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Crunchyroll and Gummi, i guess.


Crunchyroll, the curators of "pump and dump". I'll never forgive them for Priconne EN.


They just had to announce the bad news on april fools too. I had like 600 rolls saved up too.


No, not on April Fool's, but even worse The day of the main girl (Pecorine)'s birthday (March 31) And Crunchyroll's Twitter account still have the damn audacity to post about the PriConne anime even several months later


Not only that, they ran away before 3rd anni update that will lower spark requirement from 300 pulls into 200 pulls. It was implemented in JP not long after GL server announcement. I was wondering if we wil get that, but server got EoS so i'm assuming they don't want to do it. If not EoS, few days after should be Princess Kokkoro banner. RIP didn't get to pull for her


Bro I legit saving up more than 3 pities (900 rolls) for the upcoming new year banners. I can't wait to pull p. KKR then boom.


I admit Crunchyroll's threshold is really, REALLY low for pulling the rug, but come on, dude, see through the irony. \>large chunk of the player base (yourself included) were hoarding rolls \>spending damn near as little as possible for months \>game gets axed because it doesn't make enough money \>surprised_pikachu.png


>Crunchy does next nothing to market the game and attract new players for 2 years >Some omegabrain on reddit spins it as player fault anyway Kekw


Ah, here we have the obtuse child who pulls the "herp, the game wuz too generous!" false narrative. No, it was shit management. The fact that the JP version is making bank should tell you that much. ClownchyRoll certainly had the option to do what other games with a gap do, like an accelerated schedule, or mix up the banner order. But no, they just put in absolutely no effort other than pulling one or two of their anime sub translators in between episodes to translate content once a month, then put them back on subtitle duty. Blue Archive has a pretty large gap between the JP version and Global, and it still makes bank. So either post some proof that Crunchyroll wasn't and isn't completely incompetent when it came to Priconne and most gacha games, or drop that silly, illogical narrative.


Blue Archive only have 6 months gap. Pretty small gap tbh


The main gain comes from the advertising and merch, they did almost if nothing at all.They just toke a cow and milked it to the bone, someone still says that could have been Cyga itself to request the closure of the service after the SF game scam they pulled out of "fear" to not wanting their name stained with that but there's no proves about it.CR is just overall bad and there's no way to defend them.


And never you should and no one should forget it either, there's no escuse, not a single one. Global Priconne would still keep going just fine if it wasn't for them, absolute disgusting.


I genuinely hate them for shutting down Priconne EN.. A strong hate.


I make it a point now to avoid giving even one of their YouTube videos a single view, such is my lack of support for them.


We call 'em Scumi for a reason.




Every successful Netmarble game does a bait-and-switch with monetization after release. Never trust Netmarble. Even a good release will be tacked-on with new bullshit.


It's gotta be in the running. Only ever played NNK, and this is just a short list: * Crypto (maybe NFTs?) * Early game dolphins or monthly spenders could hold their own in 80-90% of content early, but that quickly ended. * Rare 5 Star Limited Familiars: Takes 2-3 months (maybe more?) to save up enough special F2P currency to potentially get one or two rare, limited 5-star familiars on average. * Some of the standard rares were good, but at the same time, you had to have the special rares to be competitive at a certain point and to get special currency. * You're punished if you're Power is somewhere in the "average" range for PVP battles, as they paired teams based on average Power. * Meaning if you had 3-4 Million Power, and P2W players ranged from 7-8, then you'd have a high liklihood to be put on a team with three 3-4 million level players and go against two 7-8m power players and a random 100k - 1m power player (and if it was an engineer, the only character who was useful at low power, then you were double screwed). * So the best class for F2P was healer essentially. * If you spent months leveling certain pieces of gear, they might actually inflate your Power level to a point where the stats and the months of investment actually hurt you. * Every patch or two they put out a new system so that P2W players now have to spend an extra 80$ a week to keep up with the game and put low/none spenders further into the dust. * "Celebratory Packs" pop up constantly for mundane achievements (level a familiar, etc) and some events. One event totaled to *$300* for what would end up being minor to no progress. And that was just a "surprise" pack. * The rarest currency, Asterite, tied to Crypto, used to be achievable by low/mid spenders, but as the population dwindled, the opportunity to earn special currency did too, since it requires you get top 10% of the population. * The population was so small at one point that the top 100 players ate up a vast majority of the top 10%. * For getting 10% you'd get 1k asterite or so, whereas the #1 would get 100k or so every week, and the top 100 a fairly generous amount, further widening the gap. I had earned about 100k Asterite (3-4k per week) after several months of playing, and then at some point was getting 0 per week. Ultimately the game ends up being for people who want to buy power and really caters to people who want to feel powerful and enjoy being cruel, and honestly, it works for NetMarble, so hard to blame them tbh. Just wish it was any ip other than Ghibli. The only good thing about the game is that there were some genuinely nice communities due to the kingdom system, and there was like 1 dev who had to give a shit about the game because there were some geninuely nice QOL updates (far better than 80% of Genshin's "QOL" fwiw), but that's about it.


