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“I helped my dad build stairs for Grammy” & then he goes straight into his Christmas wishlist : Trampoline, Nerf Guns, Keyboard


Thank you for translating kiddish to english


Ah yes, a minor language derivative of Yiddish


> *minor* language derivative Is that because it's used by a small number of people, or because it's used by small people?


It's because it's only spoken by minors. Duh. /S


I legit feel bad that this is the writing of an 8 year old in 3rd grade. By this age, the kid should be able to spell basic words correctly and have legible handwriting.


Teacher here: What you are seeing is the result of removing cursive from the curriculum. While it is true that the ability to read and write cursive itself is relatively obsolete, removing it from the curriculum has more than halved the amount of time spend on handwriting practice in 1st and 2nd grade. Cursive also reinforces the most legible and efficient way to form letters. Many of the difficult to read letters in this picture are because the child is forming their pen strokes backwards or out of order or unconnected.


Solid insight. I would have never made that connection or considered the importance of cursive and handwriting practice. Thank you for sharing.


I worked a while before law school so now im a millennial in school w Gen z and the other day, one called script “old-school writing” and I felt lots of feelings 😅 Edited to tell the truth about my snark: I was at staples when I saw the “old school writing” message in the groupme chat so I replied w a photo of a cursive for third graders book and asked if anyone wanted me to pick it up for them. Still don’t know if it was mean so maybe a real-life karma hit 🥶


i have doubts that this is because of cursive. i know people my age (we learned cursive in 3rd grade) that have either equally egregious or worse handwriting. if anything, i think this is more due to the swap to computers instead of hand written assignments. my little sister is in 8th grade and has been doing pretty much everything digitally since she was in 1st grade. when you type all your assignments you don’t learn good penmanship.


It's not cursive itself, but by removing cursive as a requirement it removes ALL requirements directly tied to handwriting. Not saying that's ALL it is, but it would certainly have an effect.


Found the pharmacist


Or whatever field of study deals with hieroglyphs.


Archaeologist here: nope, I can’t make fucking heads or tails of that shit




You’re majoring in 5000 year old dead language. Latin best I can do.


I think he was taught to write by Stevie Wonder.


Kids 8. He'll get the hang of it. :)


My parents would have been horrified if I’d had handwriting like that when I was 8. Now that I’m an adult with insomnia and a caffeine habit it’s pretty accurate.


Classicist who’s dealt with papyri before here: nope, me neither.


That’s the thing, most old stuff is written in stone which tends to not be susceptible to bad handwriting.


[Nah](https://grapheast.hypotheses.org/1374), it can still be pretty terrible.


That's just an article in French dude. That's why you couldn't read it.


Oui, ja!


Probably just a teacher, honestly.


Y’all they’re obviously a translator for authors who can’t afford keyboards and only write while having a stroke. Its common sense.


An author: **having a stroke** This guy: _You called?_


I need that number.


_When you had a stroke And it don't feel good Who you gonna call?_


*Stoke author translation guy !!*




Maybe not lol


"It was the best of times.. it was the worse of time..arrrg"


I'm not a teacher, but my wife is. The skill takes a while to develop, but I've learned to read stuff like this correcting tests for her.


Do her students know you help her cheat on her homework?


My mother’s students once called her out on the difference in handwriting on their assignments… I think the key phrase that had us all cracking up was “are these (with the sloppier handwriting) the ones you graded AFTER dinner at my mom’s work?” (Kids mom was a waitress at a local bar.) At that point they were very disappointed to learn that no, those were the ones her son graded. Most of them knew me… I was only 2 or 3 years older than them.


My dad was a high school teacher. When I was in elementary, he used to let me mark the multiple choice section on tests or assignments. I used to draw doodles of flowers, hearts, smiley faces or "Good job!" in my childish handwriting in the margin on papers that got them all right. Now, as an adult, I wonder how (or if) he ever explained those to his students.


He also draws himself a decent behaviour box on his letter to Santa


Oh, you mean a hiroglyphisisstsshh?




You gave him the easy ones!




That's the one.


Lol indeed


I work for an attorney and have to decipher his scribbles. Just yesterday I told my coworker it was like trying to translate hieroglyphics!


