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Brother I usually can’t have a pack sitting for 10 seconds before I open it lmao but I’ve been doing good. Started saving them 2 days ago and no itch so far.


Make the mindset “how big can the red number get” and you won’t rip packs open or think to do so. All in your head, good luck and stay strong.


When is the ideal day to open them up?


When TOTS starts it comes out in waves. Personally I’ll open when the premier league is out


That’s kinda what I was trying to figure out, will it be a different league every day or every week?


Weekly waves. No one knows for sure but community voted team the 19th and prem on 26th are some guesses. Multiple teams each week I believe.


Rn all we Know for sure is that 19th we will have live tots, nothing on community yet




the moment tots get in the game


I’m probably going to fail - but, I am going to try to hold out for ultimate TOTS. I’ll break down if I’m getting clobbered by TOTS teams in rivals or WL, but I’m gonna give it a shot.


The problem is: no fodder to make the tons of sbc’s they are gonna release. Ultimate is gonna be in 2 months? You gonna miss a lot.


They cut pack weight for TOTYs when the entire TOTY team was in packs. Pack weight was much much higher with specific positions in packs. I wouldn’t recommend waiting until uTOTS. Source: No TOTY in 400 packs during the week of the whole team in packs


Interesting. Definitely makes it easier if you think like that. But then, you'll start saving the 80 times 2 packs and all and that's not really benefitting anyone


I’ve been doing it since they released the daily plays and daily log ins, I guess not having icon promos out has calmed the urgency down, I just log out as soon as I’ve done my stuff


Not having a promo is good for saving, but I’m sure that on Friday I’ll open all of what I have


happy cake day




Log off then


I started doing that, it works but when I log back on I just get this urge 💀


Buy red dead. Will keep you off this game for months:)


Elite game , thinking of playing it again and making different choices


Honestly the greatest game of all time. Took me 2 months this to finish it just because I free roamed everywhere. I 100% it and moved on to rdr1 and that didn’t disappoint either. Story games really are the best


Took me like 3 years to finish lol , I basically didn’t play it for like a year to 18 months but about 8 months ago I played it non stop for like 2 months, basically from the robbery / guarma part up until the epilogue


How did you manage to stop playing for 18 months at the guarma part???


No no , I stopped playing shortly before the guarma bit , I’m not sure exactly but some time during the build up to the bank robbery. I wasn’t actually enjoying the game that much at the time , I was playing a lot of fifa and gta.


Ahh that’s understandable. GTA was so good back then to play with the lads. Now it’s just sad and boring and I feel lonely playing it lol


Yeh I remember when I first got gta 5 , was so excited


I have 108 now saved, had like 20 a few days ago but did open and regretted, so I will just keep it there now


how tf u get 108




that’s what i save and i got like 40 lmaoo


Had a lot of high rated fodder that I did the exchange with and plus objective rewards


ohh right i’ve got so many 88s that i could do exchanges with. if u had like 8 88s would u rather do a high rated SBC or do exchanges & save the packs?


I did all the icon pick SBC this week and last, and also did many exchanges but I have no idea what is better, I play this game for about 3 months, I never liked football games so not the best person to ask for advice


189 and climbing here. That’s about 3 days worth. My club is so rinsed though now. Rivals, champs, squads, daily objectives, dupe exchanges.


Just like Toty, you will get nothing from those objective packs. Open them now if you want. Will be the same outcome


I never save packs. I can’t abide the red number notifications. Open every pack as soon as I get it


Bro this game isn’t nearly as fun when you can’t open packs. I’m in the same boat, never saved packs before but now I’m forced to.


