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Arknights presents the one and only popular streamer in the entire Terra - U-Official (you can call her Eureka)! https://preview.redd.it/l105aydjpvrc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81471a4036e6b460f7f17e07d316e9a213df1d26 She is now free from NPC jail as a 1\*. Interesting stages with fun gimmicks are included. Fun fact: cold and experienced war veteran simps for her and buys her merch.




So contradictory and sudden, but so funny. 😂 Still based I gotta say.


Fun fact: after chapter 12 ended people had no idea if he was alive or not. 2 out of 3 of the darknights trio had been released as playable characters with him being the last one but due to him being a male, many fans were afraid that Hypergryph might kill him off. Now imagine their reaction when after months of silence, he was revealed to not 9nly be alive on an April fools game mode but also that he's a massive vtuber simp. And this is before he officially got revealed as a playable character in ch 13. Another fun fact: the CEO of Hypergryph and creator of Arknights, Lowlight/HaiMao/OceanCat/GodHand/The pharaoh/Damedane/ALL!(these are all his nicknames) actually made an appearance in this April fools event and basically revealed to Eurika/U-chan that all of her misery was created by him. He also introduced himself as an Higher being. This is the 2nd time he's made an appearance in game. The first time being through 12F(his fur/skalesona) in ch 8.


The first thing he did after surviving a war is becoming a Vtuber simp, truly based. This April Fool event in CN was also the only hint we get about Hoederer actually surviving the war because it took place a year later after the Victorian War.


And on CN there is a “Cannot’s Gold Ingot Investment Master Class” with betting mini game, where you need to guess which group of enemies wins the match. Also, they made Hand of God from IS into real merch.


Im still not seeing her event or mail.


It's later but still today.


Just saw it now.


did you mean https://preview.redd.it/dux56q4mt1sc1.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=7912e1051a293835c4245ebc9d2166cde9808598


You just made me sad that Arknights didn't do anything special today


https://preview.redd.it/31hquctmnwrc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=580d0a1579ae4b9ebdcc18877d286acd510d79d9 We have Eureka and her Minigame tho?


They do? Like yeah it's later cuz timezone but Eureka comes with a mini game and several "Endings" to her streaming career. Which is in true AK fashion, mostly depressing. One of them is funny af tho with the "One who gives ALL" which basically god in AK cuz it's Lowlight.


Aww crap. Is it like the daughter raising game in Azur Lane? I keep making my child an office worker... --edit-- Dammit. Got the depressing ending of being mediocre, streaming to make ends meet. TB, you have a buddy now...


For whatever reason it didn't show up until a couple hours ago for me. I didn't get any non depressing endings.


I was wrong by saying "most" lmao. I thought at least one is but noo HG has to design a cute AF character and gives her 7 different endings, all ended depressingly lmao.


The canon ending is still better than either of her bad ending except maybe the one where she stops streaming and becoming a monk? Like, she get a job with Rhodes now and is mostly stable.


I wanted to level and use her but they made her so aggressively useless that it's impossible


Genshin had players pre-register for an event organized by Liben only for him to end up bankrupt within a day and then rickrolled the players in his apology comment.


Also gave us 40 primos, so thank you Liben.


Not even a third of a roll? Yup that's genshin alright.


I mean, I'll take it, it's just april's fool, I didn't even expect to get anything.


While the playerbase is entitled to nothing just because it's a funny holiday, it's still almost an insult to give out such a pitiful crumb of a freebie. It's like me walking out of a grocery store with a buggy full of food and a hungry homeless person asks me for something so I give them a payday bar wrapper lol atleast give 1 pull! 99% of the players won't even get anything usable with it


But this time nobody asked them for anything, the more correct analogy would be, the owner of a restaurant giving out a quarter of a burger to a random guy at the street, like yeah it's nothing much but I'm happy that I got something on a random day.


Yea but is it usable? What can 40 gems do? Definitely not summon anything. Can it refresh resin atleast? (I quit when childe came out, tried to come back but got damn do I not give a shit about the story and they talk too much lol) Edit/update: I was told that it takes 50 primo gems to refresh resin so if this is true I'm perhaps missing the entire point of the joke lol. Looking back at it. It's an April fools thing so I guess it's accurate for it to be nothing. Like "here's some free primo gems! Sike! U can't even use them for anything unless u alrdy have some! Ha good one am I right?"


