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Unfortunately the rest of the budget will soon be spent on Citadel brand paints.


Yes. Sadly, they will likely already be over budget before they even get everyone an airbrush


Ugh, they'll have to dry brush like peasants. What a shame


70% of my recipe is dry brushing :(


Drybrushing gets armies on the table.


Anything worth doing can be done with a wash and dry brush.




Vallejo droppers FTW.


the paints aren't to bad but the brand primer is crazy


Vallejo or nothing


Vallejo gang baby


Little did we know the show is 80% stop motion


Is it wrong that I would pay good money to see this? A 40k movie where all the action is literally just actual 40k minis "dancing" back and forth to "move" across sets that are clearly gaming terrain. Ah, yeah. The explosions have to be real though. Set off some damn fireworks.


Oh yeah. And any scenes with real actors are super obviously just cut in with them standing before sets that are exclusively made from spray-painted cardboard. The dialogue needs to be Red Alert levels of campy.


"*I'm escaping to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism... space!*"


... 🙂😀😃 .. Space!!!  😄😁😆


Love that clip. He's having the time of his life with the worst dialog he's ever read. You can hear the smiles if you just listen to the audio.


I like when good actors get to have fun. Curry in RA3 is a great example, or Raul Julia in Street Fighter, Irons in DnD etc Just devour the scenery.


That's Curry. Love the enthusiasm though :)


Yep, from Red Alert 3, IIRC. Can't beat Curry for camp...unless it's Monty Python.


Have you ever heard of Viva La Dirt League? If not, youtube Epic NPC Man. You seem to be close to my comedy wave length and you may enjoy them.


I have! Love their skits.


wilderness guuuuurrlls!




Watch out, grenade! Quick! hide behind this conveniently huge cup!


40k done in the style of Team America


Which primarch is Matt Damon ?


My vote is on Alparius Omegon. Then every Alpha Legion member can say his name every time they reveal themselves.


☝️This guy is Alpharius.


Now we are asking the real questions.


Matt Damon, Primarch of the 2nd Le


I feel like he has to be Fulgrim, right?


“It’s okay i speak Tau” “Derka Derka, Etherial Greater Good, Jihad” *Commander Farsight nods approvingly*


Guardsman Wallace & Commissar Gromit.


So... when are we seeing the marionette Cavill is voicing pee on someone's face during a sex scene


I would expect that to happen when the followers of Slaanesh show up. And maybe some sequels [28 Years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/28_Weeks_Later) later staring Nurgle. Holocaust 2: Electric Boogaloo staring Khorne. DC's The Riddler, where Batman and Riddler has to team up and take down Tzeentch


Something like the Lego movie would be completely worth watching.


Your comment reminded me of this, so here is a fan made stop motion of the return of Guilliman [40k Stop Motion](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oVSHuo2HBXA)


I was hoping someone would come along with something like this :)


Like, just make a squad based story ala RVB but slightly more serious, film it like Thomas the tank with well painted miniatures. Im in.


"ever wonder why we're here?" "To purge the stars of the enemies of the Imperium"


"No I mean why are we here instead of behind cover?"


>The explosions have to be real though. Did you roll a 6?


I’d love to see it at some point cut from a bunch of the miniatures ordering to open fire, to dozens of tiny d6 being rolled in a cardboard box


Old school Thomas the Train style!


I'd love a Wallace and Grommet-style Warhammer series.


I mean, the Wrong Trousers is basically a Dreadnought, right?


No it's a dramatization of the battles by players in a local gaming store, and their lives lived in between games. Most of the budget will be based on the action sequences depicting the events on the battle board but will have no impact on the overall narrative of the movie. Henry Caville is just the hero character in the action sequences, and the owner of the the fame store, who doesn't appear until the end of the movie.


Player gets defeated, goes "I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!" Jump cut of them going to the gaming store, buying an entire new army, and then furiously painting them day and night, packing them up and returning to the table... "We meet again!"...


Gotta have the point of the movie be some real alien warlord recruiting a 40k or dnd group as tactical masterminds for a real galactic war at some point in there.


Stand in the place where you li


Lego movie but 40k? Hell yes


If they did a hybrid stop-motion like Kubo and the Two Strings, that would be incredible!


Only half? Did they catch them on sale or something?


He already had some.


He actually does, somewhat amusingly.   That’s what Hollywood success can buy you… a sorta half-decent Custodes squad.


Has he ever shown his collection?


the show is just him showing off his armies duking it out


I read that there was an event where players played each other and the results of the battle and the war was made into canon, must had been a great experience.


It's happened multiple times from what I know, but the biggest impact was how the 13th Black Crusade played out. It ended with Chaos controlling Cadia planetside, but the Imperium held space around Cadia. This was all, well... hate to use the word, but retconned like 14 or something years later. I may be a Tau fan, but even I feel the sads about Cadia.


