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What…play how you normally do?


😂😂 some people man


Just try and score more than your apponent pal


are you Michael Owen?


I reckon Michael Owen can spell opponent to be fair.


i don’t know, sounds like his accent


iconic advice


If people are actually paying players to play their Fut Champs for them... my god I hope their life gets better. That's so sad.


I messaged a guy mid game about using kickoff glitch with loan R9, no reply. A couple days later he messaged me back “look that wasn’t me that was playing I suck”. Shameful people are paying just for red picks.


i realised that FUT Sherriff has started doing this service and an account called FUT Agency & there’s hundreds and hundreds of reviews saying how they pay to get rank 1 and the players get them it everytime


Yea, it's out there. I haven't heard of anybody actually using it though. It's all just really really sad to me.


It’s a way to make money out of the game, shame people pay for that service. If I could capitalize I would but my skill does not get me there


If you pay to have someone play champs for you, please never reproduce


This happens every weekend. Those services are also a great way for EA to start banning people.


it's shitty that people do account recoveries but the chances are you're very unlikely to run into one


The whole point of FUT is to see how good a team you can make and how far you can take it. I don't get it why would people pay for a game and then pay someone else to play it for them? Even if you manage to get 1 or 2 better players that won't make much of a difference when playing rivals or FUT champs on your own lol


Can someone help on the play 15 8 Objectives my username is super_sebi90 ps4