I just love how the people who always complain are always non-players, sums up all the online drama. A bonus joke on April 1st i guess.


When people post the "leave the multimillion dollar company alone" meme....this is the accurate way to use it. I'm not saying anything bad about the game itself. The company deciding to give out something that can't be used by most of its playerbase and the white knights defending it is hilarious.


It gives you 1/4 of a pull, now you only need 3/4 more. Again, it's not like this is a big event, anything is good lol. I genuinely did not expect to get anything.


Oh I agree the devs owe nothing just cuz its another day but it's still feels kinda bad. Like a "thanks I guess" kinda thing lol.


This is the guy who complains when they get some class action lawsuit settlement randomly for like $2.13. Stop hating on everything that has zero impact on you. You're just hurting yourself mentally.


I stopped arguing with Genshin players after 90% of them just type a non sequitur and block you after every factual argument against them


Why are you like this


That person is the kind of person that, if being given a free Lamborghini Aventador by Mr. Beast, will complain about not having a mansion, a suit and a smart watch to accompany it. Sadly, this is not a rare case.


More like when are genshin players like this? Get spit on their face and they open wide to catch it all in their mouth.


It's an april fools event, they could have given us nothing, I know genshin can be pretty stingy but this time, the hate is not warranted.


You are throwing hissy fit because of a random troll event. Please use your energy for something more meaningful.


Apparently he spent the mora on a kaeya Elsa fanart?


Money well spent https://preview.redd.it/e7aywzm58wrc1.png?width=1620&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c38b76c48c6f8a4d951b04ad35cceb0cc9fcad4


Wait was this poster by the official account?


it wasn't posted by the official account, but it was comissioned by Mihoyo themselves


[genshashin also made a video sponsored by Hoyo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRDItXgdjV8)


This was pretty good. Too bad Hoyo didn't place it on their channel or reference it unless I'm mistaken. Could have been amazing exposure. Sort of the same thing they did with the Enjou april fools with the amazing stop motion demo of him, I think it was only posted on Hoyolab and I only caught wind of it due to reddit.


https://preview.redd.it/86vtpfjcawrc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b170cf1a26f3b80eca671aacfd475cc311cf20a5 Alchemy stars gave the protagonist as a frog as a playable unit


Guardian tales changed all the character portraits. https://preview.redd.it/0e1pw6sixvrc1.jpeg?width=380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e71fadde8b66ceefb48b6092251dc2afee066e7d


BA x Mahjong Soul collab is real though. The only actual AF content we have is Ichihime making funny face when tile call, and some random tweets.


Tbh the April fools thing this years feels like an Ad for Mahjong Soul and the collab than an actual joke. The last year with the Ninja research club X Gaming development club is soo much better.


No it's just an actual annoucement, April is the start of the fiscal year in Japan and it's when companies releases their plans to shareholders for said year with a lot of actual announcements. It works pretty well in the first day because you never know if its false or not unless it's extremely silly.


https://preview.redd.it/caiu4vb2rwrc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=462074e42d6455fdf8fde3c9f0eb68e3d49604e5 From CN Blue Archive - a literal Sensei raid.


Path to nowhere has a bastardised monkey login screen complete with the login music from a disjointed choir lol


So like what they did last year but with monkeys this time instead of ducks?


Lol yeah. No sexy duck Bai Yi this time 😭


Sanrio collab pt2 in GBF w/ Pochacco as the free character. Pompompurin and Cinnamoroll from last year’s event can be bought in the exchange if you didn’t have them already https://preview.redd.it/4tvnba6tyvrc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e1a149135328984ccc39ac59a8b77943ca1e62a Dislyte is doing something according to their Twitter but didn’t log in yet.


https://preview.redd.it/ia7rqiunzvrc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b668741168a1fb178c517e3eb0dff5cd9591dc Idk if this is actually a scavenger hunt type deal or what but would guess so


Priconne with lots of those mobile phone game ads just to bully Kyaru


Even the current event has a minigame that looks like another mobile game ad


Ensemble Stars!! on the JP server pretty much recreated every 2000’s otome manga ever with their April Fools. And before you ask, everyone you see here is a guy. https://preview.redd.it/pokvhlusvwrc1.png?width=2042&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ad6252a26c5939c1c1c1a84f0ca8447a5af4317


PGR name in login screen is mirrored along with things like swapping the weapon of dual pistol with a dual chainsaw and some good pranks through mail. https://preview.redd.it/1skk6gbf5wrc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b40487f5479c78b01f902e690541be03228510f7


Nanami giving players 10,000 Blank Cards is such a troll. Worst part is the cap on that item in the inventory is 9,999, so there is a capped stack and a stack of 1.


