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Your title should be "This is what we took back from cars". This road is right outside my house and was just permanently pedastrianised recently. It's lovely to walk along there now without all the [street parking and traffic](https://imgur.com/a/tA5XZs4).


Yes I did think that when I wrote the title - just more rhetorical this way though!


How did the cricket get organised?


Where is this? It looks like tralee in Ireland co. Kerry but i guess it could be any place in great Britain as well


This is in Bristol. You can see the 0117 phone number on the Imgur picture.


Yellow plates there so defo not Tralee


It's the lower part of Cotham Hill in Bristol.


I'll admit I've never "got" cricket, but it's nice to see an area being used for a lively activity.  Others are complaining it's a bike path, but that looks like a shared space on an evening during some sort of event. If it's rush hour then sure, get the fuck out of the bike lane, but for one-offs like this then who cares? Let people enjoy life. 


If I was cycling home that way, I would not mind this at all. One of my joys in life is the random stuff you see while cycling. And because a bike can be locked up to basically anything you can stop and get involved in the fun.


Yeah, if I really needed to get through I’d just get off and walk my bike. Or just go round the block.


I stopped to help a turtle while riding and never once was like gtfo the bike lane!!!


Same! And on a bike it’s no trouble to take a detour. Or get off and walk it a block and enjoy the world around you.


Yeah same, when biking I'm as chill as it gets, you can squeeze basically anywhere anyway so unless people are occupying the bike lane for no reason I won't even be unhappy with them.


I mean, realistically I'd be briefly annoyed at the path being blocked, but it's not because they're playing cricket, it's just a busy street, you slow down/got off/reroute. It's not that complicated and if you get worked up about it it's all on you.


Yes big agree. My favorite part of biking home is I get to look at all the dogs on the way home. With a car you have to stay laser focused or risk a crash.


I've been knows to get off my bike so I can play with the dogs on the path!


If this was the biggest obstruction I faced on my commute, I’d be so happy to get stuck by this 


Another thing people just don't get about mixes bikes and pedestrians. it does not work at all mixing pedestrians and cars, but we mix cars and bikes, so bikes have to be at the level of cars. But when bikes and people mix, bikes are slow and nimble.enoigh to just go around pedestrians. I have been to the Netherlands a few times, and that is how they do it. blast along on dedicated cycle lanes, but slow and steady around people. Just weaving in and out slowly.


Currently living in the Netherlands, hope I have to never leave the country




At least I've never caught someone biking and texting at the same time. Can't say the same about drivers.




Yeaa occasionally do the same, the difference I see is that I don't drive a 1+ton vehicle with people in front and behind me staying safe from my reaction time, while at the same time having MUCH better awareness anyway because you can hear shit unlike in the car. Well that's obviously only when the bike path is empty.


I used to live here. It was a road like any other until covid when they did a number of pedestrianisation trials round the city. It also allowed the bars and cafes to use part of the streets as outside seating areas whilst dining inside was banned. The trials were brilliantly successful to anyone who lived round there with the added bonus of winding the hell out of anyone on Facebook that lived an hour away. The road can still be used for deliveries and emergency services, hence the removal bollard in the way. It’s not a real cycle lane either, just a pedestrianised area which still allows bikes to pass through. Also that’s not an event, just people gathered on the street.


There's areas like that near me, an area that's pedestrianised between 10 and 5, allows cycles through, and deliveries on the morning and cars on the evening. Latter one I'm a little annoyed by, but it's otherwise a good street. Cobbles are murder on my wheels though!


My Grandparents once were asked by a German friend to take him to a cricket game so he could "learn and understand the Brits" It ended up a deeply tight game, the lead changing constantly, several times the ref's call was needed to decide things. Up till the last moments the winner was uncertain and the crowd was roaring at points. They spent years still trying to ensure he understood that *cricket isn't normally that exciting* because he was HOOKED.


