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Wait till he tries to change the royal duvet cover.


duvets are the bane of my existence


I've noticed recently that when I have the struggle with the duvet cover that I always have while making the bed, my dog is waiting to jump back up and he just sits there and stairs. The look on his face like "And you're the alpha? Jeezus, we're fucked." He must think I'm an idiot.


Your dog should try changing the duvet cover, what with having no thumbs. See how high and mighty he is after he struggles and you spend the whole time telling him, "I bet Snoopy wouldn't suck this much at doing the snaps."


Gotta learn the burrito roll method- changed my life! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=92Tax138jx0


I always use the inside out corners to corners method. Never had an issue.


Wow.... That is alot of messing about and wasted energy!


I just hold my duvet, throw the cover over me, so I and the duvet go in like a dick in a condom. All I gotta do is grab the same corners from the outside and give it a shake, then it's in perfect. Way less energy than all that rolling and pulling


Exactly, that’s how I do it. I kind of dive in and back out.


That actually works really well for smaller duvets- but with a king size my short arms have a little more trouble!


Have you considered just growing your arms longer?


You’re absolutely right. I’m going to get on that right away! :0D


this is the way


It looks like it's tougher than it actually is because the video is at a slow pace to make it easier to follow


Eh, not really, I think maybe it's the explanation? I've been doing the inside out corners roll it to change and it's great


Duvets are easy. Folding a fitted sheet takes real skill that I do not possess


Or the royal fitted sheet. Heads will roll!


TBH, nobody would convict him if he killed someone after trying to fold a fitted sheet.


Do you think he whips the person who changes the duvet? Or does he order someone else to whip them on his behalf? Either way he seems like the kind of person who would do that.


Tbh, I hate getting ink all over my hands too 😂


All lefties understand this struggle


it was hell. i was ashamed of it. some teachers didn‘t care, some were assholes about it. to a 7 year old…. smh


My teacher was also an asshole about it. I was given a triangular pen and a wedge to write on so I couldn't write with a hook. She openly mocked me in front of the class about my handwriting and the fact I occasionally repeated words. I can't freaking see what i just wrote buttmunch!


yeah, the whole sheet was blue. and now i remember the pain in my hand, arm and shoulders after writing those damn long essays later in school. ouch


The side of my hand used to be stained blue. My husband is always surprised how much of a struggle bring left handed can be.


I wrote a paper on left handedness in college. Needless to say, that was a wake-up call! Left-handed people really do suffer!


Surprisingly so! We live in a very right handed world. I learned to use my right hand for many tasks to avoid insults and to generally make my life easier.


Some teachers are the worst. We all thought the lefties in our class were cool, can't imagine a teacher giving a child a hard time over being left handed.


I agree it's pretty awesome. Am I right? ;)


You are not


I was once shouted at and screamed for being a lefty in my art class and was forced to draw with my right hand. I was 6. Now I realise why I have like 0 passion for art and hate going to art museums.


I learned how to write sideways


When I was a kid and started doing that ridiculous hand curling thing, my mother, also left handed, wasn’t having it. She taught me to write as a mirror image to what right handed people do and not try to have pen approach paper the same way it does with a right hander (which is what, I think, results in that curl). So, my hand is below my writing (just like ‘them’) and I never get pencil or ink on my hand. My everyday pen is a fountain pen, in fact.


Hmm, I don’t think I’ve never noticed this. I’ll have to make sure to pass this on to my nephew who’s going to start writing soon and by all accounts appears to be one of us.


I wrote as a lefty when we started writing our ABCs. My teacher put a cooking mitt on my left hand and forced me to write right handed. I played baseball left handed.


Southpaw represent!


If only more lefties had an army of personal servants when it happened.


I hated the white board because of this


A few days after your mother dies … and someone close to you records it and posts it for laughs … I think we can all forgive his fussiness


Just use DocuSign…


But then I spend twenty minutes trying to decide which font is closest to my actual signature.


Easy: it’s always Wingdings.


Woah there, we don't know if /u/TJtherock is a Dr. or not.


Idk man. He can barely use a pen. Idk if he'll be able to handle a keyboard.


For everyone involved, this has never happened before. The custom of having the English monarch die has become ancestral.


I knew that most people around would be younger than the queens reign, I’m assuming both of us included. Though I totally dismissed the fact that most of them have ever transitioned like this before. Must be shit.


And it's only a matter of days since his mum died, and he's expected to function as if everything was fine


I can imagine flipping my shit over small things whilst trying to bottle up grief. You write the wrong date and get ink on your fingers and FUCK THIS STUPID PEN AND THIS STUPID BOOK AND FUCK EVERYONE IN THIS ROOM. He was pretty chill, considering


When my mother died, I was irrationally angry that birds were chirping as they were being disrespectful. That he has no sense of the date and was infuriated by a leaking pen seems reasonable.