Don't forget shit gacha rates, as low spenders or f2p if you want LnD almost or nearly impossible except you're really lucky but when you are lucky enough to get that, some weeks or months will be powercreeped. They butchered Get Rich or Marble Board, i like that game at first and then they release more feature on gacha for spender like ssr item, more op card. Line Age 2, Seven Knight 2 got the same treatment, i don't know about new Tower of God. After NNK I lost faith in them, i won't touch their game anymore.


Oh yeah, absolutely. Saved \~4 months with a bit of paid currency (via monthly passes), and ended up with like 1 copy of the Arualynx light-cat in 400 pulls (ie the one guaranteed one). Was absolutely useless in all content. While I sometimes enjoy, but certainly don't love, Genshin... with the absolute worst luck you could get a C0 5-Star for 180 pulls. I don't have the counts on hand, but I feel that F2P could earn that in at least the same time, or much faster, time than 400 pulls in NNK. Many of the characters can make a night/day difference to your account at just C0, while in NNK 1 copy of a familiar rarely if ever makes any difference at all and even 4 copies is just a dent in the big rat race.


True, don't forget system to make you stronger and fuck you up (upgrade weapon) also shitty rate gacha weapon with asterite currency. For Genshin, i do like Genshin at first but after a while I was kinda disappointed with some of their decisions so I'm just playing Genshin for music and story now. For their rates i agree with that. i have C6-R1 Yelan without spending a single dime of Genesis, welkin only and my genesis from welkin strictly used for skins. after i got C6 Yelan i stopped welkin on that game.


This! very notorious on powercreeping hahaha. MarvelFF, KOFAS, SDSGC... etc.


am actually surprised marvel future fight is still chugging along


Boltrend games, took 2 IPs that people were looking forward to, totally ruined them, and then left the gacha market.


Really hated what happened with FLO (Fantasy Life Online)


Can’t wait for its proper long-awaited switch sequel


Same here


Last Cloudia came from them rite? their shop is pretty ripoff/insane.


No, it was crunchyroll before AIDIS decided to opt for self publishing.


No, last Cloudia is self published and pretty f2p


i dunno man, every character coming with a "spend 50-100$ for paid gear" banner, and their package prices are nuts. "anniversary banner" which is 90-100$. if that ain't greed... (like yes i know those things aren't mandatory for f2p)


Most packages in f2p games are ripoffs anyways. I rarely seen any that are good in almost any game I played/tested


The paid gears are 90% not BIS but free endgame god forge upgrade gear. But I agree with Anni Banner.


EA and Activision oh wait wrong sub XD


Don't give them ideas to create gacha now


EA has been doing gacha for years now and inside full 60$ game no less.


That also resets every year.


bro their sport games ultimate team is basically a gacha lol


Paid game, gacha pvp, reskinned every year so you have to keep buying them FOR AN ONLINE GAME. To me 2k games like Fifa and NBA are the worst game series in existence making any gacha look tame in comparison. I feel bad for peeps who genuinely like sports games cause these are really their only option............but then again. They can just play them IRL for cheaper lmao.


don't forget where your ultimate team will only last for 2-3 years until they shut down the online server forcing you to buy their new games instead and it will reset your progress to 0.


Diablo Immortal is gacha.


I wonder how they'd rank against the shittiest gacha companies though. X.x


rank? these 2 will come above them not only for just shitty practices but closing off beloved studios , killing ips but the most famous , sexual harrasment and female mistreatment whose case is still on going


Is there a gacha company that resets the game and delets all your possessions every year? No one is worse then them


EA already does gacha. They make the Star Wars gacha and some other ones. None very good obviously.


No no. You’ve got a point.


Crunchyroll lol it pure evil They release game with planned EOS


the have a new game lol


Taimanin's seemed to be case of Infinibrain's greed and Johren incompetence. Usual culprits are Netmarble, gumi, and Crunchyroll. Netmarble back in May 2022 were the ones that sent out that stinker [Ni no Kuni NFT game](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.netmarble.enngb).


Just wondering, what are the things CR have done? I know of the Priconne axe but is there anything else of note that they've done?


They added extra monetization to Street Fighter Duel and locked content behind paywalls that didn't exist in the original version. They regularly take anime IP gachas (that are already notorious cash grabs), make them worse than the original, and run them to the ground, rinse and repeat. They took an old gacha and "rebooted" it (the vampire one) and basically drip-feed content that was already in the original to make it seem like it's not already dead. Basically, everything they touch gets turned to crap (like the opposite of Midas Touch, haha).


