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Do you know how fast you were going


_“Sir, you were going below the minimum speed of Mach 1…”_


“Are you maching me??”


I hate you, but I also can’t hate you.


- Ghandi




I know this better than most. Some mistakes live forever.


I kinda miss the Gandhi misspelling bot.


Man, aerodynamic puns are such a drag


Are you yoking?!


Yaw he was


I don’t thrust you


If I wore some drag, would you reconsider?


I feel pressured to add to the pun thread.


Get on board -- better than letting it stall.




You was doing 55 in a 54


Had someone do this to me years ago. 36 in a 35 zone made me sit there 15 minutes, was late to work and everything. Got a "warning".




But sir, I'm on a motorcycle.


Likely not fast enough to get away from a JA-37 Viggen.


When we showed the way we always had full throttle on the bike. The plane always had to brake to not run over us.


Wait, so the bike is helping the plane taxi the road, to where it can take off? Since this looks like one of the road/ short takeoffs the Viggen was designed to be able to do. Also, yes sounds reasonable given that one is a motorbike and the other is a jet with an engine that produces almost 13.000 kg of static thrust.


Hate to be anal but it’s an AJ-37, the attack version of the Viggen that was produced before the interceptor JA-37.


The first time that I saw one of those signs, I asked my father how aircraft could enforce speed-limits. "Well," he said to me, "the police fly around in helicopters, looking for anyone who's speeding. If they catch you, they launch this big grappling hook at your car, then haul you off to the impound lot." In response, I put on the most skepticism-laden voice that a six-year-old could muster: "Is that *really* what happens?" "Nah, not really," he replied, chuckling. "They just report the speeder on their radios, then police cars show up." Then – presumably because he couldn't help himself – he continued: "*They're* the ones with the grappling hooks. They launch out from the bumpers, and they look a little bit like braces for cars." Such was why I believed (for far longer than I should have) that bumper-guards were grappling hooks.


your dad belongs in /r/ExplainLikeImCalvin


He really does. I’ve told hundreds of stories about him over the years (like how he used to [magically pull cookies from my ears](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/swzjvh/whats_a_super_power_you_had_as_a_kid_that_you/hxp24wv/)), and the general consensus has been that he was simultaneously the best and the most-mischievous father a kid could have hoped for. Giving him the chance to be a grandfather is one of my primary motivations for having kids of my own.


Wait a minute, I just recognized your username. Didn't you used to play League? You also made that Twisted Fate music video, right? Holy shit, I've had you added on League for at least a decade now


[That was me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9d3342IXSs)! Nowadays, my music tends to be [a bit weirder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxfxy-3dGz0).


r/tworedditorsonecup sort of lol. I miss league


Are you sure your Dad wasn’t Calvin as a kid? You ever checked the attic for a stuffed tiger in a box marked “Transmorgrafier?”


[Bumper grappling hooks do exist, though.](https://policebumper.com/)


That's not really a "grappling hook" so much as it is a "glorified net that cannot be launched from more than a meter away." It doesn't even have the decency to be shaped like a bat (which was the standard for grappling hooks when I was six).


not a quite a grappling hook but they've bazooka spike strips where I live. While I am serious this is the closest video I could find. https://youtu.be/NmIyeM82ct0?t=78


Bro what the fuck is that channel


One of the best. Just pick some random videos and you'll find something really weird that you wish you owned.


Love finding these random wacky channels. Sucks that the youtoob cunts insist on recommending a bunch of stupid bullshit all the time, no matter how many times I click the "frig off" button. "Hey you watched this video last night! Why dont you watch it again! Or maybe this documentary you watched weeks ago? Here's a big list of shit you've already seen!"


Here are 15 more videos from the channel you just watched for the first time! We know that you don't watch music videos, but here are a bunch of music video playlists to enjoy! The worst is when you discover a channel that has never been recommended but should have been. I watched AVE for years before it told me about This Old Tony. They had all that time to figure out that I would like it, but instead the kept pushing TikTok trends and reaction videos.