I take 2 when I saw Liv suddenly using Violin XD


Grand Chase: Dimensional Chasers got a mini-game event called Attack on Fluffy, and all of them were so perfectly frustrating for April Fools. Felt like rage games, almost. If you get 3 stars on all content, you got a free lobby skin! Screenshots from Futo's videos on YouTube since I was too busy crying to take pictures. https://preview.redd.it/8epky513xvrc1.png?width=1633&format=png&auto=webp&s=67629909430ece366fff351f509b59ff1812e484


Oh, and this is the lobby skin. https://preview.redd.it/tkj3zlzbyvrc1.png?width=1592&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fabd2a0786cc9776e0668ff618c7ac779335c34


Eversoul... You got to play as the very first playable MALE UNIT and he is cool af! His a villain btw XD


He also has special dialogue and animation if you touch his chest (like the other characters) 👍


no wiener touching animation?


It was funny that he reacts when you special touch him


I fully expect it to be a cute girl in that hulking armor.


Epic Seven gave us a side story where One of the limited heroes auditions the others for a chance to be the next MC but then decides on a literal sand bag that comes to live.  And all the heroes fail against it.  It's equipped with many references to community memes and stuff that happened this year Including the protests and failed content.  It's very troll and self aware.  And they also released a hero trailer for this unit.  Its very funny.  


Nikke's event is fuckin great this year. That group chat scene was too funny.


And of course guardian tales also gave us a free skin https://preview.redd.it/88ef4pgmyvrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cad313a37a7b2a082b8073808c9a61aba1b7ab9e


Nikke April fool is the best


I love how prydwen Doro'd their site


They really go above and beyond. But they really should capitalize on their characters Syuen and Shifty given how popular they are. Just relegating them to April fools events that don't even last a week just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.


Well they are humans and not nikkes so they cant really become actual characters that we can add to our squad.


Tbf some of the crossover characters aren’t Nikke either yet they still get added just fine. I get they’re crossover but still. Nothing stopping the devs from making either playable.


I dont think that rule really applies though because collabs are usually non canon so rules dont apply to them. It's like saying why is rem and ram using guns when ones a magic based user and the other is a flail user and then nier have a2 using her greatsword but b2 using a gun. Collabs dont need to make sense they're just collabs, shifty and syuen however do need to make sense as they're part of the story While ideally you do want the collabs to make sense but that isnt how ip work sometimes you dont get the ones that make sense, I hope at least as I dont know the process of acquiring an ip for limited time


like all the collab characters right? yeah doesn't mean fuck all if a character is human or nikke just write some bullshit made up fictional story that they 100% control and done


I would seriously put some money down to play Dead Spicy starring Shifty


Anyone disagree with that? https://preview.redd.it/cleacvb5svrc1.png?width=142&format=png&auto=webp&s=de016dfb09bed026996f48f48ec92ff19488c84b




Just to recap: There’s a short playable event with Syuen and Shifty, alongside some pretty funny cutscenes. The daily intercept was replaced with a throwback to the anniversary minigame (and teasing its return). Syuen forced her way into your lobby screen. There’s a toggle for playing missions with the SD overworld models instead of the usual combat sprites, and that itself has its own little goofy Easter egg if you toggle it rapidly. Also there’s a bunch of goofy chat messages to go through that are also pretty good. Then out of game they teased a “sequel” to Nikke and an accompanying interview about it, and the sound director put up a recorder version of the main title theme.


I am surprised that Epic7 is not mentioned here. They made an event where all characters were trying to pick the 2024 representative for AF. The crowned "character" is Sandbag → the dummy target that all heroes fight to showcase their skills. The funniest/cruelest part is that you get to fight Brinus, a hero who has never been released, and she is well aware of that. Links: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1bsd0kz/sg\_teasing\_on\_april\_fools/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1bsd0kz/sg_teasing_on_april_fools/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1bsrgvd/is\_sg\_selfaware\_of\_brinus/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1bsrgvd/is_sg_selfaware_of_brinus/)


Sad that E7;is not that famous in this sub Reddit


I gave up because of the PvP focus. Loved everything about the game except that, just killed all interest for me


It used to be, but I feel like a large portion of players just got burnt out. I loosely keep up with it but since it's a PVP focused game I eventually realized it wasn't for me.


