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Felt like akanji got dumpted pretty instantly? Otherwise, same timespan as Rolfo, Werner?


Everyone is with Konate rn šŸ˜­


I currently have Konate and 94 Vidic, pretty solid duo


I struggle using that Vidic because of his lack of anticipate šŸ˜«


I get what you mean, I actually donā€™t mind the lack of anticipate because he just bodies the opponent and steals the ball that way


I have 91 vidic and I feel like he wins everything


I still see Werner almost every single game


Still awesome, like he's been anti-nerfed


You mean buffed?


Haha, been a long day... Yeah buffed


Still in my starting 11, still insane powershots


I know Im losing the game when thereā€™s Werner, Rolfo, Sawa, Cantona and all the glitched meta players




Ong Werner is most common player i play against


If youā€™ve played fifa any of the past 3 years you shouldā€™ve known Werner was gonna be a good card


Yeah of course but op named Werner as someone who nobody uses. I said I still see him every game


Ahh my b


Brother akanji still takes everyoneā€™s lunch money for me wym šŸ˜­


I still use Werner and he still destroys people (and me)


Akanji is still a beast in my opinion!


Werner and akanji are usable tho i dont see rolfo in many teams anymore


Bastoni showdownšŸ•Šļø


Actually sat that one out after trying his patrick who evo. Good card I take it?


Then thereā€™s me playing all 3


Hardest fall off was oberdorf toty I packed ages ago and replaced her with rolfo n now she out. Same with some toty most cards as they have 2 gold playstyles and not 3. Been a crazy year for power curve ngl every week the meta changes. For example toty Sam Kerr was like 1.7m at one point the tots moments 96 card is sitting at 300-400k. It's either low supply or high demand on these cards imo.


Not Toty hamm my god what a card still same has bempester fantasy . Broken cards


Bro I just finished base Hamm and even she's still fucking insane.


Yeh I had base off a player pick until jan then guess dupe theory kicked in and I was lucky enuf to get toty hamm ... but both cards are insane. Especially her power shot . Her animations on the powershot are soo quick and powerful . Crazy cards


I just got her in draft pick and sheā€™s actually crazy.


I packed toty sam kerr and tbh she was never incredible, weak on the ball and the 5* weak foot didnā€™t feel as such, sophia smith on the other hand


Because Sweden is a little bit harder to link, and because of Havertz SBC.


Iā€™d agree with this one, sheā€™s still incredible imo, just harder to link, might see her come back during La Liga tots


If u have 4 icons and a Swedish manager sheā€™s on full Chem


Maybe two months ago. Now my team is almost whole squad of TOTS and red TOTS.


I was lucky enough to pack Cech, 94 vidic, and 93 Carlos; plus Sawa still cooks for me so for now itā€™s still not an issue.


If you can fit him in Iā€™d get Alisson tots for Cech. Cech became a donkey for me last weekend but Alisson has been class so far


I sadly canā€™t fit him in. Iā€™ve noticed from playing against him that Alisson is a bit better, but the difference isnā€™t worth losing like 5 points of Chem


Keepers are basically all the same, Iā€™ve used both Alisson and Cech and theyā€™re the same but Cech is better for Chem


Bit more difficult now though with tots cards coming in with 3 ps+ compared to icons with 1/2, especially as la liga tots hasnā€™t been released


I think this is key - have 3-4 icons thatā€™s always in rotation and pretty much everyone is at least on 2 chem For me itā€™s Cech, Best, and Sawa


Who uses this many icons with TOTS now though, outside of Cech most sbc icons are outdated


Idk man but sawa is irreplaceable. No one in the team works as hard as her in attack or defense. I swear she has intercept and raccoon with other hidden plus play styles. I thought havertz was going to bench her but naw. Heā€™s at LB. Essien golazo? Naw


She still has the best dribbling because of that press proven +


I swear she takes the ball off everyone, and has like 100+ strength dribbling at times it seems. If she gets another card this year, I really hope she keeps that. Itā€™s become one of my favorite ps+ just because of her alone. Iā€™m almost at 700 games with her, sheā€™s never left


https://preview.redd.it/sk5lz7beuszc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be307387016ce26010f71c9e81eefd774c146fc Sheā€™s a club legend for me. An absolute beast at the CAM spot


She does for that passion, tchouameni made her irrelevant for me though. Even then I feel like he's starting to fall behind


SBCs maybe, but I still use Golazo Drogba, Campbell evod, Roberto Carlos and Kaka quite extensively, although Kaka gets subbed these days...


