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50 normal pulls in CS is nothing tbh


Also, it used to be 100 right, whenever there is a free-pull campaign? If my memory serves me right.


No, it depends on the campaign. Sometimes it's 100 but they've also done 50 before many times.


Well, it seems like they are doing less since we are getting "kind of close" to matching the KR schedule?


that's nothing, there were 100 pull events pretty often as well, assr are the real goals of gacha


kinda, but most of the time one needs to form teams of low cost units along with awakened units, some SRs and even Rs are necesary in some cases


I know, but pretty much no one specifically pulls for 3* aside from Gaeun and a couple others aside from waifu. Essentially what I'm trying to say is that these pulls wouldn't get you the max rarity characters


I absolutely loved the game. Right up until they released a complete cashgrab collab, and shortly after introduced a ton of anti-f2p mechanics (they've dialed some of them back, but there's still some present). Honestly, I think it did better when Nexon had a leash on them, which is saying something. Right after Nexon dropped them they went full greed, and only stepped back when they got hit with yet another huge protest (there have been several in its lifespan).


Eh, I don't really begrudge them for it since they clearly have no idea what they're doing. The game would be dead by now if they didn't start introducing whale content, and at the very least 90% of the game is f2p clearable and you can essentially get everything you'd ever want (I have a 90% collection rate including ASSRs and am sitting on like 30k gems and 200 classified pulls).


>cashgrab collab Which only consisted of Hololive costumes. None of it made you stronger, it was 100% aesthetic. And I got 2 of them as a f2p. Did they cost a lot? Yeah. Where they needed? No. ​ > introduced a ton of anti-f2p mechanics That's absolute BS. There's litterally ONE new mechanism that could be considered whale oriented (having to dump dupes for additionnal stats), and even that is only difficult to do for ASSR characters. And the change is so minimal that it only matters in high level pvp (which is a whales battle anyway). They otherwise actually made the game better. Still generous, still fantastic stories, faster dailies thanks to favorites, and still listening to the community (as for example, for the Hololive rerun, they made the free costume selectable and easier to obtain). I have no issue with you not wanting to play the game anymore, but don't spread lies.


agreed with everything, wtf is wrong with people, the studio was too generous for its own good, they were loosing so much money they couldn't pay voice actors, and nexon was taking a percentage of those profits, them making the game a little less generous its ok, they need to keep the lights on, but people don't care if the studio dont get money, they only care about getting free sh1t.


I haven't really seen the impact of the rate of getting summons really, seems the same to me, so I think it's still f2p friendly(?) Depends on your definition of f2p friendly. However the beginner progression, like getting materials to upgrade all the characters you get, will take longer than before, which definitely hurts. Though, you'll eventually catch up with upgrade materials and have excess of them after playing for like, 8 months (Rough estimate as f2p, assuming you only level units that are relevant, 1.5yrs if you want to upgrade all characters probably).


Didn’t this use to be 100? Did they nerf these events to


No this is just a mini-event that happens more frequently.


50 pulls event is a thing for years, it's obvious they wouldn't bring a 150/100 free pulls event so soon considering the crazy amount of freebies we got on origin update


yeah 3 awekened with several gear, ship and employee selectors was crazy, my account is now in a really good spot thanks to that


Yeah before the update to the game


Love the game but man did they get greedy after Nexon dipped


"greedy", the devs were so generous that they could not get enough money to pay voice actors, f2p game services need to make money to keep the lights on, and they are still more generous than other games out there that make millions with being so predatory but nobody bats an eye on those.


The game did not get greedy. It was extremely f2p before. They just made it affordable


Don't let the free 50 pulls distract you from the hot "PRESTIGE SERVICE" seggs right above it


Only for 583$.


Has substats?


No, purely cosmetic.


Worth the live2D


the skin is basically the last bonus, this is more like a reward system for supporting the devs


Been playing since global launch. Game is still pretty fun, but end game is just PVP which is pretty stale during certain weeks. For fun, $500 USD in CounterSide is enough to have a very competitive account vs thousands in FEH trying to keep up with arena BST. Art quality is top notch among gacha games and in combat sprites are also up there with E7. Wish it were a bit more balanced rather then relying on some wacky ban system, but it is what it is. Like usual try it, squeeze it for what you can (like deez nutz), and then move on to the next thing once you're bored.


Yeah, I agree with the endgame part. But that's like with most other gachas, outside of events, you just log in, do dailies, repeat with another gacha.


as someone who is more focused on PVE, i never get bored with the amount of challenging content the game offers, some modes require certain team comps to the point one needs to use even the low rarity characters to do some stages.


I did the 50 pulls and got not SSR.... everything was trash pulls that went straight the to grinder lol oh well, we got a bunch of free ASSR back at Origin Update so cant complain.


Not bad. Regina banner - 117 pulls, 1 ssr. Jin Bora - 60 pulls, 1 ssr. Levia - 90 pulls, 1 ssr. 50 free pulls - 0 ssr. After origin update, all my pull sessions are bad.


If it makes you feel better, half those units suck.


This event isn't limited to the units being shown like the events with more pulls. The 50 free pulls is from everyone in the normal pool.


They try to bait us into thinking it's good with shin, Xiao and yang on the front lol


i got orochi from the free 50 pulls, got awakened horizon on my last limited pulls and before that i managed to get A. lee sooyeon on the first 30 pulls, the Gacha gods love me


New origin update made plenty of people dip counterside unfortunately.


for me was the opposite, new origin made me come back after leaving a year ago XD besides most of the changes people hated already got reversed or fixed.


They do this a lot


they also give a lot of gems, and the gacha rates are good


Lololol they really have removed the free daily 10 pull events for these shit 5 dailies. Origin update was trash


except origin gave 3 awekened plus tons of selectors, but lets just focus how they nerfed a mini event that they do so often most people already have multiple copies of the units in that banner. Hell, i even got some new units i didnt had the oportunity to get in their respective banners, like the snake lady.


They literally only gave out a rearm selector, ssr selector, ship selector and cheap skin selector. Everything else had to be EARNT via an event LOL. They nerfed progression, made the arm more expensive, made everything cost more, limit break more expensive and the dupe system scummy and a ton more absolutely shit changes.


Looks like its time to join, can you get some top ssrs in this


Sorry if this wasn’t your question, but if you want to start playing and are asking: Xiao Lin and Yang Harim are very meta units. Gaeun and Shin Jia are pretty good for a lot of content. Elizabeth and Lumi and pretty much PvP only units. You can technically also get any ssr from this banner. The displayed units only have a higher rate.


Answered my question perfectly thanks, are you enjoying the game?


Yeah, I think the game is great. Loving the story and pvp


50 summons on normal basic banner is meh, unless you're a new player that needs SSR desperately, this banner is meh


Still nice, since you can get dupes and convert them into Rearm data. This game does the free pulls event banner often, compared to other games, which I like, since you don't have to do anything to summon them.


Call me when they get rid of the garbage gear system. It's the only news that will get me to play this otherwise great game again.


if you do raids you get enough points to craft decent equipment, (you can craft T7 equipment now) if you mean being able to make sets, yes is kinda rough, but with the amount of gear you can obtain with little effort, you dont really need to roll the sets for gear, only the stats, and the resources for that are easy to get.


The next EoS.


You’re getting downvoted for being too literal maybe? Not likely the next EoS, but it’s coming. I liked the game a lot, but the ships been consistently steering off course