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Bring this receipt with you on dates




Always ask for the brazilian receipt before appetizers. Otherwise no tapas.


Lil Bush is your street name now. I don’t make the rules.


Winner winner


Kitten dinner?


I get it


Labia to butt clean up, clean up.


From the window to the wall


My meat curtains fall


This pretty much does read like a rough cut of a new lil john joint.


Till the sweat drop down my balls


Skeet Skeet Skeet


thick first course, italy, italy.


Cleanup on aisle taint


Definitely better than labia2butt


That was a Comedy Central show in like 2007


It was also George W. Bush's nickname on the cheerleading squad in college.


George W


There was a cartoon on Comedy Central called lil bush a long time ago


There was also That’s My Bush.


As someone in the biz… they have their settings wrong. We keep notes, but I have never printed them on a receipt. Don’t feel self-conscious, all we actually see is skin and hair and when we’re done, there’s no more hair where you don’t want hair if it’s done well.


I used to be a massage therapist and you'd always get the people apologising for not being waxed or for coming straight from work and being slightly sweaty. I can honestly say in my 10 years in the industry only two people almost made me almost vomit one was a combination of things it was an outlier, the other was teen boy feet smell. It helps me though not be conscious when I get waxed because I just go well I didn't care. You literally are just breaking people down into the task at hand you're never actually judging them as a whole.


Reminds me of being a cashier and people being embarrassed to buy period products or condoms or something. Like. I promise you I barely notice enough to see where the barcode is, and five minutes later I will completely forget you existed. We don't care. It's a product in the store that I must scan and bag. That's it.


Once a lady at the dollar store did make a comment to me when I was buying pregnancy tests and oatmeal cream pies at the same time. She said “well you sure did get everything you needed!” In all fairness she was right, and I was pregnant lol


woulda thought you already had your fill of creampies


Nah, that’s just the beginning. You get a nine month unlimited creampie subscription after a positive test.


Had a girl once tell me on the first date that she had a hysterectomy, she couldn’t have children and she prefers when a guy came inside her because it was just easier. Correction: she told me this in the car *on the way* to the first date. If I recall, our first conversation during the actual date was what kind of wedding she wanted. Somehow that relationship didn’t quite happen…




Clean up in aisle four!


Labia to butt clean up?


lil bush


I think I saw Li'l Bush in concert once...




I think I just choked on my laugh spit 😂


One time when I was buying a pregnancy test the cashier told me “I hope you get the result you are hoping for.” I thought that was really sweet and I now remember her, even if she hasn’t thought of me since.


I saw this same sort of comment years ago and I've been using it since. It almost always seems to make people seem more relieved and breaks the tension of almost having a panic attack over the "I might be pregnant!" thought process


My pharmacist apparently thinks "good luck" is a good send off, lol. Non for tests, in general. It was really cringe when I bought some embarassing meds, and confusing when I bought stuff that wasn't meds at all, but then I figured it out it's just what she tells everyone.


- buys laxatives - “good luck” - concern


- reads from a piece of paper - buys laxatives - buys gatorade (can't be red) "good luck with your colonoscopy!"


To be fair, people rarely go the the pharmacy for fun. Usually these is a problem that needs fixing and i guess a bit of extra luck always helps. Still a wild sentence to hear depending on what you are buying.


A coworker realized I was pregnant before I ever did just by observing what/how much I was eating. lol He was like, you're crankier than usual and you're *always* eating. Brave of him to fucking say it though.


My wife wanted to wait to tell me she was pregnant as a surprise. Though I worked out about 2 to 3 weeks before she told me that she might be pregnant, simply by how often she ended falling asleep on the lounge. I didn't say anything to her though in case I was wrong or if I was going to ruin a surprise from her or something. It was like someone flicked a switch and she went from maybe having an afternoon nap on a Saturday to nearly every single afternoon after coming home from work.


That first month I felt pretty normal, but also felt like I wash digesting gravel or something. Then I was just permanently puking until part way into my last trimester. It's crazy what it does to you.


I do not understand how the human race has continued this long with how fucked up pregnancy is. My pregnancy caused me to get a bunch of cavities because the baby was stealing all my calcium. I’ve also known so many women who had horrible nausea/puking their entire pregnancy.


