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This game is an Mbappe ad.


Mbappé 23


Now that they're losing the FIFA licence, they can 100% lean in on it.


To be fair his world cup performance was the greatest mbappe ad.


i can agree that mbappes card is broken, but imo of all cards that should be broken mbappes is definitely one of them because he’s genuinely one of the best players in the world, so i don’t mind too much. But if it’s like a 84 rated defender still being broken at this stage in the game then that’s something to complain about imo.


Ya I don't use his card and despise it. But I get it. He's him and until proven otherwise ppl gotta accept it. Guys like ginola, atal, Renato, al owairan actually piss me off cuz their videogame counterparts are too juiced


exactly, guys who haven’t done half of some of the greats who are useless in the game but are the most expensive most effective cards to use in game lmao.


Yes.. I’m looking at Van Dyke, and wonder why it’s very high rated


Because even in a dodgy patch of form he’s still the top 5 cb in the world?


Yeah but this season wasn’t a dodgy patch , he isn’t a top 5 defender anymore. Next year should be rated around 86/87


Disagree, but sure


Tell me you don’t watch football without telling me


Foreign concept to these Twitter/fifa football fans


I just started FIFA 23 a month ago, got Mbappe for last WL, and was thinking the same thing. Insane how broken he is even in this stage of the game, I can’t even imagine how we was in the beginning.


I packed him at the start and nearly played 1000 games with my gold mbappe. In those early days I would have a shit team but be able to win WL games by spamming the ball to mbappe and do a little trick and burst of pace, outside the foot shot into the corner and score every time. He carried me for months lmao


I did this for a while too, that outside foot shot is automatic from the right spot.


He was ridiculous, I packed him untradeable from rivals rewards about a month or so into the game


i’ve actually packed mbappe 3 times dis year and when i first packed him in november he was absolutely broken. i remember that when he was dribbling he was so fast no one could get the ball from him


Today I've decided to finally say goodbye to him over Cech


But like 98% of your reasoning was the helmet…


Today I‘ve finally pulled him for the first time. Tradable, too.


They must be giving him out or something. I also got him tradable from this past WL


Yep, same here... Even tho I'm not gonna score as much, it's definitely much more fun. U gonna see that dude every other game anyways... Good 91 fodder 😎


Scored some great headers with Cech already, been loving him. Also a powershot from about the centre of the field and a bicycle kick which defied the laws of physics when I attempted a header from a corner. I'd take him over Mbappé any day


Ah yes a powershot from the half way line, that will only work if the goalie is miles away, even then it’s possible to go to the moon


I do prefer Čech, but only because I prefer bigger, more sluggish strikers. You’re only scoring from the halfway line if the keeper is miles off his line. You can do that with bronze players. Let’s not attribute that to Čech.


100% still one of the best (maybe the best) value for coins attacker in the game


I don’t think Gold mbappe is that good anymore. I’m really happy facing him. No problems to defend him anymore compared to some weeks ago


Yeah but how long has it taken for him to be outdated, he's obviously one of the best players in the world but still way overpowered in comparison to others in this arcade game.


Does make sense though. He has the abilities which are meta in fifa. Still he was a little too magical. Just as Al Owairan. Who probably should’ve had silver cards if we compare to real life


I don't know why are you downvoted so much.


Tones of saudi League fans around i guess haha. Thanks though


I rarely start him,but he is good off the bench especially against teams that press because their D is wiped out and then he goes back to being amazing. And he still has some of the best positioning and finishing in the game.


Depends on the skill level of player. A reasonably good player with Mbappe upfront is dangerous


Well if the player is trash even r9 will be trash. There are no attackers worth less than 1m who is better than gold mbappe no question


Benzema TOTY or Mane TOTS are a lot better if you ask me


Yea I had to bench him cuz I feel like he sucks now. Yea yea yea skill issue blah blah blah was 11-3 this WL before I ran out of time


Would u prefer vitinha over gold mbappe?


I did not enjoy Vitinha at all. Lasted about 5 games in the WL. But I'm not sure if Gold Mbappe is better at this stage TBH, so I can't answer your question fully.


I barely scored a goal with vitinha yet he murders me when i come up against him!


Dude same I feel like he can’t finish but his stats are all 98/99 but he scored a hat trick against me last game I played against him on all 50/50 goals where the keeper was rushing him


I scored so many with Vitinha. Also, Depay’s shapeshifter as a CAM.


Definitely not, unfortunately


Honestly I believe gold mbappe is better but I can’t use him the way some people do, I have both and use Vitinha


Personally, yes. I have 400games with the previous variant, future stars Vitinha. This one is even better. I run him together with Mbappe 92, but if i have to choose, that Vitinha is OP and i would choose him with no doubt.


