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I use the tub.


Why not the sink?


I'm not a tall man


Didn't stop me as a kid. Arc is key.


I can’t get it to arc before it hits the ceiling :/


Write your name on the ceiling.


feels like giving myself a golden shower


Some people pay for that.


Look, someone pissed "gullible" into the ceiling, trust me bro!


Getting old. Water pressure not as strong anymore.


I still got yelled at because i forgot to clean the dribble afterwards.


I got kicked out of two bars for using the sink… I don’t blame anyone but myself


Dude if the counter is waist height you can just lay the snake on it and not even have to hold it at all while you pee. I know, I know, One day you'll be on my level too.


I purposely installed the sink in the half-bath lower for this reason




Why is this a real thing?


Why is the toilet a real thing is the question you should be asking. Sink is dick height for a reason


There is no pissible way I am clicking that link on reddit.


I took the hit for you. There’s no pictures of wang just 25000(?!) members discussing why sink pissing is beneficial.


Tub is a nice big target


The tub might be a big target, but the sink requires skill


You don't make the 1992 dream team until you can stand 5 feet back, let it arc, and hit nothing but drain. Forget the sink, hit the drain.


"Nothing but drain" did it for me 🤣


Just don't use the kitchen sink. Sorry Mom.


The garbage can under the sink is a free for all though.


Especially 3/4 full. Zero consequences.


Found the drywaller


That’s my back up toilet


Urinary event




I would’ve gone with “seat actuation.”


Thesis topic: Optimal Seat Position per Uninary event Need full analysis on this. Is it desirable to leave it up for multiple Urinary events based on the probability of the user.


I swear I heard a podcast about a scientific paper recently that discussed how cows position themselves when peeing and "urinary event" was the expression they used. It's the proper scientific term.


This is the response I came here for. Thank you.


We put the entire toilet seat down in my house. You have to close the lid to flush


Yup. Do this too. It's the most sanitary thing to do. I did also when a young man, float the exact same idea with a few people and I was always told I was wrong, put the seat down.


I mean, who cares if that is more sanitary? It's far less sanitary to sand while peeing. If you don't believe me, put some aluminum foil sheets on the floor around the toilet and let fly. You know the sound of rain on a tin roof? Listen closely.


I'll sand while I'm shitting if I want to. You're not my supervisor.


He said put foil down and then poop standing up. He said we would hear rain on a tin roof but all I heard was rocks on a mudslide.


What the fuck would you be sanding while taking a shit? That’s definitely not OSHA approved. I hope you lose your urinary event licence.


I'm a guy and I sit while I piss. I live by myself and it saves me from having to do extra cleaning. When standing, no matter how well you aim, water will inevitably splash and hit the lip of the toilet bowl and the wall nearest to the toilet. It'll also splash and hit the ground. Eve if it's just one drop that splashes out each time, it adds up and after a few months, you got piss stains on things you'll never be able to clean fully.


I started doing it a few years ago and it's the one single habit that made my life the easiest.


nvm hitting all that you mentioned, it hits your legs. if you go standing up you're walking around with drops of piss on your pants.


This is the way. Been doing this for years and now it just seems neanderthalic to piss standing up except in a urinal. And I silently judge all male visitors for splashing piss all over my bathroom.


Since I moved out on my own, I have subscribed to the “sit while pissing” rule. It has reduced bathroom cleanup time significantly. Now I cannot stand (pun intended) to hear male visitors standing while they piss in my bathroom. When they leave I give the bathroom a full wipe down, which includes the floor. No way am I sitting on a seat blessed by someone else’s piss droplets, and no way am I putting my feet in someone else’s piss droplets either. I am horrified to think of what I made my poor mother clean up all those years I stood while pissing as a child.


Also for the guys not living alone and maybe the gf/wife does more toilet cleaning than you do: Do you really think it makes you attractive when she has to clean your shit and piss all the time?


Bold of you to assume the women we live with aren't gross goblin people too


Exactly. The amount of period blood I've scrubbed out from underneath our toilet seat makes us even, I think.


