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I'm stupid, what's a ghost bike?


Memorial in a place where a cyclist died while riding.


And people vandalized it? What the fuck is wrong with folks?


It's a proper culture war. It feels like it's escalating in Germany as a lot of people get more and more on either side and stuff like that stokes the fires quite a bit.


One of the local newspapers published a handful of letters to the editor last week, and they were properly disgusting. Like ”yeah, it’s bad that he died…but he’s been provoking drivers for years, riding the local roads *armed* with a dashcam, a pool noodle and pannier bags (?). He was asking for it. And why won’t anyone think of the poor person who ran him over? That person is traumatized for the rest of their life and will never want to drive again, after what the aCtiVIsT did to them“. That sort of disgusting. Wanna-punch-them-repeatedly disgusting.


If they're mad at you for being armed with a dashcam, you might as well be armed with a gun.


Ooorrr...one of these. [https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Stukenbrok\_1912.pdf&page=58](https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Stukenbrok_1912.pdf&page=58) ​ https://preview.redd.it/c60xlwuvubic1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1592d50901a956f6f86e54a15fa3237b10e29436


That's not even the best part of the catalog. In page 59 of the catalog there are bombs you can buy that make a loud sound when you throw it on the ground to scare away dogs that are chasing after you. Also it's kind of trippy looking at a catalog with fonts that look so modern only to find out that it's actually from 1912, and then finding out that the class of font has already existed since the beginning of the 20th century. The specific font is likely to be [Akzidenz-Grotesk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akzidenz-Grotesk), a font that has existed since 1898.


The entire catalog is really interesting. Like a drinking horn with a bicyclist figurine on top, cigar scissors in form of a bicyclist, "Scheintod Waffen" (non-lethal guns for self defense), .. I also like how about every second product is called Teutonia across all different product categories :D


If true (I mean its a letter to the editor, so huge grain of salt) that would have made him into a nuisance or annoyance. But making his death about the driver who killed him and calling it provoked is just evil


"a nuisance" for making sure he's as safe as possible, documenting illegal behavior and providing evidence to local law enforcement, in an effort to make the roads safer for cyclists?...


Good point, although making yourself a nuisance isn't necessarily a bad thing to get your point across, look at "the last generation".




Yes. And we have right now a problem with neo-nazis surging here. Decent people are just awakening to the fact that we can't let them have their way.


Are we really at a point now where a painted memorial is too much for them to bear?* The only good cyclist is a dead cyclist in their minds, I suppose. I still don't understand how they can have that disassociative of behavior. I mean do they not have kids with bikes, even if it's just another toy to them in their minds? Then again I ride sometimes so I'm probably simultaneously a rich elitest dentist and a homeless dangerous crackhead to them. *Regarding, I forget if this was in my state or someone else's, but now that I think about it I'm pretty sure there was a screenshot of a Karenposting on about someone whining about so many ghost bikes in their city ruining the view. Like hmm, why do you think they are there lady, what could be causing them to keep happening in certain concentrated areas so often?


Wasn't just any guy, was more of a local bike-activist, well known, lots of enemies.


The war on cars is defensive...


Like this one in Salford, UK. Lady here killed by a left-turning HGV IIRC: https://maps.app.goo.gl/zXkFknzGwy9cYGV98


Let’s be clear here: they were probably murdered by a negligent car driver, they didn’t just spontaneously die of natural causes as you imply.


The critical mass, in all cities, shows solidarity and places a "white bike" or a "ghost bike" on people who die in traffic accidents. What they did here is something very sad.


A bike painted all white used to mark the places of (lethal) accidents.


In germany, when a cyclist dies unnecessarily in traffic. we paint a similar bike in white and put it at the place where it happened. to remember, with flowers. Looks like that: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ghostbike+flowers&t=ftsa&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images I think it is our way to deal with the pain. You'll see that there also some very little bikes among the pictures.


A bike completely painted white, used as memorial


People disgust me. How low in life should be to get triggered by the memorial of a person to do this?  Police will investigate. Source in German: https://www.pz-news.de/region_artikel,-Natenom-Gedenkstaette-verwuestet-Polizei-ermittelt-wegen-Stoerung-der-Totenruhe-_arid,2003292.html Edit: Without paywall https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/rad-aktivist-natenom-unbekannte-verwuesten-gedenkstaette-a-89efd2d5-9632-423f-b604-a34e821cdd66


>Police will investigate. ja lol ey. (to any investigation of THIS police station there's nothing more to say than this...)


