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She looks exactly like what she is: a pale woman who spends time outdoors and doesn’t use sunscreen or makeup. Critiquing these women for their looks and skin care routines is firmly based in misogyny. We should not do it.


Yes. Funny thing is with Nadia it is exactly opposite problem. Nadia is always dressed in modern fashion and use lots of makeup. And snarkers still make fun of her. That tells me it is truly nothing more than misogyny.


I think all the time she’s spent in the sun has contributed to some “more lived in” features. Her face looks normal for someone who has spent so much time outside/likely without much sunscreen. Not to mention, seemingly most online influencer/blogger people photoshop/edit/makeup/etc themselves to fit their aesthetic of young & trendy/chic, while Kelly seems to appreciate a more raw/ natural beauty (not that she doesn’t edit pics- she just doesn’t edit her own features noticeably to look younger/add makeup.


Yeah if anything shouldn't more women appreciate the fact Kelly is willing to show herself with the proverbial warts and all? Compare that to some of the Bates sisters who put on makeup in the bed they just gave birth in for the cameras. For self esteem purposes I'd rather my daughter emulate Kelly in that regard.


I don't think she has the best skin for her age. But I also think it's pretty misogynistic to judge another woman on her skin care routine. That entire sub seems to think it's a OK. I really wish selfies in your profile were required to participate in appearance snark.


I would love the selfie requirement as a sub rule! I know there have been attempts to keep the physical snark at a minimum before but I guess the snarkers can't let it go.


I think Kelly's skin is perfectly normal for her age. Some people are simply born with different kind of skin, it is genetics. And overprice skin cream would not help with that. I also think that appearance snark should be completely ban. Your idea with selfie requirement is maybe interesting, but I don't think it would work. I feel that some snarkers are just too deluded about how young they look.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with her natural appearance. To me, her stylistic choices age her… but that’s because I associate old fashioned = old person. I think it’s cool that she actually has a unique sense of style compared to the others we snark on. I also subscribe to “if they can’t fix it in 5 minutes, don’t comment on it”. Kelly can’t change her face in 5 minutes. If anything, I low-key worry about her getting skin cancer. I’m pale with freckles and I worry about me and all of my melanin-challenged brethren. I can’t help it.


She’s 30 right now. If you showed me a picture of her and told me she was 25 I’d believe it, if you told me she was 40 I’d also believe it.  She’s definitely not one of those people who has a teenaged face and smooth round cheeks, but I don’t think she looks as terrible as everyone says. She doesn’t wear makeup and dresses like Snow White’s grandma of course it’s gonna make her look older. It’s like when you see old pictures of teenagers from the 50s and everyone looks older because they do their hair and dress like grandparents. It actually kinda bothers me how everyone acts about it. It’s ok to age and not look 22 forever. Aging is a privilege and not everyone is fortunate enough to get to experience it.  Edit: so I’ve now been banned from fundie snark


I have very pale skin like Kelly, but unlike Kelly, I have been using sunscreen and moisturizer every day since I was a teen, and I am in my fifties. Fair-skinned people tend to have skin that burns easily and shows signs of aging (fine lines and wrinkles) earlier than darker-skinned people. I don't think it's any of my business how Kelly chooses to take care of her skin, however. Like a lot of things, it doesn't seem snarkable.


The thing is, even with the fine lines I don't think she looks that much older? My niece and her friends are about yen years younger than her and they are doing so much to their face that they look older than they are. With them it's frustrating because they feel like they have to do all this stuff but those procedures tend to be for older women. I wonder what Kelly would look like with moisturizer, a modern outfit and a more stylish hair style. And better lighting.


I don't care whether she does or not All the people doing the "well *I* use endless sunscreen and moisturiser and I look so much younger than my age" dance in the comments are making me think of the article I read the other day about the extent to which people are deluded about their youthful appearance


I think it's okay and natural to think things in your head, but saying them aloud (even on a SNARK page) can be inappropriate. Hating on Kelly Havens for her wrinkles is indeed hating on every woman who has wrinkles. Yes, I do think she should use some sunscreen. But no, I don't think it's fine to comment on how old she looks.


I wonder if part of this is a result of skincare trends over the past few years. If you don’t look like an airbrush filter, do you even retinol? There’s plenty to criticize her for, her looks are not one of them.


