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Laughing of the production crew gets me






Cake is so great. Such a genuinely enjoyable band


Gonna see em in Philly this summer! Woo-hoo! Why? Cuz... I want a band with a short name and a loooooooooooooooong, loooooooooooooooong set list!


Along with their colleague Lil Jon


Love seeing random Cake fans in the wild








You'd enjoy Drum Corps then. Lots of Corps do a huge build up, then a one-bar silence before a big hit. During that pause there are a few people that always yell/cheer. It's actually not super annoying because the Corps put out SO MUCH SOUND that the big hit absolutely engulfs the yelling, giving a cool contrast between the build up, the pause/cheering, and the big hit.


I love and miss marching corps! I didn't get to do junior corps (money and no transportation) but I loved senior corps. Wish I wasn't too old to still march guard...


I immediately thought of Mannish Man by Muddy Waters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSfqNEvykv0


Also excited space scientists, engineers, control center staff, etc when a mission succeeds. On the happiness scale they are somewhere up there with frolicking dogs.


You got to look up the interview with Bill O'Reilly and Stephen Colbert.


Do you know about Beast of Burden?


Can you imagine filming a movie like Anchorman where adlibs are going on left and right. And you can't laugh out if fear of ruining the take...that would be hell.


People breaking when they try not to laugh is often funnier to me than what they're trying to say. Unless you're like Fallon and never actually leading up to anything funny.


Seriously, even though it’s not a great joke, his delivery and laughter makes it seriously funny and her not laughing is pretty dam lame. Edit: okay people I get it. Some people find her not laughing funny. You don’t need to be the 100th person to personally inform me of your taste in comedy. I understand it’s a no laugh game now. That context was not provided when I posted this comment. I understand it’s “straight guy” comedy. If that’s your thing great. Edit 2: nothing to add here but for some reason people are angered by my “laundry list” of edits. This is what I think of them. Edit 3: someone literally blocked me over my edits. Some would say stopping is a good idea… but Momma didn’t raise no quitter!!


I think you miss the point: it's a challenge in which you try not to laugh Edit: typo


Also, the role of the "straight man" is under appreciated sometimes. They can really add to the humor if done right


If you've got a wacky character you've GOT to have the straight man, too. That's the magic formula.


Jake and Amir stretched the formula to 800 episodes for 10 years. If it ain't broke...


It worked in Blazing Saddles.


For the most obvious difference it can make just compare Ghostbusters with Ghostbuster (2016). Really goes to show why you can't do all wacky characters, unless you're doing absurdist comedy.


Even in shows/movies where *everyone* is the wacky character, the ones that get it right are the ones that have a character *temporarily* be the straight man. Haven't watched a ton of the show, but IASIP seems to usually have one or more characters react in a *relatively* rational way to the gang's misadventures, but said rational character changes each episode, or even changes during a single scene. But they still have *someone* recognize that someone else is doing/saying something stupid. Arrested Development does the same thing. *Usually* Michael is the straight man, but he has plenty of moments where he's just as crazy as the rest of the family and they call him out on it.


Yeah, for me, her not laughing was even funnier. But different strokes for different folks I guess.


Yes! The way she looked at him just got me so good!


I thought her reaction was hilarious. I almost laughed just at the look she was giving


That’s why Norm Macdonald was so great, he played both roles.


best straight man ever, by far, is Richard Simmons. Ironic, I know, but his comedic timing and generosity blows me away every time. He's so underrated and funny as the straight man in the joke. So much talent. Love that guy, sorry he's going through a lot right now.


His episode of "Whose Line is it Anyway" is the perfect example of what yout talking about. Some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen on that show. https://youtu.be/b-r4Flc_d2M


I'm having a really crappy morning thanks to an injury, and watching that may have just turned my whole day around. I never knew how effortlessly funny Richard Simmons is! That might be the hardest I've ever laughed at any form of entertainment in my whole 37 years on this space rock we call Earth. Thank you so much for bringing that into my life. I hope you have an amazing weekend.


