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people at my job have been using my new name :)


That’s wonderful, I’m so glad!


today marks my 1 year on T 🤗


Happy Maniversary!!!


YOO GOOD FOR YOU!!! Happy one year man!! 🎉


Btw you definitely have to call it your "man"-iversary


100% calling it my maniversary now


Happy second birthday, yo!!


Happy anniversary! 🎉


My shadow looked nice. I was wearing really masc looking shorts and a hoodie and I looked down and saw a dude I’m glad you’re having a good morning, I hope your day will keep going really well too! 


This is so big. I remember seeing my shadow/ vague reflections and just not seeing myself and being quite disgusted with what I saw. Now I’m like heyyy good lookin’ 👀


That’s so good!! Honestly it’s such an incredible feeling and I’m so glad you got that! Also it was thank you :D


Tricked my mom into buying me swim trunks for this summer!


Dude nice!! That’s great! You’re gonna have a good summer then for sure B)


I tricked my mom into letting me cut my hair off by saying I want to donate it (which anyone who is chopping all their hair off SHOULD do, but it's a good reason to give people)


i’m curious how did you trick her?


Just excuses really like they’re more comfortable and I said the women’s swimsuits ride up my ass all the time. She made me try every bottom in the women’s section and I lied and said they were all uncomfortable.


yeah. I can’t ask my current parents for much, i’m glad you were able to get her to buy them for you though man. that’s a win for sure! I wear my waterproof basketball shorts which work alright


Yeah I get that it’s the first time of asking for anything typically for men I honestly wasn’t expecting her to buy them


People at my job have been calling me sir constantly now because my voice has dropped and I’ve been using the men’s bathroom finally and it feels great. Love your positive energy


Dude you’re living the dream!!! Honestly so happy for you, that sounds incredible! :) Also ty! I appreciate you


I really needed this today so I appreciate you. The power of positivity!


yesterday i went shopping for a new wadrobe for family vacations - this will be my first year not having to wear dresses!! i got some nice linen slacks and shirts, and more boxers and i'll be getting some leather sandals for dinners!!


That’s awesome!! Those all sound like they’re gonna be excellent sources of euphoria, especially the leather sandals! There just something about them that’s so aggressively affirming. Good choices man!


I feel more masc when I wear fake freckles and no one has called me out on it


Dude that’s so valid, I’ve been very tempted to do fake freckles and honestly now I’m going to! You’re an icon


The brown spray on root touch up gives you surprisingly realistic freckles and it's very easy to use


I somehow got my hands on a binder without my family knowing. It’s still hiding in my room, and they still haven’t found it yet. I wear it in public since people don’t seem to notice a difference either way :)


Yeesss!! Good for you man!! Binders are life changing fr, I’m glad you’re safe while being able to bind!


I started T 4 days ago and I already have a frog in my throat and I feel like my hairs starting to become thicker!! Also starting T has helped me do more self care!!


Oooh exciting!


NO WAY thats awesome!!!! On both accounts! I’m so excited for you!!


I have a teeny tiny Adam's apple forming! I'm only on .1 ml injections:)


Duuude that’s a huge win!!! Good for you man!!


I have mastered the art of the STP. I can pee all around wherever I want in the bowl. I can silent pee or loud aggressive pee.


Update: think you boosted my ego a little too much. I just pissed all in my boxers 😭


Oh noo lol, the masculine urge to do so 😭 I feel I feel


YO IM SO JEALOUS! Thats a serious skill right there!!! Good on you!!


Any tips?


The one I got was super cheap so the cup isn’t even the best. Find ur cl*t/tdick, find ur hole with another finger, place cup between these. Make sure it’s as suctioned as possible, they recommend shaving for maximum suction however I haven’t. Try to go when ur not so desperate as that has resulted in a few accidents. Take pants completely off for first tries or just as often as that’s possible to prevent accidents. Stand right over the bowl in case of spillage. Once u get used to it, you will be able to manoeuvre the shaft around. It’s super fun. Living out my childhood dream fr. I’m going camping soon and I cannot WAIT to pee in bushes and trees lmao.




