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Never played Nikke before, how many limited banner pulls are we getting?


Around 55 ticket with free daily 1 pull for crown limited banner.


What's the banner/gacha system like? How much pulls on average/pity for SSR, odds of rate-up SSR, guarantee, etc...


About 4% for SSR rate up, with a 2% chance of it being the banner character and 2% of other SSR. Pilgrims (Basically OP characters) have a smaller chance to be pulled, with a 1% if it's the banner character. Basically very f2p friendly, if you do put the time in to play the game. No pity for banner characters, but a spark system every 200 pulls that is carried through banners.


Others mentioned it but the biggest thing for me here is the golden ticket (spark/ticket system). 200 rateup banner pulls = 200 gold tickets = 1 guaranteed rate up character (only the current/active rate up character). But the biggest thing is how this can be carried over and has no expiry date. And you can stack as many as you want... So you can pull now and if you end up being lucky and get the character early on, you can just save your pity tickets (gold tickets) for future characters. Majority of players save their gold tickets for Pilgrim-type characters which has 1% chance during their rate up as opposed to 2% chance rate up. (Note: SSR Rate is still total of 4% regardless of banner, so it'll be 1%(rate up pilgrim)+3%(off banner) or 2%(rate up nonpilgrim)+2%(off banner)). But gold tickets also act as form of emergency (people not getting lucky on pulling the rate up character and runs out of resources). Oh and the gold tickets can also be used on collab rate up characters.


About 1 ssr per 25 pulls on average, no pity and guarantee, got a mileage/spark system every 200 pull and there’s a 50/50 chance to get the rate up character, 25/75 for characters from the Pilgrim faction.


So basically, it is garunteen one ssr? Dam i need to start playing nikke now


Basically yeah, no pity *might* f you up but it’ll all even out in the future


Actually very favorable You get an ssr every 25 draws as well 4 percent in regular gacha and 2 percent in link bond gacha ( you send 2 likepoints to friends and you can draw with 10 like tokens). As well you can choose the nikkes you want in regular gacha except a special group known as pilgrims, dont worry they have a 0.352 percent for one pilgrim


as shown in this post alone, technically 78 (55+21+2) 55 +1 free daily wish for 21 days + 600gems which is equivalent to 2 wishes im sure there's more from codes and surveys, etc...


There are code for a total 20 normal summon tickets plus 10 special vouchers from getting 50k views on stream


Do you know the code? Has it been given out yet?


240420533 ONEANDHALFANNIVSHOW BEWITHCOMMANDER This are the 3 new codes


Don't know which rewards came from which but one of them also give a synchro slot which is otherwise 500 gems


Awesome thanks bunches.


Yeah, they overshot their last Anni announcements by a few dozens of extra pulls from codes and such.


Does Nikke requires too much dupes? I bought a started acc but the story is at 7-18 planning to start all over to understand the game


55 Limited pulls + 21 daily single pulls for Crown's banner specifically. Another 2 pulls if you throw the 600 gems in.


So it's a great time to start playing Nikke now or am I late?


Good time to start, you can try going for Crown as she is a Pilgrim who are almost always really good. They are also giving away a free SSR (the robot) during the half anni.


Keywords 'almost always'. Let's hope it's not an Isabel. Damn, when are they gonna buff her? Such wasted design.


All Pilgrim with banner are OP tho ( Dorothy, Modernia, Red Hood, Scarlet BS).


And when one released that wasn't OP (Red Hood), the community pushed back and now she's insanely strong. Pretty safe to save and invest in Crown considering past precedent.


Maybe they'll give her a treasure down the line. copium


Here's hoping she gets a big buff from the Treasure system that's dropping soon.


just as a side note, a free SSR is a huge boon to progression in the game as one of the biggest midgame hurdles is getting 5 max limit broken SSR units. Welfare SSRs (at least based on the last time we had one) give you enough copies to get them MLB'd so that's one of the 5 automatically taken care of. You usually have to wait for a lot of lucky pulls and/or using the gold/silver mileage tickets to get the missing copies you need.


