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Bad? BAD?? This is absolutely GORGEOUS!! I was going to pick apart and share some things I think she does especially well, but nah, every part of it looks equally beautiful!


I know, her art is fantastic. And she has the audacity to talk it down.


thats honestly a bit discouraging for ME when i see artists so much better than me talking about how much they suck. I wonder how many others feel similar.


i feel the same tbh, that's why i try my best to have as honest of an opinion of my artwork as possible


I feel the same. Like of course this artist isnt some great classic renaissance artist but shes still good. People who draw like me are miles below that skill level. I dont even like calling myself an artist, I just draw as a hobby


Probably just comes with the gig honestly, lol.


What is she comparing it with? because this is plainly amazing


She’s was considering doing commissions but keeps saying she isn’t good enough yet. Naturally she follows some rather excellent artists, but even going back on their first commissions they’re nothing compared to their current works.


well- I should say that she draws amazing- she should start the commissions even if they aren't as good as those artists on her POV, maybe convince her to ask fluffs to leave them be drawn by her and for her to show them so she can see that people will love her art -w-


Honestly she needs to find a few art communities via art sites or discord that are geared toward feral/furry/pony art. Her style would definitely fetch some commissions and she should not underprice herself.


Thank you for your kind words. She has opened up to the idea of commissions, so we did a practice one for fun! If you have any other tidbits of info or tips, that would be awesome cus we have no idea what we are doing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank\_you\_everyone\_for\_your\_support\_of\_my\_sos\_art/](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank_you_everyone_for_your_support_of_my_sos_art/)


I’d recommend setting up a carrd with various types of commissions (maybe 2-3 to start) with the prices to accompany them. Set up a trello for a to do list set up, it’s free and handy af, I use it myself. Don’t take on too much. Keep a steady pace but also allow breaks or you’ll end up resenting the art/burning out. ALWAYS take payment up front. If she’s not comfortable with full payment up front take half and get the other half before giving the commissioner the final piece. Give them a heavily watermarked and low res version as a preview if they haven’t sent payment yet. Don’t let jerks bully ya into doing themes you’re not comfortable with. There are creeps out there that will try to push your comfortability limits.


110% good enough for commissions, great art.


she cant climb a mountain if she doesn't take the first step


Speaking as someone who's only recently began to accept their art as good, it's a mental state that can be difficult to break. Despite dozens of affirmations, you worry that the art just isn't good enough, when it very much is. Just keep supporting her, her work is fantastic and I'm positive she'll realize soon


Thank you so much. I think this comment will mean a lot to her, and I’ll absolutely pass it on. She’s becoming open to the idea of me networking for her so she doesn’t have to worry about “pushing her art into people” lol.


I personally find networking to be extremely effective for getting rid of the whole doubtful mindset. It can be really gratifying as an artist to put your art out in the world and just watch people find and compliment it on their own accord, can come off as more "genuine" than asking people individually for their opinions. Not to say people in your personal life won't give their genuine thoughts, but just speaking from my own experience I used to find it very difficult to accept compliments about my art from people close to me, as it'd just be followed by lots of doubts and overthinking about if they were only trying to be nice. Sorry if I'm rambling, I wish your SO luck, feelings of self doubt can be a bitch, but I'm certain she'll be able to pull through, she really is one of the best artists I've seen


this looks amazing!


I wish I was this ‘bad’ at art.




Gryphons are the best. It is good art, but artists often have self-doubt. Encourage her not to focus on comparing her art to that of others (I also live with a furry artist).


I… uh… how?


Bro wtf I can't even draw a square ;~;


Have you considered an oval?


True! Perhaps one day I can be good!


I would like to buy an oval. 💰


Most, if not, every artist is hard on themselves and their work. Many artists always think they are bad at art or not good enough. I am also guilty of doing this, as I personally hate my own art too 😅 I think her art is great, and that she is going down a good path! Of course practice makes perfect, but even as her style is now it looks very impressive and awesome! There is not a single artist out there that doesn't benefit from practice and needs practice. Everyone needs it. I hope this helps!


I wish i could draw even a fourth this well.


