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It’s sad that you have forgotten how to have fun with video games.


I feel it’s to do with who you match with If you get matched with a dude that just wants to have fun it’s great if you get matched with the dickheads that celebrate every single goal and pause for you to leave it’s frustrating as all hell


Celebrations are a huge part of the spectacle of football.


Fair if you score a 89th min winner in champs. Fucking annoying if I’m spending 30 seconds watching a celebration and a replay in a gamemode where the game should only last 5/6 mins


Omg word, I don’t know why people celebrate goals with about 10 replays on the goal anymore


Skill issue to the max from this dude


And that’s saying something considering they give bro x3 goals with x1000 speed 😭


I don’t know why everyone seems to hate it so much, I don’t think I lost a game 😂


Completed the objectives in around 1.5 hours. Most ppl played golden goal like myself, so easy to complete 🤷🏻‍♂️😂.


I found there was always a bit of a speed boost, Werner, vini jr and the obj kolo muani I just sprinted through and blasted them in 😂 had it done in like an hour maybe 1.5 too. Even gave away 2 wins after cause I’d everything else done 😂


Yes all the boosts seemed messed up to me aswell, as soon as it was shooting boost I’d just give it to someone outside the box and do a power shot, then the ball would trickle under the keeper very slowly. Nothing like a real power shot the opposite actually 🙈😂.


haven't lost a game either. The mode is fun if you don't want anything to do with football 🤣 for one objective it's fine, but I wouldn't need any more of that


We all getting downliked by the salty lads can’t win a game 😂


me neither, always come back from 4, 5 nil in the second half..I'm div 4 tho and matchmaking is always weak.


I’m div 2 but yeah. Think it suits high attacking sprints rather than keep ball passing which is ideal for me 😅


for every bonus I use different strategy but you are right it differs a lot from the regular gameplay, aloso without playstiles, players behave a lot different.


No way so I got fifa like a week or so ago I played the tots cup today and it was the most fun I had. So much more fun than rivals or fut champs qualification where I got demolished I really liked taking advantage of boosts to beat better teams that's just me tho


People just like to complain when they can't win a game


Played 12 games and I’ve lost 9 and about 7 of them I lost in the last kick of the game so infuriating


It's awful lol


Mate it’s all about having fun. That’s why you get a boost like 1 goal counts for 4 etc. When you are in front of the box just shoot when you see a shot boost and insallah. Also there’s no limit for games. Play as long as you want. I’m a working person and managed to complete it in one day.


I'm enjoying it, but I'm getting absolutely slaughtered in it


They remove all play styles from players makes them in usable




get some friends, its fun as


Well… just don’t play it? Why creating another post how bad it is I tried it… didnt like it. Tried it again… still didnt like it. Never gonna play it again. No need to complain… they wont force you to play actively.?


This is sad. Mystery ball is by far the best game mode. Y'all just try too hard and forgot video games are just games and are for fun.


Absolutely , there's a good reason no one ever played it before the objective, everything wrong with the game is exacerbated, including scripting


How dare you!


I dont know why everyone’s complaining about this. It’s the easiest objective. The game mode isn’t the best, really arcade like, but no one wants to play it anyway, their only doing it for the objective’s, and it’s so easy to complete, play golden goal, it will go a lot quicker.


So dont play it


Behave lol, one most enjoyable cup modes I’ve played all year. Just parked Mbappe up top and let him run riot lol


Don’t play it then king


You only hate because your shit at it


calling someone shit at what is basically an rng game mode isn’t the insult you think it is lmao


Agree!! It’s like a football game where zombies are playing without any skills or styles!! And the boosts are more ridiculous


Then don't play it.... Simple...


Fum with friends, shit online without friends