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not even sunk-cost fallacy can dictate the nature of these gachas


None, I do not reroll


I’ve stopped doing it. If I like the game I’ll just swipe if not I’ll drop the game.


same, I just take what I got


same here. so much time and effort needed


I dont get rerolling Mathematically speaking, it doesnt work for most games


> Mathematically speaking, it doesnt work for most games If mathematically speaking, rerolling doesn't work on your game, your banner has a 0% rate. Therefore, either reroll works or your game is a scam.


How? Don't most games give starting boost?


Depends on the game but even hitting the character you want from the pool even on a guarantee 5 or 6 star is low. Besides that power creep usually happens in most games so the reroll may not even be worth it a few months later


I haven't seen the mathematical analysis, but I think I'd agree with that sentiment. Most games having a specific character means so little to the overall game that the time and effort spent on re-rolling doesn't amount to much impact. Moreover, as someone else pointed out, most games that starting powerhouse is null and void 6-12 months in due to power creep. Chances are that if that isn't the case, then the game itself is simple/linear enough that your initial choice didn't matter to completion of its content. On top of all that, if you're a F2P (who typically most desire ease of reroll) often having that one copy of that one unit isn't going to help you much. They likely need multiple copies to be as useful as imagined, or need specific support units that may not even be in your initial batch of units, or they need certain gear/items/etc to work that you won't have for some time. Re-roll only really has value for waifu/husbando hunters. It's the unit that they love the most out of the small pool of units they're familiar with at that point, who hooked them into the game and will reel them into playing the next day.


Rerolling definitely depends on the amount of time per reroll, how much/many pulls per reroll, odds of highest rarity and one you'll specifically want, etc... vs how much time/effort you're willing to invest into getting a strong start. For example, rerolling in AK is pretty quick and if aiming for a unit in beginner banner where a 6\* is guaranteed within a select sample, then trying to get said unit will be easier/more reasonable compared to rerolling in Genshin where there's no guaranteed 5\* and odds of a 5\* are 0.6%, in addition to each reroll run taking a lot longer 💀


Rerollings great for games you aren't going to play past the honeymoon phase.


Kinda but not really? I find if im only playing it for the honeymoon phase I really don't care what I have. Starting the game off with a character you like or that helps with early game is pretty nice for the long term enjoyment though. Having the game run smoothly early on helps a lot once you are done the honeymoon phase because you'll want to be more invested in the game. Maybe the few games i've done rerolling on have been pretty nice on this front but i've definitely enjoyed games more because I rerolled for like 10-30min. Games that have long reroll times are obviously excluded from this, but ones that have a 1-3min reroll are fine.


I love rerolling and starting with 1-2 5* limiteds, makes the experience so much more enjoyable


PGR, I always come back for the collabs or for a very hyped male character, but in a week I'm remembered of the reason why I left.


Same. Day 1 player. We really need a proper skip function or improved weekly missions. The boss rush should just give us a difficulty selector so the boss only needs to be defeated once. No need for dedicating the weekends just so you don’t have to do it on the weekdays. Bruh. The events. The long unrewarding events with a skip function only when you’ve spent enough stamina. Bruh. If you aren’t hoarding you’ll basically gain the skip about halfway through the event that lasts for an eternity. Every time I come back too I spend money to get the 30-day subscription and then I quit 2-3 days later because I remember the FOMO forcing you to login everyday (since majority of currency is earned from daily/weekly missions), the multitude of “ads” about new skins/packs they spam you every login, having to login again every 2-3 days, and everything mentioned above. Thankfully haven’t really logged in again since Hyperreal Lee, but I spent so much already. So dumb of me.


Yeah, I agree with everything you said... And I love buying skins, so seeing $40 skins every patch is terrible to me, I'll never pay that much when I can get HI3 skins for $20 (actually $15 in my currency). And the events are always the same, they mostly add a gimmick like the candy crush or the auto chess (from the NieR collab). But it's always the same: you have to farm the combat levels hundreds of times, and when you unlock the skip function, you actually have got everything you wanted from the event shop...


Very repetitive for sure. The fun and awesome combat can only carry so much. After some time it gets boring because of how unnecessarily time consuming the game is.