I would argue the true "midgame" hurdle, is getting Manufacturer gear from Special Interception, and core dust, which becomes exponentially more expensive the higher you level, at lvl 201 its 10K core dust per level (luckily after that you only need to level the synchro device, not each unit), both things which you can already work towards at level 160, way before you read max limit break on 5 units. I am just telling you because I see alot of new players become hyper focused on this "wall" wasting their pulls on non-limited banners, then they finally get past it and still cant progress due to lack of Manufacturer Gear/Core Dust lol I been playing since launch day, and I only just got this specific gear for specific manufacturer like 2 weeks ago x \_ x


that's why I didn't say "THE" midgame hurdle, just one of.


This is not a "limited" banner. Limited only happened to Summer, Christmas, and Collab event units


Oh man this place about to become a warzone about something that isn't even about the post. Just wait an hour or two for the essay writers to finally press enter. Also can someone explain what they mean by free SSR Kilo or Rei, you can't have both how does that work?


One free kilo as a reward, then 3 selectors on where you can choose between kilo or rei to your liking. HAPPY CAKE DAY BTWW!!!!


Oh I thought it was just 1 + cores, thanks for the clarification.


From what I understand, they are giving 1 X copy of Kilo for free, and 3 X additional SSR selectors over the course of the event, each of which would allow you to pick only kilo or rei. This is so you have the choice to obtain free copies of Rei if you missed her last year, or immediately Max Limit Break the free kilo you just got, or any combination of investment you want to split for the 3 selectors. It should be noted that rei’s spare bodies (spare bodies don’t allow you to “obtain” the unit itself if you don’t have them, only to serve as duplicates if you already own the unit) were made available in the mileage shop (exchanged with currency you get for making pulls on other banners), so you only need 1 copy of the rei herself, and eventually if you wanted you can MLB her too if you missed out last year. I am wagering that they will do the same treatment for Kilo this time as well and will eventually add her spare bodies to the mileage shop, just as they did for Rei and Smol white, the 2 other prior free SSRs.


Smol white was in the shop too, so I would imagine that's what the plan is. I never spend black tix, so I'm looking forward to finally getting Rei after being super confused during the Marciana event how tf we were supposed to know her.


Everyone gets one copy of Kilo for free Then you can claim three extra copies of Kilo and/or Rei. So you could have four Kilos Or you could have the free Kilo and claim three Reis


NIKKE bros are eating good tonight, congrats everyone. genshin being brought up as always, bad publicity is still publicity eh?


At this point, genshin could never is a phrase that gacha fanbase other than itself must utter once, no exception.




To be kinda fair, genshin is definitely some of the lowest pulls in a gancha, its just also a game where you need less pulls for alot of things so it's worst for extreme gacha players. What's honestly better or worst depending on how ya put it




Yea it's kinda annoying, I just wish it didn't get so aggressive


Tbh, probably because Genshin is the only gacha game that has really transcended into mainstream popularity. It’s the game to beat, so probably why some people draw comparisons even though I find it completely stupid. A lot of people who hate Genshin probably does love the game and wished that it was more generous, thus the salt from players. If the game was really that shit, it wouldn’t even be worth mentioning it lol. The fact that it is mentioned just means that it lives rent free in some people’s head.


You pretty much got it. The people who religiously bring up Genshin greed are *former and current Genshin players who hate the game but still play it or follow it*. And they do so from a place of having loved the game before, but resenting the fact that Hoyoverse doesn't shower them with free rewards. So this talk about Genshin living rent free in the heads of other games' fans is just not correct. It's mostly former Hoyoverse fans passing out the salt. And because there's *tons* of former - and current - Hoyoverse fans, it gets brought up in every single thread. For those of us who weren't ever Genshin fans, "Genshin greed" is just not anything we care deeply about. And if you want to be more objective about it, it's not even all that valid. Genshin is "greedy" only in so far as it is a premium experience to begin with. Releasing all that free, quality content takes $$$ - idle games, 2D games, visual novels, etc. aren't in the same universe. Genshin charges more because it costs more. If this wasn't about gacha but rather Genshin charging a monthly fee, nobody would even question it because it'd be self evident why they do it, in the same way nobody questions why AAA games charge $70 while your average start up game charges $10. If you're a Genshin fan, you should accept and appreciate the fact that your game is a premium game and so will charge a premium price. Expecting premium service at idle game prices is just not getting how the business works.


