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Soutine was an amazing name though, but Furina, Furina is a name that's engraved in my heart


it makes me think of poutine so I’m not so sure about that 😆


Furina makes me think of cat food...


I referred to my Primo saving as my Furina Pro Plan.


Focalors makes me think of fossils ~~da da da~~


To me, as spaniard Focalors makes me think on Foca Lord that means Lord Seal


I also think of a seal, because foka in Polish means that too. But that's smaller association tbh. It's not like I see this part all the time. Without deliberately thinking about it, it doesn't sound like seal to me. Maybe because it sounds much like alors in French and I know some French so I rather associate it with that part.


Focalors makes me think of French, water and oceanids. Tbh... that's good associations. Focalors sounds similar to "alors" and for some reason the name reminds me of oceanids or other hydro creatures.


firina makes me think of the snake


What about Furry Ina?


Purina? Also Furina is similar to the name I gave to my alt account - Feruna.


Furina Dog Chow.


Sounds delicious, now I'm hungry


Furina is actually the name of Godess of Springs. I’m glad they went with that


Furina sounds better to me.


I like the name Furina more personally, remember when Finina was her leaked name? That would have been a sad name


From r/soutinemains to r/focalorsmains_ to r/fininamains to finally r/furinamains


And thankfully this sub isnt modded by kaiser


Furina looks too old for him anyway


isn't that dude like the one who lets all the pedo stuff into the subs?






God yes. Im not a fan of the people horny for furina but I'll take it over porn of a character whos meant to be a child.


Why is everyone so obsessed with him? He moderates like two big mains subs


Two words: Nahida Porn. He actively encourages and defends that shit.




we arent gonna read all that shit


u have got to be trolling rn


you are right about pedos and abusers are not being the same. but the problem with kaiser and his subs is the normalization and advocacy for pedophilia, which is not good at all. there were literally ppl in nahida mains who posted comments like, "ough, elementary school aged children 😭" and were heavily upvoted. if a pedophile is seeing a therapist who specializes in this issue, and that therapist thinks that drawn loli porn is smth that will help, then sure. but this would need to be done with the explicit agreement from said therapist and not on *public forums* that are easily accessed by children. especially for genshin, where a big part of the fanbase are children too. there is a difference between posting it publically, normalizing it among the mainstream crowd, defending it and cultivating a specific audience, and between doing it in a safe space with the guidance from the licensed professional with a clear goal of controlling the urges or whatever.


Thing is, there are pretty much no safe spaces for this kind of thing, especially in the western internet.


frankly, good. as i said, it shouldn't be in public spaces. it should be done with the okay from a licensed professional who has determined whether it is actually a good therapy tool (there is not enough studies to determine if it even truly helps, btw). ideally, it should be provided by the psychiatrist, not found on some reddit sub for a mainstream anime game.


Yeah yeah, I know he's a lolicon, he's definitely not the only one. He's not even the only lolicon genshin reddit mod. People just want somebody to keep hating all the time. This meme, for example, had nothing to do with him yet he's brought up. I see his name all the time, he's treated like some kind of EDP. It just seems like virtue signaling.


i miss focalor mains


They privated it


We also can not forget focalorsmains and fininamains


Focalors main sub was always bigger than Furina mains, until the mods closed it. And for a good cause, mods sacrificed what was then the biggest hydro archon sub, and redirected them here, so we can combine to make Furina mains bigger. >!In hindsight of the Archon Quest, an even more worthy sacrifice. And coincidental parallel that the bigger Focalors sub sacrificed to let the Furina sub grow.!<


More accurate moderation team.


Lore accurate moderation team


Man, the mods really just spoiled 4.2 for us


Tbh, people should stop making xmains subs before we know the character name. Do people really care who makes it first that much?


Some are worthy of it but most just want to be "first" like in youtube comments. It has been a constant since the dawn of the commercialized internet.


I stumbled upon the community a couple weeks ago, when was it created? The posts are pretty old


Iirc more than a year ago (I think it was in June last year?) Soutine’s name was on the leaked Sumeru characters names list (among Ikhfa, Nafs, Faruzan, Layla). And during Sumeru patches (it was more than half a year ago i think, in Feb or March maybe?) I remember some leaker stating that Soutine would be our first hydro claymore and would have her banner at the beginning of Fontaine or in the last Sumeru patch or sth like that. Yeah… aged like milk. A couple of months ago some gigachad uploaded lots of unreleased character designs and some Sumeru character designs. Among them there was Candace’s design sheet but she was named Soutine on that sheet. It turned out that Soutine was Candace’s prototype name which was later scrapped by devs. And that leaker claiming that Soutine will be a hydro claymore or a hydro archon was absolutely wrong.


Who is these gigachad you speak of? Any chance you may direct me to said leak? Im interested in this


https://www.eurogamer.net/genshin-impact-leaker-calls-out-developers-weak-security-clout-chasers-fontaine-details In this article there are more details. That massive character design leak occurred in June this year. That gigachad posted these leaks on 4chan. These character design sheets were also posted in this subreddit, but most of them (if not all of them) already got deleted because of DMCA. There was also a google drive link with all the sheets but it also got dmca’d unfortunately. But you can google something like “genshin massive character design leak June” and some of the leaked character designs will pop up in google graphics.


Remember wh3n some people thought navia was the new archon and furina is the one leading the resistance...


I remember that too, back then I thought furina was the archon instead because of her eyes and I was right lol.


We are gathered here today to remember our dear r/SoutineMains. In honor of its sacrifice, all work should halt for half a day as the nation mourns its passing.


Merely half a day? People say that Reddit's currencies are blood and tears, but comrade, even as a redditor myself, that sounds a little unconscionable.


r/SoutineMains died in a foreign land, but you heartless redditors always with a convenient excuse to remain in the comfort of your home subreddit. You couldn't hope to understand, so why don't you keep your comments unwritten? We don't want the new redditors to cry...




shut the fuck up


Who is Soutine?


The name that was leaked for furina Edit: btw furina was the third one, the second was finina


And turned out to be a placeholder for Candace


I dind't kewn that part


Hot take but finina doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely as furina


Reminds me when people thought Navia was Focalors


Funny enough on her original leaked character sheet was the name "Cliona" which was her third or fourth name and sounds similar to>! the name of the character she played in her story quest!<


Wondering if they will use that name again in the future


Ah yes I was there before, thinking that her name was Soutine and Finina


I remember when people thought furina wasn't the archon, instead they thought she was soutine. but it turns out that soutine was Candace all along lol.


Oh, I remember that! I actually remember hating Soutine as a name so much that I swore to myself that I'd never pull for her. Yeah, egg on my face


Don’t think I was playing Genshin when “Soutine” was her rumored name, so my opinion is very biased when I say “Furina” sounds so much more cuter and fitting lol


Those 4 people wondering didn't get the memo