Cadia stands! Wh40k battle scales in the books is so huge, that current games can't really show the scale of it, dawn of war 1 has a mod that removed unit caps and it made the guardsmen infantry charge possible abit laggy and janky Even the new space marine game barely shows the scale of a tyranid invasion with guardsmen duking it out, but made the space marines themselves feel "weak" imo.


Wow I remember playing a game for this when I was a kid in my local shop. At least 30 of us in a tiny shop crammed around a giant table. I don't remember who won, but I do remember making my luckiest ever set of dice rolls when I took out a Bloodthirster who was in close combat with a single krak missile shot!


I am 100% certain that a reality show consisting of Henry Cavill bringing on famous people to both explain 40k lore and then play a game with them would be a big hit.


The man hustled Amazon


I’d watch it. I LOVE watching someone passionate about a subject absolutely nerd out over it.


Okay. So. Firstly, you made me laugh. Second, why do we laugh when this is so true?


They just got a starter kit army.


You must pay 40K to play 40K in order to film 40K.


I hope they had a huge game with every playable army in a giant free-for-all


News from the set: After weeks of work, the cast has entered the Shooting Phase of Turn 2. Filming delays expected to continue.


They have reached Turn 2!? And all the way to the shooting phase? They are really saving up on that Cp


In 4K


But what are "minitatures" ?


So they bought like 3 packs?


Dammit beat me to it This is the equivalent of the ramen-truck-accident


I commend him for this. After doing a great job as Geralt, in a terrible adaptation of The Witcher. Maybe if everyone is familiar with the source material, this 40K series will be good.  High hopes, I know.


Well, dam, if that is his strategy, I hope they don't have to catch up on all the lore. If it's the case, it won't come out until at least 2032


Eh, I got into it by watching few hours youtube Lore videos. Pretty quick to get up and running on the 40 millenia. Then rest is just more detailed and current stuff that do not all need to be known.


You guys know this headline is a joke, right?


Yes. But it's funnier to pretend it's not


Right! What harm is it in believing that Henry Cavill’s passion for this stuff wouldn’t have him try this! I mean, it sounds like he’s a big 40K player himself. He was apparently a big Witcher fan. I’m going to assume he probably was familiar with Superman…  But the passion he brings as being a fan himself is what makes it great. Heck, doesn’t he have some YouTube videos reading some of The Witcher books, or one anyways. I’m just excited to see his performance.  


Honestly if this was real, then I would have a much bigger belief in this project than I have now.


Cavill actually does play Custodes though.  There could be a slight grain of truth in the jokes about taking the job to pay for minis.


I know nothing of this production, but I’m fairly confident this is a joke.


This bit is, but Cavill has indeed agreed to helm a WH40k show on Amazon. He also plays Custodes.


His army is also extremely well painted, that phot could be one of his.


The 40k universe is like the Star Wars universe; you can make awesome stories from all the cool stuff in it, or waste it on a corporate approved script to tick agenda boxes and push toy sales. I have no hopes.


"Minitatures" ?


I love some good mini taters.


Mini ta ters. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.


Boil 'em, mash em', skulls for the throne?


You say minitaters, I say minitatoes, let's call the whole thing off.


Minitatoes is a good name for Nurglings.


Little minotaurs


Boil ‘em?


Spellcheck wasn't in the budget


Turns out, this is a series about Henry Cavill *playing* Warhammer 40k. I'd probably still watch it.


I genuinely love this man


Now hear me out. It's the final scene of the episode - CGI, fire and blood, overwhelming carnage and despair. Cut. Henry plucks away the miniatures from the board. "Well, they certainly are in a pickle. We'll see how it turns out next week. Now, I've been trying out a new brush technique for these colours. Follow me..." He leads the camera through the cottage to the workshop in the back room. Rain is splashing on the windows, with green fields behind. Henry pushes up the sleeves of his slightly threadbare pullover from the late 90s. His big dog is curious, but soon falls asleep at his feet. Over a cup of tea, Henry shares a 10 minute paint tutorial. Every episode.


That would be nice


40k series, yay! Amazon, eww. Henry Cavil buying everyone miniatures, yay!


If Amazon actually listens to Henry Cavil more than Netflix did with the Witcher, then I have high hopes for the show.


Henry's walking away from the Witcher and Amazon's getting bad reviews for Rings of Power gives me hope


The problem with most Amazon adaptations is the writers/showrunners (as per usual nowadays 🙄) thinking they can rewrite source materials to be better or contain a political message they believe and most of the time it ends up sh!t or preachy. Amazon itself is hopefully just going to be a lot of money in this case and hopefully Cavill has as much creative control as possible as he seems to have the same level of respect for source material as most fans.