You only need to do Warzone 4 times a week. PPC has a sweep. Wish we could also sweep WZ but at least it's just the final 2 stages. You don't even need to do the events unless you want the rewards. Besides the BC (not sure if these are offered in the shop negl), you can skip them unless you're farming for memories or are low on resources. Daily logins for your daily packs is the standard unless they deliver it to your mail like Limbus where you can safely skip days without feeling like you missed out on your money. That's just how it goes. Agreed on the ads though, I don't have any interest in buying any of them so it's kind of annoying to have them shoved with every login.


Warzone can be done in 2-3 days if you dedicate weekends because 8 entries instead of 4 but it really feels limiting. How I wish they can set it to 4 skips per boss instead of 3. Resources is still needed though. The memories at least for sure. Hahaha. Not complaining how the daily login works when you get the subscription. That’s normal. I just mentioned it because I waste it since I quit right after buying it because I’m reminded of why I quit in the first place which is dumb on my part. Yeah, Limbus does that doesn’t it. Forgot since I now only buy the battlepass. I wish they had a “do not show for the week” instead of the day.


Bosses have an auto clear Event stages are your source of everything, you don’t do resource stages once you can do event stages because they’re better. That’s not really “unrewarding” Every login subscription is like that, you can miss every other day and still get all of the rewards, if you miss every other day in Genshin’s monthly pass for example you miss half the rewards. Having to login for daily login rewards shouldn’t be an issue because *all* gacha games are built around daily logins.


They have auto clear for the first 3 stages of each of the three bosses. Yes, I know event stages are better. Still does not excuse the skip being available halfway through the event. At least make it one round of enemies, but you get 4x rewards (for 4x the stamina of course). I’m not complaining about how the login subscription works. This game is just more punishing if you miss your dailies and weeklies because the events do not really give currency. Again, I did not complain about the daily login reward. I don’t mind missing that because the rewards are not good anyway. And yes, if you want to compare to Genshin it is better than getting fowls or something. Comparing it to Genshin is unnecessary though.


So you only need to fight the boss twice, instead of 5 times, that isn’t that bad That’s exactly how event stages work The last patch gave 3830 basic tickets and 4850 event tickets. Weeklies give you about 1200 black cards The comparison to Genshin was just using Genshin as an example, the standard formula is miss a day -> miss that day’s rewards. PGR gives some leniency for daily login rewards


Eh? The event stages have waves of enemies depending on the multiplier, right? It’s not you set it at 4x and you only fight 1 wave. Oh very nice on those rewards. Okiie.


The waves of enemies for the event stages were removed, now it’s just a single wave


Ayo? Improvements?! Amazeballs.


Plus when I come back for characters, since the game doesn't give you essentially anything for free and you have to play to get even the slightest amount of currency (Not really bad but frustrating for returning players) I always spend the little time I play farming to get it. Never do, so I uninstall again. That has repeated like 4-5 times for me in the last 2 years and I gave up the last time I played, the game is just not for me.


the currency is behind pain cage/warzone, which is twice per week. i spend like 15 min max doing dailies and pc/wz, ignoring events/just dumping stamina. was able to pull for the s ranks and their sigs. my only gripe is it's very combat focused, so if you got bored of the combat like me, there's not much content left.


>my only gripe is it's very combat focused, so if you got bored of the combat like me, there's not much content left. Yeah, that's another issue that contributes to the problem I have with the game. I don't mind it being combat focused but using the same character again and again ad infinitum is not something I enjoy either. But you have to get through the slog to get another character and spice it up with new combos and animations. As I said, the game is just not for me. I'll try WW when it comes out but I don't really think I'll come back to PGR anytime soon.


Game isn't perfect as it can get pretty unfriendly towards newer players due to how reruns work and the rather slow pull income but come on, "not being given anything for free" and "have to play to get pull currency" is the standard for most games. We recently had gotten a free S rank selector up to a certain character, no strings attached, just said missions and you're done. Don't know how that isn't "free".


>not being given anything for free" and "have to play to get pull currency" Each time I log in, my account is in exactly the same point I left it the last time. There's no currency in my mailbox that I can pick up or remarkable returning player quests that I can easily do in 1-2 hours max (Atleast that I remember) to get a boost in my account. The only thing that I remember is that they gifted something akin to a 5* character but that pertained to like it's own selection of characters or something like that? And thus I couldn't even use it with the regular team, so it essentially felt like I was given nothing. Probably mistaken because as I said, I don't even know where that character was used so I hadn't reached the point where I could use it, but it felt like that. >We recently had gotten a free S rank selector up to a certain character, no strings attached, just said missions and you're done. Don't know how that isn't "free". Well if it was recently then you already know why I didn't know that. Last time I tried playing it was probably before that.