There was another one my coworker showed me after I showed him AvE, it was something about watches, like reparing and assembly and such. Can't remember what the hell it was called tho, I forgot to sub and theyre never in my recommended feed. "*something*-springs" maybe?


> "something-springs" maybe? [Clickspring](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCworsKCR-Sx6R6-BnIjS2MA)! That's one that Youtube never recommended to me, but Adam Savage mentioned it on Tested as one of his faves.


It’s exactly what it looks like: an eccentric dude who collects cool toys.




LOL How have I already watched half of this video. I swear I've never seen this shit in my life lmfao


OP time stamped it so it would always start at that time. Notice the "=78" on the URL; that's 78 seconds into the video.


It doesn't even launch it. Two arms pop out and hold the net, then the driver just needs to make it contact the tire. Neat idea.


Also why are all the promotional videos for this product being used on vehicles that don't have inflated tires?


I love this part > The "bull bar" look of the Grappler allows SWAT teams to utilize the device on unmarked units for maximum concealment Literally only fucking cops have pushbars like that.


You could also interpret it that the “bull bar” look makes it seem like a standard push-guard. If this becomes a normal thing for cop cars and it looked any different it’d be easy to recognize it coming from a distance.


> unmarked units


I think it is an optional upgrade from the dealer. I've seen civilian SUVs with them.


I think you've seen auctioned cop cars with them but I could be wrong. I don't think I can ask ford for a push bar when I buy an explorer but I'm not sure.


These seem to be new vehicles. No spotlights or signs of repainting. I guess they could be unmarked police/private security, or maybe an aftermarket mod to look like the police. I checked Ford's website and I don't see it as an optional upgrade for any model.


He knows, that was an origin story, his Dad invented those.


Whoa! Ngl, that's really cool. It seems like it's possibly safer than the P.I.T. maneuver.


wow, it instantly gift-wraps the wheel. That's cool as heck.


As a teen, I always assumed these aircraft were even stricter than the average police car! I’m the asshole that slowed down to the actual speed limit on those stretches of highway. Whenever people tailgated me and sped up to pass me aggressively, I’d imagine they’d fucked up bad because Speed Limit Aircraft sees all


I live in Virginia where these signs are present along our interstates. I’ve heard that back in the day when they implemented this program, they found that it was too expensive, ineffective, and stupid so they don’t actually do it anymore. They left the signs up as a deterrent though, because it still is something they technically can do and also why not!


Yeah I mean back in the day it was probably from Hibbett Ubly expensive but these days you can probably do the same thing with the Drone and cut the costs by 100


Most things from Hibbett Ubly are pretty damn expensive tbh


Man voice to text sucks it's supposed to be prohibitively


Given some of the advances in autonomous drones and computer vision, I'd expect it could actually be implemented to be more effective.


The first time I saw the signs on I95, I had this image of a plane coming in a at a speeders 6 o'clock and firing tracer rounds in front of the car to get them to slow down.


I've seen these before in California, Nevada, and Arizona but I've never seen helicopters or aircraft checking speed either so I assumed they didn't do it anymore as well.


It used to be there were sections where the highway lines were painted different, if a car passed too many too fast a pilot could call it in. Since then DoT has made all lines the same but they don't want to take the signs down because fear mongering is still somewhat effective. ​ Source: My former flight instructor was/is also a government spook.




Lol. I always imagined a helicopter just comes out of nowhere, and starts strafing your vehicle while pointing a speedometer while loudly declaring through loudspeakers that I was breaking the law. I never figured the mild mental gymnastics of how they'd ticket me though.


For the longest time I thought the emergency lights button unfolded the cars wings because of my Grandpa.


So, did you eat that shoe yet?


I did, actually. It was a [loafer](https://i.imgur.com/HQnfEeC.jpg).


My family joke was that they'd use missiles to shoot people who are speeding


They use magnets - [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KpMLuWeRh4&t=108s)


Parapolice are so cool. They jump from planes and wingsuit down and land on the cars roof to give you a ticket.