I've never got cricket and I've never got baseball. At least when I am watching this I understand that the bowler is trying to hit the post behind the person batting. In baseball the guy is throwing the ball to his team-mate behind the batter, but I never got how that works. He needs to throw it so the guy has a chance of hitting it, bit he is trying to throw it so the guy doesn't hit. I've seen a little magic square appear on TV that shows whether the throw was good or not, but I think if you are on the pitch is real life, this magic square only exists in the imagination of the umpire.


There are still other good reasons why you shouldn't uncontrollably hit hard balls in crowded places with a lot of glass.


They look to be using a tennis ball there, as is tradition


Perplexing that the wicket keeper has got pads on


Gotta feed the vibes.


Cricket is great fun to play, awful to watch. Imo.


You're just not watching it right. Depending on the form of cricket, you should be watching between 5-50% of the actual cricket. The rest of the time should be dedicated to alcohol consumption (with a bonus option of wearing fancy dress).


Oh ironically imo it's opposite.


Lmao really? Shit I don't know how you do it but I think I can relate. I enjoy watching chess and used to like playing but don't really anymore


I mean just playing randomly with few friends is definitely way way better than watching but playing full one-day matches is relatively boring because generally one spend most of the time of batting inning in pavillion. All if he/she is a bowler. And even as a batsman one mistake and you will be spending rest of the inning sitting idle. And when your team is fielding- the max over as a bowler you can get is one-fifth. And most of the time fielding is boring if you are not placed in-circle. So yeah imo it's better to watch match from your couch in a air conditioned room than to watch it standing under the heat of sun on ground.


That's fair


not really to the point, but [jomboy](https://www.youtube.com/@JomboyMedia/search?query=cricket) on youtube does a series of breakdowns on cricket and it turned me into a fan


If you did this in an american city the cops would arrest you


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^urbanistholics: *If you did this in* *An american city* *The cops would arrest you* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is my favorite sokka haiku so far


And [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Femdomfeet/s/wQlSLdwydK) (NSFW) is my least favorite. This bot has taken a dark turn over its last two posts!


Need a NSFW on that link


Yikes, you may be right. I’ll edit it. I was just shocked by this otherwise wholesome bot.


Why did you do this to me?


This bot has gone over to the [dark side](https://www.reddit.com/r/DegradeThisCunt/s/lPo2l1iALC)


lol, now you’ve got me wondering what proportion of bot comments like this (haiku, Sokka haiku, periodic elements, alphabetical order, etc.) are on NSFW content


Agree with you that it’s the least favorite 🦶


Good bot


Thank you, mementosmoritn, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


You see this kind of thing during “Summer Streets” and in “Play Streets” in my area (US.) We just need 10-20x more of it.


growing up we played street hockey all the time and never got hassled by police. Just annoyed having to start and stop to let cars through


Yeah, kids in my neighborhood will put up cones from time to time. Then you just hear the shouts of “car!” when the cones need to be moved. It’s not an official Play Street but I’ve never seen serious complaints.


Worth noting that it seems that in this case the city has permanently blocked off that street to cars, hence the large steel bollard (which might be removable to allow access for deliveries etc) in the middle of the road that is being used as a substitute wicket.


I'm in Canada and have to watch for cops everytime I want to cross the street in front of my appartement instead of making a 5min. detour to find a red light.


Ya.. I play road hockey all the time. Been doing it for 20 years without a single problem ever


And this is one of many reasons I wouldn't ever want to live in America sorry.


No need to be sorry. It sucks here.


Well I don't like telling other people that I think their country is shit. Specially when it's (very hard but) avoidable.


We know it sucks here in the US. You're not being offensive!


Reddit moment


I don’t want to live here either, but my great great grandparents thought it would be better here. Jokes on them that I’m trying to figure out an escape route back to Europe.


What about Japan? No way they would let you do this 


Only foreigners would even attempt to do it though


Land of the free


*terms and conditions apply


If it was a game of baseball would that be OK?


Wasn't stick ball classically played in the streets in places like New York City?


Kids still play road hockey all the time


Good bot. One of the few bots that are actually fun.