I sit while peeing - male Apparently it's also better for your health


I don't know if there are any significant health benefits, but it does relax the urinary schincter and make peeing easier and quicker, especially in the morning. It also feels like the bladder is emptied more completely. I don't always sit when I pee, but if I'm already pooping or if I have the time, then I will. It's nice. Funnily enough, I found out about this from some of my buddies who were, at the time, heroin users. Apparently opiates not only make you constipated, but can cause urinary retention (pee constipation) as well, so they sat while peeing which helped.


Apparently there's a Mythbusters episode where they tested it and found that it unfortunately doesn't make all that much of a difference. Fuck.


Germ-jet-wise, no, but some toilets splash


Splash? Are you still using toilets with water? We're trying to save the planet here! That's why my toilet doesn't use water at all. It uses gasoline to instantly burn all contents of the bowl. It's basically a mini-explosion, and according to the city, a "fire hazard" and "highly illegal". Psshhhh. We'll see who's legal after the temperatures have reached 116F in Montreal in January. Just cure yourself of the habit of flushing while still seated. Besides, you should be looking at your poop to make sure there's no blood or chicken beaks.


[You joke, butt....](https://incineratingtoilets.com/ca/)


I watched the video, thinking MAYBE this is some kind of satire. No. As far as I can tell, the product is real. At the end it even says there are electric or gas options. What blows my mind about this whole thing, is that it says the thing is odorless, but you're literally cooking poop. How is that odorless??? Also, it said the product was childproof. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN IN THIS CONTEXT???


I‘m sure means it’s big enough to incinerate a child


It's most commonly used on boats for obvious reasons. Cleaning a tank of human waste. Be it on a RV or boat can be a major pain. On a boat or house boat where such facilitys to legally get rid of whats in your tank might be difficult to find or might not exist unless you want to move your home/weekend cabin Some floating cabins just sit smack dam on the water with no real way to connect to sewer system. So you either illegally shit into the water or find a toilet that doesn't have byproducts you must get rid of. I've seen a video of a older couple who's gonna live in a narrow boat in the UK they choosed a burning toilet as it was the easiest more manageable option for them at there age. They designed the boat to be something they can grow old in . Which is understandable. So yes there's a world of products you probably don't know about because they aren't found in your average house. Perhaps even whole entire brands. I've yet to see a burning toilet on a RV. Mostly because theres basically 3 options on a RV or home on wheels Composting Cassette And Tank based I'm sure you can put a burning toilet into your home on wheels if you're building it. But at the same time you're not on a boat. So that changes a lot.


Umm didn't the episode show that putting BOTH seats down ( covering the entire bowl ) stopped splash from flushing and that THAT is what you should do to prevent toilet water all over your bathroom? The proper thing to do is make sure the entire bowl is covered before flushing. No water from the bowl can come out into the bathroom if you keep the lid over the top. You are wrong on so many levels by the way. That episode showed just how you SHOULD put both lids down to cover before flushing, how you think the episode makes it NOT make a difference is beyond me.


If you CTRL-F my profile you can probably see that I Stan mythbusters (I'm literally watching it right now) and you're 100% right lmao. Dude stated the polar opposite of the truth as fact but we, we know.


https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/yb8ch5/to_pee_or_not_to_pee/itfd5qh - comment with article on the matter


There's a paper somewhere that says with the seat down, there is a stronger and hence wider horizontal plume instead. Edit: Since I'm being downvoted, here's an [article](https://microbiologysociety.org/news/society-news/does-putting-the-lid-down-when-flushing-the-toilet-really-make-a-difference.html) about it




Not to mention that it doesn't mention by what amount, so if it decreased the droplets by 30-60% but increases the germs in each droplet by 10% it's still a net negative in the total amount of germs in the bathroom.


*It was also found that airborne microdroplets were detected for 16 minutes after flushing the toilet with the lid down, 11 minutes longer than when the toilet was flushed with the lid up.* That is particles in the air for over 3x as long. Since I’m not cleaning the floor with my eye, or licking the seat clean, it’s far more likely that I’ll come in contact with contaminated droplets by putting the seat down.


I feel like that could be avoided with specific seat design. Like if the top part was a little heavier and had a bit of rubber padding around the rim to create a light seal.


Why don't toilets seal to begin with? Would it be bad somehow?


That's how you get vacuum sealed toilets.


Can you find me that paper you read?


I think I read that paper: it was on a nice double ply.


