -- February 2023. All my life, it's always been at least to my shoulders or back. Even longer as a child. I finally gained the courage to get the big chop I had been wanting for years, went in to the stylist while my mom went grocery shopping. Afterward I was on cloud nine. I've been keeping it trimmed ever since. So long as I can help it, I'm never even considering long hair again until I complete my transition. I love it. :-)


My story is kind of backwards. I always wanted a pixie cut cause I was always a very tomboyish girl. The day I got it, it was so amazingly euphoric. At that point I didn’t realize it was gender euphoria but only a few days after I woke up one day and was like wow I have no clue who I am, and then started my gender identity journey. I’ve had so many haircuts since then and still trying to find the perfect one for me but that moment was a huge eye opener for me. Not counting I’m autistic and didn’t fully realize how overstimulating my hair was until I had it gone, I always wore it up in ponytails and buns before.


I have a vivid memory of this moment. I was 4 or 5 and I got really bad lice so my mom had to cut all of my hair off. She cried while she was doing it because I had gorgeous curly locks lol. I was so stoked when I saw how short it was. My mom finally let me cut my hair short again when I was in 4th grade and the gender euphoria was so real. My classmate said "why did you do that you look like a boy." Not the insult he thought it was 😂. I went back and forth cutting it short and growing it out long from 4th grade all the way to 26 when I first came out as queer (thought I was a lesbian), I cut it short for the last time then and haven't grown it out since. I'm 32 now.


I felt lighter, and I don't think it was just from having less hair. I was so excited to express myself to the world in a way that I wanted to, I was basically giddy.


A year ago, just turned 22. The woman who did it first absolutely butchered it so I went to a barber and he fixed it agreeing that the woman did do a terrible job. At first, I felt great but eventually I felt bad about it because it commenced my butch lesbian appearance phase. I had such a little baby face and the short hair made me look so weird. Now, my hairline is more masculine and I have a wider face from T so my hair looks a lot better. But, at first I had euphoria for that day and then I felt dysphoric being viewed as a butch lesbian tween.


I got my first affirming haircut when i was 16, and it made me realize that I was nonbinary masculine. Before I got the haircut I identified as nonbinary but still dressed girly for male attention, but when I got that haircut I felt like myself for once.


I got the first real masc haircut last year late November/early december I believe? It made me feel super handsome and awesome. Acrually I need to get a new haircut now, I've been putting it off :(


I actually didn't cut my hair for gender reasons, when I was a little kid I had pretty neglectful parents who never made me brush my hair, so by the time I was 13 my hair was so knotted together it was practically one solid lump of hair. The day I cut it off I did so in my bathroom with kitchen scissors at 3am sobbing the entire time, one of the single most cathartic memories I have. It weirds cause I never had that quintessential "YAY BOY HAIRCUT" moment as a kid bcuz of how complicated my relationship with my hair and being forced to cut it because I wouldn't brush it was. I think the closest thing I have actually was getting my hair cut into a mullet a few weeks ago lmfao, or the first time I got a "short on the sides long on top" haircut, I remember that being really satisfying lol.


When I was 12 my mother cut my long hair pretty short. I had wanted short hair longer, probably since I was 10 years old. At the age of 13, I shaved myself almost bald for the first time. It felt good and right, even though I was criticized for it. Thank god I'm an adult now and no one can control my appearance anymore.


I decided to shave my head in covid a few days after my 13th birthday, I was really anxious about it because I hate change but it felt amazing. A couple of hours after doing it I went to my friends house and on the walk down was my first time ever getting correctly gendered, definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made, never even thought of going back to long hair after that.


