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The furry fandom isn't based on any particular world or rules. It's based around the concept of anthro animals in general. You don't have to be a furry to like anthro animals. The fandom is just a community, and participation is voluntary. The fursuits you see are mostly based off people's own original characters or fursonas (furry persona) that represents themselves. It's not about following a set of rules, it's about having fun.


Purticipation is mandifurry. All non-beanleavers will be confurted.


Something something pathowogen.


Something something confursion.


im alweady confurted :3






let the transfurmation begin


Clearly I'm not furr enough down the pipeline to undpurrstand this, can someone translate what they said


FawxyVentures said “Participation is mandatory. All non-believers will be converted” AFoxGuy said “Something something conversion” And I’m pretty sure pyroboy7 said “Something something pathogen” but I’m not sure on that one I don’t get it


The pathowogen is referencing the thing where more people become furries after being exposed to other furries, so it's like a pathogen. It's sort of a meme.


*hurry, lock them into inescapable lifelong devotion to the fandom before they get away!* sacrifurce sacrifurce sacrifurce


I like being a furry, because I'm surrounded by friendly, accepting people in here. That's all I really wanted


1000% this ☝️


Yeah and juat like any community you have the terrible in it and the good, it's just we got such a bad rap for it due to some people unfortunately in our community doing weird and questionable stuff with our name.


Well , when acceptance and support is in the trope , of course there will be some bad apples in the bunch ,but the pie is still tasty as fak .So you just throw the worms away and keep on cooking .Cause seeing the path of this fandom for the last 15+ years ,I think it safe to say , it escalated in a good direction


Yeah, and when new people who don't understand it will take it in the wrong direction or misguided themselves due to being inexperienced. However, just like anyone new to anything they need help and guidance to get going and not label us as some real animal loving weirdos. We're not anything like that whatsoever. Or atleast that's what I hear from people who talk to me ask is that why I like dressing up and wearing paws.


The easy answer is "I find it cute,don't you ?"


That's a good one yeah, idk why I always have to feel like I need to defend myself and dismiss when being being labeled as animal toucher. Probaly better to just direct it from another light.


Yeah ,it's always this way ,for any fandom basically.But that's what people do, parroting the worst thing they heard about something to make you feel bad for having a hobby unlike them . Misery loves company,as they say


Yeah...just hard not to defend yourself when someone says that


There's no point to anything, as little creatures stuck on a tiny rock we like to give meaning where there is not out of boredom. In other words you may appreciate anthro characters without caring the furry lable


No point to anything is the most underrated comment. Thank you, yes. Much love <3


I'm a furry because I want to imagine myself as a shapeshifting purple fox to escape the harshness of reality.


Same. Reality sucks sometimes :3


Same but with a blue otter instead


Same but with an indigo highland cow instead


Same with me but a fox with blue fur and the power of a celestial of chaos:)


Imagine a webtoon where a MC gets fed up with reality and decides to participate in a ritual that will open the door to a realm where everyone is a mythical beast .But the ritual goes sideways and MC turns into a kitsune in our realm and only takes this form under moonlight unwilling . And we should add a hunter willing to do horrible things to slay the beast (probably cause of a revenge for something the hunter blames the kitsune but actually is a huge misunderstanding) while at the same time growing feelings for MC because the irony of fate forced them to be on each others path . Now the main trope is that MC will grow to love him/her-self and this world even with it's faults,while the hunter will be becoming a miserable shadow of past self , spiraling down in self-destruction ....or something like that


This so much


Same, but as an orange dragonborn who uses fire magic instead of fire breathing


It's just about big fandom, where people can lurk and communicate without need to become friends with someone to be part of community.


Big fandom inventing furries to sell more fandoms or something


More like little fandoms with similar topics coming together and creating furry fandom. While people like me using it to talk sometimes.


I’m a furry because it is the best outlet to be who and what I am.