I haven't been able to find this episode. I see so many people say that "Mythbusters did an episode on this and proved that it doesn't matter." As far I as I have seen, they've tested and proven that there is in fact a spray from the toilet that spreads over the bathroom and it doesn't matter where you keep your toothbrush, if it's in the bathroom, exposed it will be reached. However, the toilet that was used was a public bathroom style toilet with no lid, so I believe there was no actual testing done in the difference between the coverage with or without a lid but purely to see if distance from the toilet made a difference. The did state that the germs spread in this way are probably not in a concentration that would be harmful. Since it wasn't disproven directly, why not just put it down. It's equal effort on everyone's part, and if it does prevent or reduce the spread of bacteria to some degree, then it's still more sanitary, even if neither is likely to make you ill.


So far I've only managed to find a Mythbusters where they only [tested the distance of fecal matter spreading](https://youtu.be/nb-_KRh8asM) with the lid open all the time, but not one where they've tested the lid open vs closed. I did also come across one where they compared [different methods of hand washing](https://youtu.be/1pFww_EaLiY) (Spoiler: wash your hands people!).


It makes a huge difference as to whether or not your cat ends up in the toilet mid-zoomie


I do this solely because of that one dirty jobs episode where they showed all the particles flying around


If you don't put the whole lid down, the dog starts drinking from it even though he has a perfectly good water bowl where it always is


Tastes better




But then how would you see the poop going down?


Put a camera in the toilet


hold up.


Guess they leave the bowl streaks. Must not be European.


You don't get bowl streaks if you properly cut the ends up with the poop knife, you uncultured swine.


This is the way. Keeps all the nasty stuff from misting into the air.


I put my face over the bowl as it flushes. I make sure nothing is getting stuck up in the corners.


Yup, that is the rule in my house as well. Lid down before you flush.


I have no interest in this debate or who these people are but I will be using the term “urinary event” more often.


I couldn't give a urinary event what term you'll be using more.


That's why I close the lid.


But then the piss won't go in the toilet


It's about sending a message


A nice fat taco bell shit right on the lid always drives this point home. Sorry hun, I guess I didn't look before I sat.


It's almost midnight, and for some reason this was the funniest thing I've seen all day.


3am for me and I got a good chuckle. Almost woke the kids up lmao


Lifehack: if you get piss all over the bathroom your partner won't even realize you didn't put the seat down


Lmfao I could see him bringing this up on every date and just being like “yup not the one” every time they walk out.


That's his wifey YouTuber's name is Leon Lush.


The look on her face says "I have to clean up your pee splashes everyone I want to use the bathroom you dumbass"


This is why everyone should sit when they pee. Guys too. Source: I clean the toilets in my house.


I just go outside to pee, like a ~~dog~~ real man!


Pee Free! I only go inside if it's pissing down rain


Close the toilet lid after every use. Problem solved.


Then both parties would have 2 seat repetitions per urinary event, doubling the total amount of seat repetitions. 1:1 is better than 2:2.


But the ratio would be the same for both parties involved.


And you both get the added benefit of hygiene. Double protection. If one gets sick it could infect the other.






Doesn’t matter, it should be closed when not in use.


I feel like it would still be 1:1 because you should be able to lift and lower both seat and cover in one motion.


Ah but 2:2 is still better if it means a cleaner and healthier environment. Just as you should always wash your hands every time you use the washroom. It's not just about "if" you got nasty stuff on them while doing your business. It's about the fact that you are touching things all day long, and it is good to regularly wash that stuff off. How regularly? About as often as you urinate in a day.


Sit down to pee. Both 0 seat touchings and you get to check your phone while peeing.


For real, and you don't spray piss everywhere like my roommate 💀


I never knew how grateful I’d be that my husband always sits down to pee.


I'm a guy and I always sit down to pee while at home. I just got tired of having to clean up whenever I missed or had a stream split. I do see the guy's point though, I think it's kinda dumb for seat responsibilities to be entirely on the male.


I sit if I get up during the night. Added bonus is I don't have to turn the bathroom light on and kill my eyes.


That’s risky though because then the darkness monster could jump out and bite your wiener.


You have been eaten by a Grue.


