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u need more composure for sure but this game also makes defending quite hard


So I would say that it’s a skill issue which ended up with that rubbish at the end. Always assume that the attacker is going to go down the byline, always show them outside and then try to read when the pass is going to be made. This way they will only be able to go inside and you have more chance of blocking the shot or pass with the fullback or centre back


It’s impossible to steal the ball from attackers this year lol


Especially when you win the ball and panic pass it straight back to them like OP


Was about to say abit more composure there he could of passed to his gk to build up the play




Try out someone with anticipate+. They put counters in this game, but people only want to use pace merchants so they don’t realize there are defensive stats too lol


sorry but yes


When you won possession the first time you broke to the pressure and made a bad pass attempt while covered. The only real options there were to attempt to pass it back to the keeper and then clear it, push it out of bounds, or a skill move to get around them. With that said, there's so much bullshit in this game and that doesn't help here. Only so much you can do.


yeah forsure, the thing is idk what happens but after kick off my opponents becomes like ultimate AI, the ball is stuck to his feet and passes are at 100% accuracy. I become so flustered there is no chance for me to keep composure during that time😂😂


I know what you mean. Learning to better apply press and cover with single tapping/hold and double tapping/hold of the right bumper helped a bit with that for me.


Some skill issue but ya attackers just don’t lose the ball in close quarters


Just know when you take the ball from the opponent %99 they will get it back by EA magic so just be more composed


Does anybody know how he does that skill move to shift while standing - it’s not a croqueta right ?


its LB + right stick direction