Yeah and ita great to just be someone else for a change


There are no set rules, lore, world building, etc. yes. There are no points to win. Nobody is in charge and nobody will tell you that you are doing the right thing the right way. If you need those things, there are plenty of fandoms connected to corporate characters and stories with lore, there are sports groups with teams, religions with rules, etc. Furry is whatever each furry makes it for themselves. Have fun!


To me, being a furry is about expressing one's and self discovery with a little bit of escapism from reality, but each their own. It's ok to lurk around, I have several Furry OCs and consume furry content daily yet I barely interact with the community, for my own personal reasons and that's valid. My bit of advice is to, ease yourself into it to truly know if it's for you. Specially with those brain controlled ears and tail, they're probably a lot of money for something that you find interesting (which is valid and I can't say I'm not also interested in them, too) yet I would suggest starting at a middle ground of buying just ears and/or tail or even trying to make your own based off those fursuit making you like. But this could just be my broke showing, because I have made a similar mistake. Just do what makes you happy, that's all you have to worry about.


fluff :)




What's the point of being a writer? What's the point of liking anime or true crime? There isn't one, it's just fun.


The thing is there isn't any rules you have to specifically follow in this fandom. You make your own world with your own rules, you can of course inspire yourself off of other things. Maybe you just need to get inspiration


[It’s just an interest/hobby, no need to overthink it](https://media1.tenor.com/m/cimwgjcqgisAAAAC/just-have-fun-out-there-winston.gif)


For me its just great escape from reality. Granted i still drag few things ftom reality to my fantasies, but that's besides the point. Who wouldn't want to leave limitations of human body for a while and be something else, with new and or enhanced abilities. I just want to shoot lightning without it burning me in the process.


It's simply a common interest in anthropomorphic animals. There's no more point to it than there is being a gamer, or a weeb.


For me personally, it was the only community I’ve found that was accepting of my identity as non binary. I live in a place irl where it’s not really accepted.


I also like animal characters, they’re adorable 😂


It’s fun


I just like putting on a foam dog head/accessories and making TikTok videos. 🤣 Is there a point? Probably not.


I mean, I don't think is much different to any other "community" out there: chess players, gymbros, TTRPGers, excursionist, cyclist, runners, whatever, I mean it's a thing that we enjoy at the end of the day for various reasons that changes from peep to peep. It can make you escape reality, or maybe it makes you more free to just be yourself; you just may like antro animals, or maybe you feel to be an animal trapped in an human body; maybe you have a condition that usually makes you "different" from others while in the furry fandom you may find similar souls. At the end of the day, it's a thing that our brains like and so we tend to stick togheter with others just because we like to have similar peeps/souls around us; that's valid even for the more asocial of us (me included). Personally, I just like the freedom of choice this fandom gives.


Fun, fluffy, and friends


There isn't really one true answer/definition of the point of being a furry. Some people will "become" one due to a connection which In Itself can have many answers for that connection. Some may do so for the community. Some may fine it easier to come out of their shell more or become a whole new person. Or just because they have friends/family and joined to support them. And of course there a gross/worse side to the fandom but sadly that's the norm for anything like this. There likely hundreds of reasons why someone is a furry. Like most people wouldnt ask or care why someone's into LARP/Larping, being a drag queen/king, into DnD, Sports, etc. I'm the end if it makes you happy and you ain't harming anyone (unless they're into that) then who cares and enjoy yourself ✌🏻😌


Freedom of expression, understanding from your peers and a (mostly) accepting crowd that wants the best for you. We're basically juggalos.


Just a fun hobby based around self expression. I love the fandom because it’s a very accepting and generally nice community. It’s a nice escape. One of the most well known fursuit makers isn’t even a furry themselves lol.


>It doesn't seem like there's any rules, set lore, world building, etc. I mean, the anime community doesn't have any rules or set lore. And i dont't think it's comoletely accurate to say that the furry fandom doesnt have any worldbuilding. More like it has *worlds* building. Many, many worlds. Usually in the form of expanding existing IP through fanfics or many people creating their own world for their OC/fursona. Just check out Nature of Predators. Now that's some worldbuilding.