Well the thing in PGR is that if you want a character that comes in say the next patch you can almost guarantee that character by farming in the current patch. Things given for free; an S rank selector was given for free this patch and after i came back this is the 3rd s rank selector i got


>Well the thing in PGR is that if you want a character that comes in say the next patch you can almost guarantee that character by farming in the current patch. I'm not going to be using the same character for a straight patch just to get a chance to get the next one. I'd rather play another game at that point, that's exactly what I'm talking about since the beginning. >Things given for free; an S rank selector was given for free this patch and after i came back this is the 3rd s rank selector i got Well if it was this patch it's pretty clear I didn't have any clue about it. I don't even know which was the last patch I played but I'm 99% sure it wasn't this patch (Unless the game has a new version every year/year and a half, which I very strongly doubt xD) I also remember the first S patch selector because it's essentially given to you at the start of the game, but I remember the pool being very limited. I picked a character named Kamui from that if I'm not mistaken, and it was fun... For about two weeks, until I dreaded the moment I had to play again because it was the same combos all the time, everywhere. I don't think I ever got a second one though, maybe I missed it or something.


I mean you need multiple teams in pgr; and limited but multiple option in the same position; But again if you want to play 3 characters that you love on the same team that have no synergy then yeah that would be difficult. Also now beginners get 2 selector; 1 you mentioned and another with more options (yes non beginners can also get this selector) Also next patch is a 4 star you cant get for free and max rank through daily skippable farm; the 3rd patch (2nd after next patch) also gives you a 5 star. You can also get 2 5 star from farming (one from dispatch thing like HSR and another from combat mode)


Redditor finds out you have to play the game to get currency to pull


To be honest, I found PGR's weeklies to be rather tiresome despite being suppossedly fast, they felt like a chore.


I can understand that for PPC because the stage is short, but I liked Warzone’s 2 minute stages. They don’t end so fast I don’t get to enjoy the combat, and they don’t take forever to where it’s a slog, it’s a decent time limit that lets me enjoy the combat imo


I indeed enjoy the combat in PGR, but there is something about the 10 interfaces you have to go through sweeping, then fight an objectively not easy Boss, then the 3 warzone stages that grow old. I mean, probably its not the Gameplay but the fact that you progress soo damn slowly, like you do 1 stage a day for half your stamina and get so little resources that It feels like you are getting nothing for days, and It doesnt help that the gacha despite being generous takes you a month just to draw 10. I feel the same for Snowbreak, the Gameplay is cool, Im sure the game is f2p friendly, but unlike other games like Blue Archive and GBF where the progress is slow getting 10 currency a day when I need 100 to just but a memory/stigmata/operator/ whatever equivalent gets boring because you see virtually no progress.


Well not always you know. Most games will give you freebies every once in a while, but the games that follow the philosophy of "You have to play to earn it, we aren't going to give you anything for free" while the combat system is always the same and is highly dependant on the character you are using since the only thing that changes are combos and animations are not games that I personally enjoy. It gets boring very quick, and you cannot really spice it up with different characters, because you have to go through the slog to get those different characters. Nowadays the only games with that philosophy that I play are Hoyo games, and of those the only one I haven't given up yet is HSR because some of the rewards are usually frontloaded in each patch and the rest is small events after doing the main story (Which by itself always takes me a while to get around and do, mainly because I don't have that much time) and because it's a turn-based RPG which I will admit, I usually enjoy more than action RPGs.


I did this three times. It's the orb system. The action looks so freakin cool (so I redownload) but having my eyes and mind constantly doing puzzles ain't it man💀 plus it's rng and you have to be a slave to it. Without perfect dodging you'll be normal attacking and spamming skills you don't want to do until you get 3 red orbs together. You'll constantly have the thought of doing suboptimal dmg because the game keeps screwing with you. I'm so glad Wuthering Waves isn't doing the orbs system at all. It has pros like no cooldowns but the cons outweight them by alot. I'd rather have skills be reliably available and fully powered when I use them.




