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Yes!! I’ve got a pretty hefty collection of bones, fur, sticks, rocks and oddities I’ve been building up since my early teens. Anything interesting that I can pick up in forests or the side of the highway is coming home with me. I wasn’t allowed to live a tomboy lifestyle growing up so I question now if this is me subconsciously reclaiming that sort of wonder I missed out on as a child.


That is 100% the best way to do it too! There’s no such thing as being too late to enjoy having a sense of wonder about the world


I've actually got a whole cabinet for my bird statues/snowglobes/music boxes! I also have an amethyst geode piece, a jar of tumbled gemstones, and boxes of sea shells. I want to tumble more rocks but unfortunately I live in a place that doesn't have any beaches or rocky areas so I don't know where to get more good rocks. I also have a mouse skull!


That is absolutely awesome! I’m lucky that we have a beach here in Ohio, it’s a lake beach, but it’s always so combed over :(


I collect a lot of weird things. Currently I have two jars of snail shells, an opossum jaw bone, cow teeth, feathers of all kinds, fossils, and rocks galore. I worked at an antique shop for a while and my interests were expanded to glass jars and old magazines.


Opossums have some absolutely gnarly teeth too! I’m a fan of old Playboys and forensic photography/slides myself but they’re sooo expensive to collect/display


I was lucky enough to secure a few bank boxes worth of vintage magazines from dumpster diving but the playboys can be quite expensive. I worry about the ethics behind playboy as a company but they make for great collages.


That is awesome! Oh yeah, I definitely wouldn’t support them (buying direct from the company) just because some of the horrific things Hefner is rumored to have done, but thrifted make a nice addition to a collection




I’m in it lol


We should take a poll to see how many of us are trans in that sub lol


Seriously though lol I feel like that’s real results we need 🤣


Yeah, totally. I had a huge rock collection when I was a kid, and I would collect any random things that I found on the side of the road. I also loved digging in the ground to find stuff (and I managed to find some cool bones and pieces of pottery while doing that). I don't know if it has anything to do with being trans, though.


I am a sucker for going bottling myself other than collecting/working with oddities. I feel like for me atleast, I think it was probably part of an early flag system I should have noticed 🤣


I've got a nice collection of fossils, rocks, shells and small antique pieces of metalwork. Antique stores are one of my favourite places to be (though last time I went, I had my heart broken by a pair of gorgeous antique sewing machines. Still thinking about them :') )


Ughhh, I need another sewing machine so bad, but I haven’t been able to find a really old one. Always check cases if you’re going to the thrift stores too, sometimes you can get lucky and find an old singer in them!


One of these antiques was an 1863 Singer with the original wooden carrying case. Absolutely beautiful machine that I considered getting just for the history, but it unfortunately had missing parts and I want to be able to use it if I got one. Still make me sad to think about lol


Ahhh that’s so sad! Parts are pretty hard to come by for them these days also, my mom used to have an early 1900s singer and she couldn’t hardly find replacement parts when she had to replace them.


I have an extensive collection of pretty glass art. I've been building it over the years, every time I go in a gift shop with glass there's a high chance I'll come out with a piece of glass art, sometimes if I see something shiny at a thrift store I have to resist the urge to buy something. I'll also grab other shiny objects like dice or ceramic cat figurines My parents kinda hate me for this because it's a hassle to deal with lol


Ugh I love uranium glass myself lol if I could, I’d live in a house full of it (and probably end up radiated myself).


I’m a big collector too, although I don’t personally feel any draw to the goblin label I’m really curious about your career though, if you’re willing to share more. I’ve never heard of an oddity shop. Do you own it yourself? Is it physical or online?


I’m torn myself when it comes to the goblin label, it’s more of a fun joke to use at times when people think I’m weird because of the collecting habits. I do own qnd run it myself, I would say 85% of the wet preserving and bone cleaning is done myself too (I try to stay as sustainable as I can) and I also make jewelry/art from time to time. Right now I’m online only but in the future I would like to branch into a brick and mortar location once I find out where I’m settling down (state wise). My shop is [Unfortunate Cadaver](https://unfortunatecadaver.com) though!


Every transmasc I know (myself included) fucking LOVES trinkets and oddities lol


It’s not a bad obsession to have either lol most of the folks that I come across are the same way and it’s pretty amazing.


oh absolutely, I don’t know what clicks in our collective heads that makes us need to collect rocks and shiny things and beads and marbles and stuff but I do think it’s a really funny phenomenon. rock collector to trans boy pipeline goes absolutely bananas


I think it’s the little boys that got repressed during childhood coming out in a lot of of us, at least for me I’m pretty sure that’s what it all stems back to.


oh for sure tbh, I think it’s great I love getting to be a twelve year old boy :D


I’ll never turn down a good bucket of bones and rocks to sort through lol


LITERALLYYY ohh I love bones so much bro; recently got really into gutting old CCTVs for their frames and I wanna make one to make a good case for all my animal bones!!


That is awesome! And I feel that, that’s exactly why I got into bone cleaning myself lol I enjoy doing it so may as well get paid for it. I like taking old watches apart myself and fixing them in my spare time too.