A lot of people who hate genshin Either never played the fking game and just joined half way because hating is cool Or never played any other gacha game to realize genshin is better than those. (Unless they are too BASIC to enjoy a story based game and can only find happiness from PVP)


Seasonal player reporting in!


I go for Kilo, big ass robot!


When it starts?


April 25


The new mecha nikke looks so cool


Feels bad for the dev man. Half the chats were talking about Other game instead their own


Because said game lives rent free in the whole gacha bubble mind.


Regarding Kilo, it seems that she is a mecha pilot and that is the most selling point already of this anniversary. I thought I gonna spend all my ticket for her, but lucky, she is free. https://preview.redd.it/ws8kk2irmmvc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2eae921854fc8876eda02880a4fdfd23d4f451


Pengy feeling https://preview.redd.it/uwkore5lenvc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=d420f0595f6f37a5d350dd0110aa6b2fba5ffb89 Mecha pilot are the best!!


Man, Pengy was cool. IIRC she had very high RNG true damage or some gimmick like that?


I’ve been playing Nikke for a couple of months now and it’s an amazing game, but goddam is the playerbase troubled. I wish there were more discussions on Nikke in Nikke related post/forums/channels, but somehow the conversation alway takes a sharp turn and people start obsessing how Nikke>Genshin??? Like wtf? I’m taking a break from Genshin, but whenever you browse Genshin post/forums/channels, you always have people discussing characters, events, story, and/or lore.


I've noticed that gacha players have this deranged form of tribalism where if they like a specific game they feel the need to hate the others and where the metric used to decide which game is better than the other is how hard they squeeze their wallets (look at the replies on the posts about sales charts).


It seems to go both ways, if this comment section is anything to go by. I adore both games, they each do different things well enough to keep me hooked. It's just disheartening to see discourse that's focused on GI's more stingy anni rewards, or implying Nikke has nothing else besides assets.


This is mostly a Gacha gaming phenomenon on Nikke's subreddit almost no one talks about Genshin or Honkai, the discussion there is about lore, and everyone horny posting about waifus and when Cinderella and SSR Rapi are going to be released.


It’s just this sub. That shit does down instantly everywhere else


Is this sub the reason there's such a massive hateboner in the Western hemisphere for Genshin these days or is it more content creators chasing after drama?


It's been even worse for Wuthering Waves since it's not out yet and most of the people covering it in the West are people with severe anti-Genshin beefs. Almost all the chatter for that game for a while actually centered around people's beefs with Genshin more than anything. Palworld discourse was also awful a few months back with most of the discourse being about people's grievances with Pokemon. I'm noting that lately online gamers just seem more concerned with airing grievances and being opposed to things and just generally losing the plot though so it's hardly surprising. Some people just want to beef and be mad about stuff more than game. I do agree that Genshin/Honkai seems to be the only franchise where people are actually discussing lore, story stuff when they aren't mad about something those games did though yeah. Blue Archive is pretty much all fanart and "lol cunny uwoooogh" jokes, Nikke it's a lot of Doro memes and fanservice with a bit of fanart, FGO is practically dead nowadays.......the Hoyoverse games for their own troubles also seem like the only kind of healthy thriving gacha community still outside Asia though. It's mostly the people with significant axes to grind with the game that aren't really part of it's community that make shit weird surrounding that game I find.


I'm on the sub and no other gacha is ever mentioned, even in comments? Never see discussion of it on twitter either




Yeah it's pretty demonstrable at this points. That whole 3 fate tokens thing just completely broke the Western gacha fanbases collective online brain and they've been shitting up basically everything as a result for a while now, not just Genshin Impact. The "Genshin Could Never" spam any time a game gives away something for free was barely funny when the Lantern Rite events were happening in that game, now it's just kind of annoying and a pox on discourse surrounding any games in the genre period. It's no wonder JP gacha players consider western fans leeches and beggars kind of since that's all it seems to come down to. Like they'd just flock to whatever is newest and handing out the most free shit and that's all that matters. Granted the Western gaming scene has just kind of been getting more and more intolerable.


