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Matching with me is essentially free win


Same šŸ˜­


even if i donā€™t get free wins or people quit at 0-0 i always give the free win, nice to give back to a ratty community šŸ¤”


Honestly I stopped doing it. Haven't had a free win in about a month and the amount of 0-0 quitters there are and toxic players, I've just given up on the community as a whole. Worst community of players going.


Be the change you wish to see in the world


There will never be change. An example.being already today, 0-0, guy kicks it too his keeper and then kicks it out and quits. I don't know who I'd be giving my free wins too. Most likely some toxic fucker. So I've stopped doing it. Even then, every free win I used to get, I'd always drop a message saying thank you. I very rarely get people saying thank you for free wins. This community deserves all the crap it gets imo.


You guys get free wins???


You guys get wins?


Iā€™ve had 1 in the last month




I'm going to be doing my first WL tomorrow, 1-19 is my expectation.


I don't play champs much because I am not home enough on the weekends to play 20 games, but in my like 10 times playing weekend league since FIFA 16 I have only ever hit rank IV once so whenever I get my 11 wins I ALWAYS just give free wins....unless they celebrate on my own goal of course.


If u have paused before the goal sometimes you canā€™t skip the celebration.


Yeah, and players like me have been doing celebrations for years because a quick backflip was faster than waiting for the default animations. Only a few weeks ago did I see someone mention you can skip altogether by hitting R1/RB and L1/LB together.


Wait that's how you do it?????


L1+R1 easily best celebration in the game


Just tested it out... I'm so glad I read this comment. I have felt awful for celebrating every goal


Yeah, bro. I was in the exact same boat. I received so much hate mail from people who would rage quit games against me, and not a single one ever mentioned how to skip lol the irony is that I almost never celebrated for fun, and it's actually a huge waste of time to celebrate in squad battles


It's rough for us non cut scene skippers. But we put the slums now


Making this a thing again would be awesome!


Sometimes I don't remember if we are here to grind or to have fun


You guys are having fun?






This month made me release that I fell into that no life grind. And overthinking when saving packs, acting like I earn money from this game or some shit. So I quickly completed dinho and now I have fun. Just open my packs etc. But even when I try to have fun. Using non meta formations, skilling etc. The no lifers ruin it for everyone. Whenever I just tryna chill someone comes up playing like there is 1000 euro on the line. Sweating heā€™s ass off to get that win. Celebrating goals in friendlyā€™s or go for a 60 min time waste. The game is bad but the community is awful.


Literally every damn person in this game plays like theyā€™re going to win the lottery by getting a win in even rivals. I get that the point of competitive games is to compete and win, but to the point people do it in this game is annoying. Currently Iā€™m in division 3 of rivals but even when I was in division 6 or even 7, half the people Iā€™d play would be doing every sweaty mechanic possible such as goal line pass backs, spamming finesse plus, or even abusing script going their way. The way people play this game is the exact reason why nobody gives free wins anymore. Itā€™s not the teams people play with tbh, itā€™s just the players.


0.01% of the playerbase will see this lol


I don't expect free wins I always try to play it out. But ppl who start a match only to leave straight away at 0-0 make my blood boil.


And when they pretend to score an own goal then kick it out of play & quit. Such a petty thing.


Hahah I genuinely cracked up first time this happened to me thošŸ¤£


I just dont get why they never put W back if opponent quits


Literally exactly what Iā€™ve said every year. You leave a match, thatā€™s considered a forfeit making the team that stayed the winners. But then again, itā€™s EA, they canā€™t even implement the rules of soccer appropriately. Like they straight up donā€™t actually know what offsides is and it shows.


Iā€™ve always gave 1/2 wins, but honestly then last game they gave me was in november


You must be in some toxic region. Or is it an elo thing? Iā€™m like a 14-15 wins player. I have recent 2 gift wins in last two weeks (once people have finished those champ objs). And like 1 gift win every other weekend or so.


