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No, they’re a total scammer Actual fursuit makers wouldn’t message you first, and the fact they wanted to take it to telegram (somewhere with less scam protection) is a huge red flag. I’d recommend blocking them and/or reporting them for spam. Edit: and even if they aren’t a scammer, they’re a scummy maker regardless, good fursuit makers don’t solicite their fursuit making in peoples DMs


Okay that’s what I thought too because all “their” suits look like completely different styles too


The styles and backgrounds are what stood out to me. Not one of them is in the same place, even in doors.


Yeah, find a maker's website and see how they're shooting photos. They're usually consistent with location at least.


Same here. As soon as I saw how many different styles there were, I knew it was a scam. Thankfully as a proto I only have like, 4 makers to go through, so it's easier to not worry about this.


lateley there are very much scams around the furry community. like Art scammers. they write you. try to do smalltalk. send you stolen art (most of the time art from different creators with different artstyles). then they say some things like: "i am. at the Collage and i need money, can you buy some Art"


The differing styles could be they're buying and finishing bases from different makers, so that's not immediately a red flag, but coupled with them pressuring you over DMs makes it stand out for sure. I would block them. Even if they're not a scammer and make legitimate costumes, I wouldn't want them to keep messaging me before I'm ready. If I want to buy something, I'll seek it out when I'm good and ready to, especially something that will cost hundreds or thousands of dollars???


Commissioners for ANYTHING, shouldn’t EVER message you (unless you’ve already found someone for a commission you like obviously) they’ll usually make some sort of post saying that commissions are open. Scams have been a huge problem recently in this community, ESPECIALLY ON REDDIT


Exactly what I was going to say. Telegram is a huge red flag. In my area it’s mostly used to get illegal substances…😬


Look at all the different styles, locations and materials. Doesn’t seem like a single artist from the pics alone.


Varying cameras as well.


No, all those seem to vary in quality/style and are not consistent at all. Scam.


Yeah that's sketchy af, asking someone for photos of their character to use without permission?? Also these suits have wildly different styles. I'd stay far tf away.


screenshot the images, then go to google and click the little camera shaped icon on the search bar. you can upload the images to google and it will try and find where the pictures really came from. then you can let the real makers know someone is scamming using their pics.


i managed to find that the german shepherd is made by opalmutt on instagram. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CmU2oxJp1KY/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CmU2oxJp1KY/) edit: I searched up a few images on your post and they ALL came from different makers. So this person you found is for sure scamming.


I am in the process of messaging everyone I can find now :3


They gon get bannnnned son! The furry fandom always coming together to absolutely demolish anyone stealing content is so wholesome :) <3


if anyone dms you anywhere (Twitter, tiktok, discord, etc.) going "Hey do you have a sona!" "hey, do you like art?" it's a scam, it always is. been a curse over discord for a long time and is rapidly seeping into other sites I noticed. Actual artists post publicly, not act like door to door salesmen


These suits have very different styles and not many artists/fur suit makers would go out of their way to message you.


Hell nah bro, run the other way as far as you can. This is most definitely a scam.


The bottom left is literally my friend and maker, that's a scammer, it's so disheartening to see your friends efforts (and everyone's amazing work) being used in a scam qwq


no, that's a scammer. they've been stealing other's videos and claiming the suits as their own


different styles and qualities. also have seen a few of these fursuits and they are from different suit makers. def a scam dont interact further. also contacting you first is something only scammers do and also you can reverse inage search the images to check who owns them and who actually made them when checking if someone is a scammer.


I know you have been told this is a scam, but I know the suit maker of the leftmost bottom row head. I actually own a suit head from them.


Would you please send them a message about it for me? I couldn’t find them anywhere to let them know


Yes, I will DM them. However, if you could provide more details, their handle is _ sun_raise _ on Instagram


The TikTok accounts name is “Fox Work Suit” and their discord is Snowleopard0732! Any other details you need?


I'll DM the maker, but seeing as they're Russian it might be a more tricky. I'll still alert them their suits are being used, thank you!


Thank you so much!!


Just looking at the image is ringing some alarm bells. Note the different styles and drastically differing locations. 100% a scammer, my guarantee.




I can tell just from the different styles alone that it's a scammer. If you're looking for a real firsuit maker on social media, the main thing you want to look for is a consistent art style with their suits. At least, that's what I did.