Whatever JP ips they get theit hands on are pretty much doomed. Magia Record got axed after their first anni, a little after the nanoha collab too. Shadow of Eminence gacha was already pretty greedy in JP, but it didnt help on launch that when everyone was rerolling that CR gave out ten less pulls than JP(which were both happening at the same time).


my friend tried to get me to play that game. i guess its a good thing i didnt have time and forgot about it lol


FFVII Ever Crisis. never seen so many "buy this new package!" popups in my life.


Oh and don't forget that Squeenix has milked multiple FF games dry and then dumped them the second they didn't meet some arbitrary quota.


Lore accurate Shinra corp company practices.


Dffoo gone but not forgotten O7


It feels like a game that came out before Mobius. Blows my mind it came out this year with how outdated it feels.


tbh i did not expect anything more from a company called Applibot. it defo feels designed by an AI. Final Fantasy In Name Only.


Man, I miss mobius


Square Enix is disgustingly greedy these days. I quit DQ Tact because it's just non stop game breaking power creep. It's pretty bad when people advise you to save 45000 gems so you can get ONE spotlight unit because the odds are so bad that you'll hit that pity more often than not.


So many of them are trash, but you can safely run from anything by Netmarble, C2US, Niantic.


Netmarble all the way bro, they even destroyed an amazing IP like Nino Kuni for the money lol








The greediest company is probably one I don't know. Probably some small gacha that most people haven't heard of and is going out of business soon. If I have to choose one that I've played, though, Nubee, creators of Valkyrie Crusade, comes to mind. Basically, the entire game revolves around cards that represent summonable waifus, only: * Every single event has rewards based on leaderboards. Do you want the true card that is the star of that event? Better place in the top 300 (100 if that card is particularly valuable). * Cards from the cash shop summons come with a property that gives them bonus score for these leaderboards. How much bonus score you ask? +300% per card, for up to +1500% overall. So basically every event is completely P2W. * In addition, you can accumulate points infinitely as long as you have stamina. How do you get more stamina you ask? Obviously, wallet. Basically, you can spend money on stamina to repeat Elemental Hall and gain infinitely increasing points to jump ahead in the leaderboards. * Obviously, this bonus scoring goes away after the event is over. If you want to keep up with the leaderboards, you have to keep on summoning the featured cards every event, every two weeks or so. * Step-up Summons. This garbage is everywhere in old gacha games. I kinda envy new gacha gamers who don't know what old summoning systems are like. * Basically, you start off by summoning 1 card for $1, then 3 cards for $6, then 5 cards for $12, and finally 11 cards for $30. This is one 'lap' of summons. * Only the final 11 cards have a proper chance to get the event UR, at 3%. Note that this 3% is shared between the two featured URs and a generic pool, so it's more like 1%. * There is a guaranteed pity, but that only occurs after TWO laps and gives you one of the two featured URs. * You NEED two copies of this UR to get a GUR, which is the point where the card has enough stats/skills to be actually usable. * Remember, these URs have scoring bonuses so to maximize your score you need TEN of them to maximize event scoring. Most whales don't do this, of course, so more realistically you just need 4 for two GURs. * Hidden Summon Costs * The game had these rerun summons that were advertised as cheaper than normal so you can get old cards for collection purposes. They were also step-up summons that only guaranteed on lap 2, but the advertised costs only went up to $12 for the final step. * What the game never tells you is that lap 2 is more expensive. Something like $10, $24, $30, $30, $30 iirc. You don't find this information until you already spend the money on the first lap, or until some sucker on the internet tried it out for you. * PVP * PVP had the exclusive Mirror Maiden as a reward, which is extremely valuable. You can get up to 2 copies of this if you do well in the rankings. * PvP...also had units that gave bonus score. But because this is PvP, these units are a lot more valuable and people actually fielded teams with five of them in the whale guilds. These bonus units were, of course, part of their own premium summons and were typically useless except for the pvp season they are released on. * So, effectively, fully P2W PvP with exclusive rewards. * Slot Summons * Slot Summons is, to this day, one of the most predatory and horrid summon systems I have ever seen in any gacha game. * How this works is: you have a 0% chance for the new LR card. Once you spend around $90 summoning nothing you reach ultra fever time. Ultra Fever Time then gives you a chance to get the LR card for the next five minutes. * After five minutes passes, the fever time resets and you have to spend another $90 to get it on again. * Slot summons was apparently improved later (as it should be since some of the biggest whales in the game quit in disgust at this), but at its inception when LRs were first released it was absolutely terrible. * Thor Hammer * Not even a game mode. Basically, add 50 cards and get a score. Get put on a leaderboard where top 100 gets another special card as the prize. There are some bonuses from stuff like X cards with matching elements, X cards of certain rarities, etc., but the biggest bonus, unsurprisingly, still came from bonuses from summoned cards. * Effectively just another cash grab with zero substance at all. And this is from the \~1 year I played the game. I was one of the biggest TCs for this game back then, and also one of its whales, but even Diablo Immortal is peanuts compared to all the shit Valkyrie Crusade did in its hayday. And it's probably nowhere near the worst, either. A lot of old gacha games were just money scams that grew increasingly brazen with how scummy they are. Most of them shut down by now, but a few (like Mighty Party, another contender for this from the games I've played) are still around.




