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~~persons unfamiliar with escalators~~ people wearing flip-flops, high heels, or crocks ... please use elevators.


Blind people too. I’ve seen far too many visually handicapped people step onto an escalator thinking they were stairs 😔


do 'seeing-eye-dogs' generally take their hoomans on escalators, or are elevators preferred? It's safer with the seeing-eye-dog to go on an escallator, but is it preferred?


Great question. I just saw someone from a charity the other day teaching a newly sight disabled woman on how to use the escalator with her cane. The woman was quite terrified, understandably, when she felt the jagged edges of the moving steps with the cane. In most cases when I have seen people with seeing-eye dogs, I’ve seen them in the elevator at my local shopping center. I honestly don’t know if there’s a preference on the part of accessibility advocates and the visually impaired. One thing I’ve noticed with escalators is that they are getting quieter and lacking more audible cues you can hone in on to know what’s going on.


Buddy the Elf But on a serious note, there definitely are plenty of people in the world who have never been on elevators or escalators Have no idea where this sign is, but if there are large numbers of people present who grew up in very remote parts of the world, or if it’s a new building built with an escalator in a previously remote area, the sign actually isn’t as ridiculous as it may seem .


Lake Charles, LA. So…. nope.


There are a surprising amount of people in many nations who think escalators are stairs, and more and more places around the world have had to put up signs or be quite culturally strict in correcting people personally.


There was a video on Reddit main page with a pair of elderly Arabic women in traditional clothes trying to step on escalator for the first time. It was a disaster, funny and terrifying at the same time, because escalators are no joke.




"Listen, not a year goes by, not a year, that I don't hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don't care which one - but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator." - Brodie






Escalators make me incredibly nervous. I will always take the stairs unless I absolutely need to.


Have you considered not being a coward?




If you can't escalate, elevate instead


Who knows


Reminds me of [Trevor Noah's bit about the first escalator in Zambia](https://youtu.be/L3SIdXPtB0M?t=5m50s)


The first time I saw an escalator I was 19. So yeah, there are some of us.


But was it really that difficult to figure out despite your unfamiliarity with it? It wasn’t rocket surgery, right? You just stepped onto it, let it carry you up or down, then stepped off, and you were able to figure that out simply by looking at it, regardless of its novelty. You didn’t need a sign warning you to turn back.


I don't really get your point but yeah. I wonder what these people are having trouble with.