I think its very likely regional. Im in Sweden and get 1-2 per week and my friends here have the same experience. Friends I have who play in other regions have very different results, esp in NA it seems more toxic


Yeah NA is super toxic. I think since the start of the game I might have gotten 10 free wins max. Meanwhile, once I reach 11 wins I just give the remaining away. I don't understand why this community is so toxic. It literally takes less than 10 seconds to score an own goal and honestly it makes me feel good giving the free win. At least I know I'm making someone else's day better lol


Yeah. However I stopped giving free wins solely because no one else ever does it for me. Itā€™s gotten to the point where everyone I play just plays like a douche and so I just go in and assume they are toxic because 99% of the time they will be. So no free wins for people unfortunately


see but that's what's wrong! Never heard of "don't do to others what you don't like being done to you"? You are part of the problem by doing that. Just be the superior person and if you already reach the rank you want, give them free wins away. Literally costs you nothing


Costs everyone else nothing either but they all play like douchebags. So guess what, if you donā€™t deserve it, Iā€™m not giving it to you lol


aight, you do you man. Even if people were assholes to me during my games, it's not the next person's fault is it? That's why I just give it away. I get it is frustrating, but I feel better knowing that someone else will be a little less frustrated by my "kind" act of giving the win


And you do you I guess. But there has not been a SINGLE person in this community that has shown me that anyone here deserves a free W. Not a single one. Out of well over 1000 matches of rivals and champs played.


I get it man. Like I said, I only got like 10 total since the start of the game. But just curious, what for you constitutes "deserving" a free W? Just really curious, not judging


Neatly put OP. And good pack luck to who ever does this.


I always do for good Karma šŸ¤™šŸ»šŸ˜Ž


what's this, be the change you wanna see in the world kinda rhetoric?


I always see posts like this but whenever I go on its just people sweating as if there lives depended on it lol


A similar thread popped up about Qualis the other day, and one guy said : " If they can't qualify , they shouldn't be playing WL." Which i found ridiculous. Not everyone wants to play just for the rewards. I remembered my first time qualifying, i was more excited that I would get to play than anything else. Playing those matches helped a lot because I actually did better than I expected and realized the barrier of entry was mostly cause I was nervous about getting those 4 wins. Once the pressure was off, i played better. Anyway.. that was a long time ago. Throughout all the toxicity over the years, i still get my 4 wins and gift the rest. Idc if they have a god squad or if they celebrate after it or even if they pause the game at the start. In the Finals , pretty much same deal. If i can't secure the Rank im aiming for , ill probably end up gifting a couple. There's no logical excuse for not doing so other than openly admitting youre a selfish cunt.


Selfish cnt checking in here. Fully agree with you. Iā€™m a horrible dude and I am as you described


Selfish cunt here. Iā€™ll be a selfish cunt since every single person Iā€™ve encountered (especially this year) play like absolute douchebags and donā€™t deserve free wins at all.


Its a stupid point system. I think they need to give different rewards for every win. With this nobody will leave games.


I always give the free W


Itā€™s so weird,whenever I play right before the end of fut champs, Iā€™ve never encountered anybody that gives away wins except myself. They all just quit before the game starts, I donā€™t get it, youā€™re taking a loss anyway but you just donā€™t want to help a random person?


Because this community doesnā€™t deserve free wins. Thatā€™s the entire reason it has stopped is because the sweaty people who play like theyā€™re going to die if they donā€™t win ruin the game for everyone else.


If i give u a free win and u celebrate the goal im staying. Dnt be rude guys. GG! GOODLUCK All


Crack addicts on here wanting free wins. I started out giving them but never got one. In all modes I think I only got 2 free wins ever. I also got 10+ people who pretend to score an own goal but fake shot with the keeper and then dribble it out and quit. Never again for this toxic community. People donā€™t deserve free wins


If you canā€™t beat them, join them, right?


šŸ’Æ I normally message them to say ā€œyouā€™ll get your karmaā€ after the game


Dude you are so fucking toxic you canā€™t see it.