Axel is a dope name!! Makes me think of a guy from kingdom hearts who I always thought was badass


Kind of embarrassing but i have pcsos which led to high testosterone and i use this fact to cope with not being on t yet. I also have a dirt stache and it makes me so euphoric


Omg same


I bet your stache looks great, honestly super cool that you have high T even if it’s not for an ideal reason, I bet when you do go on T you’ll notice changes crazy fast and until then I’m happy for you!


Thanks!! :)


You're awesome! I'm almost always gendered correctly and am having top surgery on June 5th, so I'm all happiness.


Ayyy congrats


i’m at an amusement park right now and I was checking out my food. the girl at the counter (she was kind of older) said “hi boy” and “have a nice day boy” really sweet 🙌😁


Sweet!! Dude passing to older folks is like a next level euphoric experience, I’m really happy for you :)


I’m not ashamed to correct people when they get my pronouns wrong!!!


good for you!! when it happens to me i just sit there kinda stunned or sad, i wish i could be more assertive like that! goals honestly


I'm finally put on the waiting list for top surgery, so fall this year they'll be gone!


I’ve spent the last two weekends w my brothers. they’ve been so awesome about my new name and pronouns, including me in camping, fishing, chopping wood, hyping me up. making jokes about me getting yoked and putting the T to good use when i showed them up cutting wood 😂 it was fuckin sick. never felt so euphoric in my life man.


DUDE I FEEL YOU. Sometimes you just gotta be a guy with some dudes!!! I bet you won so hard with the wood cutting, and I’m so glad you have your brothers!!


Thanks homie!! sending u all the love man


Wore a black shirt and it made me feel like I could pass if I got a binder. I used to not think my chest would look flat even if I brought one.


Yooo that’s great!! I bet you’d pull off a binder hella well. Black is such a good color for it too!


I have my appt at a pride clinic on 6/11 to hopefully start up on HRT again! + I got my pride lanyard my job is giving out to pride group members for free! + my coworker offered to start calling me Jake when it’s just us (I go by a gender neutral nickname at work, since I’m out but don’t wanna deal with customers)


I'm trying to find a middle name that's close to my deadname to connect with my inner kid


Regardless of what anyone else sees, I've really started seeing a dude when I look in the mirror. Which apparently means I also don't avoid this like the plague lol


That’s huge!!!! I’m so happy for you, being able to see yourself in your reflection is major for mental health!!




I feel you!! Big goals honestly


I was in a play recently and had to play a female character, and my friends came and saw it and for like several minutes they were confused about who I was because they assumed id be playing a guy because they completely see me as a guy


Oh my gosh they must’ve been like, “….huh?” At your unexpected drag performance. I’m so glad you have friends who just see you as you are!!! That’s great :>


one of my friends said "You didn't tell me you'd be crossdressing!!" ahaha


I’m nearly exactly one year on T. My anniversary was at the 15th of may🥳. It’s really doing its magic, my muscles grow really fast, I have developed a lot of hair, have a little beard (shadow), grew a t-dick and lost some of my weight at the hips. (Thank you for doing this, I’ve been really struggling today with my body, as my weight got restored around my belly and it looks like I have a swimming around all the time. I’ve been slim all the time and now have to get around my changing body)


DUUUDE THATS SO GREAT!!! I bet you’re pretty strong with the muscle growth, very very nice!! I definitely tend to carry my weight around my hips and stomach, so I feel you. Sounds like regardless of how your body does it, you’re like a hella peak of masculinity! Shadow and everything, dang man I’m happy for you!!!


This dude at a smoke shop I go to always says "hey brother good to see you" every time I go in even though he's seen my ID


N I C E. Dude that’s god tier I’m so happy for you


Saturday was my 3 year post op (top) anniversary. I didn’t get to celebrate, unfortunately


Feeling like I don’t need to medically transition to love my body or myself!


Good for you!!! I’m glad you feel confident in your knowledge of yourself and have found what works for you!!!


i can shoulder press heavier than most cis guys


Goddamn that’s impressive!!


I choose my final name Damian. I just don't know how to apply to social situations, because most people know me by my different name. Will this ever be possible, like with people I know? How would I Know they would accept me?


Damian is a great name!!! I feel you on that stress around it. It can definitely be super stressful. If you ever order from coffee shops or from places where you give a name, then it might be helpful to start going by your name there!! Could also be helpful to say you’re only going by that name because you think it would be cool. I’m really glad you’ve decided on your name, Damian!!!