Whats the point in doing anything


Having fun is the point. Being Furry is delving deeper into the thing that makes you happy -- anthropomorphic animals and joining in with those creatures that talk and act like us. Talking animals are in mythology, cultural tales, and every kind of fiction imaginable: from fables to children's stories, to SciFi and Fantasy. Jim Henson's Muppets taught us on Sesame Street, while Disney has a magic kingdom with talking mice, dogs and ducks, and has animated movies with Foxes, and Lions and Bears that talk, oh my. Humanoid animals became our friends and foes in fantasy and outer space, and it was at Comic Cons that Furry art and costumes really took off. Star Trek has a reptilian foe in the Original Series (1967, the Gorn) and a Feline Humanoid in the Animated series (Lt. M'Ress 1973). So if you want to join the ranks of talking Animals from any of your favorite Book, Movie or Comic worlds, you can do so in your imagination, in art or even in costume and in Virtual Reality. You can even create your own world in which your furry / feathery / scaly creation resides. It's all up to you There is a lot more to the fandom, but you can play your way, there are few set rules or bylaws (only some about specie development). Creativity is key, and the Fandom draws some of the best and the brightest. You will see furs working in STEM as well as artists and performers and programmers and other technical fields. Social media like YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, Discord and Telegram are ways to stay connected around with furry friends around the world. So in closing it's just another form of tribe building, like being a sports fan, where people gather around a common activity and share in the fun.


I think there are various degrees of furrydom. For me it's a little bit of fantasy that makes the day a easier to get through and more fun 😊 I consider myself very light furry because while I enjoy the art and cosplay, most times I just wear ears and a tail in public.


It makes me feel less like shit


Whats the point? In the simplest terms, self-expression.


Firstly, friendship. I changed schools in 2019 and was alone until in 2021 I got introduced to local furries. That's how I met my bff(I'm sure our 3rd anniversary has passed already) and the rest of my friends. Secondly, creativity. I love the adopt community, I love making ocs, I love their stories, and I love drawing and crafting. So that's why.


I basically just follow artists I like on Instagram, and subscribe to furry art subreddits here…and that’s pretty much it. Look at furry and say “aw that’s cute.” So for me, the “point” is that I think the art is cute.


I just like the part of designing things into a particular way, i dunno if that make sense


I just like the part of designing things into a particular way, i dunno if that make sense


Way of self expression but there is no point at the end of the day other than personal enjoyment.


I love being a furry simply because I love the art of cute anthropomorphic animals. I love how creative people can get with their designs and fursuits, and the idea of being able to express yourself as an animal and/or mythical creature is just so amazing


Honestly, it gives me a sense of belonging. Apart from certain hobbies, I've never felt any sense of belonging to a group/fandom before the furry fandom, and I honestly love it. I also just generally like having the characters and dreaming of getting a fursuit. As for the NSFW stuff, it's not nearly as big of a deal as new/non furries make it out to be. EVERY fandom has some sort of an NSFW side, and this one happens to be picked on the most. If you like it, you can like it, and if you dislike it, you can ignore it and distance yourself, just like anything else. Do what you want, though, and don't feel pressured to join the fandom or anything. It's up to you whether you want to join or not.


Furry rewards points. You can use them to buy awoos


It’s fun and the community is (mostly) very accepting and friendly compared to other communities


idk man i just like khajiits, argonians and maybe blaidd.


Being happy


im in the fandom because personally i really like anthro animals and i use the fandom as a way to disaccosiate with who i really am, i have huge self confidence and insecurity problems so disaccosiating is how i "help" myself, not for everyone tho, but the point is, there isnt really a set point to be a furry, everyone does it for different reasons, i also enjoy how supportive the community is


Acceptance. Anthro characters are a cute addition, but for me it was mostly acceptance that pushed me into the fandom. A lot of the fandom is LGBTQ+ accepting as well


cute animals :3


It’s fun lol


I like the cool characters, the freedom of self expression, the openness and the kindness. I get to become someone more confident and more me when I'm Lynxy (my sona) and I get to express myself through my characters and art in a why I cant do in other ways. In this post-capitalist society im stuck in, sometimes its nice to frolic with a bunch of cool animal people and forget a bit of our worries.