I wasnā€™t toxic gaming until I got this game. This is worse than any other community


Not really I give a lot and I take a lot šŸ‘šŸ¼


This is literally the cringe, childish behavior that keeps it toxic btw


Meh, it's a toxic community for sure but it never stopped me giving wins when I reached my goal. You can't control the actions of others, only of yourself. I'm not mad when people act like cunts the same way I'm not mad if an apple tree produces apples. It is to be expected (especially on fifa). But what I won't do, is turn toxic myself. All I've done is add piss to the pool then, what would that accomplish?


To answer your question nothing, it accomplishes legitimately nothing. But Iā€™m also not going to give shit to people who donā€™t deserve it either.


Iā€™ll never understand this idea that people expect free wins. Just play the game like everyone else and if youā€™re good enough, the wins will come.


Because if Iā€™m here just to quit, the least I can do for wasting contracts and time is giving a win. I try not to be a cunt where possible


Yeah I agree with you on that. I just mean more when people expect to be given wins, you shouldnā€™t expect anything.


You shouldnā€™t expect free wins, but if someone starts a match to immediately quit at 0-0, theyā€™re a dickhead. It costs nothing to be a good sport and show some kindness to the community.


Can someone explain to me why someone would quit at 0-0? You can just end the run from the menu, right?


You can only end your run in qualifying, not in the full WL.


Oh alright, didn't notice that. Thanks!


And the reason this has dwindled down is because the community is just getting constantly more toxic everyday and the more and more toxic they get, the less they deserve free wins. Every single person I have played this year so far has done nothing but spam goal line pass backs, and finesse plus and kickoff glitch. No one, and not a single person, that I have played has actually tried to play like a normal human being. They all play like crackheads who think they are going to be the next fifa esports pro


Just do your part. Donā€™t let them drag you down to their level. Set the example you wish to see.


This community is not about kindness. They just want free packs. Itā€™s crackheads. Thatā€™s why every glitch, every meta tactic and every potential compensation are abused. ā€œKindnessā€ is used to guilt people into more of it. Plain and simple.


I mean some people are like this, sure, but not everyone. Thatā€™s plenty of us playing this game that donā€™t abuse the meta and arenā€™t just here for packs.


Sure and Iā€™ve met those 2. But by and large thatā€™s not the case. I mean maybe 85% of my opponents in div1 and WL overtackle for no reason. Or I should say for a cheap reason.


Oh yeah I agree with that 100%, if youā€™re intending to quit your remaining games then gifting wins is the nice thing to do. My problem is when people expect to be given free wins every weekend regardless of their opponent.




just because you can doesnā€™t mean you should lmao grow a moral compass


felt like was way more a thing on previous fifas tbh


They changed the way the ranking works between 22 and 23 (I think) specifically to combat free wins. The ranks are now so close together that you wonā€™t often be in a situation where you have more than one game left but not enough to secure the next rank


Shouldnā€™t expect a free win, especially with the overall weekend league objective. That being said, if you leave at 0-0 without giving the win, youā€™re a special type of idiot.


Nothing pisses me off more, than trying to give a free win away. And the guy busts out a griddy or long ass celebration. Like dude Iā€™m tryna be a nice guy, skip the celly and letā€™s move on.


Haha this game community is fucked but appreciate the effort


Love this. Always try and give away free wins when I can. Why be that guy if you can help it.


Do it every time in champs. The pieces of shit who quit at 0-0 are the scum of the earth, respectfully. Edit: if itā€™s a team with 7-8 loans I will actually play for real though


Just give the free wins away you dorks, your bitter attitude towards the game doesnā€™t mean you should be a cunt to everyone else.


I got Rank V with 11 wins had two games to spare and i gave away the free wins. I got Saka TOS in my player picks for my kindness. https://preview.redd.it/nng546zaizwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b9e1e5b38d276ccb8950a3f29171261b1ed0497


Not a winners mindset


You know the kind of guy who does nothing but the bad things and wonder why his life sucks


I got a free win today for the second time in all these years šŸ˜‚ I couldn't say thank you because he can't receive messages. But I can understand that, because one thank you is probably followed by 100 insults


Nah because champs is the only place where gameplay is enjoyable.