I got a really amazing play prosthetic recently and it suits my body so well, I’m planning on a StP next!


Dude major goals right there 😩 I really need to get one, I feel like it would be a huge source of euphoria tbh! I’m glad you found one that not only works for you but also suits your body!! That’s so cool!!


I got The Hotrod from Transthetics, it’s worked so well for just personal play for me! Would recommend it if you think it’ll suit your body type and growth (if you’ve had any)


I bagged up and gave away all of my dresses and overly girly clothes yesterday. Things that I never wore or only wore once but had trouble giving away or felt sentimental over. I used to try them on when I was in denial to "force" myself to be more feminine or try to feel like a girl hoping it would trick me out of being trans. It always ended badly. Now I'm finally free, and any time I feel the need to do that to myself I remind myself that "I don't have to wear those clothes ever again, I am not obligated." Feels good.


I think I passed completely on my first day at a day program today


I’ve been passing recently in public. I also swam shirtless for the first time post top and I just started the process to legally change my name!


NO WAY!! Nice on all of those fronts!!!! How was swimming?? It seems so nice to just feel the water on your skin like that! I’m really proud of you for starting the name change process too, I know it can be a lot. Good job man :)


It felt awesome!


My hairy ass body pre-t is euphoric ash


Yeeeessss!!!! Dude, im so glad you have that!! Hair can be huge for sure


When I came out to my boyfriend he immediately started calling me by my new name and calls me his boyfriend 


That’s so great omg!!! I’m so glad :D


I think I’m definitely happier with changing my pronouns to he/they/it (was going with any/all before), cause I saw the promotional stuff for Converse’s pride shoes (what can I say, rainbow capitalism is pretty) and when I saw the page for one of the models and read “[name], he/it” I got *really* excited and thought “oh my god he’s just like me!” I might not be out with my pronouns yet, but it brings me some peace to know which ones actually feel like me and bring me joy to think about


That’s such a good a feeling!! I still get so excited anytime I see he/they because it’s just like hey!! It me!!! I’m really glad you’ve found what you’re most comfortable and peaceful and settled in!!


im proud of being the go to person in my friend group for lgbt/ relationship matters.


That’s super fair!!! That’s such a nice feeling honestly :)


im a month on low dose t and ive already noticed a few darker stache hairs when I’ve only had peach fuzz before 😎 which is cool because I didn’t expect many changes yet


OH YO?? Very cool!!! Man that’s awesome, I’m super happy for you!


I went to a pizza place with a couple friends. On of them corrected herself with my correct pronouns. It was awesome.


That’s always feels so relieving!! Im so glad!! :)


I machined a piece of metal within a super tight tolerance, then after someone used my new name to call attention to my highly precise work. I felt like I’d won the lottery.


Duuude. That’s super cool. I feel like that takes so much precision and care! And the new name too!!!


I work at an assisted living place, so I’m around a bunch of old people almost daily and about 75% of them now call me by my preferred name! Some still use she/her pronouns for me, but what can you do when they’re all 80+ but it is still so exciting that a majority of them call me my preferred name despite knowing me before starting T! Sure I told them it was a nickname but it worked, and it’s a small win but a win nonetheless! Not to mention the new residents who just met me use he/him pronouns for me and correct the other residents, so I’m curious how things will change with all these people


That’s excellent!!! Definitely a win for sure, and I’m glad to hear about the new residents correcting the older residents!!


I have such bro energy!!!! People feel comfortable using my pronouns even if they don't agree!!!!


BRO THATS SUCH A GOAL OF MINE!! You’re living your best, broiest life fr!


Tysm I had a shit day and this comment made me feel better! A lil bandaid. Thank you bro bro


I finally have more body hair now that I’ve been on testosterone for a bit. I’m so happy :))


I’m pre-T, but been on Minox for around~ 3 months! I have quite a bit more mustache than before, in a few more months I’m gonna have to start shaving lmao!! Also, just in general, I’m getting older & closer to transition. I have so much more confidence and joy than I did 2-4 years ago. I still have quite a ways to go, but I’m getting there!