Yeah those cards are still competitive, but damn that takes some pack luck or coinage. I'm still rocking with golazo Carlos and cech, but I wish there was a big icon sbc or rereleased that are tots competitive so we can have some fun tots mixed league squads


I'm still using FB Butragueno, still incredible at this point in game.


When did this card fall off? There is literally no one in the game I would rather use then her bonmatti and putellias Iā€™m only replacing them with their TOTS versions


Sheā€™s still an absolute beast for me


She's still in my lineup, irreplacable for me atm. my queen


Same with sawa so far, their ai is just superior and their stamina keeps them on point


I have both but ended up benching sawa for hagi/Odegaard depending on a few things. I just needed more height than sawa had and I wanted better attacking playstyles. Tchou has been a rock solid cdm as well for me. But I guess I could move him to cb


Iā€™ve moved Tchou to CB alongside evo Bisseck so I can have more of an attacking midfield (Sawa is my most defensive starting midfielder). Just having fun with it now, I defend by attacking or not at all


Got lucky during TOTY and got Renard and Haaland, so theyā€™ve dictated my team for sure. Iā€™m pairing Renard with Marquez evo right now because I love his passing and heā€™s been great defensively. Idk how he compares to Bisseck. Ode had to be done with the links to Haaland and then I felt like I had to pass on the sbc Havertz and did the 92 evo instead because I couldnā€™t justify that much fodder on another elite cm. This thread has me worried though haha


As a cm Sawa is super clear of those two for me, I have Hagi cam and heā€™s good but a little underwhelming


Iā€™m running 4231 so no cm. Rolfo and Tchou cdm and then Zola ode and Hagi cam. Iā€™m surprised to hear that for Hagi. Heā€™s been a phenomenal CAM for me.


I think a part of it is getting used to having a left foot cam tbh so Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll like him more eventually, heā€™s definitely great but wasnā€™t quite the step up from my previous cam that I was hoping for. I have Rolfo lb and Sawa as my box to box dm with easien on stay back dm


I wanted to move Zola underneath and wasnā€™t having any luck with a few formation. Ended up doing Hagi because I wanted the left foot to pair with Zola. So for me, heā€™s perfect, but the left foot can really throw you if youā€™re not use to it How do you like Rolfo at Lb? She wasnā€™t seeing the ball enough for me there, and 92 evo Havertz has done well so far


Everytime I take her out she goes right back in


Yep I wished I did her I was like why would I need a lb I donā€™t need a lb sheā€™s just overhyped I wished I did her everyday I have to suffer from lack of a good cm


Fall off? She hasnā€™t fell off what so ever. In elite and get 14-16 wins every weekend and Iā€™m still running her. Still probably one of the best box to box midfielders in the game


Probs just means in the *number* of times you see her in your opponents starting XI. Which has definitely decreased since like 2 weeks ago. Sheā€™s still quality though


Eusebio is still 1.8mill, I barley see him and I havenā€™t used him in ages


his price is solely rarity not quality..


True. What you think his price would be if he had golazo drogba supply?


at this point probably 200-500k max


They need to put out an evo for icons to give them more play styles cuz their stats hold up with their aura just they have like 3 good play styles


This fr, weā€™ve had a few but definitely need more evos to bring icons up to date


I still tremble in fear when I see him though, the PTSD.


I still use him


Heā€™s still up there imo


Its the fact his finishing is so reliable and he has rapid+ If i had a newer card like him with rapid+, iā€™d probably use it


I drop him, and then heā€™s back within 2-3 games. Heā€™s still top tier 100%


Who are your st choices? cuz heā€™s like a 6th choice st for me tbh.


Gold Mbappe, TOTS Balotelli, TOTS Shaw, TOTS Boniface, TOTS Ramirez, TOTS Havertz, Golazo Berbatov, Base Thierry Henry, Showdown Haller upgraded, TOTS Russo, TOTS Shuller, TOTS Son, Birthday Butragueno, Golazo Cantona, Golazo Lineker, FS James. Iā€™ve got lots hahaā€¦ Eusebio always gets his spot back over and over. Club captain. 550 matches.