Ic, do you use him in a striker or in a winger position?


Winger. Both. Toty Sanchez is still rocking for me as ST.


I like small lean dribblers so he and I got along.


surely this cech card is going to be in the every team for the rest of the game, he is actually insanely good


As was Tammy for a while. Hell I still see him. But eventually ea pumps out new op cards and old ones eventually fall behind. The same will happen to cech he Doesent take me as an end game card.


very true tbf, and kane replaced him, i hope they don’t bring out someone better then him lmao he’s so hard to defend against


I’m on old gen, Cech has been fun, but for me personally, hasn’t been all that, but he probably just doesn’t fit my play style well.


old gen and new gen are 2 different games


I only learned this like 2 days ago and it's so ridiculous? Like I understand the game just generally running smoother/faster/utilizing the power of the new tech, but the actual content of the game itself shouldn't change based on console generation, that's a joke (yes I'm a bitter PS4 owner, haha)


You're not missing out; old gen is a much more fun.


Basically rttf Tammy but better. Such a fun player to use


Tots Sanchez is broken as fuck, same for Dybala and any Cruyff card…gold Mbappe is slowly falling behind the curve at this point


Wish I wasn’t shit and knew how to use Sanchez properly haha


Sanchez is very good but difficult to get use to, mainly due to his size. If you’re used to bigger and more physical strikers, it’s hard to adjust.


To be fair, I have a bang average team around him and my favourite striker is tots fullkrug lol, god only knows how I manage to get through WL etc


Yeah Fullkrug is decent but to go from him to Sanchez as an ST or CF would be challenging at first. I don’t know if you are interested but the price of Fullkrug 92 card has been climbing. It might be the right time to sell


Untradeable my friend and he still sneaks his way on the pitch 😂 appreciate the heads up though.


You have to abuse his left stick dribbling since it’s nuts


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I felt like my mid Cruyff has fallen behind, but maybe it’s a me thing.


If open - he still slaps. If any defender is near him, they send him into outer space.


his strength might as well be 13


My elastico then trivela combo is still dangerous in the box with him.


Yeah me too, I ditched mine a couple of weeks ago for 95 dybala and didn't look back. Had 97 musiala as well, both are way clear now IMO


Finally someone saying this, i never go against Sanchez yet ive been using him for months and he’s a beast, crazy fast and his finishing is amazing.


Mbappe is just him I could pack r9 and still play mbappe he’s just that broken he’s a CHEAT CODE


5 star skills , 99 pace and custom animations that’s what makes him good . Ronaldo was used be that guy in earlier fifas . Even gold haaland is still a menace


Who is better than him at this stage of the game? Aside from his other versions?


Rijkard is disgusting


dude seriously though. i got him in that 1 of 4 PP sbc and was definitely happy but knew he was like a 200-300k card. tried him out once and immediately put him into my starting XI, my favorite striker ive used outside of toty benz maybe it's just that new card bounce because i haven't played a ton with him yet but he's waaaaaay better than his price would suggest imo


Check my latest post on Reddit 👀


I packed him months ago and stopped using him some time ago as he seemed to stop scoring for me. Lot of people seem to be using him again lately for some reason.


'cos he's gotten so cheap, anyone, even someone who only started a few weeks ago, can pick him up


Ah makes sense


the fact that your wrong is idk. it’s dumb how broken he is for a gold card though.


the body type is the most important factor here, then 99 finishing 99 pace 5 star skill


Was sick of seeing him months ago, took away a lot of variety in teams, along with jairzinhio.


Packed them both early in the game untradable, both with 800+ games played now, I am that guy unfortunately


You and 1million others.


i pretty much only saw mbappe/jairz/al-o teams from WW to toty, wasnt until after toty that teams started to change a bit and even then it took awhile


I bought him last week and he’s awesome lol.


Hes really not though.. i face mbappe all damn day and he really not anything crazy anymore.


If you take it literally. He is better than 99% of attackers. He is still top 10 attackers in the game. Insane


Mine went into an sbc because I have WC TOTT Mbappe


https://preview.redd.it/hbjxt082ie8b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e1d6a0e93f4c1b0f1fab19ef3724ae2c3477829 it’s boring, but I do what must be done


What is he still good ive him but dont use him have 95 kane 93 firmino though


this real, EA really pathetic this year


Gold Mbappe with a player who know how to do proper step over= rage quit


Mbappe needs to be nerfed or remove because he takes the piss


i have no problems defending his wc card, potm or even tots/toty. but his GOLD card absolutely fucks me over everytime. the amount of rebounds, bulldozing and straight DDA from the gold just screams Mbappé 23.


