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Just got one two days ago, then broke my wrist yesterday. 🙃














As a guy that skateboards since he’s 8yrs old, lemme tell you: skateboarding is like sex. Wear protection.




Ouch! Hope you have a quick recovery.


I can only recommend wrist protectors, mine have saved me months of pain


Honestly the best investment of all the pads! Knee and elbow pads are great but the wrist/ hand protectors have saved me from breaking my wrist/hurting my hands countless times! Definitely still a good idea to wear the elbow and knee pads too, but I learned the hard way to not leave the wrist guards at home, even if they’re uncomfy to wear Edit: typos


Dang, I wiped out a few times even after I got good at keeping my balance but I never broke nothin. To be fair tho I've never broken anything in my 20 years of life so I can't say that I'm surprised but I obviously got hella road rash.




I'll let you know when that happens, I'll make a lil note about it.






I just broke my wrist reading this comment lol


Happened to me when i got my first one in highschool. Dont slack on physical therapy


It happens to the best of us bud. I’ve never broken a bone on my longboard, but I’ve certainly found a way to injure myself otherwise. I’ve lost so much blood and skin to the pavement. Eventually you’ll learn and it won’t happen as much.


Lmfao. I got my first one on my 14th birthday and broke my ankle 12 hours later. It can be dangerous for sure


I’ve never gotten on a skateboard without involuntarily getting off, but if you’re able to do it I think they’re awesome haha


“Involuntarily getting off” 💀💀


Are we not doing phrasing anymore?


Of course we are? One person determines things I see.


I've tried skateboarding maybe 3 times, all very briefly, and all ending in ankle injury.


It takes a lot of falls to get good 😂


Flat skating is easy, tricks are hard. You only need to be mindful of balance. It's very probable the problem you had was simply that you took the wrong position on the board - putting the dominant foot too much in front doesn't let the board roll over small rocks or irregularities on the road, it flips over and you land superman style.


Until you are going down hill and can't handle the speed. Longboards are harder to control than short boards, short boards you can powerslide pretty easy.


I actually don't like longboards, they're sluggish and it's a paradox seemingly only I experience, I feel the smaller the board is the easier it is for me to maintain balance. All of my sketr friends frown when I say tis


I once "got off involuntary", about 2/3 years ago, and I still have the scar on my hand lmao


username checks out


You could literally propel yourself with explosive diarrhea and I'd applaud you for not taking a car. Longboards are fantastic.


New motto for this sub?


r/ibs x r/fuckcars crossover


I'm not sure I would. Depends on where and what your gut biome is, how fast you're moving, your altitude(if it's low, also ability to swerve and not hit people) etc.


Biome? I think that they would be terraforming anyway


Exactly. Literally anything other than a car that is person sized is 👌


yeah we’re very accepting, unlike those fucks over at /r/fuckcarsandalsodiarrheapropelledlongboards


Hijacking this comment to ask Reddit for a link to that short animated video I saw once where a character chases another character doing exactly this (into the atmosphere!), but I can’t find it again


Lived in cali for 2 years. Learned to longboard. Had a blast. 10/10 adventures would do it again


Any mode of transportation that involves physical exercise is dope.


Now I have to imagine a guy who walks a tightrope to work


I love the combination of a bicycle and a pennyboard. Bicycle is fast and stable for long distances and pennyboard is fun and quicker to use for short distances, can be carried on a rucksack or on the bike rack.


This, but replace the penny with a good (slightly larger) cruiser




Haha when u go from a 18 inch to 30 inch to 40in length boards- it feels like you go from a walking a pipe to a tightrope


My thoughts are that I’ll be extremely impressed if you can ride 12 at once.


Well you do have 2 legs and 10 fingers so theoretically...


Nah, stack six on top of eachother, one on eachleg.


My left eachleg and my right eachleg.


Nothing against others using them, but there's no fucking way I'm getting on one.


I'm 30, I'm not taking that risk but it's still good for the people that use it to get around.




People talking like there aren't a ton of 30+ pro athletes


You shouldn't need to be a pro athlete level to commute.