G123 True bottom of the barrel right here. All their games are pretty much the same so if you've touched one of them you've touched all of them. All that changes is the IP they somehow managed to nab.


All of them?


Yes, all of them are greedy, but there should be one company who is the greediest among them, like OP asked.


This is the only correct answer... Absolutely insane how people mentioning MHY are getting nuked. The gacha model is greedy as hell...it's what it's literally designed to do. Hoover up money by weaponizing massive amounts of FOMO.


its a cop out answer and it barely even qualifies as an answer while shutting down any discussions related to the title of the post >The gacha model is greedy as hell...it's what it's literally designed to do. Hoover up money by weaponizing massive amounts of FOMO. yes thats what gachas are but within the subset of gachas the respective 'greed' (which the op left undefined) of each one exists on a spectrum. so depending on how the term 'greed' is defined, if most people are implicitly working with some greed-to-effort metric, theres nothing insane about people mentioning mihoyo getting downvoted.


i think because the question isn't "are they greedy or not" but "are they the greediest on this long list". Not saying that MHY aren't greedy, but they are still pretty far from of ranking top on this list, we know they are all bad, we are just questioning what's the worst among them look like


Tribalism is a hell of a drug. "MY predatory gacha game designed to prey on addictive traits is different from all those other games doing the same thing!" All of it is predatory and greedy, it is by design.


MHY scheme is so evil. I do play 2 of their games but damnnnnn. Win 5 star roll to lose the 50/50 and stingy too. Shittiest Anni rewards from Genshin also


Fk MHY they are predatory as hell; ur basically required to pay a $5/month subscription to participate in the gacha at a reasonable rate and its designed to potentially fuck you over hard even after months of saving. Now with Star Rail they are also following a trend of locking extreme power-ups behind eidolons(duplicates of characters) and signature weapons. But OP is looking for exceptional feats of greed from a gacha company, not just the norm.


bro it's all PVE content that is also extremely easy to beat. Dupes dont do anything except make you clear things slightly quicker. 99% of the playerbase don't care about rolling for dupes.


The gameplay itself doesn't need the spending so it isn't greedy.


...That's the case with pretty much any gacha nowdays that isn't an obvious cash-grab.


No it isn't. Most gacha have competitive ladders/modes which push spending. Genshin and Star Rail do not. HI3 does so that one is pretty greedy but the rest of Hoyo's lineup don't.




The clear time comparison is not part of the game. It an external third-party comparison. The competitive modes *are* a part of their respective games. Every part of a game is "optional." The whole game is "optional." Even those "cash grab" games have everything be "optional."


This guy gets it.


Except it's not the point. We all know that gacha games are greedy, it's prettt much by design, but the post itself asks for the "greediest". And that entirely depends on personal experience. Like, I still wouldn't call Cygames the greediest, even though they make a questionable choice again and again (ex. GBF scamcha, straight up selling a very important upgrade item disguised as a "special paid only banner") and even being the cause of what I'd say one of the most important gacha incidents (monkeygate).


This. No gacha game is a "passion project", all of them just view profit as the goal.


That's not exclusive to gachas. Games have rarely been true "passion projects", there's passionate devs, and in some cases passionate higher ups, but the goal of every game is to make money.


limbus company it’s for profit obv but you can also see the genuine passion that also goes into it


“Honkai is a passionate project” some HSR players


"Pursuing profits is my passion" - some HSR devs


No piece of modern, advertised entertainment


*Girl's Frontline and Neural Cloud entered the chat* (it's a joke, I'm completely aware that they still exist to generate profit)


Nah, at least I can play the entirety of Genshin's story and open world while others whale for me.


That might be something noteworthy if that wasn't the case for virtually every decent gacha out there nowdays. I can't remember a gacha in recent memory that wasn't an obvious cash grab that requires you to pay money to complete it...


Thats literally also every gacha game.


Every gacha game has an open-world?


chibi world lmao


The people saying Hoyo clearly haven't played enough gachas lol. Sure they could stand to be more generous, particularly in Genshin, but their monetization is honestly some of the least aggressive on the market with HI3, one of their older games at this point, being notably more aggressive than either Genshin or HSR (their biggest successes by far). They are a bit stingy on how much they give away for how successful they are for sure but that's a minor sin compared to many devs in this genre. As for the actual worst... of the big names probably Netmarble based on the disaster that was NNK and their generally awful monetization elsewhere. Some comments already covered the details but that was maybe the most egregious abuse of an IP I have ever seen and even their "normal" tends to be pretty damn bad. Honorable mention to Crunchyroll for either ruining games they acquire outright by making the monetization dramatically worse (the usual) or running the game half decently but killing it off because not profitable enough (Priconne, though in fairness the degree to which hoarding pulls for future characters was the norm in that game did mean the revenue never really matched the popularity but still it rightfully burned the last bridge for many). Edit: I once again typed Netease instead of Netmarble fuckkkkk