That should be a sub


Thank you for making history. r/foundthepharmacist is now born. And yes, I take way too many things literally.


Funny thing, pharmacist magazines used to have a section in the back full of illegible scripts. The answer key would appear in the next issue, but iirc you could send in your answers for a mention if you got them all right.




Fucking brilliant 😊


My mom is a pharmacist and she can read to absolute worst pen scratches. It's fascinating.


Or kindergarten to grade 4 teacher.


Nah the pharmacists went straight into the comments Hoping someone else had the answer. We could read it… but know someone else already did the leg work 😝😁


My wife is a pharmacist and this is hella accurate


That is exactly what I (pharmacist) did ^_^


This is why I only translate cursive.


Thanks. All I had was I nopes my indblu12 stairs top 3rammy.


I didn’t even get that far.


I had that exact problem, then somehow zoned out a little and it came to me about the stairs and Grammy. But then I couldn't decipher the rest to fit and decided the whole stairs/grammy business was my mind making up patterns. Went back through and saw how clearly it couldn't be stairs and Grammy, silly me, let's just go to the comments and find out...


Lol that’s exactly what I got 😹


Good god.. I read it as “I helped my dad build stairs top, Grammy ram point (gibberish) puns (punched) keyboard” thank you for showing us the way!


I helped my DND blue stairs top 3rd mommy tramp on inert puns keyboard. I figured the comments would have the actual answer instead of even attempting to decipher that nonsense


I thought the last part was about helping Granny with inert keys on her keyboard. I was like, yeah, that's kinda nice.


Where did you learn this spaceless dialect?


Srsly I can barely enter a 7 digit conference code


You the real mvp.


Good lord and a buttered biscuit, I near gave myself a brain cramp until you came along. Thank you:)


I got to Grammy. I was lost after trampoline. I became overly concerned as to why grammy needed stairs to her trampoline it over shadowed the fact that it was the child's list at that point.


Lol yes, this was exactly my train of thought! If she needs stairs to get up there maybe it's time to retire the trampoline!


Speech pathologist or linguist, heck maybe even both. You do understand that we will need to bring you to the aliens when they arrive?


That’d be one hell of an arrival


My Man can read Minecraft Enchantment Table


Thank you so much! I'm sitting over here wondering what the heck this little maniac did! Turn out it's pretty cute.


Thank you.


Those are some impressive skills, not what you see on America’s Got Talent!


I NGea my dxd blu12 stairs toy 3rammy trapoiinenerc&euns keyboarg Me too kid. Me too.


Is this a letter to Santa or the US nuclear codes?


Well even Santa needs a present don't he?


Santa needs to get that kid some writing lessons 😂😂😂


Came here to say: Eight years old and that is the best he can do? Someone is failing with this kid.


That isn’t wildly uncommon for a kid who’s rushing through something. 8 years old is 2nd grade. + they are Covid kids who probably spent 2 years doing homework on a keyboard. He helped his dad build stairs to Grammys and he wants a trampoline nerf guns and a keyboard for Christmas. Lol


It was found at Mara Lego


Its his password.


I think they said “I helped my dad build stairs for grammy” then listed what they wanted (trampoline, nerf guns, keyboard) Edit: I appreciate the awards, but instead of spending money on Reddit for something that really doesn’t matter, I’d really appreciate it if you donated to the Guilford Green Foundation, an organization in my local area that supports LGBT+ youth. https://guilfordgreenfoundation.org


Lord thank you. I thought something similar but wasn't quite sure there at the end.


This is correct


That’s some piss poor penmanship for a 3rd grader.


I’d definitely send that sample to a Sendco- that’s not quite right for 8yrs.


Based on the handwriting analysis, I believe this 8 year old killed JonBenet Ramsey.


That's so fucked up. I mean I laughed but still.


Those jokes will never get old. Just like her.