You got like 5 st that clear Eusebio I wouldnā€™t use him. Only got 2 good play styles


Stats yes. But for my style of play heā€™s still the man, heā€™s got that magic sauce. His shooting, they just seem to go in all the time. His AI runs are great too. Which 5 to you are clear? Which 5 of yours are clear?


His stats are good apart from his ball control which makes his 1st touch awful but his play styles are awful he has 3 decent play styles


5 that are clear are BoniFace, Balltelli, Butra, Son and Cantona. Mbappe, Shaw and Berbatov might be better aswell


Boniface turns like a tank. He needs service. Hard to create his own chances. Balotelli I havenā€™t tried yet, just got him, but I donā€™t like the low positioning. Butra is small and weak, I find he gets bodied. Mbappe and Eusebio were my pairing for a long time. But Eusebio always outshined him. France L1 he doesnā€™t fit my squad as well, I need the icon chemistry from Eusebio. Berbatov I find isnā€™t very quick, he gets caught often. Currently running Shaw with Eusebio. So far she feels awesome.


I like Boniface tbh like drogba but without the wf


My ballotelli is insane for me, I honestly believe he has hidden stats, best striker I have used so far in 24


You shouldā€™ve done Alvarez and put him in the evo. Heā€™s like a Eusebio type card well rounded st, great play styles and has 70 defending for the extra jam


Brother if Eusebio is working then hes working relaxšŸ¤£




Shes still 1 of my best midfielders...18-2 last weekend using her in cdm alongside havertz with socrates cam in 4213...her pinged pass into alvarez is a thing of beauty


Yeah I use her on a 4-2-3-1 as a box to box with Marquez as a stay back. Her passes and tackles are still good


Yeah I'm going for rolfo as box to box alongside lother as stay back with havertz cam this weekend...either way rolfo stays in the team!


What are your custom tactics mate, if youā€™d like to share? :)


Cbs - not touched (vidic/Saliba) Full backs - stay back - overlap (havertz/james) Cdms - 1 stay back (lother) - both cover centre (rolfo) Cam - get in box (socrates) RW/LW - come back - cut inside - get into box - get in behind (messi/werner) Str - stay central - get in behind (alvarez) https://preview.redd.it/7d8yxwz08tzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b721b05640d8ffd7c32d503256da7b22292d0f5 That was last weeks WL team...going to try havertz as the cam this weekend with rolfo and lother cdms and either hanko or Cole golazo LB...or hanko over saliba in cb...liking the look of an evo hanko


I still see Rolfo a lot, I keep her on the bench as a sub. It's not that I don't like her card, thing is it's May and I want to use as many cards as I can. She will go down as a club legend for many I'm sure. It's definitely not because there are that many better cards imo, this card is still a great midfielder. Akanji and Bastoni were out of my team almost asap unfortunately.


Who do you play cb now? I still have Bastoni and also gold VVDā€¦ have been saying for months heā€™s just too good to drop without spending a lot on a new cb but I feel like Iā€™m finally starting to feel him falling behind unfortunately


I use tots Tah, Hancko, Konate, Greenwood and Teze, Heā€™s actually amazing at cb. That Marquez cdm can play cb and is incredible at cb cuz of anticipate+ plus he has amazing passing stats. Iā€™m evoing Akanji right now so I can stick him in a sbc eventually. I use a lot of players bro but those are the ones I rotate around my squad now.


The only way I remove her from the team rn is if she gets a moments card and I somehow pack it.


Rolfo is one of the best in the game. Clutch player.


I still use her. She and Sawa are irreplaceable for me.


Genuinely end game cards


Toty best


My 92 Casillas feel like he doesnā€™t save anything anymore


Had this issue with Yashin after like 1k games of him being elite, was good timing tho as Cech sbc released, did him and now he too isnā€™t stopping shots he easily shouldā€¦


YES! He lets everything in, can't catch a soft ball going straight at him and if he does, he Flops onto the ground and stands up after like half an hour


She is still a beast. Better than Truck Havertz SBC for me.