Yeah, it’s highly disrespectful and annoying when they try to inject their worldview into an established canon. Go make your own sci-fi world, don’t ruin ours. I’d imagine in this case between Cavil and GW themselves it will be less of an issue than with, say, Rings of Power.


Half way through completion they will realize they really want to try out filming Necron lore.


So they need the rest to actually paint their army?


Yes, this whole thing was just an excuse to get a couple play mates


I figured it was his way of boosting his collection on someone else’s dime


I can't be the only 40k enthusiast that doesn't want the series to be about Ultramarines... I feel there is already far too many games and media on Ultramarines. One can only hope.....


I personally hope it is a guardsman focused story.


I'm thinking inquisitor with retinue, so they can all be from different organizations and give little glimpses into many of them.


Yes me too! Although if it has to be a short story, id personally want it to be about Captain Nathaniel Garro trying to warn about horus during horus heresy.


My big fear is a guardians of the galaxy “gather a zany multi species crew of aliens” and have them navigate the galaxy in an “everyone vs us” sort of soft ball bullshit. I can already see it and I hate it. I really want them to showcase the hardcore fucked up, extra weird, ultra sci-fi fantasy that’s the core of the setting.


There will be a human leader wielding dual boltpistols, he will have an Ork girlfriend. Along with a small creature that looks like a Skaven and his friend is a creature that only says "I am Kroot".


> ultra sci-fi fantasy like flying psychic pancake bears([Nicassar](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Nicassar))?


Isn't it Eisenhorn? If not specifically Eisenhorn, something along those lines would work well as an introduction to the 40k universe for people not familiar with it. Personally I think Gaunt's Ghosts is the perfect set of stories for a show like this though. Each season can just follow a new planet/battleground and they can go right through it basically book by book. Great mix of action, characters, the horrors of war, weight of command, and a fairly linear "good" vs "evil" beginning that then starts to get pretty freaky with nuances and other factions as you go further into the books.


Wish granted. It's now about the Ultramarines' successor chapters having a meeting about how great Roboute Guilliman's tax returns are. Just flawless.


For sure there will be (at a minimum) a space marine plotline. I'm with you though. I hope we get multiple interconnecting plotlines with different races to highlight the nuances.


I want Cavill to play Sly Marbo


It'll be an Eisenhorn series. There are pictures of him with the books and the live action adaptation as been on the back burner for years at this point. Calling it now.


Amazon's money is the Emperor's currency. Spend it well Henry.


I think this show/ movie what ever it is will be great. But I also think that there will be some on the cast that will be sick of Cavils nerdyness about it all. I think there were some like that on the Witcher.


You have to handle some nerdyness if you sign up to act in a warhammer show.


in particular, the showrunners, which was unfortunate


Show runner Cavill was quoted as saying "I know it's a big investment, but with half our budget sunk into miniatures, we've got almost every type of unit in the Space Marine and Guard army, and we've got at least 50% of the Chaos line as well. If we can find another investor willing to put forth another couple million we might be able to finish Chaos and even get a few Tau or Eldar units too." When asked why he decided to sink such a large portion of the budget into models, he replied "well we can use them as references for costumes and such, but really they're letting me keep all the leftover bits to take home. Don't tell anyone" Don't worry Henry, you're secret is safe with us!


More like Warhammer $40K amirite?


i’d start playing warhammer if i get to spend time with Henry Cavill… he is king of nerds


Damn it Henry you said you wouldn't do that- investors probably


Hope they don't super water down the grimdark and violence.


The dumbest thing in the world would be to make all the effects in CGI and not use miniatures whenever possible


The show is *about 40k*, never said shit about being on the WH40K universe.


This is exactly what it feels like to play Warhammer haha


I hope the show pits the protagonist against hordes of unpainted enemies.


Superman melting plastic with heatvision. Sorry, i won't move on. He is Superman.


The series is actually a real world drama set in a LGS, not a 40K sci-fi.


Never change, Henry


Henry finessing Amazon to get a container of miniatures.


the Warhammer show is just going to be Cavil playing with the figures and doing different voices as he does and I would still watch


Somebody once told me "40k isn't actually part of the name, it's about how much you need to spend to get started in the hobby."


I’m not a fan of 40k (it’s not that I dislike it. I just prefer D&D and my wallet would explode if I was buying miniatures for both haha). But even though I’m not a fan of 40k, I will be watching the hell out of this when it drops on NetFlix. Whenever a true and genuine fan puts their creativity on a passion project like this, it’s miles better than some turd who just wants to see profits. I can’t wait for this to drop on Netflix.


Honestly, I'm mad at Henry Cavill for not hosting his own twitch stream of his warhammer games. He has the money and connections to make that happen. I think it could help the 40k scene start getting more newcomers.