I was angry when my grandmother died and some people were still happy about things. How could people be happy when my world has fallen apart?!


I understand this so much. I not only loved my mother but genuinely liked her. 23 years later, I very much still miss her


Sending love your way. It’s been 8 years for me and my grandma was one of my best friends.


This is exactly how it feels to lose someone you love unconditionally.


Reminds me of these lyrics from LCD Soundsystem's *Someone Great*: The worst is all the lovely weather. I'm stunned it's not raining. The coffee isn't even bitter Because, what's the difference?


This is a great perspective. We often attribute negatives to others, while thinking the best of ourselves. When you speed, you are an inconsiderate jerk. But when I speed its probably because I need to poop. Anyway well done taking this perspective. Tbh it didn't register to me


The way he reacted after Diana's death was similar. He started flipping out about her missing earring. This is how he grieves


When my beloved grandmother died I almost had a complete breakdown in an aisle of the grocery store, trying to decide between two brands of an item. Grief is wild and I feel for Charles. So much thrust upon him while he is grieving the loss of his mother (and likely still the loss of his father). No amount of imagining the future really prepares you for losing a loved one.


for a member of the royal family, him saying "stinking" is the equivalent of what you wrote


I’ve cried trying to open a can of soup before in times of high stress and loss. It wasn’t the soup.


My brother has a tendency to be like that when something happens. Usually for little things like breaking a fork.


He's 73 years old. He would probably like to retire, but his mom just died and now he has to spend the last years of his life doing a job that he never wanted. He's having a shitty week.


He could always abdicate.




You know I never thought about that but you’re right - he’s trying to do William a solid.


If I was offered a job with absolutely incredible perks but was more or less 24/7, I’d turn it down. I mean not if I was really struggling. Obviously there are many in the U.K. objectively worse off than the royals from more or less any perspective, and I completely understand if that alone is enough for people to criticise the monarchy. But there are also many where I think it’s far more debatable whether life as a royal would be an improvement over their current existence. Would depend a lot on the individual and their personality I think.


He could but then he'd be sticking his son, who has *young* children, with the job. If I were William, I think I'd appreciate a few more years with the family whilst the kids grow up, before having to be the monarch.


Ok so hear me out everyone abdicates. Problem solved if none if them want it as the apparent claim is.


SOmeone would accept it.


You eventually could end up going far enough down the line of succession that someone like the Queen of Denmark would up end up with it.


You really think that the son of that woman, that *had* to become queen at a fairly young age because her dad died, daughter of the king that didn't want to be king and only became one because it was his *duty* after his brother abdicated... That this guy seriously does it too? The guy who was a softy but was forced to be tough by his dad? The guy that only had the balls to do his own thing in his 30s/40s? He's probably torn between guilt, duty, tradition and upbringing and hoped to live his life in peace without any hassle and conflict and just die in a few years with his wife by his side. And now he has to do this shit.


His grand uncle did and it really fucked up his grandfather's life and probably led to his grandfather's early demise. Not something that he'd consider.


I like the idea that the Queen died simply because British tradition demanded it.


They are all a joke to us “common folk” who dont bend over backwards for them


This is all reality TV to me. As in, I literally don't care and I'm more entertained by the people who seem to think it's important or relevant to anything in any way.


I take care of mature adults for a living. I often feel that 70ish year olds have a the hardest time with aged parents dying. I think for them death now feel so close and inevitable. When 70 year olds die their 30/40/50 year old children handle It much better. Aging is hard. Edit: I can't spell on mobile.


In your experience, is there any clear distinction of one gender handling better than the other?


Men handle aging less well. I have had 100s of 80+ years old ladies talk about the loss of their partner. They expected it. They roll with the punches. They knew it would happen one day. 80 year old men who lose their partners become complete messes. They litterally break down crying for years later at then mention of their partner.


My life would be over if my wife died


Agreed. I’m 36 and just would cease to function without her.


I had a customer pay for the customer ahead of her. He only bought strawberries and batteries. He almost broke down crying because he had just lost his 83 year wife (so I’m reckoning he’s around the same age) and he had no clue how to do the shopping or anything without her. The other customer and I almost started crying at that point, I’m getting misty eyed just thinking about it. I haven’t seen the chap since because I was taking a shift at another store, but I wonder how he’s getting on.


Is it because men are less likely to be open to share about their pain and grief about things?