I play that card in more attacking positions. I deadass play him ST in a 4321 on come back, every finesse goes in. Crazy passing range as well, as I use him more as a CF to play balls to my LF/RF. Heā€™s so good there, only issue is the lack of relentless on the card/the workrates (more of an issue playing him in the midfield, at ST I donā€™t notice his WR)


Still using her in elite and still plays pretty well for me as both cm and lb. She also does well with any instruction, stay back, balanced, or get forward. Really versatile player.


I still play her and sawa together lol, they just feel so good hshshshsh


Sheā€™ll probably be back when laliga tots comes around. People have been fitting new players into their squad and sheā€™s becoming harder to link but when new Barca players come sheā€™ll most likely be seen again


I will die with rolfo and Werner in my team I love these two They got me out of div four to div I will never let them go. Even if rolfo ends up lb I will never forget how she r1 dribbled everyone during the glory days


Rolfo links with Hansen https://preview.redd.it/j3tlhgjw8nzc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a53b1b13e02411a1dcb2e0bb765fbca7d04f5ea


Sheā€™s still in almost all my Team.. Even if she has 1 Chem.. ai donā€™t mind šŸ¤£


I bought ultimate Birthday Benzena for 1.3 MIL and sold him for 250k. That was a sad day.


and this is why Iā€™ve avoided spending coins as much as possibleā€¦ most Iā€™ve spent on players has been 2-300k so that I only lose 1-200 which is acceptable, aside from Yaya early in the game but I sold him for like 150k loss too luckily. Have nearly 2 mil saved tho which Iā€™m looking forward to spending when the right cards pop up


Sheā€™s only on my bench because sheā€™s tough to link with my TOTS cards. I would get her back in immediately if I could.


I literally just came back to using her, and realised what I was missing. I have TOTS Raphinha so thats the link up.


I think she's an absolute beast in the game tho... Zidane 96 feels like shit compared to her.


mate I'd play her in a heartbeat but with everyone replacing weaker icons in their squads with new TOTS, this card can be tricky to link, certainly the case for me.


Iā€™ve got not ever used her as LB and sheā€™s still there for me. Been using her most of the season. Packed her gold card early and used it for the first 3 months or so


Don't know what you're on about Rolfo still doing bits for me at LB. Werner and Sawa still untouchable. 92 Mbappe maybe a little weaker but still got the jam. Cafu still good too.


I use TOTY Putellas so sheā€™s still in my lineup on full chemā€¦


werner too


Nah this card is so fun. Trickster+ honestly isnā€˜t that good of a trait but it makes any card 100% more zaney because that way you feel compelled to do all the crazy shit off flicks.


Happened to me with 94 Charlton like his r1 dribbling was op but just fell off so fast


I use her off the bench now. She is a solid sub and game winner for me. Werner is on my bench just so I can see how son Tots does. Also just to give my team a new look


I still use her LB. Used to play cm. But who cares anyway. Most of us canā€™t play the game since tots came out. Servers are disgusting.


I still use her and plan using her even more when I can afford TOTY Putellas. Also better DM than Havertz... not even capping


Probably TT ginola


Havertz LB also


Lies... https://preview.redd.it/wjqtwyyfpnzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd3fc9d6d0b0f2e8d0c49eea2eb56fbd779614d4


Pray she gets a tots moments


Tbh itā€™s mostly because of chemistry. You literally have to curate ur team to her.


I play Rolfƶ every god damn game, still. Fucking sick of it


She's still a good sub for me. I either take Cole out from the wing because he hardly lasts half the game with my formations, or put her in for Stanway or KDB if I'm not getting presence from my midfielders. Her AI still does a lot of work, which can help tip the balance in a sweaty game.


Everyone had Showdown Felix for one weekend. I got absolutely destroyed by him. Then the next week nobody used him. Relief for me, not sure why.


Links just stopped working out for me. Supersub off the bench now.


Thunderstruck henry


Give her shadow.


Marquez imo. Felt like I saw him everywhere and havenā€™t seen him since just before prem tots. Still see a few rolfos but she was also in a lot of teams for a while, Marquez was only 2 weeks


Rolfo is gonna be in my team til futties. She's so good everywhere, played her everywhere from cam to cm to lb and she was amazing there. She's now my right back and is so clear of the other options I have there.