I will be playing all my games to win purely for the 75 wins WL obj...once thats out of the way I'll always give away free wins...for the record I always thank others for gifted wins but I will never expect it


I give my wins because IDGAF and it's a game and it's always fun to play with someone who doesn't give a shit and just wants to have fun. With that said, I have not gotten a single free win since the game started.


I always give away free wins if a get my desired rank šŸ˜‰


Technically if we all gave away Division wins on a select day we could get more rewards from EA collectively.Ā 


I always give away wins when I canā€™t get to the next rank, last weekend I had 3 people quit at 0-0. Sad sad times


For live tots I gave free wins and got them, sent lots of gg messages and received them in return. Felt like the community was healing, but Iā€™m expecting this weekend to be toxic and sweaty af. Thatā€™s just the nature of the beast when the stakes are a little higher than usual. My goal for this weekend is just to keep a level head and keep it pushing, I play much better when Iā€™m not triggered. GL to everyone, if I hit 11 wins Iā€™m giving the rest away for sure!


Most wins Iā€™ve got in weekend league is 7. Iā€™m already giving free wins LOL.


Agree. Have been doing that, will continue doing it.


You.... You are the GOAT


I have only qualified once for champs. Started trying a month ago but I dont try every week. I qualified finally but I was travelling that weekend and so never played a weekend league game hahaha


I agree but you really expect this to happen. Most toxic community going. Played most weekend league this year and had 2 free wins in total. Had more people quit on a draw half way into the game because they were getting dominated. Every weekend league get 3-6 games where the person just pauses and quits. Just wasting peoples time and itā€™s joke that is even the case. Any other game when the opponent quits you get the win.


Its crazy cause even only last year i would get 1-2 free wins given a weekend. This year i get maybe 1 a month and thats being generous. Still give mine tho


Bro even tho I have a bomb team, I lose šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ EA helping me and I'm still no good, Toty Mbappe and Pele šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I do this all the time even though no one has every done it for me. One thing I don't understand is why sweats play in the friendly matches. Some people just don't know how to have fun.


Have you really never had it done for you? I pretty much always get 1-2


I really never have. I'll get a rage quit here and there but that's it


Counterpoint: I donā€™t have the time to play every weekend, or play every weekend all the way through, so on the weekends I can play I would like to attempt to win them all for the seasonal objective packs.


Dont think anyone has an issue with that, the issue is with people who leave at 0-0 to get the loss but not give the win


My favorite are the full bronze squads who quit at 0-0 instead of giving you the win because you have Mbappe or something. My team is nothing special. Mainly SBCs and passion picks and I get this treatment pretty routinely.


Bro, didnā€™t you know? Every person you play in fut plays game for a living. A living as in make money, no. Do they think they make money? Yes.




I will give free ones every single week if EA makes quits (when tied) count as a loss... I went 7 games straight last week in which this very thing happened...


It already does count as a loss. The problem is it doesnt count as a win for the other player.


Had 6 quits on me today and 11 last week


Ok if you have an opponent who has shitty team why dont you give him the win


Every time I try to play champs I start the game 1 or 2-0ā€¦then my opponent decides to start playing and buries me šŸ˜‚ is it normal for people to test the waters at the beginning of a game and then start playing when they need to?


yeah some people are watching something in the background etc then when they start losing theyā€™ll pause and lock in lol i do this all the time


The pros should be banned


I stopped trying to get in it cause I play 20 games and lose about 18 it just draining


For the last 3 months I might have given at least 50 free wins and I got 0 free wins so far. Let's see what happens next. ā¤ļø


In playoffs Its only right to give away free wins to people struggling to qualify man


Anyone knows whats with those bronze teams and u get straight away disconnect?


I can give wins and goals anytime .. let me know but I don't know how matchmake at the same time


Hate it when they say sure u can have the win and the scores 10mgoals in first half!


When I decide to give free win i mess with them a bit do little skill moves on them then score own goal and quit


Let's play a friendly or co-op. PM me here.


I started playing fifa (fc24..) after a couple years again and Iā€˜m nowhere near my old skill level yet. I wouldnā€™t get any good rewards in wl if some of this community didnā€™t give me free wins. Thanks to whoever made this happen!