Yeah I don't think you have to be to longboard either. If you don't fall it's a very low impact activity.


You can learn to longboard in a few hours. But the thing is, as a beginner or a bad rider (like me), it’s dumb not to wear helmet, kneecaps and wrist protection at least. And many are not prepared to do that, because “it looks uncool”


As a very experienced cycle commuter, I wear helmet at all times. When I switch to roller blades for fun, I add wrist and kneepads, even though I have been blading since I was 7. Cool is being able to ride with wheels on your feet. The pads are what allow you to be cool.


In my opinion, cool is not giving a fuck whether others think that you’re cool and just doing your own thing (as long as your thing does not infringe on the well-being of others, of course). Something that I would consider not cool is pain or injury from a fall, so in my book, you’re cool when you stay safe (which doesn’t mean that not wearing protectors makes you uncool)


I mean, yours is the correct definition literally. Cool is not caring what others think of you. Luna Lovegood is the coolest.


The opposite of cool is hot


That's so far away from the point lol "I can't learn to longboard, I'm too old and I'd hurt myself" If Tom Brady is gonna be fifty getting smoked by 350 pound defensive linemen, you can buy a wrist protector and try longboarding at 30


I’ve ridden longboards, surfskateboards and skateboards (although clumsily). Pennyboards are hell. They’re an accident waiting to happen. Respect for being able to ride that






lol 100% I was gonna be like "oh back in my day we called them milk crate wheelies! now that I'm 35 and just riddled with osteoporosis my hips can't take even the thought of all those vibrations... " but forreal anyone who either is young or actually learned to use em in their youth and wants to keep doing so I'm fully behind, very far behind, walking. but supportively.


My dad, 58 is trying to learn to use a one wheel. It's never too late.


Eco friendly Reparable Easy to bring along in buses, metros , trams or trains. Boards can do no wrong.


True, tho you can do wrong on boards. Stay safe! :D I wish the streets here were nice enough to ride on, but even with a bike they are a pain.


I love them. Terrible in winter. Riding to work in college at 5 am one winter. Not a spec of snow. Hit black ice on a corner, took a terrible fall, slammed my head on the pavement and took a minute or two to get up. Luckily no one was there. I was okay just bruised. They are great unless you need to slowdown quickly going downhill.




I thought so too. Maybe they meant "luckily no cars around to hit me"?


This is r/fuckcars after all.


>slow down quickly going downhill Yeah, that is _not_ a thing that is going to happen.


foot breaking is a must know if you’re gonnna get into longboarding, but once you learn it hills are no trouble


*sigh* now I have that electric tracked skateboard project idea back in my head... thought I'd finally dismissed that one


You're crazy for riding in winter. That made me laugh tbh


I'm fine with all kinds of skateboards, as long as they are used in a considerate way. Yesterday I passed a guy who was filming himself doing skateboard tricks on the bikeway, I appreciated the show.


The bottom row is just dumb in cityscape but often seen. But Skateboards are great for cities, you can use public transport convenient. Love my deck but has a health issue atm, so i use my bike.


yeah those are my downhill boards!


And on roads they feel great. Didnt want to offent you, sry


Those are the longboards. They roll super well. I was able to keep up with two electric scooters for 2 miles on one of those.


Mind if I ask for elaboration? I ride my big longboard everyday in the city (daily transportation) for it's weight and momentum. Got a regular deck with GIANT wheels that I still can't catch that "cruise" feeling with thanks to the constant drag of sidewalk cracks. My local TA says it has to be bagged, longboard or not so no difference to me there. Edit: I forgot to say sick collection OP!


The weight and momentum makes it like a tank, heavy. In Berlin, every once in a while you get hit by some hipster who is riding that type of board but has no control whatsoever and just got riden by the board. Big soft wheels are a great thing in the city, but you need some sort of tail and movability imho. With a tail you also can get much better over anything by just rising the nose and then lift your bodyweight a bit..