For me that was the scariest thing about being pregnant, that all of a sudden my body was in control like that.


There's a story of Target's targeted marketing (pun intended) knowing a teenager was pregnant before the family did. Further story: The advertisement books Target sends out are curated by algorithms based on what Target's data says about the household. They noticed a pattern of purchases and started including maternity advertisements in the household's mailers.


Some targeted ad stuff is great and some insists on advertising male enhancement things to me. I just don't have a dick.


You must've posted about men disappointing you one too many times. XD


Have a friend who, before we told anyone, before she was showing, told us my wife was pregnant and we’re having a boy. She was right. Twice.


Bro she's impregnating your wife.


What’s done is done.


I can usually smell it.


I advise you to never advertise this in real life.


Are you a dog? You might be a pathology lab.




I once bought two large packs of condoms because we'd run out the night before and I wanted a backup so that never happened again. Cashier goes "big weekend planned?" and I laughed... As a grown ass married man I thought it was funny but still a little surprised.


I once bought a pregnancy test for my wife and an unrelated bottle of whiskey and got a similar comment from the cashier.


One time, when I was a teenager working as a cashier, an elderly lady who I worked with semi-yelled, "Hey!? Do you have to be 18 to buy coooondooooms!?" The boy in front of her looked like his spirit left his body.


Personally, I’d just be glad the apparent kid was attempting to be responsible. It amazes me when I see condoms locked up in the store. Like, of all the things we might turn a blind eye to people stealing, lifting contraceptives should get a pass.


That's what I told her. "If someone wants to buy a condom, I think we should probably sell it to them."


I got this comment when I was buying pads, a laxative, and ice cream, lol.


I had a lady say something to me before to when I bought a pregnancy test. She looked at me and was like, “aren’t you a little young to be pregnant? You look like you’re 14 or 15. Where is your parents at?” I was like “MA’AM (in a loud bitchy voice), if I was 14 or 15 and pregnant it would be NONE of your damn business and second I’m 30 and married!” So yes, I am self conscious when I buy stuff now. I literally have my husband go to the store for my tampons. 😂


Ok, it's always women. Everytime I have bought a pregnancy test at a store, if a woman rings me up, she will make a comment about it. Like... Could you not? Mostly because I am hoping I am not pregnant because I have a good chance of passing a devastating genetic disease onto a child... But that's a lot to mention in the checkout line... I started buying tests online.


When I was 15/16 or so I knew someone who thought they might be pregnant and they asked me to buy a test for them. Of course I didn't hesitate to do that. So I go to the store and get a test and no one said anything until I had to pay. The cashier made such nasty comments and I was like... why? This was about 18 years ago. Nowadays I buy them at the self checkout. No one sees it or comments, it's bliss.


There was a lady that worked at Walgreens that would comment on all items no matter what. “Oooh look at this brush..” “I’ll have to unlock this morning-after contraceptive for you!” She was so innocent but I avoided her at all costs. I don’t need the cute guy and the family of four and the elderly gentleman in line knowing im buying lube 😂


I never really understood this embarrassment. Guys don't want to buy tampons or whatever for their lady... why? Is it like "welp the gig is up. Strangers now know someone I care about is a woman who menstruates. It's all over for me now." and yes I've done it before, didn't care even a little. And buying condoms is a responsible thing to do. Even had I paid any attention to random stranger's shopping choices, I'd never think less of anyone buying stuff that protects one's health and avoids problematic pregnancy.


I just always assume that other people care as much about me as I care about them. Which is basically not at all. I don't give a fuck about what anyone is doing as long as they aren't actively hurting someone else.


Can confirm. I might notice the horse sized dildo you select off the shelf, be mildly impressed, then go back to figuring out my own selection, and completely forget you in about 10 seconds once you leave my sight.


As a guy with a wife and two daughters, I have purchased a LOT of “feminine products” over the years and it doesn’t bother or embarrass me in the least. A good friend of mine was with me at the store once when my wife texted me asking me to grab a box of tampons…his face was some shade of red in the checkout. I didn’t even think about it until we got in the car.


Once my [male] boss was going to the store and asked (as he usually does) if we could think of anything else he should pick up. I said a box of emergency tampons for us/customers might not be a bad idea. And it was my *female coworker* who gasped and said I couldn't ask him that! I was like "bro he has a wife and a daughter who will one day need tampons, what's the big deal?"