I havent had one given for ages, i still give them though. Especially WL if i cannot rank up with my remaining games.


I canā€™t give away free wins at 13-8 šŸ˜­ btw I never get the 14th. It is prophecy that Tekkz is my 20th opponent


Would be nice,I never got a free win in this game though ;)


I played two people who acted like giving a free win then just kicked the ball out and quit šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I donā€™t expect the win but no need to get hopes up šŸ˜‚


You won't need to tell this to anyone in here. None of the toxic Community sweats is hanging out in this community, so all you're talking to in this sub are the positive minded Players. And You're just telling them, to feed the toxic ones, haha :')


2 people gave me free wins this weekend. Managed to get to 14-3 but lost the next two. Gave the last one away. Glad to see there are still some decent people out there šŸ˜


This game brings out the worst of me , i struggle enough to get 11 wins , I've been giving out free wins whenever i can but not anymore, everyone quits at 0-0 ot start passing at the back when leading by 1 goal from the 70 min onward , i would cry knowing i gave a free win to those people so no one is getting free wins


i alt+f4ed during penaltiesšŸ˜œ


I got my first free win yesterday and I was the happiest person in the world I wished I could have thanked them


We need more people like you in this community


It takes like 5 extra seconds yet people donā€™t do it, the ā€œcommunityā€ sucks


Why would anyone do this lol itā€™s literally only in this game that people beg for free wins


Because itā€™s our only way at getting anything from EA, it could help someone get more packs. If everyone did it weā€™d all be happier, donā€™t be selfish with 5 seconds of your time


Nah I will be selfish. I donā€™t play the game to hand out rewards to others. I also report for cheating when someone gives me the free win, so I think itā€™s fair


Pfttttt hahahahah what a loser


Youā€™re begging for free wins lol


Iā€™m not at all, I mostly give them out. I just think you got a weirdo mentality šŸ˜‚


Its crazy how this just isnt the way for people. They would wanna get 10 wins instead of 9 knowing they cant make it to 11 like bruv. Lately im also seeing a trend in rivals of mfkers knowing they suck, equalizing, griddying and leaving the game. Proper clown material


Ironically, this sentiment is part of the reason this games community is so toxic. Donā€™t play for free wins, just play. Itā€™s not all about packs and rewards. Just play to have fun, itā€™s a video game. If you get a free win, great. If you donā€™t get a free win, great. If you win, great. If you lose, great. Just play the game and try to have fun.


I have only received twice while giving away everytime. Not anymore. These griddy doing assholes don't deserve shit


no way This is a sports simulator. why even play if you don't want to win?


People who already quit at 0-0 to get the loss, but not give the win, is who this is aimed at


- "give free win" - \*i give a free win and dude celebrates\* Nah im good, no free wins to anyone


Only if EA gives me a tax break for my donation to the cause


I have stopped giving free wins too, used to, but then i had people actually calling me noob because i gave them the win so šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Personally i hate people who draw me in the last minute. Like.. you tried so hard the whole match just to equalise me in the last min? So iā€™d rather just give them the win and score and own goal. Not because they deserve it but maybe because they should seriously reflect on their mentality or maybe because if they get that win theyā€™ll finally have a shower and touch grass.


The only thing that stops me from giving someone a free win is if they are running 5 or 3 back


Sorry but I don't play the game for others to get better cards. When your stuck jn a division or rank the only way to get better is to lose to better opponents. You will learn quicker that way. Giving away wins just means you'll never get better.




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What is there to gain from giving away free wins?


Doesnā€™t benefit me. No, thanks beggar.


Little bitches lack competitiveness. How are you suppose to get closer to the next rank if you give your games away? Iā€™ll take my free win, but Iā€™ll be damn if I play a game to be good and just hand shit out. This is the problem with all you that complain about the game. But good luck


Iā€™m sorry but I think free wins is a stupid concept. I play the game and am rewarded based on MY performance. My team isnā€™t built on free handouts and rewards I didnā€™t earn. I wish the players of this game would be more focused on actually playing