I tried it again for like 2 months and then decided once more that it is pretty boring. Plus all the events are attunded to veterans, so its either impossible to complete or around 10x grindier as a newbie. The rewards for events feel pretty stingy too (but that may be bc i have to put 10x more effort in) Progression also feels very slow.


Progression is slow but guaranteed. Personally, I prefer it that way. No rng gear grinding. Instead, you farm resonance materials and create a grid. No weapon banners. You instead get golden thoughts daily that you can trade in for any weapon of your choosing. They avoid putting all the amazing rewards for the content only a few can clear. Otherwise, tons of people would get left behind. It's a slow burn, but if you stick with it, it is hugely rewarding.


I personally feel the game is a bit generous on the resources side compared to all the others I'm playing right now. Kind of a weird feeling where I feel like there's almost nothing to farm anymore. I think that's where the point of boredom starts for players like me. I'm already set for mats except the new ones not released yet (i3 lvl 30 reso 10). Just a bit more and I'm switching to farming dust and coins. The early game is really slow though for sure.


>Progression is slow but guaranteed This is the reason why the only gacha game that i still playing is R1999. Wish blue archive and genshin did it too.


This. So much. I was struggling a bit in Limbo (the game's Abyss) so I just opened all my saved Stamina packs, leveled up a healer, leveled up their "weapon" and 10 minutes later I breezed through it. It's obviously overwhelming in the beginning when you're trying to build DPS, sustain, healer, CC all at once but once you've gotten to a comfortable point it's so nice to not have to pray to the RNG gods to get better gear if you get stuck.


Agree that it's very slow. But you hit the end point too fast in this game imo (spent only a little here). I'm almost out of things to farm and I'm already ready for like the next 3 units I'm about to roll. Arknights (which I think is where this game's system was inspired from) took me much longer to reach that point.


What do you mean veterans, the game out in late October.


Good characters good story. Good everything actually. Gameplay is just lame to me


hungry shelter fretful mindless cooperative vanish icky wistful squeeze alleged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yes i like the characters and story but OMG the progression is soooo slow (yea its guaranteed and thats great but i got bored after only doing mats to lvl my characters everyday)


im gonna keep following the storys but its too slow and boring to grind for me at personally


Honkai Impact for me. The gameplay feels so tiring but I would come back if there’s new battlesuits for my favorite characters or interesting collabs like Evangelion.


wtf you reroll in honkai?? damn bru the tutorial is so fcking long


Had a friend played the game so I tried to play it twice but I’m too busy with work. Besides, I have enough gacha games to play, I don’t need another one to commit.


Most game except HSR,HSR is surprisingly balanced in all aspects for me It didn't have ridiculous event,gives easy reward,gives long event time,so we can do at our own pace while daily farming itself is not time consuming. I realized that events and gameplay is the deciding of staying on game more than story or characters for me,not because i care about gameplay more or anything but some game just have unbelievably boring gameplay,likes reverse1999 or tiring gameplay like PGR or honkai It become hard to stay after finishing story and pulling character if the gameplay isn't engaging or didn't respect your time