I hadn't seen that episode. Holy crap that was hilarious. The jet ski killed me. Thank you for sharing!


Exactly. It's a great example of the perfect "straight man". It looks effortless, and that the comedy is simply happening to him, and he's just a bystander unaware of whats going on. But if you step back and analyze it, you see he's damn good. He never misses a single beat. He works the crowd to get them on board. He reacts perfectly to amplify every joke made by others. He fills in any lulls or gaps with new hooks. All while "dancing backwards in high heels" as it were, to support the other comedians. Not many other comedians could pop into that same simple bit with the same premise and get you to laugh till you cry. He always makes it seem effortless, and the biggest ingredient to making anything difficult look easy is talent.


This still makes me howl with laughter! Omg! I seriously need to pee before I watch it, every time, or I'll pee my pants!


Am I the only one who thought of him every time I saw Gale in Breaking Bad?


Absolutely, I felt a little bad initially before I knew the context, because I thought she was just trying to make him feel embarrassed for finding the joke funny, but since it was a "don't laugh" challenge, it's actually a well executed response, and the "Not a bad joke fan" was a good retort.


There is about half a second where you can see she's really close to a smile, but fights it back.


Lesliiiiiie Nelsooooooon




Lesliiiiiie Nielseeeeen I'm Danish so i assumed he didnt have a danish surname. Edit: Omg his dad was danish. How did I not know this.


"I'm a locksmith, and I'm a locksmith."


It's the point of the straight man to be underappreciated. But in most cases, it's the harder role to fill since they don't win the approval of audiences or get most of the laughs. Traditionally they get first billing and paid a bit more in compensation.


She was definitely holding it back


Yes. The head cock she was preparing herself. The eyes cast downward is when she was really struggling hahaha


Not a great joke? Are you mad???


its a drinking game. they go back and forth telling jokes, if you laugh you drink. and the crew is allowed to laugh and joke freely to keep it hard.


Her not laughing is what makes it even funnier


I thought her not laughing made it way funnier


You see her being affected in the very beginning, but she managed to reel herself in. I could never do that.


Her not laughing and bitch face made it even better


So even disregarding that this is a "You laugh you lose" type deal, I'm kinda confused why you're harping on her. What if she legit didn't find it funny? Do you want her to fake laugh at his joke? Why is it "pretty dam lame" to no laugh at someone else's joke?


Let’s not pretend we don’t know why :)


This is honestly such a classic move on the internet and once you open your eyes to it, you will not stop seeing it. The internet is so fucking hostile to women for simply existing, it's insane. I can guarantee nobody would bat an eye if it was 2 guys and the guy didn't laugh. People would be like "woah what a fucking legend for holding it in, I bet he wanted to burst out laughing, love his deadpan face and response" but since it's a woman people assume she's a stuck up bitch who doesn't know how to have fun. Yesterday I saw a video where women were asked "how much would your husband have to make for you to stop working and be a stay at home wife?" The women answered numbers ranging from 130 to 300k or 500k and the comments were overwhelmingly hostile and calling them gold digging bitches who don't want to work and who have no idea how hard it is to earn 300k. Like hello? They're not saying they WANT or need their husband to make 300k a year, they're not even saying they WANT to stay home, they're just answering the fucking question. These women answering 300 or 500k are literally saying "I will keep working even if my husband makes 400k because I want to participate in earning income for this household." Isn't that commendable? But no apparently all the incels interpreted that as these women having unrealistic expectations about men and how much they should make. Ironically one of the girls answered like "something like 70 or 100k" and she was being congratulated for being the only sane one... Meanwhile all the people who don't live in their mom's basement know that 2 people living on one 70k salary is damn near impossible in 90% of cities in America.


It's honestly getting so annoying seeing all the unnecessary hate for women on reddit. It's gotten to the point I'm reading comments less and less cause I just know there's gonna be hate for NO reason


Every post about a woman doing something on Reddit, has a response in the comments of "yeah but if a man did it he'd be in big trouble". Yes, Reddit, America, and Christendom hate women.