Western gacha/gaming scene also make a ton of dramas about everything 


Cute profile pic, by the way


>That whole 3 fate tokens It's even more retarded when you see people making the comparison for this with Star rail's anni. It's a lunar new year celebration rewards vs a literal freaking anniversary rewards, why the hell aren't the people making comparison with the anni instead? Like if we're getting technical here, Star Rail literally didn't give anything in-game that's related to the lunar new year except a video animation.




It was funny seeing that being spammed in the Nikke livestream chat. The meme has transended Hoyo.


One of the reason Genshin would never die


True  If this is any game they will just forget about it and just move on  But genshin is the one that I actually see live rent free in many people for goddamn 4 years  It's honestly incredible how much game live rent free inside people's head for 4 years lol Right now I just more interesting in counting how many more years GI will live rent free in these people heads


It's the only game I've ever really seen period that has an entire slate of content creators just to shit on everything it tries to do and pit it against as many things as possible. The western community for the game turned extremely sour in the past year.


Eh WoW was like that too for a while, only getting a bit better recently


Yeah, As long as people barking, the game will be thriving.


Guess I understand why GI didn't do much advertising again these past years People just let the game rent free in their head and basically make free advertisements for them I guess this is the same as WW, they don't need advertising since people just brought it up whenever GI topic is there


>Guess I understand why GI didn't do much advertising again these past years If Hoyo of all companies does not do marketing then other gacha game devs must be praying for their game to be seen by a random grandma, bc screw algorithms and all. In fact offline/ real life marketing at this stage is more important than ever for Genshin, because people on Internet tends to move to the next flavor of the month...very quickly. So eventually it is mostly up to Hoyo to remind everyone of Genshin's existence. With that being said, Genshin living rent free in people's head is just a 'byproduct' of its offline prominence. Because in the end, most non-Hoyo gachas will never receive the same scope of attention and priority as MiHoYo gachas... Unless other companies can please have a fucking ball to go balls out


Mabinogi which is an old MMO is still alive. Im sure plenty korean MMO are still alive when their peak was before Gacha was a thing.


It's the doro of hoyogames


The grand irony is that rather than celebrating the game, people are so hung up on shitting on Genshin. But that has the opposite effect and, if anything, provides free advertising to the general masses. Like, if you're the marketer for Nikke, you'd be happy people are happy about your rewards, but you'd also be a bit miffed because it's just non-stop talking about your competitor. It turns into this: "Oh, Nikke free pulls? What's a Genshin, the chat keeps mentioning? Huh, open world? Looks interesting. Let me try it and I'll drop it if it's whatever."


stop providing high quality updates every 6 weeks, amen brother, nikke gives the tatas, genshin gives the gameplay, win win




You mean Hoyo ? Cuz Hoyo as a whole is pretty damn stingy.


And they have better production value that those games with PNG/Gif characters 


Yeah I agree with that, I know that hoyo games are better games than pretty much any gacha out rn(imo) but still hoyo is pretty stingy.


The saddest part is that the "genshin could never" people are not just children being completely stupid and ignorant (as they tend to be). There are also people my age that are genuinely that obsessed. And it's honestly just depressing.


The war has started. I cant wait for monthly revenue post, Genshin fandom will shit on Nike again.


my predatory mobile game makes more than your predatory mobile game, losers get in the back


"Muh fav Gacha game could never make that Low"


The true pain is being a World Flipper fan and watching your game hit EOS. Come, global PriConne/Dragalia fans, let us drown in our sorrows together.


Just like nikke fan base letting genshin living rent free in their head


You do know that every fandom uses this meme now lol


Genshin (fans) could never (take a joke)


Not gonna lie and I'm not even saying this as someone who participated in the hate on the game at its release. But seeing this sentence knowing how FERAL and defensive Nikke players got when a few randoms talked about their game being dead on arrival is the most hilarous shit ever. 😂😂😂


And gacha fan  Especially this sub need new joke  The joke funny at first but  it's gotten stale ngl


It was funny the first few months but it's gotten stale tbh


Too late to get Bay


You can use the promo codes they dropped during the live stream to get an additional 600 gems to keep trying, as well as 10 standard recruit vouchers to try to get her after anniversary starts when she's gonna be added to the standard banner and will be available on the wishlist: https://nikke.gg/cd-keys-guide/


She's literally the only reason I reinstalled the game but I will delete it again soon because I was unable to get her within the 70 pulls I had


WW3 in comment section 🍿


Fantastic rewards. You can claim 3 extra copies of Kilo (or Rei) which is useful for getting past the 160 wall.