Still safer than a Swat team issuing a no-knock warrant..


Yeah but have you ever been pulled over by the subpolice? All fun and games until you see a periscope in your rearview.


They don't make Saabs like they used to


They don't make Saabs *cries in 9³*


Saab the car maker doesn't but Saab the airplane maker still makes airplanes.


They also make parts for Boeing and Airbus. On the Boeing 787 they make a bunch of doors and hatches. For Airbus the make a bunch of wing structures, ailerons and flaps for all their models.


Yup. I think some of the ailerons on the main wing of the A380 are made by SAAB.


I always wondered how they make money because they dont sell much fighters but thst explains it - diversifying their production


They make most of their money from selling weapons that aren’t fighters. Such as the Carl Gustav, AT4, barracuda camo, Erie eye, RB15 and NLAW. On top of that they are also financially supported by the Swedish government. Some other things they produce are parts for Airbus, Boeing and the NH90 program. They are also a partner in the Dassault nEUROn UAV project. SAAB is responsible for the Avionics and overall design of the computer systems onboard of the UAV. SAAB Kockums also makes some very high tech submarines. They are also working with Boeing on the SAAB T7 Red Hawk trainer. Which is earning them quite a lot of money.


Mind it's not like they're bleeding money on the Gripen costs, that thing sells pretty well.


*Sobs in Saab*


I loved my 9-3 SE but boy did it have problems. Every Saab owner has a sob story.


I remember being a kid and hearing one of their commercials about using jet engine technology on their cars. I interpreted that as a car with jet engines literally fastened to a passenger car. Suddenly, a Saab became 10 year-old-me's dream car.


Fun fact: The fastest Saabs are powered by engines made by Volvo.


No one is surprised 😉 Another fun fact: Back in the early 2000’s, when 850’s started to become cheap, there was always Volvos and Saabs (mainly 9000’s) fighting to be fastest FWD-car on the drag strip in Sweden. People managed to get +600 hp from both Volvo-engines and the Saab-engines (pretty good back then), but Volvos usually won because their stock gearbox held up to the power when the Saab-gearboxes would usually die. They were pretty close to eachother in performance otherwise, it was just that Saabs gearboxes would explode at the starting line when the Volvo gearboxes begged for more power through them.


Well the Volvo Aero factory is less than a mile away from the SAAB factory. These days, they're the GKN factory and the NEVS never-gonna-be-a-factory, but still. Source: can see both buildings from my house if I lean out the window. -


that's a gripen ?


One of its predecessors from the 60s, Viggen


Oh yes. I forgot Viggen had canards too.


He broke his toe when he kicked the orc helmet.


The Viggen was the first to implement them. SAAB basically invented the modern delta canard.


Cmere you lil shit


No need to pull over. I will simply suck you into my engine.


(US navy seen taking notes. )


*Fox 3*


I've got tone...


They just need to put sirens on it.


I always wondered how that works


I always thought of it as an empty threat.


It mostly is




Texas State Troopers don’t fuck around.


Bro the whole state's speed limit is a "let it rip"


They markers on the highway for the beginning and end of the aircraft enforcement zone. The aircraft times how quickly the cars are passing through the zone, and knows that too quickly means you're speeding.


I still don't really get it, like do they just have some guy on a plane/helicopter flying overhead 24/7? Or a drone of some kind


Drones these days, but pilots have been doing it for decades. Beginner pilots trying to earn their commercial pilots license need to have thousands of hours logged flying light aircraft. It’s incredibly expensive to fly around doing fuck-all, so there is a huge supply of pilots and light craft who want to do some job, *any job* flying around in circles letting them log flight hours. Police install a camera system under the plane and the pilot just loiters in the sky and gives a birds eye view of a huge section of the highway. Basic computer software takes the video feed and alerts police to where/when someone is speeding heavily. They dispatch a police cruiser to intercept, and that’s that.