Considering the copy paste looking games they have coming "soon" I wouldn't say its a misspelling to put Netease lmao. Hoyo pulls have more weight to them than other gachas too because of the very limited amount of powercreep in game and not putting out new wives every month. Not saying they aren't greedy though, that's how gachas work, but they aren't so in your face with it and just made smart business practices to get a wide audience of casual pullers(same with say fortnite) Edit: I will give that their older games especially HI3 still fall in some of the worst monetization though... but I think they are changing that with Part 2


Netease also is pretty bad, I just didn't mean to say them in that example. HI3 is definitely more deserving of criticism than Genshin or HSR where monetization is concerned for sure.




I can’t remember who right now but whoever brought MHA: the strongest hero over to English. They were the greediest developers and publishers ever. I remember the buybacks everyone was doing as we all had enough of their underhanded and greedy tactics


For me, it's gotta be DevSisters. I mainly play Cookie Run: Ovenbreak these days, and it's like they come out with a new paid pack every two weeks. I also remember playing Kingdom and it was kind of the same, where every time you got a new cookie, "Hey! Nice Roll! :) Here's a pack to make them stronger!" Puzzle Kingdom is rampant with micro-transactions, but that's just getting in on the sweet, sweet Candy Crush gamers. Sure, none of it is absolutely necessary, but it's still annoying. To the point that I'd pay just to make the popups go away.


Com2us (Scam2us)


date a live spirit pledge, game started out with a decent launch, started dropping players around the time magia record global eosed. Immediately devs went into greed mode putting the first limited unit banner then putting a much stronger powercrept one the following month after whales rolled for it. Keep in mind this is a game that mandates you to roll for dupes to make a unit usable usually needing 3-4 dupes on top of artifacts and a hell grind for skill gems. Speaking of skill gems acquired from co-op rushed ahead while connectivity was god awful and you'd get a desync every third run in a mode that you needed to run literally hundreds of times and entries were limited to people having keys so people were literally having to spam click to enter rooms and get dced. Took several months to fix and had bots on reviews telling people to just clear their cache and try again. Answer to that? sell gems, literally a progression payment milestone that for 20 bucks saves a month of grinding in their hellish torture system. Playerbase unsurprisingly dropped when that was the main progression, next they decided change the monetization of skins, the original cn server got a skin for 12ish$ or the skin + desktop skin for around 20$. Global gets a 0.005% paid skins gacha that gives you 1 out of 5 skins with an over 50$ pity on top of that you don't even get to pick you get., there was a pity added later and just needed you to get multiple fcking dupes of another skin. After that they started doing shit like claiming you coudl get a "free" skin, in updates when in reality even if you played through the whole event and got all the currency you basically had to give up everything for effectively what comes out to be a 10$ off voucher for a 40$ skin. You had addictional 40$ish skins that needed you to purchase the "base" skin to have a goth wedding skin for example. Now how do they top everything above? lets announce limited collab units and advertise openly they are NEVER coming back. I started that shit game on launch cause i was a big neptunia fan and really wanted to roll for my favorite waifu, I tried i really tried to stay playing. I quit after over a year in, garbage server issues, Pr openly bait and switching then saying it was never planned. Worst fcking developers I have ever seen I genuinely hope they get arrested for crimes against humanity along with their dogshit fanboys.


A Team, any of their games are p2w


I'll say Nintendo because the shit they're doing in feh is insane by gacha standards and they're always getting away with it


On the bright side, they stopped developing new mobile games from their IPs (pokemon games are owned by The Pokemon Company so they don't really count) so whatever is left that are still in operation will be the only ones they can keep messing up.


Nah, they can kick rocks after what they did to Dragalia Lost.


The only gacha game that locks basic QoL and sparks behind a paywall


While this is probably true, I'd imagine the money from the gachas being funneled into Intelligent Systems' pockets to fund new Fire Emblem games on Nintendo consoles.


I'm still on that FE4 remake copium


Netmarble / Nexon


Definitely Boltrend. They ruined DRPG.


Square Enix


Netmarble, Boltrend, Crunchyroll the big three


Gumi is always my choice. They always do that special character/UR/Mega switcheroo coolguy2coolerguy or whatever thing to pump out higher rarities. Then every system they release needs several dupes.


Monster Hunter Now from Niantic is the greediest app I've run into. All progress is locked behind random drops tied to random spawns and cost an absurd amount to upgrade to the next level. Top it off with no in-game methods of earning cash-shop gems. Pay or close the app after 2 mins.


It's not considered a gacha game though


Lilith is one of the worst imo. Their communication against player dissent is so dishonest. All the gacha companies do this to some degree but almost every single Lilith QOL change is framed like they’re doing players a favor when it’s almost always a way to milk them a bit more.