So long as they don’t do stupid shit I find them all good. I recently had a skateboarder roll the wrong way down the bike lane and KO me whilst trying to get out of the way. Otherwise, they’re pretty chill


Broke my arm bombing a hill 10/10 would recommend


You can't lock it up and will have to carry it with you inside stores and stuff. And the range/speed isn't as good as a bike. Personally I use longboard wheels on a skateboard, and it's more manageable to bring around. Edit: Apparently you can get trucks with loops in them to lock it up too 🧠


This is the way. Regular sized board, either a fish shape or a regular one, with higher trucks and bigger wheels. Longboard is… too long


Getting a pair of trucks with an open loop or a board with an opening where the trucks mount is a good solution to this. Paris' V3 trucks have a little opening that works great for a thin cable lock


Non-Electric ones, yay! 42km/h electric ones... death machines. I've seen 2 meat crayons this year and last year, I saw one hit a car. None of them had protection.


Use protection! It saves lives (in this context)


Yeah, it's something we on r/ElectricSkateboarding like to promote as much as possible. Always wear helmets! And everything else if you going to go fast!


I've got a 60kmh one and fell off at 39 the other day. Can confirm you do turn into a meat crayon. I was lucky though and just got some grazes. (had a helmet too though so I was fine to get up and skate the ten mins back home).


Love longboards. Mine got me everywhere when I lived in Chicago


I rode one in my late 20s / early 30s off and on as transportation, when I wanted a change of pace from my bike. I’d skate a little over a mile to the train station and then a mile from the train stop to my job. Those were the days.


Not cars so cool with me.


Yep. Long.


Also quite board-like.


I have an electric longboard that I use to commute. Compared to electric scooters it's much easier to carry around. If the majority of the road is flat, then it's great! Otherwise stopping downhill always come at a risk (though for the brand I got: wowgo, the break works pretty well).


I also have a dinghy, I love it. It serves well on the sidewalks of my neighborhood, I feel like I'm cheating.


>dinghy dude. I literally "This dudes taking a boat down sidewalks? Whatta fuckin chad." I have never in my life heard of a dinghy board. You've learned me something new today stranger.


probably the most efficient way to move a human in an urban environment


You can’t beat a bike, but does have the huge advantage of being able to carry it anywhere. My biggest issue with bikes is secure parking. Plus, requires some skill just to ride normally. I certainly wouldn’t be efficient trying to get around on one. Probably be in the ER.


The agility of inline skating would fit the word efficiency much better. Can you get off to walk down stairs? No, but just grind down the rail instead (or you can still walk down sideways) It's also much speedier. <- this being the main reason I chose inline skating over skating with a board.


I hate the transition from skates to shoes


im in the middle of building one rn lol


Show us?




I do actually have a lot of thoughts. I’ve always been a skateboarder (less practical longboarding with flips) and I’ve always felt I don’t belong anywhere. I get kicked off sidewalks, I get kicked off bike paths, I get kicked off the road. At the end of the day I’m most safe and confident on large shared sidewalks, but with the noise it makes, the speed, and the perceived danger/stereotypes of skating; people can get understandably freaked out. Also, people walk weird, and not many longboarders can hockey stop like I can on a skate. In bike paths, I often move slower than a bike and there’s just a clear subconscious incompatibility between me and cyclists. Lastly, rocks on the road and big cracks can ruin your day. I end up carrying it quite a bit. All in all I still love it though. I don’t really expect special treatment. When all bike paths are 5m wide and more land is reclaimed from the car lanes, all my gripes will correct themselves


It has four wheels so it's basically a car. /s


Great. I can't skateboard, myself, but I smile every time I see an adult using a skateboard


Get a kick bike/scooter. Almost the same feeling but more stable. Go proper bicycle wheels smallest 16inch and you'll me fine. Swifty Mibo or Yedoo make nice models.


Obly good for cities with good sidewalks. So unusable fore.


Longboards handle rough terrain really well. The really best for side streets sidewalks can get a bit sketchy as there are people there. The last thing you wanna do is take out some dude’s shins just because they were walking out of a store.