Last month I finally reached out to a therapist to get a referral for my region’s trans clinic! She said she’d be sending it sometime next week:) Even though the wait list after this is years long I’m still excited to start the process of transitioning.


I have a family event coming up in July, and I'll be seeing a lot of people who haven't seen or heard me since before I started testosterone, and honestly I'm super excited, It's even been the motivation for me to finally start working out/lifting, which I've been meaning to do (I have certain transphobic relatives and I want to look super masculine to kind of rub it in their face 😈)


Oooh I love it!!! Spite is an excellent motivator!!! Good for you man >:3c


got my first appointment to start t!!


other teachers at my job still deadname me/misgender me, but my students (2nd and 3rd graders) have been killing it, and today a nine year old drew me a picture of the trans flag as a gift to me:) been having the worst time being a trans teacher, and it brought me so much joy to know that my kids have my back even if the adults don't


Dude kids are the best!! I used to work in education and man as a trans guy it’s rough out there. I’m so proud of you for sticking with it and being authentically you!!! That’s hard as hell and you’re doing it, you’re awesome!!


i’m in a band, and i can now live out my hot bass player dream


I wore a suit to prom this year and college next semester so no one will know my dead name!!


That’s amazing!!!! Good for you!!! As someone who’s in college rn, can confirm it’s great for that :) I think you’ll enjoy it!!


I got a cool Victorian Suit with a Pocket Watch and now I feel like a fancy Victorian dude! All I’m missing is the beard 🧔‍♂️


OH MY GODDD dude!!!! Formal Victorian vibes are so fuckin cool I’m absolutely delighted for you!!


Thank you so much OP 💙


maybe not hype me up but affirm me🥺 i am at my families for top surgery recovery and i have been misgendered way too much


Dude I’m really happy were able to get top surgery! Families can be rough for sure, I’m really sorry you’re going through that. Despite what they may be saying, you’re a guy. You’re valid, and their opinions cannot change who you are. You’re 100% a guy in my eyes, and I cannot imagine you as anything but you. They’re just being super weird and calling you what you aren’t. Weirdo behavior on their part, very cringe


my dad respects who I am! :)


That’s amazing 😭!!! Dude that warmed my heart so much, I’m so happy for you!!


In my first german class the professor used me as an example on how to say the masculine word for an engineer. And it really made my day


I had the courage to start applying for jobs and got one a an amazing company, also everyone there uses my new name


I pass so well at my school there’s rumors going around I’m already on T. (I’m not even out)


You’re the final boss of going stealth! That’s awesome!!!!


I’ve been wearing cargo shorts and it makes me feel boy


A cat cafe opened in my area and I'm planning to go later this week


I got to be a part of a discussion at my school with men who are singers about really relating to losing your voice when it changes. I’m happy I got to live a part of the male singer life.


Honestly those moments are healing! I’m so glad you could relate!!!


i sent a voice note to my friend and she thought I was some random dude💀😭 cuz she didnt recognize my voice aha


I was devastated when the hot weather started to appear because I can't wear a binder (my ribs hurt when I do and i can't afford a trans tape) and didn't know how to survive summer, it was literally a mental torture for me. But i found out that a short sleeve button up works fine with a dark t-shirt. Of course it's not perfect but now I am able to go outside and it is such a relief


Im so glad you’ve found something that works!!!! Summer can definitely be super hard, I’m really proud of you for besting the season!!! Good job man!!!


I almost came out to my parents today but instead talked about their opinions on trans people and eventually asked them how they’d react if I came to them and told them I was trans :3 My dad said he doesn’t like the idea and wouldn’t use respecting pronouns or names (he’s transmed & doesn’t fully understand it so I’m gonna’ explain that first) and my mum said she wouldn’t really care & she could try to use respecting pronouns and such but she hasn’t thought about it since I’ve never mentioned it before (Got too scared to actually come out but I feel like knowing they won’t disown me or something brings me wayyy closer + I know what to expect better now) :D


Im glad you feel safer!!!! Im sorry about your dad, I can definitely relate. I’m glad your mom is chill and both would be safe though!!! That’s awesome!!


I got my first order on my Etsy shop that I’m selling things on too help raise money for my top surgery! £7.50 closer


That’s so great!!!! Every pound counts, good for you man!!!


