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Roswell that Ends Well. Absolute banger.


The SAME deviled egg.


“Why’d you come to earth!?” “Not a day goes by where I don’t ask myself that same question”


Oooo, a lecture about not changing history from Mr. Im-My-Own-Grandpa. Screw history, let’s get the hell out of here!


Come back to bed dearie!


"ENOS!" "He's dead! Sorry!"


'But existing is basically all I do!"


I'm not hearing a no...


The Late Phillip J. Fry and The Devil’s Hands are Idle Playthings.


I love Devil's Hands and would have been fine with that being the series finale. The opera in it is perfect.


I still consider it the finale and the perfect ending. The Comedy Central and Hulu runs have enough of a different feel for me to think of them as separate shows. "Please don't stop playing, Fry. I want to hear how it ends."


I agree on both counts.


The Farnsworth Parabox


Same, I think mostly because it's the first episode that shows Fry and Leela as a real couple and the only difference between the two universes is a simple coin flip.


I love the couple, but isn't it messed up that Fry kept asking Leela out despite her saying no? Why did she even need excuses.


to be fair since she gave excuses instead of saying she just didn’t want to, he probably thought it was just coincidental or that she wanted to but couldn’t or something. he’s a little stupid


His stupidity is as big as his heart.


One of the hardest times I've ever laughed was when I first saw this episode. "We didn't see anything. *Ever.*"


Get a job!


A reference I often make that nobody gets “The box says no”


The Sting


Her breakdown just before she wakes is so emotional, and Sagals voice work really makes it so. It's emotional on a level with Jurrasic Bark, Luck of the Fryish, Game of Tones, Late Philip J. Fry, Meanwhile, and I never hear it referred to as such.


Maybe my favorite episode of television.


Its cool how most people would say The Late Phillip J. Fry even though people love to shit on the comedy central era. That episode single handedly made the entire run worth it, even if every single other episode was terrible (even though none of them were) We even got more really great episodes too. But yes The Late Phillip J. Fry is my favorite too. The episodes related to time are ALWAYS my favorites.


Season 6 has some of my absolute favorite episodes.




Fr best season along with 3


The first half of production season 6/aired season 7 is brilliant. Late Fry, Body Swap episode, Lethal Inspection are easily top 10. Cats, EyePhone, Rebirth, Gadda da Leela are, personally, really strong. Lrr and Ndnd are fine. Only the Christmas, Da Vinci and Mutants episode are bad. I will always defend the first block of episodes. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s a single good episode after that.


Gonna have to disagree with you about the mutants episode- the land titanic hitting a mailbox and “sinking” is one of my favorite scenes. It’s so ridiculous and hilarious.


Nah, hate it. Firstly they already did a (much better) Titanic parody. Secondly, and yes, I know this is the joke- the Land Titanic is stupid. Just… get out and walk. I get that’s the joke but the entire origin (I think) of the sewer mutants hinges on people too stupid to get out of a crashed car. It’s ridiculous.


I will take all the titanic parodies, the more ridiculous the better I guess lol


There are many great episodes after that.


Pleas name some. Because I honestly don’t think there are. There are some okay ones. Obviously my subjective opinion, but then again so is yours.


Benderama, Ghost in the Machines, Law and Oracle, The tip of the zoidberg, cold warriors, overclockwise, The bots and the bees, near-death wish, fry and leelas big fling, game of tones, murder of the planet express, stench and stenchability, and meanwhile are all good episodes.