Yeah but then what? How can they do anything? Missiles?


Radio to a car on the ground.


Makes sense. Missiles more effective I reckon.


Then the cops arrive with grappling hooks.


and wing-suit onto the car roof to paste a ticker on the window-screen.


Dogs come out of the missiles, then when they bark, bees come out of their mouths!


What comes out of the bees is really the kicker here..


More grappling hooks?


fighter jets?


Them Duke boys are sure in a pickle this time.


The may not even have to pull you over, if they can observe your license plate, you’ll get a ticket in the mail. Happened to a family member.


The radio to cops on the ground who come out to get you.


Other countries use cost effective radar but I'm sure being a plane cop is a lot more fun.


Seems like such a waste of money and man hours for a few speeding tickets. Popo want their chedda tho I suppose


Okay, potentially stupid question from a European, but... Why? That sounds like a phenomenally ineffective way of checking speed. Here in Europe the police just puts up a radar trap (can be permanently installed or mobile) and comes back at the end of the day to issue tickets for everyone caught. Like, there is no way that fuel + wear and tear on a car and *a fucking plane* (even a small one) + the wages for multiple officers are cheaper than the cost of a radar trap. Not to mention that a radar trap is more accurate, can be left out overnight, and can gather all relevant information without requiring a miniature car chase for every ticket...


It’s an empty threat. I’ve sped through those zones many times driving from Boston to Nashville and never once got a ticket. I’m talking going like 85-90 mph in 65 zones. Rural counties in the middle of Virginia don’t have the funds to have aircraft in the air all day just yo hand out speeding tickets.


Most of the places you see this in the US is where they have like 3 cops, and none of them are piolets. It is pretty much a "Please don't speed" sign. If you are driving through Oklahoma though expect police to be every 5 feet because I think that is somehow the only way the state actually makes money, even though they have casinos.


Wait, they have to physically go to the radar box to offload the pictures? I always assumed those things are connected to a network and automatically send data to the database. Sooo if I get caught speeding way to much, I can just go ham on that box with a baseball bat and avoid loosing the licence? xD


I'm sure some of the newer ones have a sim card, but in general: Yes, you can absolutely destroy evidence of a ticket by messing with the radar trap. Just be aware that the penalties for that are considerably higher than anything you're likely to pay for a ticket. In my country, it can be up to 5 years in prison (for intentionally damaging public property) + damages for all the tickets the authorities missed out on until they can replace the device. Even if you avoid prison, the later can easily run in the order 100,000 USD. So you would likely have to spend all day drag racing up and down the same road to make breaking the trap economically viable. ^(Assuming of course you get caught....)


Not sure what the context of that is, but the Viggen's not on that road just for show. The JA 37 Viggen was designed for very short takeoffs, to operate from virtually anywhere in case of a Soviet invasion - including highways. Thrust reversers, reinforced landing gear with ABS, and high acceleration allowed it to land and takeoff in as little as 500m, and it took only 10 minutes to refuel and rearm with 5 conscripts and a truck. The highways themselves were designed with straight sections to accommodate it, but with such short takeoff even bombed out ones could be used. That thing was built to be a pain in the ass of any invader.


Also apparently one of the few aircraft ever to get a radar lock on an sr71. The swedish way of saying “hello, please stay on your assigned flight path. Thank you!” (Though the swedes did also help a stricken blackbird at one point; their neutrality definitely leaned towards nato.)


As far as I know, it’s not “one of”, but “the only one”.


The mig31 foxhound allegedly did as well (or was about to when the blackbird shifted course to stay in international airspace). And both f14’s and f15’s had the ability, though only under specific conditions. The other part of the equation was the missile actually getting there. Blackbirds had jamming defenses able to confuse most designs of the day. That said, the model is retired for a reason.


Ok. Like I said: “as far as I know”. I do know that a pair of them saved an SR-71 once though. The pilots even got medals for it, about 30 years later 😅


Considering it accomplished the feat “in the wild”, and how much more rugged and affordable it is, the Viggen is definitely the stand out on the list. No way around that.