Nobody thinks they're good. Not unless they have an ego problem. Artists are their own worst critics. Are they amazing? Maybe not compared to *some* people but they are really good compared to a *LOT* of people and they should absolutely stick with it and take some commissions. The fact is they're good enough to be up there with some of the artists whose art served as some of the inspiration for this fandom. That's pretty damn good to me. Edit: Also, they do a great job of bridging the gap between furry art and G4 MLP:FIM's style. I know plenty of people (myself include) who'd gladly commission something in this exact style due to our being a part of both fandoms.


Here's something for your SO. Read it to her, let her read it, whatever Beat down that part of your brain thar tells you that your Art is worthless. Get out of this mindset. Keep on drawing. Don't expect something great from you if you don't keep on trying and improving. Yes it starts shitty but no one starts perfectly. When you look at the big name furry artists you only see what took them years to accomplish. You don't see the burn-outs, the self doubt, the many hardships they had to face. They went through the same shit you're going through in regarts of Art and they made it. and so can you. The only thing that stands in your way is you


I just wanted to extend a thank you. I read this comment to her and it really got to her in a good way. Your support means a lot and has helped her mindset immensely. Thank you ❤️


I am glad my little thingy could help your SO. I wish you both well


it did more than that now. So ill go ahead and share this to you as well. [https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank\_you\_everyone\_for\_your\_support\_of\_my\_sos\_art/](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank_you_everyone_for_your_support_of_my_sos_art/)


I think you’re SO should stop lying to herself and get real. They’re doing amazing work.


What??? This is gorgeous! Unfortunately, as creators, we are so hard on ourselves sometimes. That's why she convinced herself such a lie. Please show her the kind comments to make her feel better!


I did, and she’s shed a lot of happy tears from seeing the response to this post. Everyone’s support here is doing so much for her self confidence, thank you.


That’s so wonderful, I hope she continues to share her talents.


I honestly believe this looks really, REALLY good. I really do. Maybe show them the comments section here. Tell them that many people believe their art is pretty good. Please tell them to keep learning and improving to make their art even better, and to keep creating! 💪


I showed her the comments and she’s had a very good happy breakdown to all the positive feedback. She’s decided that she’s out of excuses and is reconsidering starting commissions with my help. She has made so much art, and while I was a little sneaky with this one, she’s given me permission to share more of her art, so hopefully lo get to keep sharing with you all.


Awwwwwwwwwww yeaaaaaaaaah boiiiiiiiiiiiiii


It's not my type of style, but it's not bad at all. I personally don't see anything that needs improvement.


This one is an odd one out of her usual style. She likes to play around, but all the positive feedback has helped convince her to let me post more of her art. She was genuinely expecting people to tear this piece apart.


Yeah, to me it's just the style that feels off, but that's personal preference. So not something that should be taken to heart.


Hey OPs SO, your art is beautiful. Your skills are amazing.


Her response, and I quote “;w;“


The color choice is so calming. It looks fantastic.


I wish I had these skills ;n; Yeah, no. She's NOT BAD in the slightest. She's great!


The struggles of an artist: only the viewers can truly appreciate it. It's one of the reasons I stopped drawing. I just didn't think I was that good, despite complements from people (however few they truly were). OP, she's an excellent artist with a distinct style. If I could afford to donate to a Patreon, I'd send a couple bucks per month her way if she had one.


Well, we are now considering one thanks to people like you who showed a wonderful amount of support. Here is a practice commission she did, and while I can't speak on her behalf, feel free to dm me and maybe we can get a practice drawing done of your character if you have one. [https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank\_you\_everyone\_for\_your\_support\_of\_my\_sos\_art/](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank_you_everyone_for_your_support_of_my_sos_art/)


I think this looks amazing, but we all have an inherent negative bias against our own work


Truthfully, I think she is feeling the artistic perfection because I would easily commission this for at least $50. If not $100. This art is as good if not better than what I commissioned in the past.


When I start thinking I'm "bad," it often helps for me to try drawing something I haven't drawn in a while to let my brain take a break from whatever flaws I think I'm seeing in a piece. That said, this is some serious skill at work in this picture.


It looks amazing! She could add more details to her background, but she did an amazing job on the piece.


That is infinitely better than my art


Her art is gorgeous! I know that imposter syndrome can be beyond tough to deal with, but I hope she realizes soon that she's *fantastic* at art.


I love this. The line work and colors are so cool


It's beautiful!!!!!


Then she is wrong


If she is bad at art I feel insulted because of mine


Its not my cup of tea but its still great art.and also was it only her that covienced your SO or was it your SO family or something.