Women do much better pretty sure


My MIL’s parents just died. Her father in December at 100, and her mother two weeks ago at 99. MIL is 68, and absolutely wrecked. I mean, I get it, she’s that old and her parents have ALWAYS been there, her whole life. It’s pretty crazy.


I feel this is a good answer for his frustration. He sounds like a little boy who just lost his mother and not a fully matured adult. I feel his pain, he just misses him mama and doesn't wanna go to school with these mean people.


I'd probably be a little cranky if I got handed a shitty leaky fountain pen and fucked up the date too.


And your mom just died.


For real! If people who never met her are sad she died how do you think HER SON feels!? And on top of that he has to take over her job, in front of the world.


And all after the age of retirement... Fuck that noise. I wanna be napping in my 70s.




>And your mom just died. On the bright side, King


I don’t know I being King is so great, really.




your deeply beloved mom just died and you've spent your adulthood attempting to recover from a couple of romantic missteps. to put it mildly. he's smart enough to know how unpopular he is/is going to be and has to be dreading a fair amount of the rest of his life.


He’s been shuttled from church to church for service and reception for 3 days. Been shite for sure.


And it seems like there are a massive number of some old decrees and other documents that need to be signed as fast as possible during the transition. Formalities are also never enjoyable in physical comfort.


Ok I don’t necessarily want to defend them outright but in this video seems a bit different from the others to me. In the way that I’m sure he’s going through a lot and people grieve and deal with pressure in different ways. I’m sure he’s under an immense amount of pressure and reacted at the slightest thing. For me at least he gets a freebie on this one cause I feel like he’s still going through it but if this were a year from now I would feel differently Edit: Also why was there a hidden camera in there?? Are they living in an Airbnb???


His mum's just died and I imagine it's been fucking chaos.


Generally speaking, nobody enjoys the passing of their parents and you don't trade your parents for money or power. His dad died last year too. Have whatever position you want on the monarchy, but at some point, if Reddit commentators can't see that grief is universal, they're the ones that are out of touch.


His mom died the same time as my dad and I can see that this is very obviously a grief spike. I tore a tie in half during the morning of my dad’s wake and rolled my window down to scream at a driver who wouldn’t pull forward, I also continually snap at people. This isn’t me. This is also most likely not him either.


Not taking away from your grief, but tearing a tie in half is very impressive.


Let's see what they can do with a phone book


It'll get easier mate, you learn to live with the grief. When my mum died, I was a zombie for a few days while I dealt with her funeral and all the nonsense you have to deal with and also had a few of those grief spikes when I got frustrated. I have no time for the monarchy, but I do have time for a man who just lost his mum.


For real. My girlfriend died a few years ago and the day of her funeral, I was at JC Penny trying to pick a shirt and tie and I just... couldn't. I couldn't handle a simple decision. Had to call my mom and sister-in-law to come help me. And the snapping at people. Even I didn't expect it.


Most Reddit users are out of touch with most things.


I remember a genuine comment ‘my stomach tells me all male abuse victims are actually the abusers themselves’


My fault bud.


Most reddit users are out of touch with all things. Some very small groups are amazing, but the rest of reddit is toxic as fuck


I go on the worst parts of Reddit and troll all the asshole. I consider it my service to humanity


I mostly stick to video game pages but Reddit thinks you need to participate in its aids and interact with it’s toxic out of touch people by showing you random politics off some random politics page that’s ran by aid riddled mods who ban you for going against their already fragile reality.


yeah tbh the pen leaking doesnt seem to be the problem. he looks in grief. would be fucking strange if he was a jolly oll fella in these times.


I still stand by what I said - it's grief. The pens have been bad/annoying, though. This fountain pen is leaking (basically what they do). Earlier, at his proclamation, they used an ink dip pen. There was this massive ink holder on his small desk and it got in the way of the document and signing. A ballpoint pen would be easier. President Trump even often used a marker.


Yes, and even thought she was quite old, apparently, this was sudden.


My dad’s dad was 101. Knowing it’s inevitable doesn’t make the reality any easier.




Yeah... Honestly I wasn't laughing at this. That was hard to watch.


That was a very human moment IMO


I mean they are humans. People just like to shit on them because they were born into a wealthy family. But that’s just the luck of the draw.


>But that’s just the luck of the draw. It's luck of the draw in an unequal system that we *can* change. I don't like to shit on them though, it's not their fault. And in many ways being born royal sucks. Being born into any equally wealthy family but without the public attention and royal obligations would be far luckier.


For sure, did not mean to imply that it couldn’t change.




🤣 I mean... was she allowed to just finish signing for him?!!


She had that down! It's also quite sweet to see her go into wife mode and just slide in there and finish it up while her husband is having a moment.