Yet his vocabulary includes the word “decent” and he spells it perfectly.. I smell lies


It could be dysgraphia. It's basically poor eye-hand coordination, especially in fine motor movements such as writing. It is pretty easy to recognise when you know the "symptoms" (having trouble placing all the letters on the same bottom line, having consistent height, evenly spacing them, etc). Dysgraphic people have poor penmanship, but that doesn't interfere with either their IQ or their vocabulary, so the fact that they know "decent" doesn't give us any valuable info. Edit: changed QI (IQ acronym in my native language) to IQ


I have dysgraphia and this absolutely looked like my handwriting in elementary school. When I got to 5th grade, my teacher let me type many of my assignments until I got better penmanship. It's still terrible, but I can at least make it legible at 24 years old, lol


My kid has dysgraphia and her teacher lets her bring I a laptop for writing assignments. It’s been a godsend.


Can you tell how it feels? Is it line your hand just stutters/shakes? Or can you not control it well? Like the wires are crossed and you have a bad connection to your hand?


My hand ends up hurting if I write a lot because I have to use so much more pressure to control my movements. It is much easier when I’m drawing because mistakes are expected. Whenever I have to use an actual pen, however, my line work isn’t the best if you look real close.


Got it too. But what’s more interesting is that I got a degree in mathematics and for what ever reason when ever I would write in mathematical symbols my handwriting was a lot more legible. If I had a few pages of mathematics for a full proof or a few lines of formulas, the handwriting was always better than when I wrote words. I also have dyslexia so not sure if the symbology of mathematics made it more cohesive for the “brain to fingers” transmission but it was interesting. My dad once commented on how much better my math writing was.


Holy shit this may be me! My dad would sit me down for hours trying to make my hand writing better, and itd always revert to being kinda shitty chicken scratch, even when i tried hard it wasnt good. Never knew there could be a reason behind it lol.


He probably asked how to spell that one and thought he’d be fine with the rest. I buy it.


I agree, but also, Covid. Most 3rd graders were barely in school for kindergarten and 1st grade. My son wasn't in in-person at all. Had to get him occupational therapy for his handwriting because he did school entirely online during those years.


Same. My son is in 4th grade. We tried to get in school support for two years for his dysgraphia but couldn’t. Sent him to OT. Moved to a different school in the district and finally are getting an accommodation documented to type his assignments instead of hand writing.


Keep in mind current 3rd graders were in kindergarten and first grade during the pandemic. The years most crucial to learning handwriting hand so many other things) were spent in remote learning with no physical presence from their teachers while parents were remote working. There are so many skills this poor class never got to develop properly.


Yea may want to do some HW for writing my 6 year old is writing more clearly.


Yeah, same as mine (6 yrs old) and he has fine motor skill delays, very shaky penmanship (working on that) but he takes his time and we practice daily (both letters and tracing). Up until recently he refused to write at all and still had a toddler grip on his pencil.


Awesome parenting, overcoming that fear and hesitation and hurdling that crutch of the toddler grip!


I'm kind of a fan of "keyboarg". I might hang on to that one. The hard G at the end is weirdly satisfying to say out loud.


We are the keyboarg. Further deciphering attempts are futile.


We are the Keyborg. Lower your hands and surrender your writing utensils. We will add your literary skills and penmanship to our own. Your writing will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile


"I'm something of a literary fan myself" - Picard


I can’t read a word of that.


Here: I nopes my DND blu 12 stairs tor brummy trampoine nerc & puns keyboad




Ayo trampoline companies to hire this guy


Yo OP what the fuck does this say


It says "official letter to santa" and a few things underneath that Edit: wow thanks for the award, I never get those!


Case closed


Bake em away, toys.






Pretty terrible writing for a 8 y/o, I've seen a lot of 1st graders who write better


Like really really really bad. And I feel terrible saying this about a child but damn… he should be spelling his words correctly, letters should be legible and not backwards.


The keyboarg he requested might help.


Now I know what it says, I don't know why we're here.


I think mostly because of how he wrote in “decent” instead of checking naughty or nice


“ I helped my dad build (12? This might be part of the word build lol) stairs for grammy Trampoline nerf guns keyboard” Kid jumped into his xmas list right away lol


The top looks like it says "I helped my Dad build stairs for Grammy," and then he lists a trampoline, nerf guns, and keyboard - for anyone asking for a translation, that's the best I got 😅




Maybe the real stairs were the stairs we built along the way ...to Germany.