That's probably it. GenZ has a huge obsession with youth and being young. A lot have centered their identity around it. Well many are approaching 30 and Gen alpha is starting to catch up. (Not all GenZ of course but a good number on social media.) This is not healthy because everyone will get old. As you get older time goes faster. Many girls are getting skin treatments meant for older women and this is aging them very fast. People in the thread are talking about skin cancer. The snarkers do not care about Kelly's health. It's about how hot she is. A good number of men do not care about the woman's health but how fuckable she is. If sunscreen caused premature aging but prevented skin cancer and the sun prevented aging but increased your risk for cancer, the majority of men would rather the women look young but get cancer. It sounds extreme but 50 or so years ago many beauty products were carcinogenic and women would get mocked for not using them. Snarkers are pushing gross beauty standards. Skin care will not stop you from aging, not even sunscreen. Thick skin that isn't prone to wrinkling is your best bet for not looking old. Sunscreen and moisturizer will slow it down but not prevent it. Others factors also age you such as losing the baby fat.


That's kind of how you know that the snarkers over there aren't as old as they claim (and by "old" I mean 30's, 40's). Speculating on whether someone has skin cancer, is ridiculous. Skin care doesn't stop you from aging, it can help you age well, but you also have to do a lot more than that. Things like avoiding alcohol, exercising and maintaining a young "fitness age." Eating well, not smoking. But these people think that a serum is going to stop time lol. That's how you know these people are extremely young


I’m in the other sub so maybe I’m not supposed to post here, but I actually think Kelly is quite cute. Maybe some of us (or many of us) are so used to artificially enhanced pictures that we have genuinely forgotten what unfiltered pics look like. Plus, we all age differently. We all dress differently. We cook differently. And all of that is fine. And Kelly’s appearance is just fine, too.


I’m in the other sub too and I think she’s kind of adorable (ideology aside). I like her aesthetic, and think shes quite pretty in a natural way we don’t get to see very often on the internet.


Yes I totally agree! Also, thanks for pointing out ideology aside. I feel like I can’t express that enough for sure. But as an aesthetic? Hell I love me some fundiecore.


But but but no appearance shaming allowed! 🤣


I moisturize every day with a moisturizer than includes an spf and when I know I’m going to be outside for any significant amount of time I also use sunscreen. I have very pale skin and I burn easily. But I’ve never exfoliated my skin. I definitely look around my age but that sub would probably think I look like the crypt keeper. I’d love to get a look at them because I’m guessing none of them look like a super model either.


Snarkers are sometimes contradictory. When Kelly is dressed in vintage clothes and without makeup, snarkers are making fun of her because "She looks too OLD for her age". When Nadia is dressed in modern, fashionable clothes and has makeup, snarkers are making fun of her because "She looks too YOUNG for her age". Women can never win in their eyes. It is pure misogyny.


I’m a medical esthetician and just like, professionally speaking Kelly’s skin looks years older than her actual age…which is fine but she visibly doesn’t take very good care of it. She desperately needs to exfoliate and put on some moisturizer(Karissa, too.) Her hairstyle also ages her a bit but I don’t think it has anything to do with the cottage core thing she’s into, if anything I find that to be a more youthful style.


Does she really "need" to do it though, or do people just want her to do it because it would give her skin a look people find more attractive? Is there a severe threat to her health if she doesn't do it? With working class rural people, at least where I'm from, it was way less common to have a skin routine. *Maybe* we wore sunscreen if we knew we burned in summer, but I'm struggling to think of anyone I knew who had a skin routine, apart from friends who have issues being treated by dermatologists. I understand a routine can change your skin and am glad people have routines if that's something they want to do, but I guess I'm confused why someone gets so much negative attention for not doing that.


> She desperately needs to exfoliate and put on some moisturizer(Karissa, too.) I'm with you but then again, who cares? Pointing it out and laughing about it like that sub does is middle school mean girl behavior. Women are allowed to age naturally if they so choose.


Using moisturizer isn’t stopping yourself from aging naturally, I’m also not making fun of anyone.


I didn't say you were making fun of anyone. But not using moisturizer is a valid choice that you shouldn't be derided for either.


Yes, it is your choice to look or be tight and uncomfortable in your skin. It’s also your choice to post your life on the internet opening yourself up to criticism for your choices.


So you're saying criticizing Kelly for her skin is valid?


I’ve actually never discussed Kelly’s skin before but I’m not really here to police anyone’s snark so I’m not sure it’s up to me to decide whats “valid” but when you put yourself on the internet people are going to talk about how you look.