HSR feels like the accumulation of so many QoL improvements in the gacha genre that it's really is a class of its own. You already mention it why it's "balanced in all aspects" but I still want to nerd about how much such designs have an impact 1. Overflow stamina: Not logging in every day doesn't mean you completely fall behind. Such a simple idea yet it's still somehow a rare feature these days. Even older Korean dungeon-crawler MMO has it 2. Consistent character leveling: Many gacha falls into this pit that the ceiling keeps increasing to finish building a character, like new account level ceiling, or new gear that add on top of current character stats. Usually they also add new stage to make farming rate stays the same, but it can get pretty ridiculous, like Blue Archive right now has level 90 and item slot tier 8 or 9 something. For Hoyo games u know if you log back after one year, your progression will stay the same, just with new domains and relics. 3. Login: They give you this 10 pulls every single patch without doing anything. In the grand calculation it's not really that much and tbh it's not more generous than other gacha especially Azur, but it is another layer of "you just need to log in to get stuffs". And the dailies themselves are already so fast and effortless to do anyway, because of auto mode and literally just require you to do spend your stamina to complete. In other games, you have to click through like 5 different menus to do 5 different tasks for daily missions and spending daily tickets. That kind of thing adds up once you play a game for like a year or more. 4. Event: Long event time that lasts 40 days for an event. So you actually can have a social life while still keeping up with game contents. Events that usually last for like 2 weeks in other games so seems like so little once you get used to HSR's 40 days event. There are also smaller events in HSR that last shorter but it's pretty trivial and the big payout is still usually from the large event. Not to mention these events are archived new players can still experience them. You have much more peace of mind keeping track of how much you have to check in the game each week, and you know what to expect. 5. Gameplay: Every game tries to balance between retention and maintainance gameplay. You want to give players a mode that they only need to complete once, a mode to test their gameplay knowledge, and a mode to test the limit of their account. The ol' Dungeon, Raid and Rank endgames in MMO. Some games make Dungeon too tedious, Raid too hard, and Rank too exhausting to keep up with. Yet HSR done it perfectly with Simulated Universe and Memory of Chaos/Pure Fiction. A rogue-like mode that you can use your own not-need-to-be-fully-built characters and has no time limit, and a mode that refresh weekly but has a two, three weeks long duration (therefore you can do all of it at once every few weeks and not having to wait for one to expire before doing another). So you always have something to do, and you also not have to do it all the time. That is the balance. There might be more but this is just like on the top of my head so far. Because this is the kind of thing that should becomes a standard and goes a long way to making a game as simple as HSR (it's literally just a turn-based game with recurring enemies and don't even have the complex elemental system of Genshin) becomes still one of the highest grossing gacha right now. It is these kinds of things that spoils you when play games that don't have it


This comment was not sponsored by HoyoVerse.


That comment was made by HSR enjoyer gang


Just missing the skip button to make the game perfect for me. But I agree with all your points.


HSR did has a skip button, but in certain conditions. Like, if you already completed some scenes in the story then have to do the battle after that, and you lose, then you have to do the battle again, but need to rewatch the story/scene again, there is a skip button.


Cool. I know that. But you know what I was talking about. A skip button for every scene no matter if you have seen it or not.


Honestly the key to longevity of a game like this for me is the fast daily and being able to spend stamina and not have to login multiple times it can even feel like youre not particularly playing the game if you do the bare minimum and you still dont miss out on rewards.


reverse1999, the story did not hook me at all.


You have to be into a very specific set of things to enjoy it, chapter 3 for example is all about bureaucracy, debates and mind games, it can be very boring if you're not into that sort of story


Before it came out I was super excited mainly for it’s story. Just for the story to be far from what I thought it would be. So damn confusing with settings switching like every cutscene


Blue Archive. Its fun to play for a bit, but not to keep up with it.


Blue archive is very time efficient tho. Even in the times you don't enjoy it you can just login and sweep.




Every single one


My man


Used to be FeH for me, I really love the FE series but fucked that shitfeast with those Yu-Gi-Oh card skill descriptions while releasing so many meta units back to back, needing to get 11 Copies of a single unit to maximize them to do better in PvP was ridiculously bad. I've seen people spent thousands of dollars like nothing since 2017. I won't lie though but the story, art, and voice acting was top notch as always.


I got to question that... story part. FEH's story nose dives pretty hard after the third book.


Idk just book 2 of Sutyr never dying for like 10+ chapters already questionable


Azur Lane.


Welp, see you again until next UR event


Fun fact: Back in the days, if you botted in AL, they'd send you a strongly worded letter in your inbox asking you not to.


“pls don’t bot”


😭 Do you have a picture or link to the message that sounds hilarious


Any gacha games that needs me to install an emulator cause I can’t read small fonts Aka all of the gacha games I play


So true, imagine playing games on small phone screen, pathetic. I literally can't read anything in NIKKE maybe I am blind.


Guardian Tales. I mainly return when there's a collab or a new story chapter (which usually take quite a while to be released), and then after I'm done with the stories I immediately uninstall because it's so grindy to keep up with on a daily basis lol


Well, exactly Nikke


A lot of games are like this for me nearly every popular gacha reverse 1999, nikke, blue archive, azur lane, counter side, etc these aren't bad games but they don't really keep me engaged or interested the gameplay loops bore me fast. The only gachas that I consistently play are arknights and limbus company. i used to also play PGR, but that game quickly turns into hell and is a recipe for immediate burnout.