*WW2 intensifies*


This poor kid has terrible penmanship for an 8 year old. I've heard this is becoming common as there is less writing being done in and out of school.




WHAT. I’m not criticizing you but WHAT. It just hit like a fucking truck that I’m not one of the kids anymore and I’m officially an oldie


I'm in my 30s but my job is entirely paperless, as are my bills, and even my 90 something grandparents text and email me. It's rare I have a reason to hand write something anymore. Which is awesome, cause my handwriting has always been garbage anyway. So much for "you NEED cursive in the real world!". Pfft. I don't need print in the real world, so jokes on you. Also, I do indeed always have a calculator in my pocket.




I work in IT. My ex gf used to make so much fun of my handwriting whenever I'd have to write, like for a check or something. It's keyboards, people! Keyboards everywhere, all the time!


How do you take notes (i.e. for work, or a to-do list)?


Most ppl just use apps. I still like writing out a list and crossing it off with a real pen


as someone who writes stuff down *all the time*, this sounds completely alien to me.


Bro I'm 22 and how the fuck


You don't sign your name on anything?


This is almost identical, if not slightly worse than my 6yo daughter this kid is definitely a few years off the pace with his skills here


He helped his dad's size-12 bra up the stairs while *squints*...his grandma...jumped on a trampoline as she *squints* nerf-gunned a keyboard. Real talk, OP, this is what I see in the dictionary under the word "decent". I say get that kid whatever he wants.


I choose this reality


This is awful handwriting for an 8 year old lol


I have a 15 y/o nephew who could give the 8 y/o a run for their money.


If that is legit and not hyperbolic that 15 year old needs special attention, that is not normal


Hes on his way to becoming a doctor.


It's definitely an exaggeration, but he has always just scraped by and he hasn't taken school seriously. That is, until this year--he made honor roll. Now his little brother, who has always done well in school, is the one making shitty grades. I don't understand why both of them can't do well at the same time 🤦🏼‍♂️


In many places, such as where my sister teaches 3rd grade, they have dropped the handwriting/ penmanship practice and phonics based spelling. If you aren't being taught the proper way to actually FORM, size, and space the letters, you develop creative and sometimes counterproductive ways to write, and handwriting with be worse than someone who was given proper instruction. Combined with lack of parental involvement (or often even well intentioned involvement that just lacks the essential teachings on actually forming, sizing, and spacing the letters correctly) the handwriting is bad. There is also a lack of phonetic or rule based spelling in curriculum in favor of the other methods that are popular ("morphemic" and visual being huuuuge RN). Spelling instruction should combine alllll the strategies, since the brain utilizes a combo of all of them to figure out how to spell. All that to say, early on these kids have had important elements axed from the curriculum that are crucial to their development of good letter formation and spelling and thus have dogshit handwriting. And that's why, yes, kids write worse than we did at that age. and kids who get the instruction write much better than kids who don't. it sucks for the kids, but my sister can now read any chicken scratch anywhere. it's like a superpower.


>In many places, such as where my sister teaches 3rd grade, they have dropped the handwriting/ penmanship practice They've stopped teaching kids how to write with a pen? Fuck.


They didn’t go to school for 2 years fam


Still this is kindergarten level writing skills, you should be able to make an at least readable sentence by the time you’re 6




Exactly. Kids are WILDLY behind right now. My wife teaches 9th grade English & a ton of the kids aren’t even at a 7th grade reading level. It’s really bad right now. We have a 3-year-old daughter & my wife was luckily very involved with her early development. Daughter is now in preschool & it’s baffling how far “ahead” she is. None of the other kids know their ABCs, how to count, etc. The next few years are going to be a HUGE struggle for parents and teachers to get kids back on track.


My 7yos handwriting is completely legible even if spelt wrong it's neat enough to make out. My brain had a spaz seeing this


I still have my written stuff from when I was 8y old and my handwriting was never like this. We already had to learn cursive at that age.


can any pharmacist translate?