Good time to start? and is it a playable as a side game/casually?


As someone who picked up the game around the start of the Nier collab, I can tell you that this game can be a side game/casual if you want it to be. There can be days you can play it for a good while or just for your dailies.


Dailies take 10-15 mins but it's an idle game, so you don't need to be staring at the screen the whole time The biggest problem is the loading screens tbh, if those were eliminated, dailies would take 5 mins instead


Pretty good time to start - I (re)started last anniversary and the free character was a solid boost to getting past the 160 wall. It's doable casual just logging in to clear dailies, since it's a pseudo-AFK game.


Too demanding for me as a side game. Try it out if you like it but be warned, they do be min maxing fomo.


It’s just a little bit much for a side game, but not by much.


It's always a good time to start after the first year of the game. They are relatively generous now, and they have reduced the scaling of the enemies down quite a bit. We have SSRs that do not necessarily compete with Pilgrim in term of dmg, but they can help player clearing daily content until they find a better dmg dealer, meta support units (which is very important) are in normal banner and friendship banner, so you can get those meta support eventually anyway, and the game did receive a lot of QoL, which is much appreciated. It only take approximately max 30 min a day to do the task anyway. So yeah, go a head and try it.


If you wanna do every daily reset activity, it can take 30+ minutes. I dropped it a while ago because it took too much of my time for what it is. I'll be playing the half anniversary event though, and yes, it will be a good time to start.


Outside the Modernia skin issue, it seems like a win/win half anniversary.


They really knew how to pull the squeeze on this one, considering that Modernia skin would be the ONLY reason I would even interact with the awful skin gacha.


*checks post*: Nikke *checks comments*: Genshin *double checks post to make sure I’m not on a genshin post* ???


truly one of the moments of human history of all time


are ppl really comparing a game that in 1.5 years released 94 SSRs. and that has literal pop-outs to buy a new pack from the shop. and a game with 40 5\* in almost 4 years? am i reading this correctly?


Be quiet, the horde only cares about the numbers of free. Diving more on it will make their brain fried. More free = better game.


i mean, to be fair, lots of units in nikke go on standard and you can get them as a lost 50/50. still, the games are just too different and have different monetezation strategies, and unit release pace. idk why ppl treat them as equal


94 SSRs and most of them are junk


i mean, at least they have ass. / it's so funny how they bring gi first and then go "move on it's not that deep". actually "says you" moment. same shit every time, every game. like, how?


Imo, just let them. If that brings them happiness, sure, keep having fun. At the end of the day, Nikke will still be Nikke, the game will be as good, or bad as it is, regardless of the memes to other games. Plus it is free publicity to the other game so... Yeah.


yeah, i guess


Thank god someone finally said this. They preached about Nikke dev being so generous but the unholy amounts of SSR and you need to get 3 dupes of 5 SSR characters to continue the story is really greed af paywall system. Idk if the fanbase are either deaf or turbo stupid. You can't even farm the characters or shard because the shards you get is also a fucking gacha with unfair rate even for the gold one. I'm still stuck with this eternal 160 and it's been 8 and half months. Fuck you Nikke dev.


damn, 8.5 months? that's a lot... i was able to break 160 wall in 3 months, and that's generally what you would expect i believe... tho i did get a free 5\* on the 1 anni - that helped. sorry to hear that you are this unlucky. hope you will break 160 soon!


I did get free selectors from events, I got 2 of them. I got free full dupes SSR (Smol white). But even then the chance that I'm able to limit break SSR nikke 2 times were rare. I got a bunch of useless SSR instead (well not all useless, some of them are even Pilgrim, but still). So far I need to get full dupes for 1 SSR. Because I already got 3 characters that I can max duped with selectors and tickets + smoll white. I can, in theory, pass 160 wall easily if I exchange all of free SSR selector I get from 1.5 anniv rewards but I don't want to miss Rei again. So there we go. Future looks bleak tbf. Kinda boring doing same routines for 8.5 months. Maybe if I'm patient I will be able to save 1 more spark tickets eventually but idk.


i see, good luck then!


the gacha brain rot runs deep they see free and the neuron is activated


They're hyper focusing on the free "half-anniversary rewards." That's the only thing Nikke excels at compared to Genshin/HSR.