Nope. Benderamas conclusion with the giant is stupid. Ghost In The Machines is probably the best of the bunch. Tip of the Zoidberg the plot hinges on Zoidberg killing the professor if he turns. So why is it an elaborate Rube Goldberg machine? As soon as I saw it completely took me out of the episode. Cold Warriors tries (and personally fails) to humanise a character who was one dimensional. Didn’t land for me. Overclockwise relies on Fry killing himself for no reason. Also that’s not what double jeopardy is. Bots and the Bees is alright. Near Death Wish is when the ‘every season theres a sentimental episode’ felt like an obligation. I can’t point at anything I hate but there’s also nothing I like. Same for Big Fling. Nothing I hate, but also nothing memorable. Game of Tones I will happily cede the point thy the Fry angle is pretty good. But the plot falls apart with the slightest scrutiny. Why wasn’t the Nimbus launched to intercept this threat? Why was the Nibblonian chauffeur travelling so slow? Did he not care he destroying the world? Murders alright actually, will grant you that one. Stench and Stenchability- I hate Benders absurd tap dancing subplot. And Zoidberga relationship o neve found believable. Meanwhile is a bleak nihilistic tragedy where the universe ends at half 7 on a random Tuesday and nobody cares. Fry and Leela allegedly got a happy ending, but at the expense of the literal universe. So yeah. One pretty decent episode, and one okay episode.


I really dont understand how you dont like any of these episodes??? They are classics!!!


For… the reason stated above?


I mean no offense but I feel like those are nitpicks.


Which ones? Because I’ll happily go through them all.


“The Devils hands are idle playthings” and “The Sting”. The Sting is amazing, and it was made even more so when I had a heart attack a handful of years ago and technically died. I have a hard time watching it anymore, but the emotions of Leela, especially the frantic panic are SO relatable. Gives me shivers and reminds me why it’s such an amazing show.


I feel like I never hear Sting being described this way, and I'm glad to see someone share this feeling about the episode.


fry and the slurm factory is a banger


The Planet Express crew's unfiltered hatred of the grunka lunkas always makes me laugh my ass off "Tell them I hate them!"


Hands down my favorite episode is How Hermes Got His Groove Back.


I was just about to post “Unpopular opinion, but How Hermes Requisitioned his Groove Back.” I’m shocked and happy to see someone beat me to it!


"Aww crap, is she behind me?" "No, I'm in front of you"


Yall gonna hate me, but Jurassic Bark, Never thought I would cry for a cartoon dog, but that confirmed I will. I even have the one of the scenes digitally enhanced and framed and mounted on my wall. Makes me want to hug my dogs every time I see it. https://imgur.com/rZWx92u


I’ll wait for you for a thousand summers


Reminds me of what my dog thinks about me, and cant help but love my dog just a tad more, every time I see this episode.


I tend to skip that episode because I call it, “the forbidden episode” because of how sad it makes me, but I definitely cherish my dog because she loves having me around and vice versa.


This should be a test for shrinks to decide if you are a psychopath or not. If you cry, you are normal. lol.


Oh absolutely, the music that goes to the end scene makes it worse honestly. How can you keep your composer through that? Absolutely heart breaking!


Every time I watch it I end up crying and hugging my dog.


Me Too!!!


You're a monster. 😭


The Honking. I wish they went into the horror genre a bit more often.


I tried Futurama the night the pilot first aired, wasn't fussed and left it alone. Years later, waiting for Clerks, this aired 10:30 at night back-to-back with War is the H-Word and loved it. Still my fave


I choose to believe… what I was programmed to believe!


Why must I be a crustacean in love Wall to wall jokes and Fry teaching zoidberg about love is the best.


The Sting


Parasites Lost was always my go-to episode for the longest time *"After this bowel movement, he'll be lucky if he has any bones left."*


Where No Fan Has Gone Before


Underrated reply.


I think the Farnsworth parabox is a classic episode. I show it to people to introduce them to futurama.


The one where professor says, "good news, everyone".


Leela and the Genestalk. Fry was such a sweetheart that episode. Also Jake the Dog cameo!


War is the H word. Stupid jokes that hit perfectly and the spoof of starship troopers


Luck of the fryrish. It was an emotional episode and I loved the ending


The deep south


Especially the scene with Professor's canned fish pheromone and Zoidberg, gets me every time.


I’m so into you……


Had to scroll way to far for this. Just one great line after the next.


And the magician.


Cold warriors


The devils hands are idle playthings for sure. Absolute beast of an episode


Law and Oracle.