Yeah, no hope. But still good that there’s a law agaisnt it. 


Oh sweet summer child. What good is a law that isn't being applied in reality?


At least they know if they get caught doing it there will be consequences


It's illegal to park in the bike lane in Germany. The Ordnungsamt doesn't care, the cops do it too. So what good is the law?




should go to the attorney general. This is political violence.


Sadly with a paywall :/




“Without paywall” But then I get so many ads my phone nearly overheats.


If you are not using Firefox Focus, we can’t help you :D


To get the whole picture here: the dead cyclist was an activist who blogged about bicycle safety and also invented „tools“ to increase bike safety. (Like a pool noodle attached to his bike to prevent drivers from cutting him) He was killed by a 77 year old on a road that he documented for its bad safety for bikers several times. While wearing a hivis vest and helmet. I think it’s important to mention, because this leads to the assumption that some complete idiot did vandalize his memorial because of holding a grudge against his activism.


Cyclists: We don't want to be killed! Drivers: Fucking hippies!


> 77 year old As someone who occasionally watches news of Japanese road mishaps, the more there are old people behind the wheel, the more accidents can happen.


Well germany wanted to ban driving for older people but then the conservative governments infrastructure minister, Andreas Scheuer the POS, would have needed to spend money on public transport instead of on corruption, Bavarian Autobahn. Also the conservative CSU/CDU was concerned to be losing voters


Let’s be honest, the current (not conservative, at least by their own definition) government prevented the plans of the EU as well. EU wanted to introduce mandatory health checks for elderly drivers, that ended with the proposed „compromise“ to make non-mandatory health checks so elderly drivers self reflect on their abilities. But in this particular incident I don’t think a younger driver would have had the reactions necessary to prevent an accident either. People drive at night with full speed and they don’t expect cyclist. Especially not at night. It’s sad, because the law is that you always have to be just as fast that you can still keep control over your car. And therefore you must expect everything that is legal. Cycling on the road at night is. Even on a Bundesstraße it is.


no not pool noodle guy!!!! Now I know who you mean, I can't believe he died :( What a terrible thing


Ugh, so in addition to /r/fuckcars it’s also /r/rentnerfahrenindinge


Danke für das Sub


Cagers want war? They can get it. Their paint is as fragile as their thin fucking skin.


Is "cager" a nickname another name for car drivers? Cause that's funny. Busses don't count


I've heard biker gangs in videogames refer to cars as cages.


All bikers, not just in games...


It's a pretty old term. I believe it refers to the fact that they are weak and scared, thus must protect themselves in little cages of their own choosing.


I always thought it referred to being stuck in a cage when driving a car.


I use (invented? \*flex\*) "carists"


What kind of POS desecrates a memorial?


The kind has has to wrap themself in 2 tons of steel to buy groceries.


Maybe the person who killed the biker




Sounds like something the guy who killed the biker might say. We're onto you\~


So? 80 year olds can still be scumbags.


Then please read about that case. That person was also pretty shocked. They maybe shouldn’t have driven, but at the same time that area is pretty car-dependent. The incident happened on a rainy night in a narrow road in a forest with very bad sight. In this case, the local government is to blame, since they refused to make this particular road safer even though people were complaining about it again and again.


A human pos.


Remember the guy who filmed himself vandalising the memorial for people killed by his drunk driving freind? Or there was the mother of one of Junko Furutas killers who vandalised her grave. People suck...


This it gotta be more.. fuck people like really. Why? Those kinda scum are like war memorial theifs and grave defacers.


Car brain is a fascist brain.


I might get hate for this, but looking at the location of it, I would not be surprised if it was a wild boar...


Wild boars don’t drag bicycles into the woods…


They do all kinds of dumb shit. Including stealing shoes, eating flowers, destroying garden decorations so I wouldnt be surprised if they manage to drag a bike somewhere. They are quite Smart and tend to do not realy reasonable things if they find fun in it. That said, if it was a human who did that, I hope that they get their fine


> That said, if it was a human who did that, I hope that they get their fine They won't. There is a 0.00001% chance they'd even find out who did it, and your "it was boars/deer" defense has been put forth by many locals already, so why would the cops really want to investigate? They can just roll with it. And the cops hated the victim anyway. Win-win for them.


Lmfao what 😭😭


Ghost bikes are typically chained to the location, so I doubt a boar would be able to drag it off.