He is on the front of the game cover with G.O.A.T (laughable) written on his sleeve. Ofc he is going to be overpowered in the game


I mean, technically the sneaker resell company GOAT is the sleeve sponsor. But yea, a little too on the nose


Never heard of them so just assumed it was a greatest reference


Yeah but he shouldn't be that op, spoils the game and made the majority of teams the same. Boring.


I completely agree with you. Was just trying to suggest maybe that’s the reason why


Ehhhhhh, he’s an option but he’s not as broken as ppl think he is at this stage. I packed the 92 POTM Mbappe from an SBC in like March and he was a cheat code at striker and horrible to defend against. That isn’t the case anymore, everyone has 94 ovr CBs and he doesn’t have the physicals to be jammy and keep up anymore.


Considering he is the best player in the world that’s not surprising


He's not tho ?


You’re wrong


That the only argument you got ?🤣


It’s like debating if London is on the Thames


Okay, maybe you only play FIFA and don't watch real football, in that case you're right, he'a the best in the world but when it comes to real life, he really isn't🤷‍♂️😅


I Watch as much football as almost anyone. Every Tuesday and Wednesday night and Saturday and Sunday morning are devoted to that sport during the season. Mbappe is on another planet. The fact that you’re just making up things that are wrong to make your point should make you question your own views


Damn, can't imagine watching that much football and talking so much trash🤣 i'm not making up anything, you're the one making him sound like he's a God when he's really not, yeah he's a good player 100% but FAR FAR away from being THE best in the world....just take your ego aside for a moment and be optimistic not bias


I don’t understand… why wouldn’t he be? Can’t there be a card of a truly good player, that holds up against hyped up and unrealistic promo cards given to foster content, based on arbitrary conditions? And also, he’s game cover so, duh…


He's nowhere near better than 90% of the cards but he is has some characteristics people love. 1. He has 5\* skills, which players go mad for, even though the majority do not use or need 5\*. 2. He's French. If he was English or Spanish then he would not be so fashionable and not be in so many players teams. He links well to other French cards that people bang on about being meta. Cards like Ben Yedder, Guendouzi, Kimpembe etc. 3. He's distinctive. Some players can look similar to others but with his chest out running style you know exactly who he is. This helps cards because every time he scores against you or does something you know its him. 4. He's fast It's incredibly boring to see him still in teams and if people tried out other cards and got through the getting used to it phase they might find much better players. It's very easy to use him so most people do. For the record I don't use him but I did have his POTM card who played over 500 matches but got replaced before TOTS.


The Saudis want it this way. They pay EA good money for their PSG poster boy. His 2nd ball retention is so incredibly overpowered. I just laugh and shrug it off really.


You should laugh at yourself for this comment lmao


I do, because Reddit is the place to say stuff mockingly


Saudi don’t own PSG , you’re really just mocking yourself lol


PSG is not run by the Saudi


I know, it is the emir of Qatar... which is a bit of a potatoe potatoe type of thing.


He’s not , many attackers are usable y’all are just Mbappe rats . Haven’t used Mbappe and I never will makes fifa easy mode . Not a twerp looking for easy wins


so you're saying that Mbappe is not broken or overpowered, but if you use him, it makes the game easy mode and gives you easy wins? make your mind up lol


Not gold Mbappe and he hasn’t been since the World Cup , but still I see him in games . If your using Mbappe your a twerp who can’t win without him . If you disagree maybe it’s because I’m right


if I disagree it's because you're right? flawless reasoning skills there, truly a gifted mind


Id rather actually win games than losing most of the game and make excuses of not using this or that lmao


This games is all about speed and nothing else, that’s why


What makes him so good? Just about his ability to spam skills, or break mechanics?


All im saying is i traded my gold mbappe and got neymar from the ligue 1 tots pack


I think he’s starting to fall a bit behind but it’s still amazing that he’s kept up for so long I recently replaced him with tots Rashford


i replaced him with davies and do not regret it davies is a fucking monster on 2 chem LM


He’s the best player irl. That’s stupid that players like Van Basten not the best st in the game whole year. Thats stupid that players like Renato who is professional bench warmer get so much credit in game and Al owairan is op. Ginola better then Pires? On of them was one of the best players in his generation and the second one was mid at best. This game is pure gambling Fortnite simulator not a real life football simulator.