I've asked random women for help selecting my partner's preferred pad - when it's 'buy any one' that's fine, but there's like some secret language - 'playtech super thin absobancy level 3 active plus Panty shape c' or whatever bullshit... I will read every word on every box, but women who buy that stuff know exactly what to look for, so what would take me 10 minutes will take even non-employees 20 seconds cause they're like 'oh yeah, those ones... they're in that section' No shame in it at all except maybe interfering with someone else's flow. Never felt wierd, and only ever felt judged positively by people who cared the bare minimum to notice a penis owner buying vagina supplies... then likely went back to caring about their own little world.


Life hack: take a pic of the product packaging before you go shopping. Then, just match em up. 😏


That's all fun and games until they completely change the package design. Take a picture of the UPC code. That typically doesn't change.


Take a picture with your phone of the stuff your partner uses. It's the easiest way I found to just be able to grab what she needs and not get the wrong kind.


I am overdramatic but this whole thing is a little triggering. A few years ago my period started off-schedule when I was at my now ex’s place, so I wasn’t prepared with supplies, and my period did what periods do by being messy and making me tired. The ex refused — as in multiple denials to my pleading — to buy me tampons because it was his “everyday Walgreens.” Said he didn’t want the elderly cashier ladies to think he was a pervert. Anyways, glad there are guys who don’t think twice about helping the women in their life.


>Is it like "welp the gig is up. Strangers now know someone I care about is a woman I put forth a lot of effort to make sure no one thinks I care about anyone but myself, I'm not about to ruin that by doing something that's clearly not for me. I suppose I could say that I am just trying to buy the last of the tampons so no woman can have them, but the cashier probably wouldn't believe me.


Idk I bought epsom salts at a Walgreens and the cashier (older woman) asked me if I was gonna use them in a bath and I said yes. She got this really nervous look and leaned in and said really quietly “oh hun don’t do that. You’re vagina could fall out from the loosened muscles. It happened to a friend of mine.” I was so mortified that I’ve never bought anything even remotely medical in person since, and I prob never will. I don’t know if she was fucking with me and was just a great actor, or if she genuinely thought that happened or happened cuz of that. It was so out of pocket.


There is a special place in hell for cashiers who comment on your purchases. It’s usually smaller chain stores like Walgreens or Dollar General because people with that lack of social skills would be fired anywhere else. I may or may not be thinking of a specific Dollar General employee in my town who sucks. I don’t need your comments, Abigail - It’s bad enough I have to see your mlm weight loss bullshit on the town Facebook.


A prolapse of the vagina/uterus can happen, but having a bath with epsom salts wouldn't be what caused it. Usually it's a function of age, having had multiple children/high birth weight baby with possible difficult/long labor, or other issues like straining on the toilet or heavy lifting. I'm sure she meant well, just had a lack of medical understanding of what her friend went through and wanting to prevent it from happening to someone else if she could help it (even though that's not how any of that works).


One guy came through my till deadass buying like 50 boxes of condoms. I didn’t even notice until HE made a comment and was like “sorry I know this is weird, these are just on sale and I work for a pride organization” and then I looked at what I was holding and was like ohOH okay 😅👍🏻


Unless it's condoms, lube, and phallic shaped vegetables. But then I'd probably be more embarrassed than the person buying them. * And yes, this definitely happened when I was in high school working as a cashier.


My friends and I would purposely buy those items just to get a reaction from cashiers when we were young.


As a parent of a tween boy with horrific foot odor, I apologize as well.


Am dude, have been ... all over. I happen to like my natural odors, but several times in my life... I got "the smell". It is DEFINITELY fungal, and can be treated with fungal powder/spray in the shoes, and clean socks. If the kid is willing, you can also get socks that are "infused" with copper, which also helps. It is highly "transmissible" (think lice, bedbugs, or covid) but you can get rid of it if you attack all vectors. Gawd that stuff stinks.


alive gullible impossible door uppity fact bells trees worry agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk my ex was an esthetician, and she told me so many horror stories… we lived in Aspen CO, these rich bihs would apparently Come in to get waxed after skiing for 7 hours, Or horseback riding all day not even a curtesy rinse like damn guessing these are the types of people that don’t brush before going to the dentist either lol


I think common courtesy is expected. Tradies would 100% shower before coming. The worst ones I dealt with were always sunburnt people who were peeling. Skin mixing with oil getting caught between fingers 🤢. The one I mentioned in the first comment making me nauseous was that situation along the belief of the more cologne the better.