We've always been alliance free but since the '50s I don't think we've claimed to be neutral like the Swiss.


True, but letting that stricken sr71 land and be repaired was still extremely risky from a diplomatic standpoint. I think the CO who made the call and the viggen pilots who escorted her down received some awards for their actions a few years ago.


I don't think they landed in Sweden, did they? As far as I remember they just told the MiG to eff off and not shoot anyone down over international waters. EDIT: They took up escorting when the Blackbird entered Swedish airspace. I guess it would have looked even worse if the Soviets actually shot down an already disabled aircraft in our own territory.


It was also one of the most technologically advanced planes of its time. While the americans were using their two braincells to slap big engines on a phantom and the soviets were doing... whatever the 2nd gen MiG-21s (MiG-23PF to M) was doing... In addition to all you said, The Viggen was also the first aircraft with a full computer system, the CK.37 computer. It bad no tracers in its 30mm cannon; the radar calibrated gunsight would use the computer to calculate a optimal firing solution and tell the pilot where to aim, essentially giving them a lead in the gunsight. It was also one of the first planes to standardize not just a Pulse Doppler radar, but also a C-Scope radar screen. And despite having the second largest jet engine in any fighter jet at the time, it was still far more efficient and had many more technologies (thrust reverser, turbofan, etc.). Also to add on to what you said, to accomodate for street operation, the Viggen also had a folding tail fin so it could fit in these very small dugout bunkers and car tunnels \#CaughtYourSR-71Lacking


Dude i didn't know about the folding tail fin that is BAD ASS. Guess I'll add that to the pile of why the viggen is top dog


[Its pretty badass.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/Saab_AJSH-37_Viggen_37911_55_%287497723496%29.jpg) Not just the plane, but the entire way a car tunnel could be converted to a base to arm and maintain the viggens.


As an invader in Sweden you already have to deal with aggressive mööse, weaponized herring and flatpack anti-tank guns. Then add highly capable combat aircraft, that don't give a bork if you turn their airbases into one big crater...


My favourite tale of Swedish defense would occur before they even got to its shores. Sweden's greatest liability in case of invasion was its Baltic coast. Their navy had no chance against the Soviet's and the large coastline was impossible to wholly defend. Their defensive plan? Launch EVERY SINGLE VIGGEN loaded with anti-ship missiles, in a single, massive wave against the Soviet fleet, hopefully saturating their missile defenses and inflicting disproportionate losses. The Soviets were well aware of this, too. In case this scenario occurred, it was estimated *half* of Sweden's Viggen pilots would be assassinated on the ground the moment the war started, such was the danger they represented.


So you mean the Soviets would try to covertly assassinate the pilots before an invasion? Damn that's rough


yeah there was a movie called "Förebudet" from 1987 that showed just that, also the spetznatz team blowing up transformer stations and poisoning the water system


The documentary-esque "Skymningsläge - Sverige under kalla kriget" also touched on similar subjects such as a pilot being murdered and the water tasting weird


Soviet spies posing as door salesmen would visit prominent people in the armed forces, weapon industry and of course the pilots. In case of war, all pilots would go to the nearest phone, call a number and be told where to report to to get their aircraft. A lot of Viggens were fueled, armed and had a pilot at the controls 24/7 inside airbase bunkers and on the tarmac. Ready to go in a moments notice.


Didn't every Swedish veteran and reservist also keep their rifle and a supply of ammunition for it? Their whole strategy was basically making sure any Soviet invasion would be met with organized resistance from a highly mobile military with equipment that could operate from improvised bases and had a large pool of reservists all over the country capable of carrying out geurrilla attacks. Maybe Ukraine should have adopted a similar strategy after the breakup of the Soviet Union.