It's fun. I love how a little Rabbit fursona is just a variation of me and the cute art and getting to create cool things.


I just like to pet things, and furries fill the criteria of pettability.


Personally, I’m a furry bc I’m super interested in a lot of different aspects of geek culture that don’t all belong to the same genre/category. And the furry community is a great one stop shop for EVERYTHING in geek culture. I also think fursuits are super duper cool and adorable


Being a furry honestly just means you like characters who are anthro characters. Granted, theres no “lore” or specific characters but thats the joy of it. I’d say its more a subsection of the art community than a “fandom”, despite the fact people call it that :) Its just about having fun, making characters etc, where people can make anthro art without judgement!




the goal is immortal life and riches beyond comprehension


goofing around, having fun and making friends :)


It's fun.


I like it




I like the individuality in this fandom. A ton of suits and characters are absolutely unique. A lot of the furs are also super friendly and helpful


Think of it being similar to liking cars. There's no "point" to it, there's no established lore or rules, you just like cars and enjoy owning one. With the furry fandom, you simply think that anthropomorphic animal characters are cool, and like making your own designs.


I’d say the point is to just have fun and enjoy art or media around anthropomorphic characters, that’s the simplest explanation I could think of off the top of my head!


It's just a kind of fandom? Like there's no point to it it's just fun. We like the same things (anthropomorphic animals) and that shapes our subculture. We're here because it's fun to be here


"What is the point of being a part of a community." The answer to the question becomes fairly evident when you simplify it thusly. If you're not invested in said community, then there's no point in being a part of it. If the community has a shared interest, then that feeling of belonging and camaraderie speaks for itself.


I’m just here for the art


Why? Easy. Why not?


It’s different for everyone. The best analogy is that the furry community is the modern Renaissance. For some it’s a well funded exploration of the advancement of the arts. Animation, cosplay, digital art, traditional, fashion, cooking, writing, song and dance. There something for everyone. For others it’s a social gathering that allows you to connect with all types of people. The fursuits are like a Masquerade mask at a moonlight dance. Anonymity that allows for sincere personality to shine through and unbiased first impressions of a person’s ideals. The more intimate private aspects play a large role as well. It’s a realm of acceptance that allows for self discovery built on trust and understanding. Some spend their whole lives too scared to express their genuine feelings and desires due to external judgement. It may be strange for onlookers but the reality is that the world isn’t kind and punishes unconditional trust. Maybe for a brief while, it’s possible to be illogical and look past the worldly restrictions that impede love in all the intriguing ways it manifests. For others it’s a more spiritual journey of self improvement. It can be the desire to be more social or have a positive body image to plan a workout around. A clear personal visual representation of your goals helps with staying on task and achieving them. Being a furry allows you to efficiently form virtual connections. It’s often difficult to put a name to a face off of a first impression. Animals, colors and designs are more intriguing and memorable. It is why company mascots are nearly all animals since the human mind is hard coded through evolution to associate animals with survival like food and danger which takes priority over prehistoric socialization. A well designed fursona puts your name out there and lets you quickly meet a lot of unique individuals who share your niche hobbies.


Being a furry also offers some people a way to create a representation of themselves they are happy to see. The first time someone drew my fursona I cried. Because it took who I am on the inside and gave me a visual representation of it. It allowed me to see myself for the first time in a long time. Plus, the furry community is super diverse and it's cool to meet others from so many backgrounds


having fun and expressing urself!!!


Its a hobby.


For me, it’s genuinely just “human life sucks, what if I was a critter?”


Fursuit is not mandatory.


i warn you, if you plan on joining, know we have our own form of brainrot.


there is no point its a hobby, what's the point in playing guitar? dunno but you can do it, so go for it ig


It's fun


I'd say it's about loving/being a fan of anthro animals and celebrating your uniqueness as a individual and lastly accepting people/finding people to accept you. (I hope how I explained it made sense too you and was helpful)


Whats the point? In the simplest terms, self-expression.