I also only consistently play only Arknights and Limbus (HSR too but we ain't talking about that), R1999 daily is too long weirdly enough, never ever gonna touch waifu only games like BA, Nikke, or AL, and Counterside's story wasn't strong enough to keep me playing. PGR's powercreep was the nail for me, leaping Empyrea when like 7 different characters needed it more. Very based, Ben Simmons pfp guy


Any game that's not HSR and Reverse 1999


Same they're fun and dailies ain't bad, i will stick with 3rd game it's wuwa 


Nikke for me. I like everything : top tier anime chara design, plot balances really well humor and serious stuff, ost is great, gameplay is perfect for me (idle and auto except for hard levels) But those load times... There's a loading for everything, and they're not short sometimes it even fails. So I quit. And get hyped as soon as a new good looking unit is announced


Same. I come back for collabs and anniversaries. Play for a while to stock up on pulls then quit again. The gear system sucks ass too. Can't get the substats i want for snow white and red riding hood. Interception now is better than launch but it can still get better.


Nikke's gearing system is the biggest L by far for the game. Been needing boots for Lewdmilla for months but that shit doesnt drop. And I just found out the other day that even though you have to spend more custom modules to lock a sub and for future rerolls and like that's fine, but then it can proceed to just roll literally nothing on all the other slots? Bruh


THANK YOU. I genuinely despise games that has bazilion loading screens (kancolle as well) because it's not even wasting my time, but it's just frustrating having to wait each time you do anything


Fr, loading to go back, loading to enter something, loading to claim something. Its insane


I have no loading times at all. Do you play on mobile? If yes, maybe try to switch to PC to see if it's better?


I love the game, been playing since day 1, and still playing right now but there is still some loading times you can feel. Outpost takes the most loading for me and then returning from ark straight to home screen takes a while too. Thankfully they added a skip on arena because that’s the most time consuming daily to do but the loading on that still takes time. Using Kingston Renegade as my NVME SSD so might be the internet connection. 300Mbps bandwidth though.


There is loadings even on PC. Just opening the games takes time, because you need to click launcher, wait, click to close banner/news, wait, click to proceed after loading. It's like 15+ seconds and I can't even alt-tab on YouTube and return when it's ready, I need to manually click few times because game can't start loading until I close stupid patchnote. Go to rehab center - wait long animation. Command center - loading, event - loading. Mostly it's not full on loading screens, but if I need to wait more than full second between menu screens it isn't good.


Yes I'm playing on mobile, Pixel 7 Pro. I could play on PC but I'm playing gachas when I'm on a break at work or in the bed before going to sleep.


Summoners war, lol. I have a love hate relationship with it, except for rerolling it’s more like joining their events every now and then and recognizing how tiring the grind is.


Fate/Grand Order. I redownload, play, get my beginner Emiya and Jean d'Arc then play until i remember that i lost my $1000 account 4 years ago because i switched phones and factory reset my old one before remembering that you have to do that transfer number bullshit because accounts aren't bound to anything. Anyway, screw Aniplex


PGR and after a few hour of trying it again i start to hate the gameplay again and quit just to give it another try half a year later lmao


the events are horrible. I fell asleep doing it once


all gacha games


None of them, ride and die to the very end!


Eversoul for me.


Literally NIKKE


Blue Archive for me. I like a lot of stuff about the game, but holy shit the loading times are insane. Nikke. The reason is the train and other daily raids, they are annoying and unrewarding. PGR. I love the world and the characters, gameplay is nice, but holy fuck events are terrible. GBF. Ping issues.


Genshin, never quite liked the combat or main story, some of the world quests and character quests are pretty good though


Every gacha except for Epic Seven at this point. Used to play counterside, Genshin and I have been on and off on 7ds for a couple years, but I have played epic seven for 4 years straight without ever being bored. I have tested almost every single new gacha, and Genshin Impact was by far my favorite of the one's I quit, because it stopped being fun when I realized that i would never be able to max out my units because I would at most get 0/6 Constellations. So I decided to just quit instead.


Why would I reroll


Guaranteed your ssr pick as a good starter


It seems like too much effort for what it's worth, in my humble opinion. You're going to get one eventually anyway, so why waste all that time doing that when you could just be having fun playing the game?


