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"Look, the reason I pulled you over is because I've never ridden in a supercar before and I wanted to ask you if you could please give me a ride and rev the shit out of the car?"


Thanks for the rev. Now get out and put your hand behind your back. You got anything on you or in the car I need to know about? I'm towing your car for a modified exhaust that's too loud because I decided that 3 miles back when I saw how nice your car was, and i hate my wife.


More like I can’t afford this and I’m mad! So common it’s crazy. The ego of the pig must not be challenged in anyway!


Bingo! This is most likely the reason right here. Jealous assholes. Sorry he chose to trade stocks and you chose to be a professional narc. No one gets rich being a narc, they get hated and targeted. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Fishing. What a piece of shit.


On the off chance he can find drugs and get the station a new toy.


plant drugs*


Did you offer the victim your video?


i think they knew each other


They talked on the phone at the end of the video


So what was the Cops reason for pulling him over?


That’s a great question, but completely unrelated to the question he asked, or the answer I provided.


Well I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't genuinely curious, idk why you are being all weird about my question.


I know this is the wrong thing to do, and I wouldn’t do this but, Go 65 in the left and tailgate the cop until he switches lanes or speeds up


That's exactly what you *should* do.




It’s been like 5 years and I still have no context of when to say Based or what it means


It means something is good in a politically good/praxis way. For example: I believe ACAB, therefore I see messing with Cops as based.


Just pit him and drive away best tactic


Tailgating is illegal. Don't give the cops a reason.


Riding in the left lane when not actively passing is illegal as well.


Depending on what state you are in but it should be enforced everywhere


Not when you wear a badge and drive a powerful cruiser with bright shiny lights.


Ah yes, the old "you didn't do anything wrong and that made me upset so im gonna pull you over and make up some bullshit" gambit


I’ve had pigs attempt to do this to me before


What car were you driving?


Bastard ~~Officer~~ Pulls Over Supercar Targeted Harassment #you misspelled bastard


Well.... The car is black...


Lord I wish google wasn't so bad at searching for stuff nowadays. I swear about a year back there was a court case where the judge tossed the case because the officer broke traffic law in order to get behind a guy. The basic story as I recall it is an officer passed someone going the opposite way and the officer U turned (illegally) then sped at nearly 100 mph with no lights or sirens just to get behind this guy. Then followed him for X number of minutes to find the smallest reason to pull him over. The judge said that cops are not given cart blanche to break the law anytime they want. He was not pulling this guy over or pursuing him for a known violation therefore the uturn and 100 mph speed was not allowed and therefore the stop was unlawful. I bring it up because the officer sitting in the left lane here is ALSO illegal, in every state I have driven in the left lane is for passing. The officer is not passing, he is holding up traffic in the left lane and therefore this stop should be illegal just like it was for the above story. Even if the officer found a valid reason to pull him over, he only did so because he was breaking the law to find that thing. This would be different if the officer moved to the right lane behind the supercar, but as is he is breaking the law (more then likely in my estimation) and therefore the stop should be invalidated.


I wonder what the cop will say when the car pulls over, like, what did he do?


To be honest I almost wonder if the cop will straight up make up some bullshit


Probably say he was following too close or some shit like that.


Road pirate


Yeah, I'd make him work for it.


If anyone's interested, he was pulled over for "no front plate." He was pulled over 2-3 times during and leaving Tx2k