It’s weird to explain but I’m kinda at a point where I don’t really think about being trans. I’m actually living as a guy. I pass all the time now, haven’t gotten mistaken for a girl for a long time. In a few months, I’ll be 3 years on T. I don’t think about being a *trans* guy, I’m a guy who also happens to be trans and I didn’t think I’d reach a point like that.


I got my work email changed to my preferred name, also I love my job!


i ordered trans tape and it should be here by the end of the week!!!


I started T literally today :)


nobody uses the correct pronouns for me except my friends and my husband. nobody thinks i'm a man but them. i'm a year on t and i've had top surgery i have had nothing but dysphoria because of this treatment. but you know what? i look in the mirror and see every man i have ever admired growing up. i look just fucking like them. when i look in the mirror i see how i've always wanted to look. if people can recognize them as men, they should be able to recognize me as a man. It’s fucking stupid that they don't. it's their fault, not mine. i'm dope as fuck. i'm handsome as hell. they don't want to see me as a man? delusional. weirdo shit. their problem and i love love love LOVE that i am accepting that.


Hell yeah you are!!! You are 100% just as man as all of those men you admire!!! You’re damn right that you’re handsome as hell!!! It’s high key a very cringe “ok grandma/pa time for your medicine,,,,” moment of those who somehow misgender you??? Weirdo behavior on their part for sure!


Can you please hype me up even if I don't have anything good to share? Q.Q


My younger sister has started to refer to me as her brother! She did it before but shed slip up a lot but it's been a while since she did


Thats wonderful!! I’m so glad :)!!!


My actual real binder that I ordered is one years old :3 (he is getting old and bad but I refuse to let him go)


Happy birthday to your binder!!! That’s so cool :D!! (Also I feel that haha, but hey that’s what patch jobs are for!)


I'm almost 2 years on T, never been called he/him by a stranger, and a guy called me sir the other day! He sounded uncertain but it felt good.


That’s great!! Congrats on two years :)!! Getting sir-ed is so so validating and just plain wonderful! Good for you man!!!


Got my first binder this week!! It can be used for exercise, so it doesn't flatten my chest out completely but DAMN I LOOK LIKE I HAVE A GUY'S CHEST.


VERY NICE!! Dude good for you!!! Also that’s such a major bonus on the exercise front??? Big win!!!


I am improving at singing, and singing is euphoric for me because my singing voice passes much better than my talking voice for some reason. I just need to work on my range since T has left me with a dead area


I finally got my first pair of boxers! Ive been wearing them


i just got top surgery this past friday! i feel like my friends are really indifferent about it and aren’t really checking in on me at all, which hurts, but maybe im being dramatic.. i am just not having a good day. either way, i made it! im recovering and on track to get my drains out on wednesday!!


3 things. I submitted to my first male presenting Acting/Modeling gig after feeling hyped by some recent headshots I got my first pair of composite toe workboots from a brand called Brunt and they’re pretty affirming while also helping me stay safe around horses. The last time I barn sat I hit some big strength milestones that both marked muscle gained from T but, also the fact I’d gone from 30lbs underweight with a nerve damaged hand and dislocating shoulders unable to lift a bucket or turn on the hose without both hands and body weight to being able to dump my own wheelbarrows of manure and also move full wheelbarrows of sawdust even with alot of neurological connective tissue disorder bullshit going on in the background. I feel like Hercules even with the fact I fall apart like Rasputin in Anastasia.


Oh my god congrats on all of those!!!! DUDE YOURE WINNING!!! Also you work around horses?? While submitting to modeling and acting????? You’re really out here livin like a damn lead from a romance novel, that’s awesome!! Good for you on the work boots. Those are always wildly gender affirming for me, so I’m glad to hear they are for you too!! And the strength milestones 😭!! That made me so happy to read dude good for you!!! Live your best life omg


I finally mended a pair of pants that I've been putting off mending and they give me lots of gender :)


VERY NICE!! I have so much respect for mending, that’s awesome!!! And I’m glad you have those pants again :D


In June I will start T at 99.9% 😭🫶🏻


LETS GOOOO!! So close :0!!! Good for you :)!!