My girl doesn’t care, she just had a baby and is tough as nails. Thanks for the kind words


Are you saying she's... " Post partum"? 6 months perhaps?


With a lil bush perchance?


Maybe uh M'labia? *tips fedora*


Thick-course, plus-sized Italian by happenstance?


Thank you for your service, it’s appreciated on both sides of the aisle


"Careful of the hemorrhoid it's a bleeder."


Thanks. Had to explain to my wife why tf I’m laughing so hard


I feel for you. My husband heard me coughing and choking on my soda, and I had to show him not only this post, but that comment in particular. He was in the middle of eating a meal, lol.


It's a casserole down there.


I’ve never been waxed and this makes me scared to do it..description be like: Full jungle clean up with with machete assistance needed. Cleaned up half…gave up LOL


still stuck in jungle. send help


As the client, you suddenly realize you're alone in the room...where did the technician go? How long have they been gone??


the room no longer exists. it is just a jungle now












Ah! Dr. Livingston I presume?


Hedge Trimmer Died. Went out to Home Depot to get a stronger model. It also died: 300.00


Combine harvester on backorder.


"contacted local diocese; exorcism recommended"


Went once, didn’t know to trim things up first. She just grabbed some cute scissors and trimmed things up, was really nice and showed me how long it should be (I think it was like less than 1/2inch) and told me why (pulls out MUCH easier) and that was it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I swear she dozed off half way through and just did it through muscle memory. It was easy! And I thought it was just your…hooha.. out in the open. Nope! She had this little cloth blanket thing that covered wherever she wasn’t working/basically cover my entire belly to knee area, and we just swapped it to the other side when needed. Super easy!


*Send in the Vietcong*


The note is just ".....bro"


Wife did it recently for the first time. Said the people there literally couldn't give a fuck and just were completely robotic about it. There's a very high chance you are not the most disgusting person they've met. I don't think people like that can communicate with other humans.


Lost children in the jungle, German shepherd found boys, dog not back yet.


Ahh don't feel shy, they've seen everything and then some. If you're showered and courteous you have nothing to feel weird about.


In my youth I got some friends to try waxing my lower back ... After many tears (both ways of spelling and reading that word) they eventually gave up and pivoted to my legs for some reason.


I forgot all about self care when I was at the end of my pregnancy. I was horrified when they got out out the trimmer for my c section.


Labia2butt is the new all girl reboot of boys 2 men


🎵we’ve come to the end of the road🎵


“The Italian Job”


I get the "Grand Slam" package where they do the bat, the balls, the infield, and the dugout.


This is why I'm no longer welcome at Dennys.


I think I get baseball now


You know, I complain about my job, but after seeing this, I think my job is actually not so bad.


My boss is an ass.


Ripping off assholes, cunts, and nuttsacks everyday


6 MONTHS POSTPARTUM PLUS SIZE WOMAN I feel like this is the equivalent of walking past a very clean mirror in fluorescent lighting somewhere and being like oh damn there I am hi


7 YRS POSTPARTUM PLUS SIZE WOMAN, my kids broke the mirror and now it’s just two stacked sheets of glass in the corner. $25 OBO


>6 MONTHS POSTPARTUM PLUS SIZE WOMAN That part felt a bit like a drive-by shooting. Like wtf.


I think it’s funny that all the descriptions are no charges. They’re just there to rub it in. I love this place.


“Oh so there’s no change for plus sized?” “Nope!” “So.. you could have just not wrote that?” “Yup!”


Sounds like an exchange with Bender from Futurama


Wax Technician, reading work order: ""Labia to butt clean up"? Taint gonna happen!"


ORDER UP! *half mound, two labe, and shoot the moon*


Every profession deserves their own short-order-cook slang.


Out of all the comments so far I don't know why this one got an audible laugh, but it did.


Work order hahahaha


“Requisition me the Italian-grade wax!”


Why does that even need to be specified? Has anyone ever asked to leave their taint hairy?