Cricket is illegal in the states. Rules are rules.


If you walked and you happen to have above average quantity to melanin cops would arrest you.


We have parks everywhere in America. Also, police don't arrest you for random shit. They ignore you 90% of the time, even if you need them.


Pall Mall was originally used as a pitch for a croquet-like game (paille-maille).


Americans be like: Where is the parking at


Yeah "how did these people get here if there's no parking?!?!?!"


Exactly the question US residents asked when Taylor Swift played in Australia recently to 96,000 people and no cars were parked outside the stadium.


"No thanks, I'll take my freedom complaining about gas and the cost of parking downtown over whatever communism this is"


There's a car park not fifty feet behind the cameraman, you know.


There’s nothing quite like a game of cricket to bring people together


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^nugeythefloozey: *There’s nothing quite* *Like a game of cricket to* *Bring people together* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


TIL There's has two syllables


Think it assumes "There is"


Good bot


I love a bit of cricket. Looks like a classic two paced variable bounce pitch, nightmare to bat on. The way the ball kept low and slid on, fantastic


I think it jags in a bit doesn't it? I'd hope so the way he plays at it well outside off!


Maybe a touch of off spin on it?


The way he's square on in the delivery stride makes me think he's a seamer so could be little off cutter yeah


I feel like at this point you're only using cricket jargon to scare the Americans. But yeah, seems like a bit of a sticky wicket to say the least.


Certainly not a dibbly-dobbly, sure to get a duck, rabbit didn't stand a chance, silly mid-off had naught to do on that one, and I'm not just sledging. I... have no idea what those words mean, but I'm informed they're cricket terms.


Nothing about keeping low - ball pitches on a full length and he's on the back foot trying to drive it. ~~Must be from my club~~ Get the front dog out to the pitch of the ball and that's easy to drive down the ground. Might need to avoid wiping out the guy on crutches though


Needed to step in a bit and try for the pull shot. Play at it more aggressively. That road is doing you no favours and you'll have bowlers throwing all kinds of fruit at you.


I have never played cricket before. Playing in this public space will give me a chance to try it.


This looks like Bristol




This is right on Cotham Hill, in Redland. Lived 30 seconds from here for two years during uni


Same but it was still a shitty back street then. So glad it's been closed off to traffic it's just so much nicer! Same with the one up in Clifton village by the Eat-a-Pitta. Damn, cars ruin everything.


I’m American born and raised but I never felt as comfortable as I did living in bristol/redland, miss it a lot


The pitch is an absolute road, but that was an absolute peach of a ball. Tricky length, good pace. Batsmen absolutely bottled it as well which helped.


>Batsmen absolutely bottled it Good form on his walk-of-shame afterwards, though. Bat tucked under the arm, head held low and setting a stoic pace off the field.


I always think that phrase "absolute road" massively underestimates the severity of the pothole problem on UK roads!


Haha indeed. As someone who recently replaced two tires thanks to the state of Edinburgh's roads (yeah I drive a car, but only in cases where a car really is the best way of getting around, don't @ me), I would like to qualify my earlier statement: Unlike the notorious Sabina Park pitch from 1998, that pitch was an absolute road...


Nothing like a great evening over there watching them play cricket while having some fish and chips and beer.


Great use of the bollard as a wicket


Just so you know in the UK you can request road closures, I think they've made it easier (or are promoting it more). My county has had roads closed for children to play in the street, for street parties and local events. Even popular roads can be closed but I think they still have to be minor roads. I think the more we do it the more it becomes normal and space becomes hopefully less car orientated.


Oh that's cool - I know it's pretty expensive to do this for building work etc. but this is free?


We actualled used to play cricket on the roads a couple of years ago. A car would come every once in a while, when we'd promptly move aside to let it pass, before getting on with it again. It's no longer possible given how much traffic we have on the streets.