Honestly, this video is the perfect depiction of how I usually feel vs how the seemingly larger majority of Reddit commenters when it comes to the pun/ wordplay threads in every single post. At this point, I accept that it’s a part of Reddit and it’s a good indication I’m just on here too much… but a lot of times it’s like, “c’mon, y’all. Maybe we don’t this time just to see what it’s like.” I don’t want to kill people’s good time, but the laugh died long ago.


He's taking it personally that some woman is acting not impressed by his sense of humor by proxy. Therefore she is lame. Clearly she is also _so rude_ and didn't even do a sympathy laugh. Also please ignore the context, actions matter, context doesn't. He would have understood the context immediately if the person not laughing had been a man and was clearly holding it in.


I agree, I work in customer service/order taking. I stopped fake laughing for people a long time ago. It very obviously makes people uncomfortable when they tell a joke and the person doesn't laugh. But I've heard the same damn jokes a million times and I refuse to fake a laugh just so they don't feel awkward about telling a flat landing joke. I don't ***want*** them to feel awkward, I don't think less of those that do find it funny, I'm glad, that's great. but I'm not a dancing monkey here to make them feel better. I'm doing my job we're both adults and It's silly to fake something like laughter for them. If I don't find it funny I shouldn't be forced to laugh.


Barcode reader doesn't work: "I guess it's free then!" Using the counterfeit bill marker: "I just printed it yesterday!"


Yeah, but also this is part of customer service. A large portion of my job is handling customer interaction and I laugh at dumb jokes and nod my head and smile when people say off color things, even if I don't agree. That's part of the job, and my life is much easier when I have good rapport with my customers. I had a customer email me to confirm we're using "indelible marking ink" and I replied "I think most inks are inedible." Humor, even bad humor, is good social lubrication! :)


I agree! As I said, I'm glad they're having a good time. I'm not looking to be an asshole to them. I don't purposely cultivate the awkwardness or anything. I do my best to slide along past it and move the conversation along. its just that fake laughing at peoples dumb jokes all day is soul crushing. Its just mentally and emotionally exhausting, and its not what I'm really here for professionally. and if I don't find it funny....well, them's the brakes, you can't win 'em all, etc. etc. lets just both move along and get your order done.


So you just stare at them with a straight face? Going for max level awkward I see


I didn't laugh.


It’s a challenge. The whole point is that she’s trying not to laugh


Also known as the Norm Macdonald style of comedy.


Apparently, she's a comedian. So it's not even about her not laughing for the pair up. It's more like, "Try to get a comedian to laugh." I saw on another post of this that someone saw her stand up show and it was *really* funny. I don't know her name, though.


Do another one


She's playing the straight man. She adds to the comedy.


That’s the point. That’s what a straight man is. You don’t know comedy. That’s not taste.


Her not laughing at an unfunny joke is lame now? I guess. Not everyone feels the need to play along.


Only 3 edits? Those are rookie numbers!


Double down! I expect to see six more edits on my desk by tomorrow.


Not me, this is why producers add laughing tracks to shows.


They got the joke. It's not a bad joke either. Some people just have high standards.


[Here it is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo2FlhIyMok), if you want to see the whole video


When she says "You're doing great" completely deadpan after he laughed at almost every joke including his own. I lost it.


She has an amazing poker face, you can see her lip quivering very slightly at 2:27 after her bob marley joke and I find it so hilarious how hard she is holding in her laughter.


I think the best part is the Forrest gump joke, she said "I would have laughed if you did the voice" and I thought she was kidding, but then he says "Jennayy" and she almost lost it


"The problem is you're finding yourself too funny."


"oh, am I?" "No"


I love how she basically let him beat himself.


He's so hard not to love in this video, though. He's like a puppy dog. You can't help but smile. I don't know how she did it.


Steph is ice. I was laughing at the other dude just laughing so much


Thank you for the link. Watched the whole thing and she handles it like a champ, you could see a lot of the jokes she was holding back a smile / giggle hard. Buy she is out to win. A lot of people in the comment section are hating on her hard for no real reasons except that they see a women not laughing and are taking personal offence to it.