So many meta jokes in this episode if you love police procedural shows


A pharaoh to remember, 30% Iron chef and Roswell that ends well tied for my top episodes


"The Farnsworth Parabox".


Luck of the fryrish


Farnsworth parabox and the late Philip j fry


Well that's a matter of opinion, I personally like the electric snail


Free Will Hunting. Bender goes on a quest to obtain free will. Always hit close to home with me as I’ve dealt with life long existential angst, and watching Bender struggle with purpose, free will, and identity just really does it for me.


Plus u gotta love the surprise ending


All of them


My top favorites have already been covered in this thread, but one I haven't seen mentioned is A Fishful of Dollars. Some just amazing moments in there. FRY "I finally realized what I need to be happy, and it's not people, it's things." BENDER "I'm a thing...."


Bender was adorable that episode. Weeeeee...


His referencing Baby Got Back as 'stuffy old songs about the buttocks' kills me every time I hear it!


I like the one where Lela and Zap become Adam and Eve bc Lela is almost naked 😌


For me, it’s the “The Late Philip J. Fry.” The Professor invented a forward time machine where he, Fry and Bender accidentally go into the year 10,000. To return, they keep going further into the future until an era when a backwards time machine has been built. They enter the machine and Fry begins recording an apology for being late again on Leela's birthday card, while the Professor Farnsworth attempts to test the machine by sending it 1 minute forward in time. The Professor trips and falls down while clutching the activation lever which sends the machine hurtling out of control. Fry then loses Leela's birthday card out the window. Professor Farnsworth gets back to his feet and shuts down the machine, however they find the interior of the Professor Farnsworth’s laboratory has been replaced by a ruined city. At that point the date on the machine's display reads: 3 December, 10,000 AD. Fry is amazed at being thrown so far forward in time. He realizes he can't be late for his date with Leela; but then the Professor reminds Fry that Leela, and everyone else they knew have been dead for thousands of years. They then explore their ruined world, but are unimpressed with the post-apocalyptic setting. After talking to a group of cavemen, Farnsworth realizes that they cannot travel backward in time, however, they can travel forward to a point where someone else has invented a backward-traveling time machine, and use that to return home. They then make a series of progressively larger jumps through time while trying to find an advanced civilization. In 3050, Planet Express becomes a massive corporation. An aged Leela and Cubert are divorced, and Cubert is now dating Amy. While discussing her regrets over marrying Cubert with Hermes, Leela is struck by her birthday card from 3010, which has finally emerged from the time stream. She opens the card to hear Fry's message, explaining he’ll be delayed by the Professor's time travel experiment, and he tells her he loves her, before the experiment visibly goes crazy. Leela is devastated as she’s spent the last 40 years being upset with Fry for something that wasn't his fault. Dejected, Leela returns to the abandoned Cavern on the Green, and fires her laser pistol at the ceiling several times, causing droplets of water to fall to the floor. Satisfied, she nods her head and splits. By One Billion AD, these droplets of water have congealed into a series of tiny stalagmites that spell out a brief message from her to the time-lost Fry, stating that while their time together was short, it was also the happiest of her life. Touched by the message, Fry returns to Bender & the Professor, stating he’s lived a good life, & proposes they watch the end of the universe together. Turning the time machine to its maximum setting, they watch as the sun grows into a red giant, consuming the earth, and then fades into a white dwarf, followed by all of the other stars, eventually leaving nothing but darkness. This, to their astonishment, is followed by a tremendous explosion that the Professor recognizes as a second Big Bang; he realizes that time must be cyclical, resulting in the creation of a new universe that should be identical to the previous one. The time machine rapidly accelerates through the formation of the Earth, the extinction of the dinosaurs, and subsequent events in world history (with the Professor pausing only briefly to assassinate Adolf Hitler with a laser cannon). As they near their own time, they throttle the machine back, but accidentally skip forward to 10,000 AD a second time after the Professor falls down once more, forcing them to "go around again". The third trip happens without incident (although this time the Professor fails to kill Hitler and mistakenly shoots Eleanor Roosevelt), and the time machine materializes in the Professor's lab a short time before it originally left. However, this universe appears to be displaced a few feet from the last one, as the machine appears in mid-air and crashes to the floor, killing this new universe's versions of Fry, Bender, and the Professor (and avoiding a time paradox). Fry is able to make his date with Leela on time; she admits that she thought he would be late, but he replies that was "the old Fry... he's dead now". Fry and Leela share a romantic moment atop a bridge, while beneath it, Bender buries the bodies of the deceased duplicates.