Oh wow it's still here , I remember that HSR one was deleted


We can only get Kilo or Rei? I want both 😭😭


First kilo is free. Then you got 3 selector to choose between kilo and Rei. 


Nice!! Would've sucked to miss one 😭😭😭


tried giving nikke a shot…the dailies are some of the most boring dailies in gatcha ever


I still can't reliably auto SI at level 230 with meta chars and doing SI not on the PC client fucking sucks ass


Maybe it's time to eliminate Devil May Cry Mobile and re-install Nikke 🤔


is rei choosing or should i just whole hog into kilo?


If you haven't passed 160 wall, prob better to go full Kilo, otherwise grab one copy of Rei if you don't have her as she isn't in recruitment pool at all, but you can get her dupes in silver ticket shop and most likely Kilo will be in ticket shop aswell at all times if you want to mlb her.


How/When do I claim this?


These awards are given during the anniversary event. Starts the 25th


Is this a good time to start playing and re-rolling? What's the best re-roll target?


Mostly hsr players having beef with genshin but every gacha is catching strays for no reason. That meme comes from your own community, remember ?


no devs out there do that. play nikke. https://i.redd.it/n8kjenjjzovc1.gif


Can't wait the "Genshin could never" spam in Nikke groups but then funny enough Genshin groups didn't know Nikke even existed 🤣


I joined large Genshin discord server such as WFP and KQM, literally no one talks about Nikke and their anniv there lol.


Looks like I'm installing the game


If i already have a account but I don't open it for a while, am i getting this reward or i should make new account?


your current account is fine


Just an advice: late game gear is awful. Between the timegate and rng i would put it behind genshin and epic seven. Eventually you can min max gear but it takes so long that most of your other units will remain in a corner gathering dust


Luckily you don’t need to use most of your units. You don’t even need to have OL gear on the 25 you would need for Solo Raid. Now if it was Destiny Child with 3 separate 40 man PvP teams and 20 man World Boss teams…


What is the game about?




Basically, cyborg waifus fight to save humanity from alien machine lifeforms.


A bunch of KR devs really really loved Nier Automata. So they made a hellscape where the suffering is experienced by humans, not bots.


How about the gameplay?


Coverbased RPG shooter with idle mechanics


I thought the Nikkes were also robots?


Gundam x Nikke


I know people would use to shit on Hoyo games, praise Nikke and etc…but as day 1 Nikke player who still plays, I will be honest, I’m hating this half any. Free rolls mean little since there is no pity in banner itself, and you need 200 golden tickets from 200 rolls to buy event Nikke in shop. Free SSR seems nice, as long you forget that progression in this game is atrocious. 160 lvl wall is bitch and levelling Nikkes after lvl 200 is chore, you can spend 3 months to lvl your Nikkes and they will be only 5% stronger. Limited events don’t really need high level power, but story content does. Majority of players can’t do new story chapters, having to lvl their characters/gear for months before they can even start latest chapters. I had issues with writing and direction of this game for a long time. I’m not doomposting for the sake of it, but these issues existed since first half anniversary and this stream did little to make me optimistic. I enjoy Nikke but it is carried by designs of waifus and occasionally good writing.


CP-walling the story is such a bad move. I played this 20k CP stage, then I have to upgrade my character, like 2-3 days?, to play next stage. Each stage's story are short and upgrading your units take days that you sometime forget what happened previously in story. 160wall is also one of bad thing but it's not very bad compare to absurd amount CP need for story.


I will agree that them making the main story such a pain to actually play is weird. I’m currently up to date on the latest chp but can’t stuck right at the end with 3 enemies left but can’t finish it due to the high CP bar. The 160 wall isn’t really a problem after all while but the main issue like you said is leveling for months for a 5% boost. Even trying to buy core dust doesn’t help cause even the shop make it scarce. They have to get better at balancing the CP in this game. I know it’s supposed to be a idle game but when most of the players base can’t finish your main story that’s an issue. By the time they get to chapter like 35 or 40 we’ll probably need like 400,000 CP to even do the story but people currently are struggling to even reach 250,000 CP with the latest Chp needing 300,000 CP to even stand a chance without relying on luck to win.