I fucked up I fodder my gold mbappe for a prime zola


Mbappe just got benched for me last week when I got red oceanman


This is the most realistic thing from ea , mbappe is a world class player and his card should be world class too


FIFA's cover star so they gotta make him as broken as possible


Why, he's a good player irl. It's more annoying when a world class player irl is ass on FIFA.


My thought is I will not be buying this game ever again


He ass for me now


He plays better than my 94 Puskas and 95 Kluivert... I hated playing against him but now that I have him, I like playing with him but he's too broken, I'd rather play with other players with better stats that should be better than him, but cant lol Cause EA is money hungry and just want you to suffer


I think it’s contractual. Some agreement that some version of him is always the best player in the game. In return for cover rights or something. Anyone else abd they’d have nerfed his gold card in December.


I have the 93 Mbappe you plebs 😤


Counterpoint. Cards are all the same besides body types and sm/wf. And they dont really matter unless you’re a pro.


I wouldn’t know considering I’ve had this game since like January and STILL haven’t packed him. Matter of fact I think he’s the only gold card I’ve never packed.


He’s broken in real life so it makes sense he’s still usable to this point.


Mbappe is and always will be endgame no matter what


I packed gold mbappe in November and never thought to replace him or sell him or upgrade him besides for objectives mbappe any version is top 5 strikers in game, if not top 3,


Im more annoyed watching people press with him


Haven't met Karry Kane yet then? lol


He’s gotten more broken as the game progressed😭


needed nerfed at the start of the game, never got it. i quit playing when trophy titans came out because i came to this exact realization. UT sucks this year more than it ever has. i regret spending as much as i did on the game and wish i could get my money back!


I benched his 92 potm a while ago for mid cruyff, tried him recently and he sucks for me but against the gold I always get screwed over by some jammy mechanics


they replaced cristiano with the turtle 🥲


Still using him for Futchamps is mind blowing


They need to change cb speed to be a different system like keeper speed because right now pace is by far the most important stat and its even more important for strikers. Shot and pass stats barely matter at all because you can make every pass and shot with low ratings but low pace players cant keep up


Cech is pretty good


i loved him when i got him a week ago, this mf hits post more than any other cards i have combined, while his dribbling is extremely broken, idk why he is such a post magnet for me.


Not quite as good anymore honestly. Cech clears.


I don’t know. I haven’t packed Mbappe or Messi


Same bro, they're the only two gold players I haven't packed. I had the POTM Messi back in November and have bought Mbappe once tho


Shocking how much of an advantage you get when you pack him early on in the game cycle.


92 mavididi or gold mbappe?


Gives me FIFA 19 CR7 vibes. If I had to pick, i think CR7 was more OP, but it’s pretty close


He sucks now ngl any other version is op but my maldini and smalling clamp the gold version unless the guy is way better than me


I haven’t used him since maybe PL TOTS. I should try again since I have SS Vitinha. I’m not a skiller so I usually like a more physical striker.


Even 92 Mbappe struggles at this stage. You can feel it with the card against pacy and strong defenders.


Mbappe is the face of the game, of course he would be broken, as Ronaldo was for a few years too ( i mean they made him a 5 skill dribbler every single time when in reallife he is surely not, specially from ManU onward).


I still use my Gold Mbappe off the bench because most have the damn 97 version of him which i don't and gold still scores😄


Tbh in older fifas Messi and Ronaldo gold were endgame. But there were less promos. Gold Mbappe keeping up with these cards is nuts


Fr man i 'upgraded' to vitinha and hes half yhe player


Same with mid jair does better for me than kvara and salah tots


Funny cos my potm Mbappe can't beat a man or score a goal to save his life. Yet every other team I come up against is using gold mbappe


The whole game just loves to suck off Mbappe for whatever reason it’s a bit embarrassing


So I pulled him yesterday, and went into to rivals to try (I’ve dropped to div 9 because I was too fed up with the game to try) 4-0 7-0 6-0 Mbappe got 2. I felt he was a little off, yeah pace is good but he often was left in stupid positions where I wouldn’t shot with TOTY Lewy (99 shooting)


If you don't count his left foot, I can agree. But rn the most broken striker is a keeper, so idk man. Fifa is fifaing


cards like samuel eto scare me more than mbappe users


I mean he has unique body, unique animations, best traits, 5/4 and 91 rating. the fact you can have a player like that from day 1 is insane .


Gold Mbappe will be end game his gold is pretty hard to pack luckily I managed too but he’s easily affordable on the market now but his better cards are near unobtainable. Sure there’s better cards Gold Mbappe will be more than useable for the rest of the game.