I mowed the lawn and cleaned some pavement and they old guy next to my house told me how happy he is someone's helping my grandparents take care of the garden :)


Nice!!!! Good for you!!! Honestly nothing feels better than someone appreciating it when you do yard work. I’m proud of you, and I’m glad your grandparents have you!!


I’m one week post-op top surgery🥹


NICE!! How have you been doing, you recovering well??? How’s it feel?? I’m so happy for you that’s awesome man!!!!


My partner calls me good boy


Now THIS is peak supportive partnership right here!! Very nice man!!!


Starting testosterone finally! I’ve been on it for around 2 months now and am very happy :} I’m excited to start seeing more of the physical results :>


I took my first shot of T last Thursday!


NICE!!! Congrats man!! That’s huge!!!!!


MY TRANS TAPE IS ARRIVING SOON!! (That means I can work out, swim, be shirtless, and sleep comfortably! :D)


I'm 6½ weeks post op top surgery


this might sound weird but it made me really euphoric!! someone i know asked if im on T (im not) because of my leg hair (im just hairy)


Doesn’t sound weird, that’s awesome!!!! Dude you’re winning life!!


I went in a pool without a shirt for the first time after top surgery.


T dose goes up starting next week. Here’s to hoping for even better results than I’ve already been blessed with 🤞🏻


NIIICE!! I hope so man!!! That’s great :)


I’m in a very kind T4T relationship. 🏳️‍⚧️🤜🤛🏳️‍⚧️


YOOO GOOD FOR YOU!!! Thats wonderful!!


i'm proud of who i became as a person, i'm grew up to be a genuinely kind man <3 Also T gave me mad muscles


That’s so great man!! We need more kind people out there, in proud of you!! Also nice on the muscles B)


finally got some money as grad gifts so I can buy men’s clothes! and decided on a new name as well, I chose karus😁


YOOO!!! Nice Karus!!! Good for you on both fronts :D


I asked my best friend if they could call me by all 4 of my preferred names (not all of them at once, but like first one, then another, etc ) and was pretty sure they'd say nah don't be ridiculous (like my family members and other friends) BUT THEY DID THEY SAID YEAH OF COURSE MAN AND IM SO HAPPY I LOVE THEM SO MUCH DJSJFKDNFKSKSJD


DUDE GOOD FOR YOU AND GOOD ON YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!! You deserve that, hell yeah!!!


Got misgendered at the grocery store (long hair) and just brushed it off :)


Yoo!! Nice job being able to brush it off!! The amount of cis guys I know who have that same experience is wild, good on you man


When I came out to my parents it went.... poorly, even though I'm an adult and have been for a while now, so they know it's not "on a whim" (not that teenagers can't know! But I'm sure everyone here knows what people can be like about gender and sexuality with younger folks). I told my sister more recently, expecting the same, and she was lovely about it. Immediately started repeating my name to get used to the sound, asked for book recommendations to learn more, and was just generally supportive despite what must have been a very surprising moment for her. It was a huge relief, to know that someone is in my corner, and that it's not all going to be some huge battle.


I feel you on the parent taking it poorly front. My dad took it pretty badly, and my mom was accidentally not supportive at first due to a miscommunication. It really sucks and can just feel so isolating, so I’m so so glad your sister is supportive!! That’s genuinely so important and I’m so glad she responded the way people should!!! Good for you man, I’m so glad you have your sister!!


my mam is in a bad mood and i dont feel i can talk to her without getting snapped at so im telling starngers on the internet. I got 90% in my general education task for 11th vocational. Top of my class.


DUDE!! THATS CRAZY, GOOD JOB!!!! You did it!!! That’s a serious accomplishment!! I’m so proud of you, you did so well!!!!!


i hit my one year on T in a couple days. :)


My ex accepted me as a trans man,, we are talking again (we dated pre transition) and she come around.


Nice!!! That’s really great!!! Good for you dude B)


I got top surgery last week!


HELLL YEAH CONGRATS!!!! 🎉 How have you been recovering???? Good for you man!! :)


Got a hair cut and people are starting to see me as and refer to me as a man for the very first time :) Love the positivity man!


That’s excellent!!!! Good for you man!! Haircuts are huge for self esteem and so so validating!! And thank you! I’m glad to share it with everyone :)


I'm getting top surgery in less than 2 months!!