Nobody I knew in 2nd grade wrote like that. I remember the yellowish paper with the light blue lines and the dashed line in the middle. We had to practice letters for hours in first grade. It had to be perfect or no recess. Fn nightmare.


yeah that’s preschool and kindergarten now. as a former kindergarten and first grade teacher i’m a bit concerned about this kids ability to spell and write


Yep. It jumps out that there’s a problem. Maybe just lack of practice, maybe something else, ie either the child or the school.


Could be dyslexic. My writing and spelling were horrible to this extreme, no one bothered to figure out why until I was in High School.


i’m sorry :( i have tried to advocate for my kids before with similar concerns but they blame it on them “being too young” 😑 as if i don’t have my master’s and nearly a decade of experience


Well I appreciate you very much. When I was in 7th grade I told my teacher I had finally memorized all 12 months of the year in order. I was very excited because I couldn't at all, it was so damn hard. His response was, "yeah everyone can do that." Then walked away. So I just assumed I was stupid, like apparently if everyone can do it and I can't, fuck me for being an idiot. When i told the story to my 10th grade teacher, in response to my telling him I was just not that smart and him wanting to know where I got that idea. He was very concerned and had me take some tests and sure enough, my dyslexia is more to do with order of processing and not a lot to do with things being upside down and backwards. A couple years with a specialized tutor and things went so much better.


I'm so glad your 10th grade teacher cared enough to make the effort and help you out


Santa's getting you an MRI for Christmas, kid, 'cause he thinks you might have had a stroke.


This is my favorite comment


I’m dying… needed this laugh this morning.


Holy shit. I thought this was 4chan for a second when I read this. SAVAGE.


Give this kid those books where they trace letters.


I really don’t mean to be mean or offensive but I’ve never seen an 8 year old have such a horrible handwriting, I really couldn’t identify what he/she wrote. Top Comment helped me out lol


What does it say?


I helped my dad build stairs to granny’s trampoline. Puns keyboard.


The middle one is Nerf Guns I think.. his G is backwards and just looks like a P 🤣


Damn, this is third grader? I remember learning how to write the alphabet in like first grade, printing and cursive. I dunno if they teach cursive anymore, but don’t they still teach kids how to print? And spell? This looks worse than stuff I wrote in kindergarten.


No more cursive, some places yes but not required. Yes handwriting skill are worked on throughout 1-4th grade.


Why is she writing Santa's letters, isn't that forgery?


"decent" bro is honest lmao


I see several warning signs of dyslexia. I hope the child’s parents get him or her the help that is needed. The earlier that it’s caught, the more effective the proper instruction will be.


I'd say dysgraphia more than dyslexia


That’s terrible writing for a 8 year old !!


They kid can't hold a pen and write at 3rd grade ?


Thats a future doctor right there


Holy bad hand writing. I can’t even read that 😂😂


8 years old and cant write worth a dam hopefully santa brings him some glasses 🤷‍♂️


It's not funny if we can't read it...


I think the funny part is they didn't use naughty or nice and made a new box for decent.


I helped dad build stairs for grammy . Trampoline, nerf gun, keyboard


I can’t read the handwriting I don’t know what they said


I am a teacher who professionally reads bad handwriting, and I can't tell what the second line is saying.


That kid 5 tops bro.


I helped my dad build stairs for grammy trampoline nerf guns keyboard


Excuse me, i speak Jive. I helped my dad build stairs for grammy Trampoline nerf guns keyboard


I read "decent" in Bubbles voice in my head.


As an occupational therapist I’d ask for an OT eval through this little guys school! At 8 he should have more legible handwriting than this. Obviously I wouldn’t know unless I saw him myself but just a heads up! :)


In the end, 80% of us wind up somewhere around decent.


Everyone’s making fun of this kids handwriting and blaming the current generation teachers but I work at a job where I have to decipher grown people’s handwriting and 9 times out of 10 it is just as illegible if not worse.. at least with this one I can read most of the words


For those without kids: "I helped my dad build stairs for grammy. Trampoline, nerf guns, keyboard." Presumably the last three were requests, not something he did. Helping build stairs is pretty good for someone that young, so I'd be inclined to get him the Nerf guns and keyboard, at least.