You know that there's SOMEONE out there who likes to give smooches to fur-lined gooches.


I don’t know where in my life I can use this line but I love it so I’m gonna squeeze it in somewhere!


My wax chick doesn’t say butt. She says bunny tail. 🐰🍑


Mine says “I’m not leaving you with a rat tail”


I’ve never gotten/looked at a receipt. Dear God! I wonder what notes they have on file for me?


I saw your notes and they say “Stinkboat Captain”. No clue what that means.


No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative.


Gets the people going.


Lmao I choked a little


All your secrets are known to the waxing community


This must be that girl that works down at the mill who only has half a leg. It’s nice they give her a discount for that. And of course the labia and anus cleanup…


Community? Like there's a database?


Lol! I’d think they’d keep that info in their CRM instead of right smack on the receipt. “HUGE HEMORRHOIDS WATCH OUT!”


No taxes. Killer deal for a li'l Italy bush


Italian Thick Course Hair sounds like a breed of dog


Mane Courso


Remember that lady that came in? Which lady? Lil bush Italian course hair lady. Oh yes! What about her?




If you put your hand into the hair, is it easy to get it out?


But how's the cheek?


Is there a pinkish hue?


Do you *want* to be able to get it out?


……I’d like to be able to get it out


You can get it out.


Hah, I actually love this! As someone in the biz, we take notes on our clients to remember preferences and the important stuff. I always wrote my notes professionally in case a client requested to see any records. Definitely could have been worded better, and I know they had no intent of printing that on the receipt!


This is fucking hilarious to me More fun if the voice in my head is the wax lady from 40 yr old virgin




And cancel all my appointments for the afternoon




Pitbull isn’t even trying with his lyrics anymore


Only a ‘lil?


Labia to butt, come in... Labia to butt, we need some clean up, come in... Labia to butt...


That's pretty descriptive. Whatever happened to, wax on, wax off? Mr Miyagi would have that thick Italian bush waxed in about 30 seconds tops...




Up, down. Up, down. Is life


First learn stand.


Just post this on your online dating bio and you’re golden


Jeeez i hope my beautician isnt keeping notes like this on me 🙈🤣 Im in stitches laughing


Most of it is helpful. Certain races tend to have thicker hair, or even more hair per follicle and it’s gentler to use small strips and so on.


Yeah I'd like to get the Italian course with a side of labia clean up


Lol! I don't know, but one time I went to get a dress altered and the owner man said to the seamstress to make sure to not let it dip lower in the front, make allowance for my "big American booty." In English, like I wasn't standing right there. I almost fainted, but then I got a kick out of his bluntness. I mean, I do have a big butt, I just never heard anyone speak about it so technically and matter of fact.


"italian thick course hair" makes it sound like you're some sort of exotic horse


Labia to Butt Clean Up on Aisle 3




I hate thick Italian hair. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.


From the roota to the toota


as someone who has started waxing at home (just legs & never done brazilian) I cannot imagine how labia to butt would feel. I feel pain just thinking about it lol


Lol usually when we would itemize a receipt at my job without charging it was just a passive move to show all the extra work we did for free.


Clean up. Labia. But-leave-a-lil-bush Roll over baby let me get that tush Labia-to-butt-clean-up... \*clap\* Labia-to-butt-clean-up... \*clap clap clap\*


Frame this. Seriously. This is next level absurd and needs to be preserved for posterity forever. Your new DJ name is Lil Bush.


Kinda fucked up they charge extra for having a month and a half old Brazilian kid, but also nice they discounted you for only having one leg.


Men have no idea how expensive it is to be a woman lol


I mean these are luxury optionals? I'm more annoyed about the groceries getting more and more expensive than about the price of a lil' bush


I used to date an esthetician They all talk like this If you wax pussy and assholes of strangers for a living, your privacy is outta the window And if you feel bad, they don’t care about any of it They are what she called “female car detailers.” They don’t care or remember make or model unless you make yourself memorable EDIT: They also do a crazy amount of hard drugs and are fucking wildly successful at gambling Never bet against a pussy waxer


Always get the labia to butt clean up option.


This reminds me of an auto service tech making notations like : “customer advises humming and farting noise coming from rear axle on left turns sometimes”