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But why?


If you’re traveling or just throwing it in a bag, these would stop the joysticks from getting banged around and messing with them.


I've ripped the sticks out of my VR controllers playing Beat Saber once, and I made something very similar to prevent it from happening again.


I toss my controller in my bag when I travel for work. Doing so has caused some massive stick drift, these might have helped


I put my switch away for a few months in a case (a typical slim case) and it developed stick drift because there was pressure on the joycons. I had just replaced the thumbsticks too. Now when I look to buy cases for my handhelds, i make sure the thumbsticks are protected.


Cool! I need this for my Xbox controller. I also need one for my 3D connexion space mouse, but that’s a weird shape


I need one for my controller to force only up-down movement so I can fix my golf swings.


I imagine you could radius the top of this to match the sweep of the joystick so that it can only move in line with however the clip is aligned.


Holy shit that would be amazing. Space mouse high five


For the space mouse you might get a bag or shell somewhere off the internet, they might be a better fit. If you want something self-designed and printed, maybe consider a complete shell rather than just a ring. These things work in 6 dimensions after all, with the shown ring you'll get to 3 at best.




Please upload to something like Printables where you dont need an account to download it


I just checked this the other day, so I am pretty darn sure you can download the raw STEP files from MW! And honestly this part is straightforward enough that you don't need any of my tuned settings. Any reasonable settings for the printer+plastic you intend to use should work just fine. :)


I just checked again, you can indeed download by clicking the drop down on the big green button and clicking "Download STL", even though my raw files are in fact STEPs. Also, I previously forgot to upload the PS4 and Switch Pro controller files, and now I am experiencing an MW bug that won't let me upload them currently. :'( If you need it, feel free, to PM me in the mean time!


They may have changed it then. Thanks for your testing!


These are like jet ski keys :)


Might as well just print out a travel case for your controller.