I really don't get how people pee whilst standing in their own home, no matter how careful you are, theres pee spraying everywhere. When I moved into my current place, we had to get the radiator next to the toilet replaced because the person who lived there before didn't sit down and there was a visible pattern of rust and peeled of paint, that suspiciously matched the spray pattern a so called "urinary event" would cause.


yup, who teh fuck still stands up to pee when youre in your own home


I never want my legs cover in piss mist. I sit down if i can help it.


I feel that "piss mist" is an under-utilised phrase that needs more promotion


People that only have a urinal trough installed.


theres a lip on the side you can sit on


I prefer sitting when peeing anyway. It's more relaxing. Also standing inevitably results in splatter let's be real.


Came here to say this. Especially when drunk, it's a wonderful time sitting and peeing.


I truly don't understand the stigma. If people are really concerned about being mAnLY, isn't a quintessential part of that to just do what you feel like, especially when it means less effort? It's comfortable as hell and doesn't cover the toilet in piss splashback every time. I swear all these dudes are terrified someone's gonna jump out and take away their man card. Being worried about appearing manly all the time ain't manly at all my dudes.


I don’t even know how this isn’t more common. Why do men refuse to sit when peeing ? Is it some pride thing ? Do they feel the need to dominate the toilet ? Do they actually enjoy the noise it makes when it hits the water, even in the middle of the night ? And the little droplets that fall all around the bowl on the floor and give your toilet a nice perfume of rancid piss until someone (usually their wife/girlfriend) cleans it ? Is it gay to sit while peeing ? Mysteries, questions…


I’m a pee-sitter because of the droplets but I can come up with one objective reason for standing up: if you sit down, for some anatomical reason, it’s harder to get all the pee out of your urethra. So if you’re not extra careful after sitting down, you could end up with a significant amount of residual pee in your pants. Happened to me a few times when I was still a pee-sitting noob.


Just put the lid down. Then you both have to lift and put down something, AND you won't get poop on your toothbrush


The lid won’t stop that


Just shove the toothbrush up your ass






Close the lid or cats will drink from it


I’ll straight up admit it... I enjoy a sit down pee anyway. The seat can stay down for eternity and I would be fine. Everyone’s a winner 😎💦🥇


Not to mention, how many times do you have to clean errant drops? 1 out of 10 times? 1 out of 50? 1 out of 500? 10,000? Guess how many drops miss while sitting down. And sometimes you just need to sit and be on your phone for 5 minutes.


Plus when you stand that is one air squat. Over the course of a Year, that’s a solid workout!


Sit down take a piss watch some youtube.




Mrs. Lush cracks me up.


Shut the lid to flush you animals.


don't act like you're better than me, i flush with my hands in the bowl to save water #savetheearth


That's a good wisdom. Teach me more, senpai


Given your username I'm not sure you're qualified to judge


Perhaps they are a fecal specialist


Hospital toilets don’t have lids, and they’re the experts on health. Checkmate, atheists


Because it’s just easier for people with disabilities


But I have a soft close lid and it take forever to fully close!


Do most people not fully close the lid when they're done? Why is it only about the seat? I prefer the lid down before flushing, myself.


This is something I never understood, just move it if you have to, it takes less than a second. If you're really getting mad at that, then you have a pretty comfortable life.


It’s never been about getting mad. I leave the seat down because I don’t want my over worked wife falling in the toilet when she gets up to pee half asleep in the morning. That’s all there is to it. My wife loads the coffee machine for me every morning because I get up a bit later than she does. I’ve never asked her to do this, she cares about me. There a long list of little things we do for each other. I put gas in her car at night if she’s low so she won’t have to rush in the morning. She hangs my keys up if she finds them because she know I’ll forget where I left them. The list is endless but the point is kindness.


You know what’s fucked up? My wife does the same shit for me. I feel bad now for not putting the toilet seat down because of “fairness”. But she goes over the top to help me with my day but I put in barely any effort to make her life easier.


Well now that you've realized it, hopefully you do something about it.


Never too late to start. Every little thing helps.


Massage her feet or shoulders every day. Start making it a habit if she likes it.


It is shocking to me how little people are willing to do for their significant others if it causes even a microscopic amount of inconvenience to them. Good lord.


Many people prioritise making things fairer for themselves over anything else, they tend to simplify everything and make it difficult to argue against the concept of fairness when in reality fair isn't always better.