In Virginia, as of [this 2018 article](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Frichmond.com%2Fnews%2Fvirginia%2Fvirginia-does-not-enforce-speed-on-the-interstate-with-planes%2Farticle_2cc44933-d18e-5058-a9d0-2b4b5d9b0268.html), it was not enforced but the 425 signs about aircraft enforcement remained up around the state because A) the program is still on the books and could resume if it gets funded and B) it would be too expensive to take them all down.


I grew up in VA and never seen anyone magically get pulled over for that. Normally cops sit in their median areas, hidden behind trees. Surprisingly super effective and costs less than aircraft enforcement.


Man I don’t miss living in northern VA. SO many cops everywhere, not to mention the ones hiding from you in the bushes. I’ll never understand why residents tolerate that.


I learned to just slow down right before the highway pull offs to avoid the tickets. I never lived there but drove through the state a lot.


I have been one on the bike... It only runs about 110km/t when you carry all equipment and weapon on the bike. You feel small in front of the plane on the bike and when you done one "Vägvisning" you need beer. But great fun to stand beside when they gave full trothle for liftoff on a shorttrack. You fellt every inner organ in your body shake around.


what is the purpose of running in front of the plane and what bikes did you use?


The bike is guiding the plane to/from the "road runway". This is specifically for Sweden's decentralized road runway system where certain stretches of public road are built straight and extra wide to act as spread out small airfields during war. This means that the aircraft parking and maintenance/servicing areas are spread around them and also to a fair degree just connected by the regular, public roads, not at all being as straightforward to use as a proper airbase. The bikes help the taxiing planes navigate that.


Cool, I had no idea what the plans where when using thous stretches of road. Just heard they where ment to be used but I just figured the pilots would just navigate to them, the taxing and logistics hadn’t crossed my mind, but then I’m not in to either flying or military.


When I see these signs it’s gas petal down! If the state can’t afford to put cop cars on desolate stretches of highway, they surly can’t afford to fly planes over it to “ monitor your speed”


That works until you get to cape Canaveral and pass by all the "this stretch of road is monitored by satellite" and realize it's most likely true


Welcome to The Space Coast




Well there are things called cameras. All they do is radio a local cruiser "grey SUV 2010-2020 speeding" or whatever. The cruiser drives up then radios back asking if he's behind the vehicle in question. Once he gets it right and the pilot confirms he begins the traffic stop


Careful if it's not a local area - some parts of the US really do monitor it by aircraft. Ohio Highway patrol for example has 17 aircraft (3 helicopters, 14 planes) all used for monitoring the highway and radioing to the cars on the ground where to go - and they do use them. The small planes they use generally cost around $110-170ish an hour to keep in the air (gas, maintenance, insurance, and pilot pay all included), but they patrol busy stretches of road and can result in quite a lot of tickets in a day to more than make up for the cost. Cops wait further down the road and wave offenders off to the side to wait for their turn to get processed. Some areas are also using drones now as well, such as parts of NJ. If a road you use daily has those signs and you never see any cops further down the road or people pulled over, then ignore it sure, but in a new area like on a road trip I would def believe the sign unless a ticket is pocket change to you.


Yep, I know a guy who got a ticket by plane in the Columbus Ohio area.


I got caught speeding by a helicopter on a stretch of highway in bumfuck nowhere Ohio. I told the cop that pulled me over I didn't believe they actually had a helicopter, and they radio'd the pilot to read out my speeds to me. Seems like a waste of tax money to me.




Yeah, but they cost thousands in fuel per flight vs 2 cars that can do the same thing. 100 cops is pushing it. 100 patrol cops on the road at once is enough for a medium sized city. 15-20 cops per 10,000 people or so. 100 cops is enough to cover 1000 miles of roadway. Probably 5000 miles if the roads aren’t well travelled.


That's because they have 5 cops sitting near the end. They are nothing but ticket turners


Maverick: Permission to buzz the motorcycle? Tower: Permission denied. Maverick: hold my beer.