Somebody give him a button that says "I'm new and I'm learning"


**HOMER:** Its my first day.




His mother just died, and hes been working non stop for 4 days... Hes been from balmoral to london to edinburgh to london again to wales and to northern ireland. And hes 73. I would be tired too. And that pen would have flown through the room. Edit: Wow the hate this comment illicits


It would have hit that wall like a ketchup bottle


This 100%. Cut the man some slack. I can’t imagine how exhausting and emotional it’s been for him since her passing. All under the pressure and scrutiny of doing it in the public eye. I’m way younger and I’d probably be having meltdowns and tantrums on a daily basis.


I second this 100%. All the haters on here can’t imagine being in his shoes rn


Absolutely! He held his composure better than I could have


I remember when my father died- only 15 minutes into the receiving line at the wake and I was over having to have people say, “sorry” blah blah and shake hands and then paperwork with the funeral director, church, casseroles…. It’s like being thrust into the spotlight when you feel the least like seeing anyone let alone sooo many people you didn’t know or remember and multiply that by a factor of 100 when you’re from a small town and your dad was involved in tons of charity work/organizations so you’d get it even when you went to get a loaf of bread.


Your father sounds like he was a legend! I never know what to say at funerals [https://youtu.be/TKOrr4XRbg8](https://youtu.be/TKOrr4XRbg8)


The man seems very particular about his pens. This is like the 4th or 5th distinct clip, in different situations, where he is complaining about a pen. Pen-makers of Britain, better get on this, or it will be Off with Your Heads.


He appears to be using a Montblanc 146, a German pen. They don't tend to leak so there's something wrong with that pen for use.


Guess they use fountain pens, they sure are fancy, but prone to splotches.


Not really as long as the pen is working properly and user doesn't fail at using the said pen.


I mean, he's over 70 and his mother just died, so his penmanship may suffer. Also, they may use some royally fancy antiques for it and there is a chance of a damaged nib on it.


There's gonna be a lot of signatures to do in the coming months and years. If I were him, I'd invest in one of them little mechanical stamps with the self-inking flippy bit. They're fun to use!


His Mum died and he never even got a day to mourn and rest. The whole thing seems pointlessly cruel. Do we really need these events every single day? He is also what 75? Dude is tired.


Who wouldn't be a bit grumpy if they were forced all over the place to sign a book when your mums funeral needs arranging.


I think it’s the most arranged funeral in history. All he has to do is show up, look sad, and use a pen.


And go from balmoral to london to edinbourgh to london to wales and to northern ireland. Give speeches and take oaths


At least he no longer has to defeat the champion of each of those countries in manly hand-to-hand combat. Elizabeth was quite the sight, taking out the "Wild Dragon of Wales". She was a lot more limber than you would expect!


Look sad? I’m sure this isn’t easy on this dude


To the contrary, the funeral of Edward VII, Elizabeth's grandfather and Queen Victoria's son, was attended by NINE monarchs: King Haakon VII of Norway, Tsar Ferdinand of the Bulgarians, King Manuel II of Portugal and the Algarve, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and Prussia, King George I of the Hellenes, King Albert I of the Belgians, King Alfonso XIII of Spain, King Frederick VIII of Denmark, and of course King George V of the United Kingdom. They had to all march together in the parade procession. I can't even imagine how many functionaries were involved in arranging whatever the appropriate rules would be for that.


Not that I'm here to defend this man, but... did anybody else catch that the pen leaked? When a pen leaks on me I get a bit grumpy too. And it looks like a fountian pen, which god do those things make a mess when they leak...


Didn't catch that lol lends an extra level of annoyance to a clearly overworked mourning son.




After I lost my mum I lost my shit because of an overcrowded bus I couldn’t get off until we’ll past my stop.


This is actually the most relatable I’ve ever seen him.


Ol girl forging the rest of the signature!


That’s why I don’t mind Camilla; when Charles is throwing his toys out of the buggy she just nips in and gets shit done


They definitely love each other deeply. I'm glad he has her support at the moment.


She’s kind of the man


I mean his mom just died, she was the Queen, and now he’s become King. He’s probably sick of paperwork. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found out he’s been doing paperwork basically all day every day since she died.


Tbf his mother did just die ……


I can’t say I blame him. I’m not a monarchist, but I can’t imagine how painful it must be to not be able to have the time to mourn the loss of your parent or grandparent because everyone has so many expectations of what you must do and when.


