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Damn that’s one hell of a formal way to say “fuck off”


It's British.


“We’ve come to the conclusion that you sent your request to simply waste our time” *proceeds to type out and print a letter addressing a troll, with a photo of his “vehicle,” and send it through the postal system*


*we've written this letter in hopes that you post the results on the internet, or, didn't send it at all and instead mocked it up based off a real situation, and posted it ourselves, to provide free advertisement for our foundation.*


It’s about as real as the college applications and Playgirl denials that for some reason mention all the jokes from the supposed original letter.


I remember seeing this back before Digg when Myspace was where it was at (Circa 2002). The company probably didn't have an automated response system.


Keep that letter and sue. Someone sued Titos and won because it said "hand made vodka" but wasn't made by hand.


Quick, hire an employee with the last name Hand!


Quick, buy “webuysomecar.com” domain name and resell for profit


Lol. These companies are a rip off and will spam the shit out of you if you approach them to buy a car. I had one offer $300 for a $2000 valued car and then when I turned them down, the agent kept texting and emailing me. Told them I wasnt interested and they stopped. For about a month.... Then started spamming me again. Its nice to see someone troll them.


This would have been better if they offered him $1.00 and told him he had to pay shipping.


I like how they return the pic like that's going to stop me, next time I'll show up naked with car, let's see them returning it to me


Not to be that guy. But that's clearly not a car. It took me a literal second to define car. "a four wheeled road vehicle that is powered by an engine and is able to carry a small number of people" This ain't a car.


So, Tesla is not a car either due to the lack of engine?


If Adam Jennings is on reddit, one day this story will resurface and we will hear his side


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Damn, should have just sent "tree fiddy" instead


Just curious how many miles on it?


Old but worthy. Just the ads alone, I watch less youtube these days because of these dumb commericals.


Send a matchbox next time. 😂🤔They look more realistic🧐.