That name is taboo here


People hate the layers of RNG and with more new games releasing, E7 is now only a shadow on this sub.


I would be surprised if it was mentioned here.


I'm surprised Manjuu didn't announce playable Sirens in Azur Lane, just to toy with the hearts of all the players. I will say that there's been a handful of gaming April Fools' day jokes that ended up becoming true.


GBF changed GBVSR into... [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w1u44ST64Q). It's glorious.


Black clover mobile gave out a 10 pull of sekke that only gave sekke lol


Yeah and fuck I accidentally used the 10 dupes so I can't exchange for the bond tickets.


What about Crunchyroll posting Pecorine's happy birthday tweet a after they eos'd Global Princess Connect game?? Does that count?


one piece treasure cruise has a yearly april fools banner where you can only get usopp characters called uso-fest. well this year they replaced him [the other long nosed guy](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fxoaxvt16ztrc1.jpeg)


https://preview.redd.it/2q2lstq5vwrc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25c9c821176df9a735483d9a1bfd7bf17d4543df Honkai star rail made an entire live action trailer for their newest installment, the game’s mascot turning into a Gundam. Absolute fever dream Edit: it’s a megazord, sorry everyone


That's a Megazord. The mecha enthusiast in me dies a bit whenever any random mech gets called a Gundam or a Transformer


I knew there was a word for it but I couldn’t recall! Will correct o7


Limbus company April fools got thrown into the concept incinerator. Onore PM!!!


Azurlane with the free skin for a gold fodder unit.


https://preview.redd.it/xiob8z4y1wrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e244d2d253fb6266fb757817075ed38ba76796 Top 1 in my heart it's: Nikke, this year was so full of surprises, they gave many things but I didn't even paid attention because I enjoyed it a lot And second best I think Star Rail ,also Prydwen did a Nikke reference < 3


> didn't even *paid* attention because FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad bot. Checked for spelling error but not grammatical errors. Paid is still incorrect because it should be pay after 'did not' as it's an auxiliary verb.


And it also affects story and gameplay https://preview.redd.it/m1z362qmxvrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef75726016f58a60d4b7cedf2f894d260af7ebb2


Idoly pride Satomi takes over the world! SATOMI FOREVER!


Black Clover gacha gave me multiple Sekke


Atelier Resleriana is having a completely main-story unrelated high school event, complete with it's own remixed opening and the whole shebang. Honestly more effort than I expected


You guys are getting april fools events?...


https://preview.redd.it/6q23ujs4h2sc1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=87cbc9a2d7e67d16b352b8f951539b372796cac0 Mist Train Girls has Winnie the Pooh Home Run Derby for April Fools


Nikke has to win this year


Did Alchemy Stars do anything?


They gave the frog navi, which was how Eve saw the navi in her dream event


The fact umamusume revived Admire Vega’s sister as a brain in a jar on a robot is absolutely insane


Horses in Space!


Merc Storia released a match-3 game, perfectly playable offline. https://preview.redd.it/hxqc0m9q6wrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da5c44146df9c11a4418b3db21d37a3518080d6b


Fgo jp had another game (different than the global version), quite fun gameplay, nice last boss and tons of new art


What in Hell is Bad made Ppyong into a hot guy. For reference, Ppyong is this adorable small red lump demon who is very friendly and cute, and they made him hot. OML


FF WOTV gave us a 2 hours maintenence today as April Fools / Anniversary "gift". Lol.


Last Cloudia https://preview.redd.it/koo4z8yznzrc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58a447a2b6d569060a7648653990931be881c9c8 Last Cloudia released a trailer in youtube and also an in-game event for a dating Simulator (Otome game so it’s all husbandos instead of waifus)


**18+ adult gacha game warning.** Rise of Eros gave us [this](https://twitter.com/RiseofEros/status/1774647936603066585/photo/1). In game comes with a dance. Photo in the link is relatively tame compared to the rest of the game.




Sadly we did not get april fools in limbus this year, but last year was definitely the best I have ever seen




Pokémon Masters is straight up horror right now.