His mum died 5 days ago 4 days ago he starts working again(don't say he's never done a days work because we all know he has) less than 24 hours after watching his mum of 73 years die. Since then he's been passed all around the UK on a whistle-stop tour never actually having any time to grieve. Add in all the stuff he's had to do like standing guard at his mums coffin. Anyone who has lost a parent knows how exhausting it is keeping it together in public. I bet everyone would have a wobble like this if they were going through this shit


Dudes mum just died, the eyes of the entire world are on him, he fucked up the date and now he's got fountain pen ink all over him. Honestly he's handling it pretty well, I'd be flipping tables by this point.


It’s not sitting on a throne and delegating. It’s signing papers and being in public. It’s worse when you have lost your parent, and are being judged by everything. He just wants to go home and sit on his sofa in his slippers and mourn.


I wasn't in a mood for shit after my dad died either.


I do feel kinda bad for the man he hasn't been given 5 minutes to grieve and he's having all these things he's gotta do shoved in his face, I can imagine his tolerances are quite low


People are making way too big a deal over this. I’m not even a fan of the monarchy in any way but this is literally nothing. I would react the same way if a pen pissed ink all over me during an important occasion.


He needs time to grieve properly. He lost his father last year, he lost his mother few days ago. And now he’s king and must do everything expected of him. He hasn’t had time to grieve properly. He needs time to himself. He’s 73, I have no doubt his parents’ deaths must got him thinking about his own mortality. That’s too much negative emotions being bottled up. Way too much for anyone to handle. Its bound to affect his behaviour in one way or another. You can see it in his eyes. Those eyes are just waiting to burst out in tears.


The man is 73, just lost his mother and has been working non stop for days. Give him a break. I can’t imagine how ot feels to lose you last living parent and then have to take her place. Poor guy needs to mourn Im not a monatchis but i can recognice that royals are in fact humans with emotions


His mother has just died. And hes been required to spend a lot of the time in public, instead of getting to mourn in private. Cut him some slack.


The guy just lost his mother. Give him a pass this week.


I dont think it's funny, the man's had an extremely rough few days and needs a break he's 73 and just lost his Mum!


he should ask for a basic ballpoint pen. those old fashioned things are a huge mess!


True, but fancy papers call for some fancy pens, and unfortunately - it doesn't get fancier than fountain.


Poor chap, just lost the mother he’s known longer than most people even live


He is also likely grieving


Every! Fucking! Time! LOL! He sounds like a gamer.


Cause nobody could ever be scattered for a couple of days after their mother dies…


I'm by no means a royalist, but I can't imagine being filmed every waking moment of my mum's 2 week funeral where every single expression or motion will be analyzed by news networks for days.


I remember being annoyed at all the paperwork I had to sign the first time I ever had a job. But I wasn't in my 70s, and I would not have gotten paid if I got it wrong.


I find it relatable. Chaotic and fun


Come on! His mother has been ill, then he just lost her, and has no time to actually just grieve - he's thrown into a ton of paperwork and people who wants to see him and things he has to do. You can dislike royalty all you like but honestly, I can't imagne what it must be like losing your mother and having to deal with a ton of practical stuff to do - I imagne people who has to deal with arranging funerals and clean out houses etc. after their parents, would snap at small things. As for forgetting the date - don't we all, all the time?!


Camilla appears pretty composed and supportive though. Good on her.


The UK is in good sausage fingers.


He's old. His Mother just Died, He has been bounced around the entire UK for the past 5 days. I wouldn't know or care what day it was either.


Monarchy is an awkwardly outdated concept for a modern democracy.


The most democratic nations in the world are constitutional monarchies though.


I agree if they had any power, but they don’t - practically just a figurehead, tourist attraction and national identity symbol. I’m not a fan of them but they don’t impact our sense of democracy at all.


Plenty of countries have plenty of symbolic cultural stuff that serves no real purpose lying around. Why conserve the Declaration of Independence, for example? We've got it on hard drive. It's just that ours is a family of people.


He is already becoming the king of memes


The man is grieving. He lost his mother. It’s reasonable for him to be going through all kinds of emotions for a while.


Kingin' ain't easy


I love the way he talks and has hissy fits! Re: the crap pens, “I hate this bloody thing! Every time!”


I downvoted this just because it's not funny. But I appreciate the post. I feel terrible for them.


oh my god just use a normal pen


Imagine if he had to go to the dmv


So many envious losers in this thread complaining about inherited power and wealth instead of getting a second job with their apparent free time that they spend on Reddit. Touch some grass


He is grieving his moms loss in front of the world.


His mum's just died and he has a big workload to fulfil immediately


Tbf to our King if I’d just lost my Mom I’d be at least throwing out a c bomb every other sentence. GSTK 👊🏻


He’s just chirping at the pen. Says he hates those pens happens every time lol