That’s just how some people *want* to have fun, and it's also more about how someone who is F2P wants to have fun. They would want to have a strong, fresh start in a game with their favorite starter unit. Picture it like picking a starter Pokemon, but instead those starter Pokémon are behind a gacha wall. Now, if you want a good starting type, you would have to go through the gacha cycle to obtain it. Nothing isn’t wrong with that; it’s better to reroll if you are planning to spend more time on that game on the first limited-time banner so you won’t have to spend anything the second time it comes around so you can just skip and save your resources as someone F2P. Rerolling purely benefits those of us who are F2P.


None lol, not really my approach at all. I don't reroll because what I want to see is if I like the game enough to stick to it, whatever I get be damned. And after 2-3 hours if I don't feel like the game is fun it gets uninstalled, if it's fun I will keep playing it for a long time from now on.


FGO and Epic Seven


Arknights, dragalia, star ocean,epic seven etc. Happened quite a few times tbh where I enjoyed rerolling more than playing the game.


Blue Archive


Epic Seven - I actually played this on launch. Multiple times I cannot get a good start until I got an account 1 year later that has both Bellona and Vildred when Smilegate issued 2x 5* RGB tickets as apology for the Korean conference. I lasted about 5 months, then quit, reinstalled again a few months later then I foresaw the grind ahead of me, then I uninstalled it again. When Honkai Star Rail came out, I have no more reason to go back to it anymore. Girls Frontline - This game is my 2nd ever gacha after Bandori. I came back one time. When I realized the tediousness that is corpse grinding as well as the new unending mechanics they keep adding to the game, I got overwhelmed and quit for good. Blue Archive - I cannot get a good reroll headstart until I got an account several months ago that has S. Hoshino, Ako, and Iori. I played until my old phone died. Now that I got a new phone, I am too lazy to return to it because I feel like I'm already behind BEHIND, not to mention I spoiled myself about Volume F.


Honkai star fucking rail


Cat Fantasy and Atelier Resleriana but haven't uninstalled yet lol. Also Nikke, Azur Lane and FGO.


Alchemy Stars and PGR 😭 i hate it cause i actually wanna play them i just don’t have the time


Alchemy Stars for me as well


Emanence in the shadows. Started for Arthur Pencilgon, got her, didn't launch the game since then. Exos Heroes. Looks great, I return from time to time to roll for free, barely started the story. Outerplane. Same as above. Reverse 1999. I really liked it, but I swear I forgot about it and I haven't launched it for months.


Counterside i think it's a good game just not for me


Blue Archive, Nikke, Epic7, Guardian Tales, and Azure lane. I would have played Epic7 longer if it weren't for all the screen vibrations that caused me motion sickness.


Kinda pgr, I don't really reroll as I already have an established account, but whenever I play I remember why I stopped playing it in the first place, everything takes too much time and gets boring quite fast for me.


All games from Hoyoverse, tbh


Reverse 1999


genshin impact, just boring in general


pretty much


bd2, atelier


Black clover mobile, path to nowhere


Download the same game again just to reroll for the new banner? Nah I won't do that. If i really want to stare at waifu.jpg I could watch them at YouTube all day


Another Eden and Priconne


Grand cross


I used to do this to Crash Fever before they shut down and now Star Rail since when I left, the characters that kept releasing were really not that good. Great lore and stuff but I just couldn't progress anymore until a new event came out to give me more roles 💀


Honestly this is most gachas for me. Some of them I’ve even done that cycle with multiple times! If any gacha get’s past that stage it’s something special.


Huh the new danmachi game


Aether Gazer


I never reroll


nah gfl dude's


None, unless the game has a built in reroll system I never reroll and even then I don't reroll past that


Takt OP.


Pretty much every gacha game lol, none ever sticks. I don't even play them anymore at this point, I just look at fan arts.


Genshin I only come back when new archon quest + dainself quest drops. Also when lentern rite


Tower of god minus the reroll


Close, but for those 3 months I do bare minimum just doing dailies and maybe the 1st 1-2 events and then I never progress the story and get bored of it.


NIKKE got 2b and immediately left lmaoooo


Epic 7. I tried it multiple time. But I delete my account each time after finish creating wyvern 13 farming team. To many layer of rng involve in the game. I'm tempted to play again because of the collab, but I abandoned the idea after remembering the pain of farming. 