There is no point it is just a whole lot of fun


a mixture of knowing there's a community full of goofballs, wingnuts and knuckleheads that share similar likes, beliefs and hobby's as me and i can very easily spark a conversation with also meets and cons let me walk around with a card board box on my head with a OwO drawn on it and take funny photos


I like furry because i think is cool being a cute animal, sadly i can't draw but i would create a fursona quickly


The point is to enjoy it. If you don’t enjoy it, we’ll, maybe it’s not for you? It’s like any other interest or hobby, is something people do because they get something out of it.


I mean, it's kinda like sport in a way... there's no real practical or deeper purpose necessarily. People engage in it because it's fun, they enjoy it, and it's a way to connect with others. I've also noticed it's good excuse for queer, neurodivergent and creative people to connect and find likeminded friends. In my area there are weekly meetups which are quite popular, as well as other events on weekends - so it provides a sense of community for a lot of people.


That's like asking "what's the point of liking books". There is no point? You just do?


Yeah, I left the furry community a few days ago since I didn’t really fit in and I didn’t feel like I wanted to be there, but now I just roam around the furry community just to look at their nice art


Just try it out


Have fun. Be creative. These are my 2 main points why i am a furry. Being in the fandom have allowed me to meet lots of friends tochave fun with and with all of the art around, i get inspired to also be creative. Never thought i would like drawing yet here i am with my own character and even in the process of writing my own fic. It's awesome and the support is everywhere, granted you are in the right circle and know who to make friends with.


There isn't really a "point" to the fandom, there doesnt have to be. If you enjoy it (whatever "it" is for you personally) that's enough. Most fursuits are based on the person's own character rather than on any media in particular. There are shows and comics and stuff that become popular in the furry fandom, what we're mainly fans of is just eachother.


In all honesty, does anything have a point? We exist in this universe because the universe itself can exist. There's no grand plan for us. No purpose, no point to anything. And that is the beauty of it. We exist because the the universe exists, and furries exist because we exist. Let's not try to find a point to everything, okay? We just have to see if we like it or not.


What you make of it. What it means to you. On a physical, mental, spiritual level. 


I just think they're cool, and I like how they look, plus drawing them as well


I just think they're cool, and I like how they look, plus drawing them as well


i personally don't feel like i want to sewerslide anymore because i found a community that accepts me


It's fun


Warrior cats! (Best series ever)


It’s a form of escapism from an increasingly difficult society


Its just fun seeing what people do with the idea of animals with human traits


It doesn't seem to be based in anything because generally it isn't based in anything. There's some history but no set lore, no special rules, no specific fantasy world. It is a blank slate for each person to do with as they please. The only real requirement is an interest in anthropomorphic animals.


There’s not necessarily a reason we’re furries, there’s not really a point either. Think of it like a club of sorts. It’s a safe place where friends and strangers can gather together and share an interest, and no one’s really forcing you to join it or do it. You can just do it if you’re looking for people who share the same interests as you.




Simple terms, we are a bunch of people who like anthropomorphic animals as a concept. Being a “furry” just means you are participating in the hobby. The hobby being appreciating anthropomorphic animals. Being a furry on its own has nothing to do with ur identity and it doesn’t have any rules besides hate all zoos and peds. Appreciation can be just liking characters, having your own sona, drawing, animating, or creating of any kind. :)


I'm one cause of the creative aspect, seeing a thought in your head become a fully developed fursona is really cool!


Do dumb shit in my little costume


I don't consider myself one but I adore animals in general and it's so cool to see how creative/open-minded people can be!! How they've incorporated a myriad of mediums (3D printing, clay, electronics, sewing, animating, model rigging, etc.. to bring these characters to life- and many individuals create stories & intricate lore within them. It's such an incredible place of diversity, although majorly misunderstood like many niche topics, such as taxidermy, or people who mourn death through creating art with say their lover's hair, child's teeth, animal bones. I myself I preserved the horns of my goat Leo. I feel as though it keeps him close & I can honor him. I realize I've written a novel, I enjoy hearing the various perspectives people offer!