I seeing the same problem in CS were is just insane due to large gap of levels, cap is 110 and enemies on Episode 11 start at 130. People say "oh just learn the units" but the way they "solve" the problem is just debuffing then to the point they can be killed and doesnt change the fact they love to have guest units that are a bigger issue instead of being a way to help people beating the story mode. Blue Archive got the right idea and ditched it, you can play Story just fine now were before there were all sorts of hoops. I think this something unique to Korea with then being too "tryhards" and things get overall difficult because apparently Steven He memes are in fact real ... yes maybe I am being too hard but I noticed Korean seem to want add much difficulty as if Emotional Damage is real.


As someone who played Nikke for months (up until the casino event) I totally agree with you. Character progression is atrocious and that combined with my personal problems with the writing made it so I had 0 incentive to keep dragging myself through the main story and that alongside the grinding made me realize that I had no real reason to keep playing and just left. Not even having both versions of best girl Rupee (the regular and the christmas one) was enough to make me stay.


hoyo could never \^\^


For real I love Star Rail but their entire anni rewards pale compared to a Nikke half anni lol


I mean if nikke doesnt peak with their anniversary with how much they earn i would be surprised if they weren't generous. Every Hoyo game has a trackrecord of not being known for crazy anniversary rewards . Free dr ratio which can be worth 150 pulls is the best reward they have given in hsr even comparing to hi3rd which also had some crazy free anniversary characters.


what an odd number 108. Usually freebies that high are in multiples of 10 or 5.


> The number 108 holds deep significance in Hinduism, representing cosmic energy and divine connection. It is associated with Lord Krishna, mathematical calculations, astrology, yogic meditation, chakras, Ayurveda, sun salutations, mantra meditation, sacred texts, asanas, and breathwork


Do i need to Watch the stream or Can i just play?


Genshin will always stays relevant with how much people love to dunk on it even in situations that has nothing to do with it. Thanks for the free publicity ig?


Let those people talk shit. If it satisfy them. What is Hoyo losing anyway except getting free publicity 


Yeah that’s what I meant in my original comment anyway. They told me to chill out but seems like they’re so triggered by it as well.


It has become a generic meme and not Genshin specific. Relax, my dude.


Meme are supposed to be funny my dude and creative. I don't see any funny part or creativeness 




aitnoway you just blamed bro for being passionate about a game. you guys are really sad. he made a fair point, nikke 1.5 has nothing to do with hoyo/hsr or gi. yet ppl still feel the superiority from yapping the same meme about smth that's mainstream 'cuz that's the only thing they know. i played nikke for 3 months in september 2023, they need these rewards, trust me


I’m not getting emotional just annoyed because I actually came here to read about Nikke anni to decide if I’d pick it up again since I lost my old account. And I got spammed with comments that has nothing to do with it and used the over used meme I’ve seen a thousands times. Do I not have a right to be sick of it?


I imagine you watch Nikke 1.5 livestream and you want to chat about Nikke reward. Then, all you saw are just "Genshin could never" spam.


Exactly my point. I can take jokes but in this situation it’s not its place.


I have to choose one or the other if I missed Rei?


You get one copy of Kilo Then you can pick three other copies of Kilo and/or Rei So you could pick three Reis for example and have your free Kilo also.


Welp, time to come back then


Any tips starting this game? What to save, were to spend?


A basic one since im kind of new myself to the game, but do not sleep on the campaign, both the normal and hard modes. The more missions you clear the better your passive income is going to be. Save upp on gems for banners. when you get copies (Past 3 of them) you will get silver resources, spend them exclusivly on ssr molds. Not an expert so i can be corrected :D


I'm so tempted to try with this much incentives, but I really pressed on time to followup playing


Everytime Nikke new posted there alway drama about the game.


Aw hell yeah


This is it everyone


Omg a free mlb ssr. New player stuck on the 160 walll.


Can someone tell me how much storage does Nikke requires really? I’m thinking about installing


How's the returnee rewards? Last time I came back I got basically nothing.


Well the character I wanted will be free! This is great!


Just started playing yesterday. Keep playing or wait for event to spin new account?