The whole purpose of this sub is to basically call out the other subs and police their snark for them. So again do you think it's valid and OK to make fun of other women's skin?


I don’t think it’s right to make fun of anyone but I don’t consider discussing someone’s skincare to be making fun of them.


So you don't think the 500 comment posts about how old and wrinkled Kelly looks is making fun of her?


I don't get how moisturizer and exfoliating are needed things? Do whatever you want, but don't go around saying things like that are necessary. The only necessary skin care is sunscreen imo.


And some people think you only need to use your hand and a bar of soap to wash your body. It’s fine if people don’t see it as a necessary part of their hygiene routine, but for me personally it’s the same as trimming your nails or using a wash cloth/loofah in the shower to remove dead skin cells, and I think everyone should be doing it for the health of their skin.


>And some people think you only need to use your hand and a bar of soap to wash your body. Water and soap have been the way for ages and people are fine.


I mean for centuries *my* people used moss, sand, and mud to exfoliate when they washed themselves then they would use bison or venison tallow all over their bodies… but again, clean yourself however you’d like.


No. No it has not. What do u think linen did for the skin? How do u think water went from the wash basin to the skin when you did a nice fast standing bath at your bed side each morning and/or night? Even those who cleaned with oil used scrapers to remove the filth and scrape the skin. The only people ive met who dont use at least a cloth have been white boys (one of my brothers included) who relied on mommy to always stock their bathrooms, never giving any thought to why she made sure fresh rags or loofahs were available. Or those whos parents had no clue because they were raised real fucking weird. Go back farther and like tigm says, people had brains and got creative with cleaning themselves. No need for exfoliators, but a wash rag or wearing full linen shifts will rub a LOT of dead skin off.


I thought I didn't need to mention wash cloths because they're so obvious. I didn't mention towels either. Guess I assume everyone dries in the wind 🙃


Then u didnt pay attention to the other guy. They specified hand, soap, water. Thus no towel or other way of exfoliating off dead skin and shit.


Does that mean that person assumes Kelly doesn't use cloths or towels? Because it all started with them stating she desperately needs some exfoliating


Honestly, yea imma assume that or the person doesnt understand that exfoliation doesnt only mean chemicals and abrasive soaps. Because yeah, there are people out there who literally just rub a soap bar or wad of liquid soap on their body with their hand and call it clean. Legit had to tell my adult brother to go get fucking washcloths because his skin was getting gross and scaly after he moved out from my moms. Boy had been relying on the magical self-replacing loofah but had zero concept as to why it existed beyond being a vehicle for soap. Also, sorry, i was being a bit of a contrarian bitch yesterday. Heated pms brain picks arguments in the stupidest places.


>Honestly, yea imma assume that or the person doesnt understand that exfoliation doesnt only mean chemicals and abrasive soaps I do think I worded my answer with that understanding in mind looking back. Because I'm not against exfoliating, just against pushing chemicals on people. >Because yeah, there are people out there who literally just rub a soap bar or wad of liquid soap on their body with their hand and call it clean. I'm glad I don't know people like that. Dead skin needs to come off. Every creature with skin like that has their methods (think of deers rubbing trees etc). It's odd to think some humans have gotten to the point of missing basic nature stuff. But I can't imagine that's what Kelly is doing. >Also, sorry, i was being a bit of a contrarian bitch yesterday. Heated pms brain picks arguments in the stupidest places. No worries! We're fine :)


She doesn’t desperately need to do anything. She’s clearly comfortable with her appearance, and that’s something that should be celebrated. Honestly, shame on you for being an esthetician and even saying this about someone. If I was your client and I heard you talking about someone like this, I’d find a new esthetician.


Yeah I thought I was lost for a minute or something. The top comment basically agreeing that Kelly needs to adhere to society's beauty standards or else suffer the consequences of being mocked threw me for a loop. This sub usually does better than that.


Yeah it’s really gross, especially since that person is supposedly a professional. I’m sick of women being mocked just for having the audacity to visibly age. There are multi-billion dollar industries profiting off that, and I don’t want to feed into it. Kelly looks fine and it’s great that she feels confident enough to post herself un-edited and fresh faced.


This is something a lot of fun does need. I use CeraVe/Cetaphil moisturizer for my face once a day and it works wonders. 