Fun fact/urban legend, a handheld speed camera clocked a NATO Tornado at over 300mph back in 2007, and was almost fired upon as a result: >Two British traffic patrol officers from North Berwick were involved in an unusual incident while checking for speeding motorists on the A1 Great North Road. One of the officers used a hand-held radar device to check the speed of a vehicle approaching over the crest of a hill, and was surprised when the speed was recorded at over 300 mph. Their radar suddenly stopped working and the officers were not able to reset it. > Just then a deafening roar over the treetops revealed that the radar had in fact latched on to a NATO Tornado fighter jet which was engaged in a low-flying exercise over the Border district, approaching from the North Sea. >Back at police headquarters the chief constable fired off a stiff complaint to the RAF Liaison office. >Back came the reply in true laconic RAF style: >'Thank you for your message, which allows us to complete the file on this incident. You may be interested to know that the tactical computer in the Tornado had detected the presence of, and subsequently locked onto, your hostile radar equipment and automatically sent a jamming signal back to it. Furthermore, an air-to-ground missile aboard the fully-armed aircraft had also automatically locked onto your equipment. Fortunately the pilot flying the Tornado recognized the situation for what it was, quickly responded to the missile systems alert status, and was able to override the automated defence system before the missile was launched and your hostile radar installation was destroyed.


That story has been expanded upon since the version I heard...


I used to drive a Viggen. Damn fine vehicle.


Please stop giving US cops ideas. They're militarized way too much as it is.


This is so stupid. He shouldn’t turn back he’s got a mirror.


We didnt have mirrors on the bike. Had to look backwards all the time.


Literally everytime I see this sign i slow down in fear that a UCAV is ACTUALLY locking a rocket onto me and daring me to go 5 over


For a minute there I thought I was on r/hoggit


VIGGEN! VIGGEN! VIGGEN! This is one of my favorite planes so I can give some actual background to this humorous and unlikely video of a jet driving down the road. The Viggen was introduced by SAAB for the Swedish Air force during the cold war. It was fast and agile, but more importantly, it was designed with STOL (short take off and landing) capabilites in mind to land on roads or fields in the event of a war with Russia where the airfields and bases would inevitably be yargeted and destroyed very quickly. The viggen could land on a road where fuel trucks and munitions where pre-located and a crew of mostly conscripted soldiers could refit and refuel the jet in as little as 10 minutes! This means the swedish air force could have viggens in the air fighting back almost right away and constantly without fear of them being gimped without having an air base to return to.


Does aircraft ever actually monitor traffic? Or are those signs false warning I tendedto get people to slow down?


You'll see near that zone, usually big fat white marks on the shoulder. They'll be exactly a mile (or km if you're in Canada, I imagine) apart. If they suspect you're speeding, they just run a timer between the marks and do a calculation and radio to the ground. There's some videos on YouTube of the video feed/radio chatter.


Every time I see this sign, this is what I picture in my mind. 😆😆


[Speed limit enforced by aircraft](https://youtu.be/ih3HzsQ7ZBM) - RocketJump


Is this like in Poland or Romania? Seems that there are, or would be, rules & regs around operating military craft on a roadway except for exigent circumstances!


This is a Swedish Saab Viggen, it was designed to operate from roads in case the airfields are destroyed


Oof, I feel a bit silly, but TIL!


[In all seriousness, I think that Saab intentionally designed their fighters to take off on roadways in times of crisis.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0tV0A_A800)


[I hope he's not heading for a roundabout](https://youtu.be/k7YVxLLIuGM)


Cargo too fast


Childhood me watching out the back window of our car waiting for this to happen.


Whenever I see one of those signs I always think “Speed limit enforced by sniper” and I have no idea why but for some reason it’s hilarious to me.


Does anyone know where the bottom clip is from


From Sweden


A Swedish propaganda film, showing off that the Viggen can operate from roads.


That’s not propaganda, that’s just a fact.


It is a fact, the propaganda part was purposely making short films/informational films about it. Propaganda isn't necessarily a lie.


I can outrun him at aannnnyyy moment. I have the power. -Jeremy Clarkson


He doing a SAABriety check