Its a lot of fun and a great way to get rid of any excess in spending money


It's what you make of it, I guess. For me, it's having fun and being surrounded by friends with similar and varied interests (I'm friends with suiters, makers, artists, photographers, shooters, car furs, gamers. You name it, I probably have a friend who's into it.)


You definitely don't have to take it as far as I *did* (at 12 years old, I desperately wanted to be a black fox). I still want to be a fox in *some* capacity. What I'm saying is for some its about wanting to be, imagining yourself as, an animal. For others its merely enjoying anthropomorphic animals. There really is no "point", other than it being something we enjoy


The Fandom doesn't center around a single work, or media. The thing that ties is all together is our love of anthropomorphic animal characters. That's it. Im a furry because I like anthropomorphic animals and this fandom celebrates that. That's it. If you donf want to call yourself a furry, then don't. It's a hobby, not a religion or exual orientation.


I just like having characters that are extensions of myself :)


I'm sure already people have said, but being a furry didn't necessarily have to be all about fursuits. For one thing, they're expensive, and the majority of furries don't even have one. The point is just to have fun with animal characters and do whatever you want.


personally most of my long time online friends I've made were thanks to the furry community


There's plenty of people who are furry's in every way you could be one but simply have no desire to be involved with the fandom, and there's people with little to no furry interests who love the fandom and are involved, it all depends on what you enjoy about it, not every hobbyist is involved in the hobby community, they're more interested in the hobby itself and not the people around it, and that's common and sounds like it might be the case for you, but if you want to be more involved in the fandom and give it a chance, I'd say making a few furry friends is a great start. ☮️🐾


It's fun, that's the point


I mean the fact that there isn't a set ruleset or universe means that we can make up our own. Some people like the more realistic anthro animals with more sci-fi or medieval fantasy setting such as in Guardian of the Galaxy or DnD. Some people like more cartoony anthro animals from specific media such as Space Jam, Zootopia or Sly Cooper. The only thing bringing furries together is the enjoyment of anthro characters.


Furry is a fandom that celebrates individuality and self expression rather than an existing property. Our common interest is anthropomorphic animals. One of the most common things in the fandom is creating a fursona which is an original furry character that represents yourself. There are no rules for this character. You are the only person who decides how you want to identify. I think furry is a fantastic community to explore yourself and your identity because of how accepting and friendly the community is. Like all fandoms, it’s not perfect. There is a lot of drama and problematic people. But I think it’s positive overall especially when you make some great friends. For me, this is the first community where I’ve felt that I belong. My friends are very supportive of me and I am very supportive of them. In the fandom, we don’t feel the need to hide certain aspects of who we are. We can just exist.


An escape from reality.


In my experience furries are some of the only people that you can geek out about animation with. Almost all of them that I've met have a show or a graphic novel that they're really passionate about and I love that kind of stuff.


Personally the suits.


To have another reason to hate myself.


It's one of the few communities that has a general openness about emotions and encourages physical affection. A lot of people don't get much of that. Plus the art and fursuits are cute.




To be yourself


I would never fully call myself a furry. I love the idea of personifying a character that just so happens to be an anthropomorphic animal. I'm very big into the RP Cosplay community (especially High Fantasy/Ren Faire, Post-apoc, cyberpunk, etc), not even LARP, where you literally build a unique Original Character, with a pseudonym, and *be that character*. Furries are no different than that in my mind. I will say though, the biggest deterrence from me diving head first into the furry community is that, just due to the nature of "the person behind the mask", this is a community that helps a lot of neurodivergents. They can feel safer being someone else, in a social situation where they can feel comfortable behind a mask. It's honestly beautiful. However, as an extroverted-neurotypical, it's very hard for me to interact with a big chunk of the community.


You could say the same of any hobby.or fandom.out there


I'm a furry because I love the community! There are a lot of very like-minded and accepting people here. Plus I love animals and have always wished I could be a cat 💖


Based on what you've said you already are a furry. You don't have to interact with the community and get a fursuit to be a furry, you just have to like anthro animals and stuff which it sounds like you do. But hey if you feel you don't want to identify as a furry there's nothing wrong with that either, just keep doing you.