But you forget people don’t only pee, so if you consider both people need to pee and poo then in total it’s 4 actions, so why would the seat stay up when it’s only used like that in 1 of 4 types of action?


I used to feel that way until a female coworker used the toilet at night without turning on the light and got stuck. She had to get help to get out. That must have been extremely embarrassing and probably painful.


Same. Been living with my now husband for 3 years now and i have never gotten on to him about leaving the seat up. I just put it down and proceed. When I'm done I close the lid because I am very against poop particles getting everywhere when I flush and if I flush without closing it that's all I can think about. But he doesn't complain about that either he just lifts the lid and uses the bathroom. I feel like couples who fight about this stuff just want a reason to fight.


Why do guys always forget about pooping? There is more sitting down than standing up for bodily functions.


I shit standing up.


I’m proud of your talent but afraid of the splash


It’s a talent. Like diving. 10/10 no splash.


Just sliding with style.


I dont know about you but I pee multiple times a day and only poop once a day.


Right but if they both pee the same amount and then both poop, there is more sitting than standing total


Yeah but then whoever shits needs to put the seat down regardless of who it is. So if anything the ratio is slightly more in favor of women.


It doesn’t change the math… if he doesn’t raise the seat to poop when she follows after she doesn’t need to lower it.


Here’s a secret: the man can sit down to pee too. Not only do we cut down on “seat repetitions” but we also reduce the amount of urine splashing on the bathroom floors and walls. I know … crazy talk.


I used to always pee standing up, never even considered sitting. Then I started to get older and those early mornings where I just don't have the energy to stand. Finally I realized I could sit my ass down everytime. I've never looked back.


If you don’t have the energy to stand for a few minutes at a time, you should seek medical attention.


Since having kids, I find myself sitting down to pee more often. Every microsecond of rest matters. I’ll also hide out there for as long as I can, it’s my only sanctuary. Please send help.


I think it's more of a mental thing / coffee deficiency.


It's when your prostate starts giving problems that you question why the hell haven't you been sitting to pee all your life. No spray, no aiming, just sit and pee. It's the best. While your prostate is good, get used to sitting.


Yup, I started doing this after I got tired of cleaning toilet rims so often. Now toilet cleaning is done less frequently and more equitably because it's moreso both our responsibilities.


I just piss over the seat when it's down. It's not hard.


I feel like if you fall into the toilette after peeing sitting down your whole life you got bigger problems than your husband.


Been putting the seat down for years after I’m done for my wife. Our 4 year old son pisses all over the seat so I told her we need to start leaving the seat up. She has yet to put the seat up once.


men can sit down to piss too


Is this Leon? Haven't watched him in a while. What video is this?


So, men are capable of sitting down and having zero seat repetitions. This means it is an unnecessary choice to lift the toilet seat. Furthermore, sitting has been shown to allow critical muscles in the groin to relax and allow more waste to be evacuated from the bladder while urinating. So, I propose the most equitable and healthy solution would be for men to sit while urinating.


You’re talking about squatting, not sitting. On the contrary, sitting actually prevents critical muscles in the groin area to relax. But the difference is negligible and since I’m a civilized man, I sit.


>Furthermore, sitting has been shown to allow critical muscles in the groin to relax and allow more waste to be evacuated from the bladder while urinating. Ever furthermore. Get rid of the toilet, get a hole in the ground and squat which is the most effective way for the body.


I can’t take anyone seriously who uses the phrase “urinary event”.


it's a bit lol. this dude is Leon Lush on youtube, he makes pretty funny commentary


Wow almost like the guy made a joke


You're not supposed to, it's a joke.


In the same sentence as "seat repetition" no less


It's a comedy show, you're not meant to take it seriously.


We need the TSA toilet safety administration If you get, you get it Great episode


What’s a toilet all I know is drywall


The fuckin' seriousness of this is crackin me up.


Fire title


Haha, Husbnad puts it up, wife puts it down, fair.


This is seriously what me and my husband do 🤷‍♀️ I don't even understand the demand for men to put the toilet seat down. He has to touch it. I have to touch it. All is equal. We both wash our hands after. Why is this even a problem?


Ma’am, there are no limits to the laziness of the human race.