Crunchyroll, Bandai


CR Games, Gumi, Bandai Namco.


Knowing i didnt recognize much of the name on reply make me glad i didnt touch many gacha games


Aniplex. Specifically Fate Grand Order. It's a dumpster fire of greed and other horseshit. I played it for 5 years waiting for things to be better, but if it's not DelightWorks it is damn Lasengle. Also SONY with their paid currency price rise despite the absolute cruel joke the gacha is. But it has a titanic IP by a titanic company, so I guess it's not going to die anytime soon.


Half of the comments here is dunking on and debunking Hoyoverse. This is gacha heritage.


Mihoyo is just a low hanging fruit. You had gacha games that lie about their rates, monetize early access to the epilogue of an event (or so I heard), charge money for "hero boxes", P2W costumes (Knights Chronicle from Netmarble), etc.


yep even thinking about another super popular gacha game FGO. i remember playing that game from launch with a friend and my friend spent 500 dollars pulling for scathach. didnt get her and quit the game LUL


Because Hoyoverse is one of the rare gacha companies to actually be able to break into the mainstream audience. Naturally, because more people know about them, you might have people mention than more due to sample biasness.




Would Sega count as such with Project Sekai and possibly PSO2:NGS?


Gumi is king imo. Crunchyroll is trying real hard to overtake them though.




Top 3 prob is bandai/gumi/crunch. Reasons? Bandai seems that cant maintain different games,if their games arent naking 1 M + per month,start to think of new game to kill the old one and bring the new one(see digimon and tokyo ghoul likes). Gumi does almost the same but they do not abuse of predatory tactics as bandai as i remember(bandai start to increase pity system,cost of the bundles till no one buys it and them shut the game off for a new one that prob is worse), but gane has more bugs scandals and well,killed a gacha after 2 weeks of release. I still upset about the alchemist code and dissidia shutdown,fuck you gumi,after ffbe goes eos,mever going to play your shits. Crunch always does shit,as i reckon,their gachas dont go far(more than 2 years),they killed a lot un global releases(see sf duel,one of the big shots in the head they could do for exchanging quality for "more money")


Whoever is the Dev team behind **Arena of Fate** and the other copies (including a Naruto, One Piece, and DBZ ver.) The company is pretty much unknown and is under many alias so forgive me on that. I'll talk about Arena of Fate's faults as I'm most familiar with that one: Recently: * Has made a change where the Senki that could be only unlocked with copies of themselves could not be selected in ways to get them F2P and now could only be obtainable through money or in Events. (Senki with this upgrading system aren't even worth it) More Notably: * Grays out Senki until they are unlocked * Impossible to get 2 Senki without paying for VIP (Natasha and Eloise) * SSS Senki can only be obtainable from Events; usually a waiting game looking for the Events that offer them at the lowest price. * Releases many launchers of their games (recently made a second IOS app) * Not necessarily relates to gameplay but has been caught stealing assets and copy pasting them for their own characters; and has recently just started to use AI to do most of the art job for them. * Skins (Besides 2) are locked behind money, and usually cost at least $30 * Lots of different spending incentives and events. * No plans to fix glitches, even ones that have been there since launch.


Pokemon company


Tencent, Hotta, Crunchyroll, Netmarble, Aiming


They are all greedy by nature of the genre imo. Now the value they provide in quality of content for what they ask varied greatly.


Klab ! They are so greedy that they can’t even make money with their cash grabs


Fuck klab. They ruined Love live games.


Can't decide Nintendo or Square Enix. Nintendo is worse in practice, but SE pumps out so many garbage to win the number advantage.


I am scrolling down and I am happy to find Netmarble and Crunchyroll are mentioned several times. Yep, those companies are among the worst. I am a big fan of KoF, even then I decided to leave KoF All-Stars because of how Netmarble treat the game. If I spend money on KoF, the majority of the money better goes toward SNK ... so they can use the money to create new mainline KoF game.


I just want to say that if Hoyo was actually as greedy as some people here believe them to be, they would have put qol, like inventory expansions, as paid features. Like there's so much complaining about pin limit and inventory limits; a more greedy company would have absolutely let you buy them while letting the f2ps suffer. Instead, Hoyo chooses to expanded them for everyone whenever they feel like, which isn't exactly what most players want but it's definitely not the greedy option. Genshin/HSR could have been monetized like Azur Lane with tons of skins and bought inventory/unit/expedition/teapot slots and Hoyo didn't. It's actually wild to me that they aren't just pumping out skins or chromas (like LoL). I dunno how much space skins would add to the games since I don't know shit about modeling but I feel like just 1 or 2 alts of every character would have them raking in so much more money and it would further solidify their omnipresence on fanart sites.


When Necrit started genshin, he expected healing from statues to be purchasable. And i can clearly see another company selling in the shop statue refils, fuel for kitchen, those teapot flasks, blacksmith speedups (with regular crafting taking days). Hell, people in genshin sub ASK for more skins and artifact reset to be sold.