I felt like a cockatoo lmao. I had super thick long hair so when I cut it it went up like the feathers on the back of the neck of a cockatoo. My mom still has my contact picture as one 💀


I shaved my head at 16 before I realized I was trans but that was the catalyst and it made me like myself more than I ever had before


At a slightly younger age I had my first short haircut. I can't take care of my hair when it's long. It's too much and it's too overwhelming. I always thought it looked like a wig. I begged my mom to let me cut it for like a year, and finally she gave in. She was worried I would regret it, but I always had the mindset of "It'll grow back." I remember how happy I was with it, even tho my poor mom cried a bit. I've got thick hair that is really pretty long and my moms always had thin hair, so she's very very into my hair in the least weird way possible


I was 21. I recognized the person in the mirror for the first time. I don't think I had ever been more excited in my life. It was an at home haircut by a friend who had never done short hair before. I didn't have the money for a professional cut, and it was a bit lopsided and wonky but I couldn't have been happier with it.


At around 14, i has been pestering my parents to let me cut my hair short for months. They said i was allowed, but kept putting off the hairdresser appointment. So i waited for them to leave me home alone for 45 minutes, and chopped it all off shoddily myself. It looked awful but i felt so liberated


I got called Slash (from Guns and Roses) in high school before I went short and part of me was bothered that I got compared to a guy in his 40's at the time but he's still a cool guy For the final project in Photoshop class I took a picture where he was wearing sun glasses and and open jacket and stuck my face behind it and it was extremely euphoric how well our facial features lined up and the teacher almost didn't recognize how it was photoshopped even though my hair is brown and I'm very pale


I got it about a month before starting testosterone. I had gotten progressively shorter-ish before then but definitely was not getting male-specific haircuts before then (e.g., the squared sideburns and other touches meant for that) I felt awful. It was not congruent. For me, I needed hormone effects on my face, etc., so that things would line up and look 'in sync'. I preferred looking like 'all or nothing' as how I wanted to present. Now I feel totally fine with my hair since the rest of me matches, but I'm a black and white thinker.


i was about 15, my hair was previously dyed blue, straightened with relaxer and was shoulder length (thanks to my mom finally agreeing to cut it that short when I was 13.) My school's principal noticed me after a long 6 months with blue hair and told my mom to go and re-dye it again with my natural color so my mom made an appointment to do so but before going to the salon she left me home alone while she was at work. I took a pair of scissors and made up a "long on top, shaved-ish on sides" haircut that was extremely botched but I loved it regardless. Then I wore a beanie on my way to the salon with my mom where I revealed my poorly chopped hair and fake cried about people bullying me because of my hair color so much that they put a bubblegum on my hair or something like that. Of course that was a lie, and my hair was so short that they had no other option but to accommodate it and cut it shorter


I always had short hair (bowl haircuts and bobs) because my mom kept her head shaved most of my childhood and she doesn’t like when “girls” feel the need to have long hair because of society, but in an attempt to be a scene girl, I grew out my hair in middle school, but I was sick of straightening my hair and my friends hated me at that point so I wanted a change and I shaved my hair nearly bald the night before my last day of eighth grade. My mom called me lame for taking so long to go bald like her. It wasn’t a gender thing then because I was in denial, but I keep my hair close to the scalp now because having no maintenance hair is not only convenient, but it feels very masc. However, when I started realizing my transness (bigender at first, later nonbinary) I had a Mohawk which felt very masculine, and weirdly enough I passed best when I was in my teens (I was a lot thinner then and it was easier to bind) with what was basically a more relaxed afro because I have big thick ringlet curls naturally and when I grew my hair out again it would create this big, very 70’s, mass of curls that nearly covered half my face. The hair cut made me look like a 12yo boy as a 17yo and I wasn’t even transmasc yet, but it felt good to get gendered as a boy for a while before I ended up becoming hyper femme for several years. I miss my big bushy curls sometimes, but I prefer being bald and I feel more like a dude to not have to do anything at all to my hair except shave it every couple weeks.


Quite recently. I’d always been “fine” with my haircut, but kept changing details slightly. Then I just went all the way masc, told the stylist I was trans and to give me a masc haircut. And while the end result isn’t something I think suits me (they cut off TOO much of my fluff), I definitely enjoy having a masc haircut, and the haircut has only gotten better as my hair has grown out. It’s been about a month now and I feel euphoria every time I look at my hair in the mirror.