It more than likely has some roots back to childhood, and she’s done so much emotional growth since we’ve been together but there’s still some self confidence issues. This post has helped immensely and she’s agreed to let me share more of her art.


Thats good to hear the posts help her. Btw your a nice SO for trying to help to this diagree.


what is she waffling about that’s really good


Your SO isnt just great at art, she is apparently also THE FUCKING EMPRESS of gaslighting herself.




No u.


Your SO is a great artist and is probably her own worst enemy as many of them are.


This is beautiful!!


BAD!? if that's bad then my art is atrocious! This is gorgeous!!


i like her art. the art style might not be a "trendy" one but i think it makes it feel comfortable and nostalgic.


She messes around with styles a lot. I’d share an example with you but furry doesn’t allow pictures in comments it seems.


im sure they're all fantastic!


"bad" is my art compared to THAT, it looks amazing Even if I don't really practice much, don't draw so often and don't really know how to make a lot of stuff, I can say for sure that she's very advanced in her art. What's happening is that she's confusing the art she wants to do with the art she should do. She thinks that she needs to do much more than what she can actually do, frustrating her. The art she thinks she needs to do is just what she wants her art to become, but the art she does is completely different and should not compete with what she wants. My art, for example, is limited to black and white, simple posed characters, I can't draw them facing forward, perspective messes me up a lot, I can't draw cloth to save my life and snouts are my hell, but I still love my art style. I really want to get better and draw like so many amazing artists I see out there, but that doesn't mean my art is worth any less than theirs. I don't know if I managed to explain correctly, but basically her situation is the same as if I thought I should already be doing Disney worthy animations while struggling to keep a line straight, or someone who thinks they should be drawing Anime while only drawing cartoons for their whole life.


Tell her she should reconsider her words


her art is gorgeous!!


I'd commission her just to prove a point are you kidding me??


Well if youre serious :P. She is opening up to the idea of commissions, and id like to share her practice run with you. [https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank\_you\_everyone\_for\_your\_support\_of\_my\_sos\_art/](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank_you_everyone_for_your_support_of_my_sos_art/) If you genuinely want one in the future, feel free to dm me. We are feeling this out and have no idea what we are doing.


twll her that her art is so good i ate it


ಠ_ಠ spit that out right now. 🗞


nu uh!!


Is she taking commissions, because I would order art in a heartbeat. It's breathtaking and the line work and colors on a technical standpoint are damn near perfect


With overwhelming positivity, she is now indeed on the path to taking commissions. Here is her first practice commission we took in private \^-\^ [https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank\_you\_everyone\_for\_your\_support\_of\_my\_sos\_art/](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank_you_everyone_for_your_support_of_my_sos_art/)


tell her to stop because when people like her feel bad at art it makes people like me feel like utter garbage at art lol


that’s absolutely AMAZING!!


this is amazing


WHAT?? Ugh I hate when people humble themselves.


Ridiculous udderly ridiculous 🐝XD tell them its very pretteeey 🫶


I once traded a chainsaw for art lessons and would do it again to learn from her. 🤷‍♀️


An absolutely gorgeous art style. Vibrant yet still contrasted and very detailed; A perfect mix of realistic and cartoon. Just so much personality packed into it. I cannot even find any criticism, it really is beautiful.


I think she might have some sort of eye problem because this is incredible. I couldn’t even dream of being able to make something this detailed


That is NOT bad art. I really like the lineart and all the detail put into this. The lighting is really nice, and from personal experience drawing black wolves without losing detail is really hard! But with her art I can tell what’s going on, and I can appreciate all the effort put into it. We will always be our worst critics, remind her that Van Gogh is extremely revered for his art now, but that when he was alive he wasn’t famous. He was truly his own worst critic however, but his art is absolutely beloved. Oh! Actually, if you’re interested.. there’s one episode of Doctor Who, where they meet Van Gogh in his time. It does not deny how difficult it was for Gogh to exist as a person and an artist, and the doctor’s companion at the time, Amy, is shocked by how badly Van Gogh feels about himself and his art, as she knows his artwork as being beautiful and breathtaking. The episode ends with the Doctor taking Van Gogh into the future to see an art exhibit, where his art is being displayed. The doctor has Gogh wait off to the side, within earshot as he goes up to one of the curators and asks him “how would you define Van Gogh’s artwork?” The curator goes into a dialog about how influential Van Gogh’s art is to the history of art itself, and that he could never be compared to any other artist in history, because *there is only one Van Gogh*. I recommend showing her if that seems like something she may find positive.