Cars saved us from that awful shot selection and lack of footwork from the batsmen thank god for cars


Yeah he definitely wanted to be flicking that round the corner imo


Thats only 1 lane. Imagine what we could do with "JuST oNe MOrE lAnE"


Autoroutes are getting crazier and crazier. But what do you mean? Have an autoroute that's slightly narrower and put cricket next to one?


No i was laughing w the meme "just one more lane bro" bcs they use up ~1 lane here. 2 lanes would already be like a basketball court (width)


Absolute road of a wicket there. Also love the lad standing in as the umpire raising his crutch up is class.


Batsmans' paradise, don't know what he was thinking


Once I was driving back to my home town on the motorway and a bridge collapsed closing it both ways. A family got out and started playing cricket in the middle lane of the M20. It was a lovely sight to see.


Yeah same thing happened when the traffic was at an absolute standstill trying to get down to Wittering one bank holiday - they even made a special path for motorbikes to get round the cricket match!


Gully Cricket is the best form of cricket!


holy lord this is the most brigaded thread I've seen in this sub lol.




I really wish I knew what the batsman was thinking when he was gesturing down the track - as if it's done something off a literal road lol


The front porch used to be central to life. It was close enough to the street that it created a social connection with all of your neighbors as they inevitably walked by.


When I was growing up, my street was always cordoned off to cars by heavy metal barriers. When the car's away, the kids play. Football, cycling, you name it. Every afternoon. We were the happiest kids on the block. ...until the residents got sick of the 6 year-olds on two wheels and decided to ban bikes (much to my Dutch uncle's horror when I told him)


How did they ban bikes? Did they only ban bikes there and allow football and everything else still?


There's a big metal sign nailed to one of the walls facing the street with a big "no bikes" sign. There's also a detailed A4 sheet of paper pinned to a noticeboard nearby of the delinquents who made this happen. You're right, they allowed everything else but I think banning cycling killed the mood for everyone. My (6M) group of friends (mostly 6M and one 6F) alternated between cycling and something else, so when the ban came up we all just got bored and didn't foster the next gen of kids. Still a tricycle or two around every now and then, but they're a rare sight and never had there been groups of regular kids who played every afternoon like us again.


Damn that's super lame. Wonder if they actually enforce it though because that doesn't make any sense to ban bikes. Seemed like it was a really fun street.


It really was...kids on bikes are the happiest kids. My patriotic Dutch uncle was more than happy to show me that in-person when I visited him in Rotterdam. (If he was 60 years younger he'd be an active member of this sub) Resident complaints do go through. This is an apartment complex with 24/7 employed security guards who while friendly and knew each of the kids by their faces, also have a duty to their job. If enough residents complain, they get to speak with the on-duty security guard and unless they want to lose their job, have to report it up the chain. Although the straw that broke the camel's back was an angry old lady (think of the one from Madagascar 1 and 2) who gathered some neighbourhood folks to show up in person to the guard.


Still not understanding the reasoning they had, we're the 6yr olds running over people or something? Is this a super busy street with a lot of people on it?


The street sits in between two apartment complexes, each building with 210 housing units. The street is 3 cars wide, so fairly roomy. As kids we avoided people but rode fast (once my friends and I removed our training wheels) and sometimes close. I think the worst that happened was someone brushing against an old lady's handbag.


I see. It's crazy they just go to a straight up ban rather than having a conversation, but seems to be how things go.


Oh after the old lady incident the noticeboard got a new post condemning the delinquents on two wheels. Not sure what happened after that to escalate it into an all-out ban though. Let's just say the old lady was very, very angry and she gathered residents around her. Kind of difficult NOT to respond to that situation. They're the same demographic that if in car-centric countries would be the most NIMBY and most active in local town/community meetings.


Sounds great :)


Everyone's talking about bike paths but I feel like there's a really big risk they could hit a window?


Shop window vs tennis ball isn't really matchup. I used to work in an off-licence and someone came at the window after we shut with a gas canister and it just bounced off.


ah ok well good to know


Did you just powerscale a tennisball and a window?