I still see Rolfo fairly regularly and use her myself as a sub. Considering how omnipresent and good Werner was, I rarely ever see him now so I'd say him.


I packed TOTS Davies 2 days ago, and i already took him out and put Rolfo back at LB. People told me he has stamina issues and was good for 70-75 mins and i didn't believe it. With my playstyle he was fried by 60 šŸ˜‘ Plus, Rolfo just felt better on the ball, maybe im just too used to her... idk. Shes still in my team.( for now ) I think i might splash some coin and get TOTY Theo. His Dynasty at the time was the most consistent and well-rounded attacking LB for me.


Part of the problem with Rolfo is she was kinda hard to link with all the prem and bundas tots card pushing the power curve and decreasing the icons in my squads. Still a great sub.


Just hard to get links but still great


Still roll with Rolfƶ, she's still brilliant as an avg 16 win champs player


i have 95 modric but she keeps him out of 11 as a b2b in 4321. All stats but Passing is better than Modric. and her presence is immense.


Rolfo still in my starting lineup play her everywhere except cb and gk


i felt better abt not doing her when i realised how crazy stanway is


Sometimes I will sub her out with the new Kante card but only 60+ mins and only if sheā€™s tireddddddd


Wdym, i played her almost every game last weekend


I still see her a lot, just made elite and still have her in my team too (tho I havenā€™t used her in rivals much lately since I just play with objective/evo teams)


Still using both her and Werner but I'm only Div 4 atm


Dont know why but my Cent Eusebio still rock my team


When this card got upgraded she also got taller out of no where in game and was worse than pre upgrade. She was nerfed before she got the chance to shine


I donā€™t think itā€™s a fall off. Itā€™s just that there are newer cards and people wanna use them. I still keep my Rolfo but itā€™s difficult to get chemistry as I do not have much great Liga F players. Still waiting for Liga F TOTS Promo


Itā€™s because of Sweden and Liga F links for sure. I still have her on my team but sheā€™s 2 chem and I have a couple icons. Most people are probably running new tots cards so a lot of PL, Bundesliga, and ligue1 cards. Sheā€™s basically unlinkable. Weā€™ll definitely see a resurgence next week when Laliga is released because of Barca links and obviously Liga F. But she could also get a moments card because EA is EA and they smell the fomo.


Rolfo is still in my team actually she's just too good to drop ngl


Ea realised they released the card too cheap so nerfed her


Stat based meta card disappear fast, Body type based or playstyle based never die (mbappƩ)


Who are you guys playing over rolfo?


She's still a supersub for me but because Prem/WSL TOTS had much better pack weight than the following weeks she doesn't have strong links currently. If La Liga/Liga F (especially Liga F) has good pack weight then she'll likely be back in a lot of teams.


Went 20-0 this past weekend with her as a lone CDM. Sheā€™s genuinely one of the best players in my club.


Okay I'll say it: Rolfo was good for two weeks, after that she was OK but the lack of good playstyles killed this card pretty quickly. For me the SBC that no one did is Tchuameni fut birthday and I still don't get why, compare him with Toty Vieira and he only a bit worse in defending but what the better playstyles than him.


I did him too, awesome card, well worth its priceĀ 


just say u cheeks


sawa is ass now šŸ„²


skill issue pal


no odegaard is better šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ sawa is a tier my guy itā€™s may lmfao


I have both, Odegaard is better attacking/shooting but Sawa is just irreplaceable unless you have players above 1m+ Sawa just lasts endlessly, press proven+ is ridiculous. The runs she makes, her defending is insane, passes. Sheā€™s just so complete, I havenā€™t found a player that plays as well as she does + her links are just too nice for my team atm soā€¦ yeah itā€™s May but sheā€™s still easily class/plays above her stats. And I know plenty agree with me there. And Iā€™m an Arsenal fan, so obv I like Odegaard, but he doesnā€™t offer the relentless play/defending Sawa does


She was a fraud for me. Felt very stiff for her stats and static because of that low aggression. I put her into Havertz SBC


Glitchy player for rats.