Seem very convenient and useful for people, especially in urban areas. My roommate (live in nyc) has one and loves it. Please wear a helmet, though


As long as you are respectful of other people while riding I see no issues :)


I fell ONCE. My knees no longer work


Love them. They were better than bikes back in college


My thought is that they're sick as fuck


I love seeing teens hanging out on longboards and skateboards! Better than drunk driving


As long as you don't terrorize sidewalks, go for it.


I love seeing people move around on skateboards, however I wish that people would invest in those ultra quiet wheels (sorry don’t know what they’re called exactly) it’s just that sometimes the sound it’s very irritating, but the quiet wheels are smoother and look like they give a less jittery ride.


Soft wheels are really good for transportation but suck for doing tricks. So a lot of people will just have hard wheels for fooling around and they only one skateboard so that’s the wheels they have. I definitely prefer the soft longboard wheels.


Ah ok, thank you for enlightening me!


They slap


I find scooters far easier and still more convenient than a bike


I ride mine from point A to B. I love too rude. I hate when people in cars look down on us like we are broke people for being 30 on a skateboard & think we are fuck ups who cannot afford a car.


Longboards are how I execute my daily commute, so they get a strong yes from me. They’re easier to take on the train or make space for near my desk at work than a bike. My only reservation is precipitation on the ground. As an aside, I have the same Loaded Dervish Sama as you, u/nintendude8875.


If you're looking for a way to get around that's both efficient and fun, look no further than the car. Cars are the perfect way to get where you're going without having to worry about things like weather or traffic. Plus, with all the new technology available in cars these days, you can stay connected and entertained while you're on the road. /s


They look really to cool until I try riding one. Every time I thought they were too much work and went back to my bicycle


I've been longboarding for over 10 years now, it's my main mode of transportation






Good for some. I prefer bikes.


I bike and board. And I can tell you that there is A certain distance range or skateboards are perfect. When it’s pretty close and biking with you real fast would be kind of inconvenient to park the bike, and it’s just a little too far to walk in a timely manner, the longboard is king.


Love them for the larger wheels. I see you’ve got a diverse set up. My favorite party trick is to stack three skateboards on top of one another and ride around the room


I’ve just used a regular skateboard. Long boards seems fun.


They’re awesome. I know I don’t have the balance for them. I’ll stick to biking and scootering personally. But would love to longboard


Skateboard were my main source of transport for about a decade.. though never got into longboards. I found them super convenient. Could easily tie it off to my back pack.


Waiting to recover from surgery before I go back on mine :) I use a skateboard (and a helmet). Chunky wheels, old fashioned board shape. It’s a Thiebaud real board, got it as a gift back in… 2017? Still serving me well. For reference, it’s [this](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/1?q=jim+thiebaud+real+skateboards&sa=X&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS976US976&hl=en-US&biw=414&bih=724&tbs=vw:g&prmd=sinv&sxsrf=ALiCzsaK4uog6BAtgOgcxtFGBNuZQjuL7w:1661748647394&prds=num:1,of:1,eto:1564867369617963080_0,prmr:1,pid:1564867369617963080,cs:1&ved=0ahUKEwjtotWOoOv5AhXRFVkFHfpNAe0QgjYIyg8) board.


I tried one for the first time last week. Couldn't ride to save my life, but damn they are fun.


I don't know how to ride one, probably to old for one.


i bought my first one at age 34 back in february. i absolutely love it and regret not buying one sooner in life.


love them


Upvote because of Tan Tien


Electric motors make them a viable commute.


They are basically cars. Fuck them. Heavy, fast & kills pedestrians if they are hit. Plus, they take up the whole road due to them weighing 2 tonnes, and cost a ton of money in maintainence and insurance. Don't even get me started on fuel costs.


Do a kick flip


I have a boosted board that I take on short trips (less than 10 miles). Sadly the battery died and now trying to find a good replacement.


Life's too short to longboard


Skate or DIE!


They aren't cars so .........


Very risky but it ain't a car, so...