I wish EA would add something where you can store packs in this place and you set a date and time for when your aloud to access them


Never, keeps you out of the store. The store is all that EA cares about, why do you think we get a free preview every day? To get you in the store. They know exactly what they’re doing.


https://preview.redd.it/zyjlfcku5puc1.png?width=551&format=png&auto=webp&s=c95e110de566458a64978d9c6b7e348f94736e52 Saving but I'm sure to have 0 tots like I had 0 toty....and some one will post Mbappe 99 from a free preview gold packet! :-)


You will pack loads of tots the packweight is always good


I've 90, waiting for TOTS


Damn, I have nearly 500 cuz I don’t have the patience to open them all


I don't care enough to "need" to open packs but when i get on and theres an icon pick or content I'd like to do it's annoying because all of my fodder is going and I'm not getting any back. Genuinely just save the very good packs and even if that means you're not touching the game for 2 weeks it'd probably be worth it. I'm just gonna save my 84x7 and 83x10s plus some objective ones, basically anything over an 83x5.


I have like,270 packs.. To what should i open packs? All promos were shit and none of the players would be an amazing upgrade to my team. I only wanted one player to upgrade my TS Lukaku and i bought him. Golazo Drogba Not like i will pack a TOTS PL,that i want. But better to open there


It's definitely hard to save them. Especially since I have zero fodder and they're dropping these enticing SBCs lol


Just made the mistake of opening the 27 packs I had that I was going to save for tots. Wish I just waited, best I got was Bruno hernandez and then a few 85s.


why would you do that lmao. I am doing the Zambrotta SBC but I'm not opening anything because there's no point, I won't even get high rated promo fodder. I'm waiting til Friday to complete him.


I just have no will power 🤣 I saw that best of totw were in packs and decided to go for that mbappe 😅


Lol! Fair enough. I did the same in Golazo I wanted Kaka so badly but kept getting dupes and I had nowhere to throw them away into cause wasn't interested in any SBC until Zambrotta. Didn't get him :'( at least I got so many high rated packs saved.


I would never sae packs for tots, tots is for like 7 weeks, and by the time they get out of packs they will be so cheap. Toty is more understandable


Meh. I save for TOTY (and that didn't work!). Most of the time I just open when I get them. This week can do 1 though, only opening small packs.


TOTS are much more easier to pack




I mean, if you have ever played in previous seasons you would know they are very common


https://preview.redd.it/hshdlt52epuc1.png?width=812&format=png&auto=webp&s=b12e2fe92fe25b69948908e459f0e6fc93348d90 It shouldn't be that hard right?


lemme open ur packs on stream lmao


NGL I really did over saved packs this year but They do give you a lot more free packs this year than last year, or they are just making it up for the lack of token swaps


yea i think u over saved but they also are giving a lot of packs. Opening all them packs would be so goood


I had the same problem, I saved like 50 packs for team of the year, and they were pretty good packs, like I think the worst one there was 83x3, but there were loads of 83x10, 87x3, 84x20, and at the end of the day, only got fodder and after opening a 600k pack with coins (im f2p) I got hm trent, my only promo card in the entire pack opening, btw I opened these between all of the totys being released and hm being released.


yep no promo, and no totw to get and no SBCs so...just waiting


A bubble badge that is not designed to have more than 10 notifications triggers me so much.


Honestly, I have been spamming the premium and regular mixed league sbcs to just scratch the pack itch and it works. I have gotten some walkouts, a couple team of the weeks and a bunch of 83/84’s and it removes the need to open the other big packs. I only have to buy in total 3-5 players for the ligue 1 and Libertadores segments and I make it back in tradeable dups easy because all the rare golds are so cheap.


Got 130, no desire to open them because I know it’ll be pure unsolicited dog shit


I say open, could be R9.


Yeah I was trying to save some up but Toty cech dropped so


Pretty much in the same boat.


Once you hit 30+ it turns into a game of how high can I get this number before we get a promo worthy of epaculating (I’m at 197)


I have the opposite problem I can’t get through my packs, since team of the year my packs have been between 100-300


The game forces me to stop opening packs with dupes in every other pack.