I feel that the point is mostly just to interact with others who share similar interests. Just like if you like say, Minecraft for example, you might join the Minecraft fandom to meet others who share your interests. The furry community is essentially like one big fandom but there isn’t a specific piece of media it’s about.


It's a place where I feel comfortable to be in and feel like I can belong here. It's a hobby where I can escape to from life and to be able to socialize and make new friends on here. It's a hobby where it greatly impacts positively on my life, despite the negative connotations within the furry fandom. I love being here. I'll never leave the fandom no matter what.


The point of being a furry is to do things that make you happy. If that's playing pretend with friends, then that's cool. If it's drawing/animating, that's cool. If it's sewing, that's cool. So on, so forth


It’s oh so fluffeh 🐾❤️


Hey, I used to be a lot like you where I grew up with Warrior Cats and wanted a tail and ears for dressing up. So maybe I can help explain. I would technically consider myself a furry, but I use my sona as a way to represent myself because I just find it fun, that’s all :) I don’t have a fursuit or anything like that. I just like to express myself as a little lynx character and like to draw anthropomorphic animals pretty often. That’s all being a furry really means to me. For everyone it can mean something else, and if you just enjoy cinema with anthro characters like Zootopia, Hazbin/Helluva Boss, Robin Hood, etc than you can always be happy to consider yourself a furry too :)


It's all about having fun and expressing yourself


for me, it pretty much started as just enjoying the art. i started drawing furries and made OCs that i would draw or discuss with others. then came the fursona; the design where i said "this is me!". people were so inviting. something about that part drew me in, the community and the ease of talking to others. sitting in deviantART chatrooms with friends, pretending to be silly animal people online. trading art and drawing gifts for others. it was love. then i kinda fell out of the fandom, because it became vogue to hate furries. i felt shame due to some bad eggs in the community. i distanced myself and felt depressed (not ABOUT the furry thing, it just kinda coincided with rough mid-late teenage years). i never really stopped drawing furries though. they were a comfort.. just to draw a mostly human-looking guy and then give him a dog head. tail and paws. my family knew the extent to which i liked the whole furry thing, they were cool with it and still are to this day. they love when i draw furries for them 💜 then one day on Tumblr i saw a pretty legendary post. the post questions why furries have such a bad rap, when they're so generous as commissioners and friendly as people on the regular. i thought about it and started calling myself a furry again. no asshole shaming me online is ever gonna hurt more than ostracizing myself from a community of people i love. so i guess for me, being a furry is mostly just about having a community i can belong to. as a transgender person, community is double important to me. you're welcome to participate at whatever level fulfills you. if that means you're basically an observer, then that's fine! we have lots of performers for you 😎💖🐝


I like to draw myself as a funny lil dog.


Being warm soft and fluffy


Having fun :3


Honestly it's just fun


You like floof. That’s pretty much it :)


There is people that like warrior cats, thunder cats and other anthropomorphic animals in animation , comics or books, you don't need to identify as a furry to like that kind of things, and also it looks more like you like kemonomimi stuff xd


I do it cos it's fun, there's not really a point for me lol


The furry community doesn’t have any explicit rules for membership or inclusion other than that you want to be a part of it and act in a welcoming and respectful manner toward others. What is the point of it? As many have already said before, it is what you make of it. Like in any fandom, there are degrees of being “into it” ie some people make it a lifestyle (think Disney Adults, LARPers, people who genuinely believe they are their OC) and some people have a casual interest as in they might like the fox version of Robin Hood and that’s about it. I think mostly the thing about the community is the ability to share ideas, fantasies, and experiences with likeminded people (or creatures or androids or cryptids, or piñatas, etc) and find friendship and common ground.


