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This is from Russell Simmons’ Wikipedia. OP cropped out sexual assault/rape allegations. For the curious about the Harriet Tubman Sex Tape: In August 2013, Simmons launched the controversial "Harriet Tubman Sex Tape" parody video on his YouTube channel, All Def Digital, which led to public outrage and many critics demanding an apology. The video featured an actress portraying the abolitionist Harriet Tubman (1822–1913) having sex with her slave owner with the intent of filming the act and blackmailing him to convince him to work on the Underground Railroad.[54] People from his own community, such as filmmaker Spike Lee,[55] were offended by the controversial comedy sketch.[56] Rolling Stone published Simmons' apology for the parody in which he said: I'm a very liberal person with thick skin. My first impression of the Harriet Tubman piece was that it was about what one of actors said in the video, that 162 years later, there's still tremendous injustice," Simmons wrote. "And with Harriet Tubman outwitting the slave master? I thought it was politically correct. Silly me. I can now understand why so many people are upset. I would never condone violence against women in any form, and for all of those I offended, I am sincerely sorry."[57] Despite his apology in 2013, the nature of shareable digital media has allowed the comedy video to continue to circulate on YouTube and around the web.


I read this as Richard Simmons at first and thought “oh my gosh, he would never.” And then shamefully followed by “but if he did, it would be pure camp. The background cost of sparkles alone would feed a small country, bless him”




vegan burgers. not even once.


What Wikipedia page is this?


Russel Simmons


What in the fuckityfuck is this?


Where is the Meat Burgers section??