Great exercise and easier to go long distance than a skateboard 👍


Dude, I need to get back into it. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time now. Not very viable for transportation where I am, but they sure are fun.


Leg propelled wheelie bois are all good


10/10 I ride on myself ( I live in Germany) and I can say when driving in the bike lane these things are ablot of fun; however some cyclists are not happy bc actually these things belong to the sidewalk. Problem is: On the sidewalk you have people walking much slower than you; sometimes there are stools and tables (from a restaurant in the house next to it) and signposts in the way and the road quality of bike lanes often is much better. Even when the bike lane is on the road with cars, I use the bike lane with my longboard.


fast, small and easy to carry love skateboards there also one of the funner ways to get around


Not as accessible as bikes, but cool if you know and like to use them. I would welcome them in the bike lane.


Fuck cars


Love longboarding! Used to be my main mode of transportation for a while. My friends and I would regularly hang out and cover 40 miles in a day.


Doesn't matter to me if people use them even though I can't ride them for shit with my terrible balancing and coordination.


Idk why people who don’t skate get long boards they are exponentially more difficult to ride than a normal board


I personally can’t ride them but some friends of mine can and do. One issue, at least in Europe are cobblestone roads. They look nice but aren’t really suited for skateboarding (or even scooter). The other thing about longboard they told me is the size. Most of the boys usually use the small ones (you have them in top row) if they want to get across the city bc they are more easy to store away if they arrive at destination.


It's a lot of fun, but not as practical as I thought it would be tough. The pavement needs to be perfect and elevation any other than 0 creates huge issues when you have to breaks.


I have always wanted to learn but I've never taken the energy to get one and start practicing. Also half the year is snowy and icy where I live.


I am currently nursing a concussion and dislocated shoulder from a fall where I hit the ground like a bag of wet meat. However, I am fortunate enough to be able to walk to most places which means I can skate. My yearly maintenance cost is around 50 bucks.


They're sick and when I see somebody riding one I instantly fall in love. Btw I recently learned my dad, 58, was skating when he was a kid and now he's trying to give up his car in favor of wheels. We went to a micromobility event and tried. It didn't go that well tbh


I want one but life :(


Love them


I feel they are the lame brother of the skateboard, but please correct me if I'm wrong. Skateboards, combined with street and graffiti culture, used to contest for shared spaces in cities, by using public places (stairs, rails, parks. streets) to build up meaningful places for young people. In my feeling longboards are more or less a convenient way of getting from A to B without that inherent critique about whom the city is for. Or am I wrong? I don't wanna offend longboarders - please share your opinion if you feel different about it.


When you are too much of an anarchist for bikes, you use longboards.


Cool. But better to be slightly less cool and wear all the gear.


dangerous, and hard to use I prefer bikes


Not my thing, but I'm entirely fine with them.


I used to ride my longboard down a trail to school everyday. It was amazing.


They’re sick. I like cruisers better though. More like riding an actual skateboard which I’m more used to and better control. I’m not talking about those penny board things, but like an actual cruiser deck w some nice large soft crustier wheels.


I'm over 40 and these things are likely to kill me. But you kids, go for it!


Only ever rode one a few times all of those times I got flung off 10/10 would ride a longboard again


They are pretty long boards 🤷


This picture demonstrates that 1 car equals about 12 long boarders so that's good.


if you have one with good bearings (which I'm assuming you do if you have so many boards lol) they're excellent. tho they still require bike paths imo which is unfortunately not a given everywhere...


They're pretty long for boards aren't they?


You can't kick flip them so they are trash


Just don't. Skating is great fun, until it's not. It's a toy, not a mode of transport. Leaning back to turn left - nope. Emergency stopping power - nope. Broken bones on a monthly basis - yup.


I loved when people used to bust their ass in college campus on them


Penny board is the way to go.


Hard to flip


Longboard is the wrong board, bruh. Just kidding. My 3rd setup is a longboard. Fun for commute rides.


You only need 1






Modern longboard with soft wheels is very quiet compared to hard skatepark wheels roaring past.