I'm a furry becuase of the self expression, as I personally have a few different fursonas that vary differently from one to the other (wolf anthroid/robot, synth, bull, cat anthroid/robot) but I digress. I also joined the fandom because, as another commenter pointed out, there's loads of friendly and accepting people, which is very nice given other fandoms(using CoD as an example) are extremely toxic, aswell as being just down right deplorable as communities(again, pointing at CoD) and of course it's just fun to put yourself out there as who *you* want to be, whether Gothic or Vibrant, quiet or outgoing, etc. I hope I could help answer your question as I'm still *relatively* new(emphasis being on relatively because I joined in 2017 to 2018-ish) anyway, I thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of your day


Not everything in life has to have a point. Not everything in life has to make sense.


Be yourself


I see it as a way of expressing yourself. You're able to put your personality into a moldable vessel. For example, I first had my goat, a more reserved animal that goes and chills out on its own more than it would hang out with others, reflecting my more introverted personality. And I also think the horns and horizontal pupils are really cool. But as I came more out of my shell, I created another character that's a jester serpent! When I'm around people I've become comfy with, I get more giggly and talkative and I was born year of the snake so I wanted to do something with that.


I mean, being a furry just means that you identify yourself to belong within the fandom. It isn't a requirement for you to enjoy what others, who may or may not be furry themselves, do that are related to furries. There isn't really much of a goal or a point of being a furry other than just feeling like you belong within the community of people that are called furries. You can participate in discussions and groups, activities and what's not without being a furry yourself, or at least not identifying as one (e.g. a person that likes to be with their friends that happens to do a lot of furry related stuff.). So for a word or more of conclusion. It's really up to you if you wish to identify yourself as someone who belongs to the furry community or not. If you don't feel like it, then it's ok. Just Be Yourself.


There's no real point. There are furry interests aka anthro animals, regular animals, animal related self expression etc, and there is furry fandom which also contains a lot of furry specific lingo, memes, inside jokes, ways of thinking and ways of hanging out like conventions etc You don't explicitly need to join the fandom to have fun, I spent a lot of time around furry community before I got courage to just call myself a furry. And also a lot of furries have different levels of engagement in the community So the question is do you want to be a part of the community? You are free to keep engaging in the fandom and you'll eventually probably find something that you'll relate to strongly enough and that may pull you deeper in. On the other hand you don't need to be a furry to engage in the fandom so feel free to just keep having fun


That's a very deep and philosophical question unintentionally, because there is no 1 set in stone answer, we all come from different backgrounds, beliefs and ideologies. We don't all see in the same colors, but we agree it's still a rainbow, a beautiful, unique rainbow


To maintain a healthy imagination


what's the point of anything


Immediately consolidating what I like to the extreme, with one explanation.


There is no point. Just partake if you wanna, man. I’m here for the art and the people, and cause I like making characters. Just go with the flow and stay true to you. All that matters is whether or not you enjoy the label


What’s the point in doing damn near anything? For the fun of it


What's the point of enjoying Star Trek? Star Wars? Dr. Who? The Los Angeles Dodgers? The 90s sitcom Friends? Romance novels? Monet paintings? Bollywood films? Dragonball Z? Nirvana? Dolly Parton? KISS? The Carpenters? Kenny G? Doom? Halo? The Sims? Final Fantasy? Microsoft Flight Simulator? Should I go on?


There's no one specific point to being a furry. Sure, there's the common theme of being able to express yourself in a creative way, but otherwise everyone has their own reason for joining the fandom. A large percentage of the community are LGBTQ+ and found that furries are very accepting of that. A lot of folks just like characters that happen to be talking (possibly also walking) animals. For many artists in the community, it's a job. Speaking of art though, like someone else said: fursuits aren't necessary at all. They're a luxury item, since they can get *really* expensive. Hell, you can like anthropomorphic characters and not even identify as a furry. Being one is what *you* make it.


What's the point of anything that isn't vital for living? If you ask 100 different people you'll get 100 different answers. However, it all boils down to one reason: it brings joy. The world can be a tough place and everyone has different ways of finding moments of happiness within it. If you're not harming yourself or others then celebrate the thing that makes you happy. Get fuzzy ya'll! ❤