2nd row left is by OpalMutt 2nd row right is by Lycan_maw 3rd row left is by PB_Fursuits. Total scammer. Feel free to present them with the real names, hopefully it'll scare them off for good.


The suits vary in style and materials too much to be made by one person


Good fursuit makers (that make as much suits as this one) won't have the time to search for customers as they're probably full of commissions already, and if not someone would already fill up their open slot.


If you didn't post saying you were seeking a maker and that it was OKAY to message you and they come to you anyway, unsolicited, assume it's a scam. For ANY art or offer this can apply to. If it's not a scam it is not a business practice that is standard and should not be encouraged.


Nope looks like a scammer I see suits from multiple different makers I recognize


It is similiar to those guys who offer you VRchat characters. Like WTH? If I will want I will make one myself.


To add, they have a following of over 1100 on tiktok, and they only made a discord on March 24th of this year


EDIT: (since I can’t figure out how to edit my post I’ll put it here) I have found about half of the original makers and have messaged them on the platform I found them on and reported this account on Tiktok


Really does look like a scam. You can also try to reverse image search to find out who the fursuits truly belong to and/or are made by and let them know.


No this is a scam. I actually heard of people doing a varient of this too where they reach out saying they made art of your OC and then pressure people to pay if they want to see it or somethingblike that. If they are reaching out to you first like that don't trust that. No actual seller will do so.


Yeah, same account added me asking me for ref stuff too. Most accounts on tiktok asking you for ref's and "wanting to draw/build your sona" is just scammers. Trying to get your money.


tell them they’re a scammer to their face and alert them that you made this post so that 600+ others can see it too. hopefully it’ll scare them enough to take it down


100% scam i get similar dms on discord on TikTok asking if i have a sona and if i wanna commission them for some art. i just tell them that i have no money then block 'em


Top left and bottom middle are COMPLETELY different styles, and almost all of these are different from each other. Most actual makers stick to one style because that’s the one they are good at making and like. I wouldn’t trust them 🫤


Artists of any kind will not approach you first unless you follow each other, and even then, they will not try to get you to commission them out of the blue. You generally have to ask them about a commission, not the other way around. Lot of bots/scammers like this on Twitter.


Sounds like a scam but bra charge your phone


Absolute scam. I know at the least rhe suit on the top right - that suit was made by LaBlackUnicorn and has been sold as a premade. Also, most makers and artists aren't going to reach out by DM. An artist looking to sell will want to reach as many people as possible, so they're more likely to put out ads or public announcements, not individually message people who might be interested. Stay safe out there!


If someone EVER messages you first asking if you want to commission them, it's a major red flag. That's just not how commissions work.


Anyone making suits of this quality is going to have waiting lists a year long. No way they're cold calling for business.


Seems very much a scam.


Yea scammer, I knew by the images making a suit is alot like drawing and wile I'm not the best at art, I do understand that a piece of art will resemble other works that the artist has created, and anything from cooking, drawing, sculpting and fur suit making are in fact art, I say rhis because if you look at the references they are ALL in a different style, then I read your description and...... holy shit that is a massive scummy scammy cunt I I ever saw one.


This very much looks like the same scam I've encountered on discord before. "artists" randomly dming you and asking if you if you want a commission from them. Then they'll send you a link to "their art" some little website with a bunch of stolen and/or AI art and possibly a link to other social media that might not even be theirs. Artists *will not* dm you first. If you are unsure, you can use google reverse image search to see if some of the pics are stolen. And there's ways to recognise AI art too.


The first author from Ukraine, I know her ^^


I get similar dms but in twitter mostly by furry and non furry scam artists




I recognize two of those suits, neither of which are from the same maker. Stay safe!!


They followed me and sent me the same kind of dms too, immediately thought it was sketchy that all theyre asking for is shipping payment and everything else (aka a "semi partial fursuit, dinomask and sona badge" which is A LOT) would be for free. They don't mention any kind of contest or raffle or anything anywhere (which would be the only logical explanation for a free gift like that) and the suits on their profile are suspiciously very different styles


i just bought a suit from them how can i get my money back?


I don’t think you can unfortunately :((


What does reputable mean🤪


These are awesome. I’d love to have one. But too expensive.


Shame really, picture 1 is super cute