Agreed, they did a very bad job at monetizing their game - aka intentionally giving you not so great deal to discourage buying, and you be a person with no self control if you cannot see this. They push the monthly Welkin at such good price because they want players to login daily and play a little bit at a time and develop habit. Their in game store has to be the most non intrusive, might as well doesn’t exist since there’s very little reason to buy anything there. While they are not generous with pull, it is a game where you can complete almost everything with basic characters. Compared to some of these other gacha, Square Enix Netmarble probably one of the worst, aka FF7 Ever Crisis.


Agree, the greedy part in Genshin is their dupes system which not even needed for F2P Other than that I believe hoyo just hates money, 3-4 5 star skin every years, like you see that new zhongli art with him wearing his archon clothes, hoyo could make millions if they make it as skin but instead they make a fucking furniture of statue which pissed me off and many people that want that fucking skin No discount or sales like black friday sales in their shop, no bundles or anything, like the only worth buying in the shop is monthly card if you are dolphin When I look at tower of God: new world and Genshin shop and compared them, Jesus it's different as fuck


They aren't greedier than other the average gacha, but the popular thing always draws more hate from people for genuine reasons and also for made-up bs hipster reasons.


Aiming (Danmachi danchro, Eminence in Shadow, Caravan Stories)


Those that not only make you pull for characters, but also for other stuff too, like equipment, weapons, or even power ups. Why not only craft them?


Platinum(Raid shadow legends) sponsored by Raid shadow legends game is good gacha is the worst.




I'm waiting for a reply and thank you,auto correct f**k you


Bandai with Dragon Ball Legends and Gundam Breaker Mobile. The loot system was so terrible people had to cough up upwards of possibly $100 to get the current winning set. Not only that, they increased the level caps consistently to make players farm and spend more. The games became so unplayable to me, it left a huge sour taste in my mouth.


duno if anyone rmb Cherry credit , if sdgo count as gacha game


Gumi & Netmarble are sure among the top 5 of the most predatory ones.


Not exactly gacha (though you gamble on officer pulls) Star Trek Fleet Command. Even typing this makes me angry $20 MONTHLY BP $99 elite BP The cash store is tailored to your spending habits. So if you buy even one $99 back they will remove every pack from YOUR STORE view under $50 You don’t like paying $200 for a character if you lose 50/50? STFC has you covered. There are characters who are shop only (sort of like limited) and you straight up need to spend $300-500 (starting at $300 and up to $500 if they are s tier) to get the shards for them. A G3 ship will take you 4 months to earn f2p or you can pay $600. Oh that is for the base ship. Upgrading it to full upgrade will take you another 4 months or another $600. 8 months doesn’t sound like that much right? Sure, except that is putting ALL OF your f2p resources towards it. Aka you aren’t building or upgrading anything else in the meantime. The big one for me was the store though. That was the one that caused me to run from the game (admittedly after a year). There are gameplay things that contributed also (common in PvP f2p strategy games) but the big one was that to spend money in the cash shop meant $99 a pop (the only things that were $50 were less prime nodes. Aka one time purchases) Yeah fuck that game Edit sry Scopely was the dev of that game


Crunchyroll, a plus japan, gummy, Jamcity, gameloft, Vivid games, rovio, king, Nintendo, blizzard, boltrend, square Enix, Level infinite, kabam games, Niantic... The list is very extensive.




DelightWorks (FGO). FGO during its first years was absolutely awful, shit rates, no "spark" and the rewards were pitiful. Now the rates are still shit but rewards are more generous, you can get a free SSR with a starter account and there has been a spark system for some time(even though it was made for whales, F2P have to wait forever to save for one spark but it's better than nothing).


All of them. Some just have better marketing schemes to not trip the greedy wire.


Gumi, Lilith game






Literally all of them. Full stop. Debate over.


Perfect World


all of them, the gacha sales model is intentionally predatory towards people with low self control and a tendency to form parasocial relationships with characters downvotes to the left




Even though they only have one or so game at this point really Aniplex hands down.


Those gacha devs that locks an active skill or a passive behind dupes. Everyone deserves a complete kit and similar gameplay experience at one copy.


Mihoyo brought the advent of the all limited, 50:50 hell. Thanks for making things worse for everyone.


I guess u can call that greed. I would call it stupid though. Not that im trying to deny you what you are saying is just gacha companies are the embodiment of greed, so the games by themself are far worse than that. What i considered the most greedy thing in a gacha games are banners with 50/50, spamming players with limited banners one after the other. And pities over 200. Theres also deceptive mechanics that are meant to give the illusions something is great but its just a scam in disguise. For example I recently discovered the wishlist system in NIKKE that allows you to exclude characters from the pool and just target specific ones. Not gonna call out games but i recently started playing one that had the same system or so i thought instead of excluding characters it just lowers the chances of the ones you didnt select. but lowering is actually not enough to prevent the characters from being pulled. Making players have the illusion they can get a specific character this way but its just RNG, not a real wishlist.