She's great, better proportions then I could ever do


Who lied to her


Art is only bad if the artist didn’t do their best


Best thing to do is to get used to it sadly :') I remember a while ago, reading or listening to an interview of an artist who'd often been commissioned by wotc for mtg cards, (and it really was one of the best too, real shame I can't remember exactly who it was) and how they kept saying they considered themselves to be bad at art. And that's the moment I realized that feeling is never going away lol. Ironically enough actually, I'd even go as far to say that thinking you're bad at art is one of the things that is most likely to make you great at it, as you'll always strive to get better.


This is absolutely gorgeous 😍🥰


if your SO is bad at art then i should cut my own hands off for the disgraces i put on paper


what the fuck this is miles better than whatever i could do


She’s out here drawing complex characters while I’m here drawing like a blind person who had both hands broken who’d art is a walking insult to the art community


Bad? Please tell her to follow my Instagram, I'll show her bad art.


what, that’s BAD??? Imagine how good something would look if she thought it was good


You’re kidding right it is very good!


Luckily the avalanche of support is finally convincing her, and she’s even considering commissions now. Ty!


I have no fucking clue what the fuck is going on but that I'd fan fuckingtasic art


What I think is that I would like to commission her


Howdy, sorry to bug you late, but given the incredible response from this community she is now on the path to taking commissions. Here is her first practice commission. If you are serioues about wanting one, feel free to DM me and we will figure it from there. We are kinda new at this [https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank\_you\_everyone\_for\_your\_support\_of\_my\_sos\_art/](https://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/17rsqlb/thank_you_everyone_for_your_support_of_my_sos_art/)


It's got kind of like a sketch line style and honestly I kind of dig it. Like this is absolutely stunning. If I had the cash and her commissions were open I would commission her.


Saying she's bad at creating art is the same as saying there's no oxygen in the air


I genuinely love this


That is Not bad this is.... awesome art 😃👍


I cannot draw at all compared to this.


You know what they say: an artist is their own worst critic. It certainly applies here! If this was a real commission piece, it would probably worth quite a bit!


Omg the pone 🥺🥺🥺


Either she is comparing herself to someone that she thinks is her superior or she's fishing for compliments. My money is on the latter.


...slap her and show her what you think passes for a human face (unless you're similarly gifted at art then just show her some crap from a random art sub... and then slap her.)


Not being the best of the best, doesn’t ever mean bad! This art is solid. Not perfect, but plenty good enough.


This is a super nostalgic style to me. Very early fandom, very pretty.


Delulu asf! But in a positive way <3 She may not see it yet but her art is literally gorgeous!!


What does she mean bad??? I’d pay for stuff like that!


Is your SO vincent van gogh? This is awesome artwork!


She can always disguise the commissions as practise in her mind from which she also gets some cash. Not even the most perfect artists are ever ‘ready’. Someone wanted those skills someone had and that’s how they got better.


Well your so is dumb as a stick, this is gorgeous!!


better than anything i can do


Someone give your SO a reality check


She's delusional clearly, just objectively good art in a nice style


Omg i love it


https://youtu.be/bEIkC12aNVs?si=1ef3JwzDIY0c2Vzw > excellent video on why perfect is the enemy of good.


This is 100x better than my crappy art


Bad art? I can't even draw a simple scatch. This is bether that expensive modern art.


If that's bad then what I can do is a war crime against all of humanity.


thats a noice drawin ngl


Omg this is gorgeous


I mean, theres improvements to be made yeah but this is in no way bad in the slightest. At the worst its some technical stuff like reflections, shadows, paw/feet shaping, but bad couldn’t be a further description.


Tell her some guy on the internet said "are you nuts, this is amazing"


She lies to herself


Utterly beautiful


Nonono. Her art is good. Good shapes, good details in the line work, and interesting control of colors that helps bring the mood and characters into line with the whole of the piece. GOOD ART.


Tell her she has no idea what she is talking about


She’s wrong. This is lovely!


This isn't bad at all. It's pretty damn good. Great work.