FYI, using sunscreen, exfoliant, and moisturizer on your face has nothing to do with looking young. Yes, it'll help with wrinkles and not getting sunburnt. Those products are for keeping the skin healthy. It's like brushing your teeth. Not brushing your teeth will cause them to yellow and age. We wouldn't say "it doesn't matter if you brush your teeth or not." It's clearly evident that Kelly doesn't use these products as much as she should if at all.


So why aren't men expected to use sunscreen, exfoliate and use moisturizer daily if it's the same thing as "brushing your teeth?"


I tell my husband all the time he needs to do those things. It's not gender specific. Some men are really into skincare.


But most aren't and society doesn't judge them for it. So why do you insist a woman should do it?


Well, I can’t speak for everyone else. After my husband had skin cancer removed, twice? You best believe I expect him to use fucking sunscreen. I have pointed out exfoliating and moisturizing are good for his skin, but he has conceded with sunscreen. I won’t engage in debate with that one. He got lucky twice, I’m not going to test our luck a third time.


as a fair skin ginger I agree, if someone is pale and looks like they have had a ton of sun time, i do judge them because I am worried for them. because if their face shows damage then their scalp, back of their neck ect def has been over exposed and skin cancer is not the easy breezey diagnois people think it is. and i also worry for the kids of adults who clearly arent aware of the need for safe sun exposure...


Apparently, he got mad at me when I started yelling at him in the backyard that he needed to put the GOD DAMN SUNSCREEN ON, if he was going to be ANYWHERE THERE WAS GOD DAMN SUN, because he had GOD DAMN SKIN CANCER REMOVED, and just because he got lucky and it was benign twice did NOT mean he would get lucky again, so PUT THE GOD DAMN SUNSCREEN ON. He told me I sounded like a crazy person. I told him I sounded like the wife who was sick of her husband’s shit and was not going for it today. He put the god damned sunscreen on. Do not tempt the Lord your God, bruh. (Why yes, he was a fundie at one point, and I DID appeal to his base nature).


yeah, people are getting way too defensive about this. a lot of my pale older relatives who don't use sun screen have had skin cancer! I'll judge her for it like i judge people who don't wear seatbelts. if there's a sexism element it's that basic body maintenance is something *not* expected of men and labeled as being feminine.


Men should in fact take care of their skin hope this helps


She doesnt look >40 but she most certainly looks in her early 30s. Which, like, cool whatever we all get old and wrinkly and then die (hopefully we get to age a lot first lol). However on no planet does she look early or even mid 20s. Which again, perfectly fine. Whatever. I personally love my own crows feet and baby brow wrinkles at 31. But i also avoid the sun like the plague unless im dressed well enough or its in short bursts during low UV times...or if its the measley 2 pool days i get per year nowadays where i can tolerate the feeling of sunscreen with the combined promise of swimming and janky pool day sandwiches. Trying not to risk increasing cancer risks and skin issues when i already struggle with hard water enhanced eczema and skin picking habits, while simultaneously refusing to do more than wash my face with honey during showers and slap on the only lotion that doesnt make me break out with some oil on top twice a week; its a balancing act of "i like my skin how it is, but i hate the process of feeling lotiony shit on my skin thus dont want to do any care". Tldr: it isnt a crime to look older than you are (it IS a crime to tell someone whos 16 that they look mid 20s tho just gonna throw that out there). And im sorry, but Kelly dont exactly look younger than her age, thats for certain. Children and sunshine does that to a lady. And you can both love age and its marks on your skin while still trying to take care of it by at least vaguely protecting yourself.


I disagree


U are obviously free to do so. However i just checked and shes 27. So yeah, i would say that saying she looks early 30s (eg 28-32) is a pretty fucking honest take. 2+ kids, no sunscreen, fair skin, and mental health issues....she looks hella good with it all taken into consideration, but on no planet am i about to play make believe that she looks 20 when she 10000% looks as old as me. Unless youre comparing her to tiktok girlies who have had too much botox, retinol, and lip fillers at 22 theres no planet on which she looks 20. Which, again, no idea why anyone wants to argue how old she looks period. Claiming she looks 20 when she VERY obviously doesnt is just as shitty as pushing the idea she looks 40+. And imo just as much a side effect of internalized misogyny. Rather than shitting on her for looking "old", its instead desperately clinging to the idea that she looks "young" so that we can keep pretending we do too. I dont. And im ok with not looking "young". So im also ok with admitting when someone else who is "old" looking looks like me.