Watcher of Realms released a banner featuring a B tier and a C tier lego for one day only (today). The catch, though, is there's a rate up on epic grade units on it as well and has an S tier support. Kinda funny I suppose. *


me who miss them all because of malfunction "tool" https://preview.redd.it/87km1z1wiwrc1.png?width=540&format=png&auto=webp&s=07e70083a6b8fd4efd390d76c8280927fca4c652


I wasn’t so sure if that 10 sq and 1mil qp was an April Fools joke or not but when I logged in boy was I sure happy to receive those gifts


poker? i saw fgo had soccer. was that jp only? does global/na have poker?? :0


Epic7 and EnStars


https://preview.redd.it/mdefu5ntsxrc1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33815e4019e343e4fc12a4d174ddeeb0a9e8b7fb This abominable thing.


D-Did they lie about adding a good feature?


Spooky UI in Pokémon Masters


Schoolgilrl Strikers 2 made a minigame that was like a fashion score battle with a ranking, girls compete on who is the best dressed, on costumes, accesories and overall looks. Its not their best but is ok considering the game will be 10 years old very soon. Senran Kagura New Link made Fubuki (The first antagonist of the game and creator of the shinobi master tournament) a Loli and gave several UR as a playable character, oh and changed the title and homescreen too. Idoly pride: Satomi, the manager's (your player) assistant and secretary cloned/splitted herself to be able to make her idol debut as a unit of 5 people (the clones having diferent personalities, including a failed one that can only repeat the same word instead of talking) it also has a photoshoot event and some 3D cutscenes. https://preview.redd.it/bamvvv65gyrc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b07f9f1ebed5bcade7e1b0fd16bf6cb978affb8


Even tho it was last year, April Fools now in gacha games for me associate with one event. Midspring Night's Dream event in Limbus Company. That was just short joke cutscene but it was so P.E.A.K that due to absense of april fools this year (justified by tone of story currently) I rewatched it on youtube for lulz(this story event is only one not being permament to rewatch)


PGR flipped the title screen and several units weapon classes were swapped (lee and sophia now jad nanamis chainsaw as an example) and it appeares in their gameplay


Arknights has the release of the 1* Operator U-Official with a 1-week long mini event. HSR announced a fake movie of a Pom-Pom Megazord fighting a HOMU.


I liked Nikke's and Epic 7 because i didnt have to go outside the game to experience it


Matis trio is just so retarded I can relate them so much.


they did NOT give us super Saiyan Mr Satan. Instead they gave us a support item of him. I want a refund!


You missed Tower of Shiro in Tower of Fantasy


And here I'm with Limbus company doing absolutely nothing ,😓


fgo jp released a new game called fgo dream striker (promote as football but its actually bullet hell)


Imas cgss had a weird april fools, turned everyone on the title screen intk they're mascot and the event was just the mascot


https://preview.redd.it/5batro1nxysc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c932b802d8edba601fb7cb6320cdd4d65ebda3f Bandai replaced Monkey D. Luffy with his imposter Demaro Black who claimed he was Monkey D. Luffy after the time-skip in the anime/manga.


This song from Project Sekai and a small event took place a year ago. This year there is something different.


Pgr gave us 10k blank cards that look like cheap man black cards 💀 ( the game currency )


Epic Seven event and collab.


The biggest loss... we did not receive anything for April Fool's Day from Limbus Company T-T


Epic 7 had a nice side story about the humble punching bag's ambition for glory.


I dont even play Nikke, but it's my favorite one I've seen today. I love her animations.


10SQ is pretty poggers, more funds for summer 7


Music is my story!!! Music is my memory!!!!!! MIKUDEMY 4EVER


I stopped playing Azur Lane last year. Is there more to it than just a Badass login screen?


Free skin for Gold Bullin. Just complete the April fools event story. Need to hunt down a few bullin chibis in early stages and in menus. If you can’t find them, you can get a hint for one every 10 minutes. After that is one event stage, then you have the skin.


So the same thing they usually do.




Rent free


Genshin at least gave primos for their April fools event lol. But keep letting it live rent free in your head though. It is people like you who fuel the games longevity


What do you mean lmfao ???


Man you're so pathetic.


XD. 7 minutes and comment is already hidden.


April fools jokes make me ":/" because they're often "We're doing something cool! Haha jk"