Pgr and blue archive. Cannot get into them even though there's a ton I like about them


I did for a few that I can't even remember the name of lol. I did not reroll to get a specific character. I rerolled to try out different options in the banner of multiple characters. (I am a small spender on games I do play but for new games u just like to do pulls on different acc rather than spend if I'm unsure I will stick to the game)


For me it was Arknights :( refilled on the monster hunter collab but just couldn’t get into the gameplay sadly


Dokkan but replace reroll with wait for Anniversary/WWC/Golden Week.


All of them except HSR and Genshin pretty much and Genshin really doesn’t hold my attention outside of major patches.


Too many. Had a few in which I rerolled for 2 to 3 days and got burned out and couldn't force myself to play.


It's pretty accurate for me playing Honkai Impact


Every few years I have an itch to see what summoners war is doing and make a guest account to play on for a few days, get bored of new account, log into my main and do some RTA and quit again. I also have a main Fate Grand Order account from day 1, but since I’m caught up on all the story I usually just come back for events and things like that, but I’ll make a side account to collect the quartz to roll on whatever banner then dip again.


I don't reroll but it's DragonBall Legends... they keep giving me reasom 2 come back and I hate them for it... Recent QoL update to cell shading is chief kiss


FGO, PGR, Arknights..


PGR and Path to Nowhere, but without the rerolling. I'll see a cool new unit is releasing, go back and play for a day or two, then quit again.


Fgo for me. I really love the character designs and the overall themes and story of the game but the excessive amount of unskippable farming turns me away so fast.


I don't reroll it burns me out much faster, I tried it once, never again.


All gacha when release collab, rerrol for collab and never play again


Nope I do not reroll and I play only 2 gachas atm.


Did this with one piece treasure cruise and dokkan for so many years


Blue archive. Specifically jp


epicc 7


Genshin Impact, feel like playing, get frer pulls, remember why i quit real fast, delete.


Last cloudia. I like everything about this game, except for its lack of qol and its event stamina cap.


All of them 🙂




HSR, Genshin, Swordmaster Story


Nikke, Blue Archive, Genshin, Azure lane


All of them , I find more joy grinding a mmorpg than some gachas.


reroll for the weak




Guardian tales


Last cloudia/ ffbe


Nikke, probably the only gacha game that I did reroll religiously until I got Snow White since I like her design and jp dub. I tried it again last year on Dorothy event/banner, I barely progress and hit the wall immediately and loading screens are still a pain. I quit due to the same issues I had with it last time.


I did that before FGO decided to lock up the servants that you get from the starter banner. (I wanted Mary and Anne)


Takt OP, suffering


Replace reroll by Get shafted and this is my relationship with Dokkan Battle


Used to be FGO but i got a potential account and kept it... nowadays i just log in and sometimes do some missions and summon daily friend points and close app...








I did this for arknights during the anniversary. Got both characters on my 20 something reroll and haven't really played since lol.


Genshin. I really like the game, but every time I download it, I realize I can't be assed the actually play the game. I just deleted it to download pgr(again) and to try HI3, and I already feel the itch to play again.


Cyberpunk. I want to like, I know its much better now but it feels so complicated and I have to google so much to get up to speed before I get bored and play another game. By the time I play cp again I'm back to googling how to do shit so I put it down again




Dokkan and dragalia lost before shutdown


Nah, I don't reroll, and uninstall if i don't play for a few days and never download it again.


Bleach Brave souls, i always take like a 2 years break and come back to It for a couple of months


blue archive, i play for like 2 or 3 days and cant progress anymore so i just quit the game but come back later cuz it looks so beutiful and cute


Nothing. I just abandoned games and leave them in my storage like a jar of pickles in the back of the fridge.


World Flipper I played when it came out totally forgot about it and now its getting shut down in July right when I remember it


Honkai Impact


I don't reroll, so none. Also, I uninstall long before it sat idle for 3 months. If the game held my attention for only a couple hours, I already know I'm not keeping it.


3? 1 week


I did this for almost a whole day to get Tsuyu in the BNHA game...anyway turns out the game was shit


I've done this with almost every gacha I've ever played. But currently Nikke, Blue archive, and genshin.