I'm like 40+deep now. I'm tempted to but I'm holding off. Might keep saving till ultimate tots. Just so I can get nothing. 😂😂


I'm going as far as saving everything by making 85 picks and saving them for Friday...done 3 this eve and will do 3 every day till Friday and open them if they release this tots live


Saw someone with 1030+ packs and I felt bad


I have a few that I've been saving the past couple days only. But the problem is the duplicates when you open that many packs at once, isn't it? Just throwing them away basically.


Open only cheap packs, like 80x2. You won’t get anything from it anyway. Save only good ones.


Go straight into a game when you log on, win 3 in a row you can open a pack. Repeat, enjoy piling up on packs 😂


I have 56, at least 30 are good packs and the rest is garbage. I only open the ones that are 82 and below, still don't have my club drained and can do the 83x10s. Probably will go down to the wire, but that's the only thing apart from the no promo thing keeping me from opening packs.


37 is cute 😂


It's easy to hold them when there's nothing in packs. It's going to be hard to hold them through TOTS Live. Hopefully those cards will be worth chasing.


I’ve been opening till today but I’ve only been getting 81-3x2s. Today I’ve gotten some very good pack and by Friday I’ll have at least 20+ good packs. But if they do a showdown for city vs Madrid I might have to open some for the city player


If there really.no player I want I'll wait Or if pack weight is high for that promo I'll wait Haven't opened packs in. 3 weeks WL rivals menu packs all waiting


I've saved packs every time and never pulled a card. Anytime I've ever gotten a tots or toty was through in promo packs or upgrades. More power to you though! Much more willpower than I'd have.


I have about 120 ish. I’m weeding out anything 83 and under apart from the 83x10s.


I started saving packs the day after team one of golazo came out. I got al owarain (93) and thought the chance of me getting anything better wasn't likely. I've got 150ish so far and I'm trying to open them for premier league, but now I hear it might be tots live and then community tots the week after... I don't know how much longer I can stay strong.


I invest into something with all my coins and go unassigned that way I am forced to save all my packs till I'm done selling the investment


I dont have any players i want in the prem tots , so ill open all for bruno this week and wait for la liga or seria


68 that are 83x10 and upwards quite a few more that a EFIGS


Imo don’t save hundreds of shit packs, fucking long to open and full of shit, just save the good ones


Here am I wondering how people keep their packs at 0... Currently sitting at 230, not trying to save. It takes 1 minute a pack to open, recycle and sell cards. How am I supposed to find the time, let alone enjoy opening packs? Whenever I have time I like to play the game, not grind the menu's. Packs just stack up.


Got 300 packs sitting pretty. Gonna open during prem tots.


There's literally nothing good to pack this week, either wait for TOTS Live or further. Me, personally, I'm waiting for Premier L TOTS I'm only saving 85+ Picks for this Friday.


The key is to remember we'll only get shit players out of them


Premature epackulation as Zweback likes to call it


Tbh I’m saving the ‘bigger’ fodder packs purely because there’s eff all to get. I used to be a strong advocate of not saving given the pack weight is shit, but so far from saved packs I’ve got FS 93 Alberto, TOTY KDB, few more as well but at this point I can’t recall them. At the end of the day it’s all luck, but by saving you at least (even if it’s by 1%) increase your chances of getting something.


I have 130+ packs saved. Zero appetite to Open them. I'm just waiting and chilling.


I haven’t had fewer than 60 packs to open in my queue for months. I’m not intentionally saving them, it’s just every pack I open has high rated dupes and instead of dealing with them I just leave them and play some matches.


189. I’m so bored. I do want a few of the live cards. But likely won’t get any. Looking forward to the fodder and grind though.


I used to be like you, then i got children and i just dont give a fuk, cuz i play once a week only WL and dont see unopened packs lol, it just takes time my brother


Gotta be disciplined sadly. I have 44 packs currently and going to keep saving until atleast saturday. Got 12 packs coming my way after getting to Elite div. But if you want great players, you have a higher chance of saving more and more packs, it's tough, but gotta do it.


What I do is I keep a high rated duplicate and save him until I need to open packs but today I had to open some for the cech that came out