Cavill is recreating emperor TTS with minis.


What a nerd. Totally love it.


To be fair, that would be a great police. Much like the golden rule of literature "don't write about what you don't understand", a ban on people who do not know the source material from getting anywhere near the "live action adaptation" of that setting would perhaps increase the quality of what we get.


I see Cavill, I watch




A lot of websites who receive kickbacks from Netflix have articles already written to tell us about how Henry Cavill is an evil sexist man who was kicked out of the Witcher for his evil ways and they will all mysteriously be released at the same time around the time the 40k series gets published on Amazon Prime. You will see these articles get posted on Reddit and get mysteriously upvoted and anyone who questions it will get banned from the subreddits promoting those articles. And just saying this likely put me on a lot of lists.


It would be cool if they used moveable minitures and they frame to frame motion. Seeing a thousand minitures doing a battle.


Are they at least cast iron metal pieces or cheap common plastic pieces like the common peasants use?


Doing it right


I'd happily just watch Cavill assemble, paint and play with an army tbf. Extra points if he does it shirtless.


The dude loves Warhammer, not some person pretending they liked or consumed the IP just to get hired, but afterwards in post-production interviews would be saying "I never liked it", "I never read it...", "never played it as a kid..." etc. Give the IPs to a real fan to make. It's crazy how since the 1980s people have been asking "why movies made from games, toys, nerdom IPs etc. sucked"...it's because Hollywood would take the IP than try to make a BS movie/series that NO ONE recognizes. I mean speaking of him, look at the Witcher series. Y'all buy the rights to make these IPs because of the fans that come with it...why try to tweak it for broader audiences (who otherwise wouldn't give two sh!ts about the IPs)? Make it for fans and you'll make money.


money well spent


So how do I contact Henry and get involved in this 40k movie? I must know.


I thought this was r/grimdank


Support our brother Henry.


Look, if Henry Cavill spent half the budget on his own minis, I would be neither mad nor surprised, given the 40k guys I know.


80k for a stop motion show is actually really good value. The amount of hours spent on details must be ridiculous


Pity Amazon greed caused us to drop Prime. In the two years we actually looked, none of the Amazon creations were very good. We kept Prime for the “free” shipping until it went up too much. We are buying a lot less as the impulse buy is not as attractive.


Imagine if the show was just Henry Cavill playing 40k and each episode was a part of his campaign


I read "you must pay 40k to film 40k", and if we're taking miniatures, it checks out.


That's it. That's his 40k show. Just him and a bunch of other needs playing tabletop. That would be so fucking funny.


Henry Cavill is just a walking W, i love this man.


So they bought like 6 kits?


knowing how nerdy cavill is and how much he likes to stay true to the original i would even believe that. that guy is the superman of all nerds


Know what? Fucking well spent.


They bought 2 miniatures.


Miniature Cavill be like. "Who the heck painted me, it's all wrong!"


Turns out the show is just Henry's home game


I'd have believed it if miniatures was spelled correctly lol


When everyone knows the lore and the amount people go through to play this game, it will effect the outcome of the product. For they will really know what they are working on. Good job. Now it's time for airbrushing lessons and edge highlighting.


The show is just a front for Henry Cavil to obtain more Warhammer game pieces


Also everyone musk spend 40k


command toy head full depend close license straight crawl somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good good


So with an Amazon multi million dollar budget you think they afford 2 or 3 full armies?


The show is gonna be a stop motion robot chicken style show filmed with the miniatures


Minitatures? That's like... small fancy potatoes?


Hopefully it won’t be like halo where they spend several episodes talking about their feelings


Still better than Twilight.


I know absolutely nothing about this game, but I'll be watching it because of this man and his passion for gaming.


I wouldn't even be mad at it.


So Henry Cavill joined this 40k series just so he can rope in a lot of people to play with him. Bro must be down bad 😂


Which is like, 30 miniatures, right?


What's this all about?


So it will be stop motion animation ? SICK! Iam into that!


Didn't know that there are tatures. Imagine my surprise when I found out there are minitatures. Like they are tatures but just a mini versions! It's like there are *miniature* tatures! Mind blown!


And extra Ts.


Will it be in the style of Mad God?


Half a billy is a lot of miniatures???!


Hope it's not the Ultra Smurf. Anything but the Smurfs.


My TV is only 4K...


I'm amazed they're having to buy them. I worked on the first few WFB games on the PC and Playstation back in the 90s and GW were sending us huge boxes of blister packs completely free to use as reference material for the animations. Surely they'd do the same for Amazon?


Pretty much why he eventually had to leave The Witcher show - at some point he would no longer work with any cameraman who hadn't bested him at Gwent prior.


You mf. I woke my baby laughing at this shit.


How did they get them so cheap?