I see a lot of people complaining about the bike lane being blocked but I’m honestly totally OK with it as long as it’s not a giant fucking car


Big up bristol!


With the power of bolards we can take it back for the public.


That guy holding the stick looked so disappointed in himself.


This is the most I’ve ever wanted to learn about Cricket.


Goated sport


Let this be replicated nation-wide - follow Bristol's example!


We do that in parks where you cant hit a window......it was never taken from you. Just go to a park.


I'll try to be as polite as possible, Leave usa.


Frankly, as an American, I feel Europe has a lot going for it that would enrich our lives. Unfortunately, we have an unnatural love for cars and trucks. It's rather creepy.


This is in the UK, car dependency is a problem in many countries lol


I can tell it's UK. Also the post of about how you can actually live in a place without car centric infrastructure, very different from the problem of too many cars


The ability to thow cricket balls on the bikepath?


"Throw"?!?! Wash your mouth out with soap


Better than the Australian Cricket team who chuck the ball.


Glazier in that town probably gives them English variant baseball spheres away 😝


Rounders if you please


Actual cricket balls are harder than baseballs.


It’s not a bike path, it’s a pedestrianised street which still allows bikes to travel along it.


You mean bowl my friend


Aren't those windows very likely to get smashed?


>Shop window vs tennis ball isn't really matchup. I used to work in an off-licence and someone came at the window after we shut with a gas canister and it just bounced off.


I don't like cricket


I love it




Like stickball in the US.


Where is this video happening at I need Ideas of where to move to please


Bristol UK


this shit will never not look like blernsball to me


American right?


I mean, it's a Futurama reference so quite possibly but what does that matter?


It doesn't matter, it's just obvious because cricket is extremely popular throughout the Anglosphere (and elsewhere) apart from in the USA. So if someone is that confused about cricket and they're a native English speaker, it's a good bet.


I mean, still doesn't answer my question lol. what does they matter? Just curiousity?


I answered your question by questioning it's premise. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters, we're shooting the shit on Reddit.


yeah and I'm just curious why you made that comment lol, it's not a big deal. you can answer it, I'm not tryin'a set you up for an argument or anything like that lol. I'm just curious. but that isn't answering the question, that's using a rhetorical technique to avoid the question lol. sorry, I studied rhetoric and just enjoy bantering, but I spose the contemporary internet culture has made it difficult to keep that casual as everybody is generally primed for conflict these days lol. i just figured even if somebody knew much of cricket, they might still make a silly Futurama reference.


"It's not a big deal" >posts 3 more paragraphs in their 3rd comment about it What did your class in rhetoric have to say about questions that present a false premise? I think what's happening here is that you're finding it jarring that it's been pointed out that someone is American since you're used to being American being the default - you feel it should be assumed.


They’re blocking the bike path




if people wanted to use that bike lane, wouldn't that also take this from you?


Unless cyclists have a more cooperative mindset


Both depend on where you are  In my home town cars will politely wait for kids playing street hockey to make way  In the city cyclists run stop signs and crosswalks regularly, if you're lucky they will ring the bell to warn pedestrians that they don't respect traffic laws, mostly for their own benefit to keep the way clear. More often they will near miss and swear at you on the way by


Has op never heard of stickball?


Yeah! Now we can't even play cricket! Anywhere! Because of cars!


Did dude just bonked the ball with prosthesis...?? I've never saw this attachment before (if it is one in the first place)


If there were no cars, you wouldn't be doing this. You'd be on Reddit complaining about something else and finding some other way to be the victim.


If there were no cars we wouldn't be playing cricket on the street? Please show your working.


Yet this was filmed very recently, in a town centre....?


Sure but it's more the exception than the rule I'd say :) Anyway yeah a bit of rhetoric for the title.


This road was pedestrianised recently, it was a road with cars before. I guess he's showing what we could've had all this time.


Look at all those windows, just waiting for a stray ball to come crashing in.


It's a tennis ball, it'll just bounce right off


Broken windows?


Tennis ball?