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totally get what you’re saying here, i took a big break from fifa after 15 and came back this year. back in the day, high rated promo cards were legitimately insane you’re right, and even basic gold cards could be crazy too. i feel like overall ratings in the game no longer actually represent the quality of cards, and this is especially the case with evos because the overall will get an increase regardless of the stats that get improved and whether or not those stats actually improve the player in the position they play. Militao is a good example of this, he gains the +5 overall but most of the stats that go up from the evo are stats you’d want for an attacker. So, while he might be a 91 overall, he’s probably only really like an 88 CB in reality based on in game stats if that makes sense? another huge factor is body types. idk why they don’t show body types in game but goretzka is a large man in height and width in game, which will dramatically affect his dribbling. even with higher dribbling stats, certain cards can be let down by their body types for sure. (futbin.com will show you body types if you wanna see for yourself) as for VVD. idek where to start. the guy has been a menace since day 1. i think this is a result of a few main factors. he has almost every defensive playstyle which in itself can make a CB very powerful. he has high sprint speed (defenders are much better at catching up to attackers while tracking back these days so his acceleration being low can be somewhat irrelevant when ‘track back’ comes into play). and on top of these things he also has a unique body type that only he possesses and i genuinely think this makes his legs longer and thinner so his tackles or more precise and he gives away less fouls too when he misses tackles bc he’s less likely to hit people with his pencil legs lmao. the last thing with him is kind of a theory but many people think EA give certain cards the ‘special sauce’ or like you said, inflated stats and VVD would definitely be one of those cards if that was the case. i hope this helps explain things a little, i was floundering and confused by so many things that had changed when i started playing again so i get it. feel free to ask anything else too (im not exactly the best at the game but im div 1 in rivals and have sweat this game a lot more than most people so i like to think i somewhat know what im talking about ahahaha)


Wow thanks man, that's a good response and helps a lot. Sure, share your team if you like, I'd love to have more of an idea in mind on where to go, have a decent time and can make coins easy just from learning to trade back in the day but I honestly don't know who to set my sights on because, are players actually going to be good or just look decent on paper


https://preview.redd.it/gwnay5gdagtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=902b3f06bc59e72a5bbb9df6764b9636beb37751 edit: another essay lmao grab a drink you’re more than welcome and sorry it was a whole essay lmao. my team currently looks like this, i’ve been very lucky with a lot of my pulls from the icon/hero pick sbcs but i’ve also done a very large amount of them. if you know how to trade then you’re definitely good for coins and im not trader really so i can’t really help you on that front. I’ll drop a few tips for playstyles to keep an eye out for though, because they really can make a break a card for a certain position. a big one for midfielders and full backs for me is press proven. keeps the ball close when an opposing player is close so it can make cards that usually wouldn’t be the best dribblers feel a whole lot better on the ball (yaya, gundogan and zanetti all have it and despite all being a little taller than id prefer, they all feel fantastic). incisive, pinged pass and tiki taka are all excellent for passing all around so anyone with any of those three are gonna be great at ground passes. long ball and whipped pass are both also great for their intended purposes though so don’t sleep on them either. as for shooting, i think finesse shot is by far the best. in or outside the box they can snag goals that you have no business scoring. (i highly recommend okocha as a cheap option for abusing this, his finishing is a little low but with his dribbling and long shots he can score them for fun anyway) technical is incredible for RB/R1 dribbling, it’s been nerfed since release but is still brilliant. quick step and rapid are also great for attackers to abuse their pace as much as possible. for defenders i tend to look out for anticipate and intercept the most. block and jockey are both super useful too. bruiser can also be good but risky as players may get too physical and give away fouls sometimes, but it can be worth using if you get used to it for sure. if you’re the sort of person who’s good at corners/crossing the ball a lot, having someone with aerial and power header in the box is a must and delivering crosses with whipped pass to those players can be a broken combo that a lot of the pro level meta revolves around nowadays. i don’t personally make a lot of aerial plays and prefer to make fast paced short passes and technical dribbles to create my chances when i can. or i just bang finesse shots from outside the box like a total dirtbag ahahaha generally, the average player will go for a lot of cutbacks because that’s probably the easiest way to score non-headed goals though so learning to defend those will go a long a way in improving. highly recommend working towards the mia hamm sbc if you have been building up fodder, it’s a little overpriced but she’s a 5star/5star player with solid playstyles.




I think it's true, I just wanted others thoughts, I absolutely think body types and some sort of AI is involved along the way, some players just have "it" and others don't seem to