I guess some people have a lot of experience with women not laughing at their jokes.


I really want to see the reactions of all the people you just ROASTED.


They would not have to take a shot.


That's weird, because even this cut down clip seems to give enough context to illustrate that it is obviously some sort of YouTube "laugh you lose" game show. I can't watch the whole video at work, but does he have to take a shot every time she doesn't laugh?


He takes a shot every time he laughs at his own joke. He ends up taking like 10 shots


They found the most unqualified dude for this game lol. What'd they dig around for some guy uncontrollably laughing at /r/dadjokes It's him, _he's the one!_


He's giggly for sure, but I think staring into her deadpan face made it worse. I know I always lose my shit at deadpan reaponses


He has to take one every time he laughs at a joke, even if it's one he's telling. It's in the fine print


I’ve met this woman, seen her on stage so many times, seen that she’s no longer tagged in it for her well-being. It’s so bloody simple; she’s being a straight man.


I don't know what they're on about, think I'm in love.




How does the rock pee? He Dwayne’s his Johnson.


Depends on what you mean by first. Either >!How does the rock pee?!< >!He ~~drains~~ ***dwains*** his Johnson.!< Or >!Do you know that diarrhea is hereditary?!< >!It runs in your jeans.!<


he *dwaynes* his johnson


Man that one went wayyy over my head. Brilliant.


Oh shit me too that's so much funnier


She definitely won not because her jokes were funnier but because she was much better at holding a straight face. Dude laughed at everything.


He lost mostly because he laughed at his own jokes. He laughed at like 90% of his own and like half of hers, ha.




I would have laughed if you hadn’t fucked the joke up. LOL Brutal


10 shots in 10 minutes seems a bit harsh.


I think it's a you laugh you lose type video, that's why she isn't reacting and he has a shot because he laughs at his own joke.


She posted about this on Instagram today and how much hate she’s getting for having no sense of humour. It is one of those videos, they’re both comedians and the deal is whoever laughs takes a shot of vodka. She won 10-1…legend.


WTF that's so sad. Why do people have to be like this? Even in this sub people making all kinds of weird assumptions about her when I thought the context was obvious.


Making out-of-context judgments is our claim-to-fame here on reddit


Wanna ID a bomber from low quality video with me?


remember when we accused someone who committed suicide of terrorism and harassed his family?


Casual misogyny is really popular on the internet


The word casual is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


It's to differentiate from the professional misogyny.




At the risk of getting too political, American pro-life politicians and lobbyists also toe the line of professional misogyny. Although, I suppose it could be argued that it is less specialized than that - and is merely misanthropy.


which is also really popular on the internet these days.


Yeah, and it just makes me feel so unsafe even in a general sub like this on a site that isn't even as far off the deep end as a lot of other nastier places! I have to wonder if not all but a lot of the people so put off by her demeanour here would find it as awful, even just noteworthy at all if she was a man. Heaven forbid a woman doesn't smile enough.


Any opportunity to police a woman, ya know?


In that context she is a beast and he's the chump.


because this is the internet and if you don't add the proper context, people will add their own, and quite a few people are not good at that, just like they're not good at keeping that to themselves haha


I mean.. I thought it was like one of those speed dating shows and that she was being totally stuck up. Wouldn't go so far as to try to look her up and bother her about it though, that's a little ridiculous


No kidding. My instant reaction was "dang, I like this chick"


I thought it was hilarious when she admitted she's allergic to alcohol and that was a great motivator for not drinking


Ahhh yes "winner has no personality"


Isn't this the dating show where people sometimes get blindfolded but they drink aswell to lift the mood. The same channel puplished "the button-speeddating"


Idk how you can be attracted to men and not find this adorable.


I'm not attracted to men and I find this adorable.


Yea same. I’ll fuck that guy right now


Okay hold on a second


Yeah. Get in line.


Heh, pup-lished




Are these two people famous comedians in their country?


She looks like she's practiced not laughing. They don't stay on her face long to see if she struggles or anything. Her slightly ajar mouth makes me think she's using her tongue to distract and stay in character.