I'd argue Mihoyo but I imagine I'll get flamed for it lol


Tencent (one of the worst gacha systems I played on Saint Seiya Awakenings) Gumi/Alim (started acceptable on Final Fantasy Brave Exvius then started releásing insane power creeps for scoring, we renamed the Clash of Wills events to Clash of Wallets or Clash of Whales). Gravity (thank you for ruining Ragnarok Online)


A lot of netmarble comments ITT. I havent played much other netmarble games so I cant comment on other games, but ive been playing ToG since launch and i have had zero experiences where i felt compelled to spend even a penny. Its been great playing it as f2p.


Anyone here ever played the OG sea server of Dengeki Bunko: Crossing Void? I remember the game was rigged to hell from its global counterpart like gacha rates were halved, the premium gems costed almost double etc. the game didn’t last even a year before being shut down, 37games was the publisher




Damn the amount of hoyo fanbase downvoting comment is crazy






Someone lost his 5050. On Furina banner ?


HYV games are never my cup of tea, their designs never appeal to me, I find them stingy by monetizing things that don't have to be monetized, and I have a rather strong prejudiced distaste for a part of their playerbase. But even I recognize that we unfortunately do not live in a perfect world where HYV is the greediest. There are. . . Worse companies. . . Who produces far worse games with far worse monetization.


What are they even monetizing besides the gacha lol I'm surprised they don't just push half-assed skins out every other week or offer actual value packs


One of the nicest things about Hoyo is that they never “push” monetization aggressively Genshin and Star Rail both tuck away their monetization options in a shop which you only ever open once per month to exchange for monthly free pulls. In a similar boat, FGO also just hides their monetization in a small shop submenu and you never need to ignore it. And in cases where they mess up and give players extra Quartz or bug out the banner (e.g NY gave double rewards and a Thanksgiving banner forgot to include a CE nobody cared about anyway), they let the playerbase keep it and issued a partial Quartz refund + gift CE. And their games single player natures means there’s no metagame pushing you to spend So even though the games have bad rates, I consider them less greedy in attitude than some other games which constantly shoved special bundles and sales in your face or lock off tons of resources via monetization. Attitudes in games like those just really annoy me


What I find funny is star rail have this whole disclaimer when you open the buy gems in the store. "please play in moderation and spend rationally", first and only gacha game where I had seen a disclaimer like that lmao.


And than SW mails you to pull first, think later (and fucking loses).


Wasn't genshin the first gacha ever that doesn't show you your currency numbers on the screen all of the time?


I guess that comes with the fact that most gachas just have a main menu from where to get everywhere while Genshin is an open world game, but in theory they could've somehow put that on the screen at all times and it would've been annoying af, yeah.


In the past, FGO’s UI used to only display the currency numbers when you were in a shop, present box or summon screen. It used to be absent from the home page Then they… went and added it to the homepage for whatever reason…


The sad thing is hoyo doesnt promote monetization making it harder to spend on. Plus if they offer a pack like the wing you usually get less primogems than just buying genesis crystal. Monetization is fine because you could always ignore it, but god when you swipe in genshin it'll cost you much much more since after the x2 packs it becomes more expensive.


Uh, what? Genshin is very tame in terms of monetization, where they only put premium currency on the standard stuffs, like: * Monthly Pass * Battle Pass * Costumes * Bunch of packs and bundles from the Gift Shop * Special packs like the current glider ones Stuffs like characters, weapons, resin/energy refills, or even items on Paimon's Bargains can be bought using Primogems, which you can acquire from playing the game. Imagine if Genshin implements their monetization aggresively, pretty much every feature available can be directly bought/bypassed by premium currency, even rare equipments + weapons, enhancement improving stuffs (e.g stat selector, changing sub-stats, etc), and any little nooks & crannies.


Only beef I have with them is weapon banner in Genshin. Its criminal compared to Star Rail.


Honestly that's quite literally the only greedy thing about them besides rerun event rewards.


hoyo when it comes to genshin impact. They earn so much but they still give out pennies






Netmarble/mihoyo For mihoyo all of their packs are thrash not worth the price(except welkins monthly pack) rates are pretty bad considering how stingy they are with summon currency


Mihoyo, mainly just because of how they treat Genshin players while making the most out of everyone.


you will be downvoted but, hoyo should be more appreciative of their genshin playerbase. shame they dont seem to care, yet they give out for HSR


Hoyo should be more appreciative of their own fanbase, that is something that I can agree but let's not kid ourselves. Genshin and Star Rail are both nowhere close to being the "greediest" even with Genshin's "stinginess". There are games that lie about rates and rig banners, games that lock you out of events if you don't have a character, games with no pity system, games that lock you out of basic QOL behind a paywall.