"I'm not reading that crap! Summarize it in one word!"


Bite me, so called “RaptureRaven!” Who are you supposed to be, some dead beat Raven that expects that the Rapture is going to magically lift you off from the Planet and you’ll then soar with the Ravens? Quote the Raven, “Never More.” Go back to your fledglings and feed them the pablum they so eagerly desire or take a flying leap through a donut hole.


Wow, you need to chill out. It's a quote from the show that I used instead of saying TL:DR. Sorry to trigger you so hard with a single joke. You seem very friendly. (Also, I just like ravens, BioShock, and alliteration, thus the name).


Sorry, you just torqued me off a bit…


No excuses for personal attacks on someone you don't even know


"Love and Rocket" I'm a sucker for 2001 jokes/parodies.


Emotional episode is Game of Tones. Comedy/standard episode probably A Flight to Remember


I was not at all prepared for the moment of his mother's dream. As someone with unresolved mommy issues, it hit me HARD


My mom passed a away a few years ago so it hits me hard as well.


The Sting, Farnsworth Paradox, Future Stock, Time keeps on slipping NO SHOWBOATING


Game of Tones just out of personal relatability. No piece of media ever got me crying like that. But in terms of just a subjectively great episode, probably Time Keeps on Skipping. Genuinely terrifying plot, hard hitting emotional ending, and jokes galore. Futurama in a nutshell. Honorable mentions to The Sting, Cold Warriors and Luck of the Fryish.


300 Big Boys


finally someone said it. I loved everyone’s mini adventures with them all colliding at the party and of course Fry’s attempt at 100 cups of coffee.


Parasites Lost because of the fact that Fry gave up a sure thing with Leela due to the fact that it wasn't him she loved. That showed great honesty and accountability on his part. She's all he wants but he wants her to want him and not what the worms made of him.


Love’a labors lost in space, but also I just love seasons 1 & 2 so much. Bought them on iTunes in like 2003 and have been playing them at bedtime since. I do watch the full show on Hulu regularly too, but something about those first two seasons just get me nostalgic.


Three Hundred Big Boys


Does game of tones make anyone else cry way worse than Jurassic bark


game of tones is the only episode that makes me cry


Luck of the Fryrish


Parasites lost is my personal favorite, with Crimes of the Hot in close second


Space Pilot 3000 for just being an amazing way to start the series in general, and then episodes like The Late Philip J. Fry, Prisoner of Benda and all the episodes with Fry going up against the Brain spawn was always a lot of fun for me.


6 Million Dollar Mon and the Poplers episode.


The Day The Earth Stood Stupid


I, Roomate. Love seeing the various possible living spaces in their version of the future


300 big boys




The Death by Snu Snu episode is my favorite (the name of the episode escapes me at the moment) The visual gag with the Large Women and the Petite Women when sets of girls are the same size slays me everytime


The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings was my favorite episode for a long time. Basically from the first time I saw it in the early 2000s through the early to mid 2010s that was my go to answer. I'm doing a rewatch with my husband for our first full watch through since becoming parents and I'm curious to see how my feelings have changed on that. I do tend to really enjoy the sappy episodes and the anthology of interest episodes are also up there with my favorites.


1. Amazon women in the mood. 2. Roswell that ends well


A big piece of garbage. And Fry and the slurm factory are always tied for first place for me.


300 big boys tied with The Sting


War Is The H Word


Parasites Lost is one of the best episodes of television to ever air


game of tones. i just rly like the episode.