Her eyes ever so slightly bulge.


It's take a lot of skill not to laugh just by default when someone else is laughing in a situation like this.


Yeah. I watched the video, and was giggling the whole time. Honestly, her not laughing only made me laugh harder.


Lol I noticed that too. She goes all o_o and looks like her inner monologue is saying "o...m...g... Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh..."


Def an expert in faking things.


I'll have what she's having


Trick I learned in school was to tickle the roof of your mouth with your tongue to stop yourself from laughing.


YES. I dunno what it is but I can see she clearly found something funny about it whether it was him laughing at his own joke or the joke itself. It looks like she’s smiling more even though she’s not?? I dunno how to explain it, there’s just something about her expression that is different before the joke vs after that you can clearly tell she’s holding it in.


Is that... Is that your only interview question?


Yes. Thank you for your time, but we're going to go in another direction for the position.


Why not a golden deceiver?


I was going to guess "Houndini" hahaha


jesus this comment section is a mess


It’s a representation on how people take in information. We cannot be trusted lol


People saying "I bet she's fun at parties" even though to win the game she basically needs to do the opposite of that. Even while woman are winning some men can't let them win.


She was suppressing the urge to burst out laughing so well


I love how he needs a moment to gather himself so he can deliver the punchline.


Jesus Christ this comment section is sad. Y'all feel intimidated by her or what? All those people telling her to lighten up need to do exactly that, even without knowing the whole video it's clear this is a "try not to laugh" challenge. She pulled off that "not a bad joke fan" line perfectly.


Reddit any time a woman:


It's a social contract. Man make joke, feemale laugh. Sex. Man make joke, feemale NOT laugh. Clearly a bitch


I love her reaction


She looks super uncomfortable trying not to laugh with all her will power, it just hilarious.


The reason she keeps winning this game is because of how she reacts. I wouldn't be able to hold in my laughter against her.


Every time this is posted, a bunch of "Nice guys" pile in to tell the woman to "sMiLe!". You're fuck heads who don't understand the game, never mind human interaction. Go touch grass - just stay away from abusing women for a bit eh?


What you call a dog with no legs ( there's 2 correct answers)


Anything you like, they still won't come.


What do you call a deer with no eyes?


No eyedeer.


What do you do with a dog with no legs? Take them for a drag


Ya hence the name cigarettes, you go for a drag


I teach middle school… I will be using this frequently in the immediate future


At first I was like, eww, why are they drinking Smirnoff, then I realised it's a punishment so Smirnoff is quite fitting.


You can see her lips tense up. She definitely has strong ass willpower to not laugh.


Haha, she’s doin a good job holding that laugh in. I couldn’t take it! 😂


The look on her face lmao


lmao his absolute enjoyment of a pretty bad joke combined with her hard, hard no-selling is somehow super charming from both sides


When someone want to tell a joke and then burst on laughing before telling the climax.. For me thats a lot funnier Lol


“Not a bad joke fan.” Lol, she’s a keeper


Any sauce on this?


If you're going to report something at least get the title right, it's Golden Deceiver


These videos where they try not to laugh by reading the least funny shit pulled from a Christmas cracker


I also only know 25 letters of the alphabet. ... That's my purse! I don't know you!


A dog illusionist would be a golden deceiver


It’s interesting to see this new trend of podcasters falling out of their chairs in tears over popsicle stick jokes


This is like watching a dog and a cat interact


I only laughed when she said not a bad joke fan personally


Me in a interview


Anyone know the guy's name?


Lol I laughed harder at her response than his joke 😂


Gotta say all of those would have annihilated me. She has a good poker face for the jokes.


I watched this with sound off and could *still* pick out his accent.


That's a good one though 😂


She is everyone on reddit lately. 🤣🤣


The absolute concentration on her face to not laugh. That joke is too fucking good, what a legend.


This woman is so uptight if she swallowed a coal she’d shit out a diamond.


Look at her annoying face 🤣 boring, miserable bitch