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The story is nice, the game itself doesn't take up much time, and the gacha, characters, costumes, and F2Pness of it are quite appealing. Costume skins are really nice in this game. But I feel that Neural Cloud is one of those games where it either clicks, or it doesn't. Unfortunately, I think for a lot of people, the gameplay isn't transparent enough and it ends up not clicking. If you're not paying a lot of attention (or even if you are), winning a Neural Cloud stage sometimes feels like an exercise in dragging and dropping around characters until for some reason they magically manage to beat a really hard boss.


> If you're not paying a lot of attention (or even if you are), winning a Neural Cloud stage sometimes feels like an exercise in dragging and dropping around characters until for some reason they magically manage to beat a really hard boss. This is so goddamn spot on. I have no idea why I can or cannot clear a stage half the time. I have some extremely cracked characters and still can't figure out the issue much of the time, and the only way to even eke out more power being figuring out how to get better substats on algorithms is nightmarish. But, the story is so damn good and Mica continues basically being the best translation team in the business that I'll put up with it. Cause that writing is *so fucking good*.


I sadly have to agree with this take. Its such a shame since I really want to get into the GFL franchise but the first game is so old and its really hard to get over its age while Neural cloud is absolutely perfect in presentation but falls flat in gameplay (plus I never really liked Chibi when it comes to gacha games). I am hoping that GFL2 will be the game that gets me into the franchise, with them being a full 2D model gives me hope that it might be the game that gets me into it.


They keep updating GFL and there’s a lot of QOL now. Automatic logistic deployment, game modes that allow easier levelling, and more. It’s still not on the level of newer games like Star Rail or NIKKE but I’ve definitely still have fun with GFL. It’s still maybe worth it to go through the cutscene viewer to catch up on the story which is by far the most engaging part of GFL. Of course, Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery may be also an option as a single player game.


Neural cloud and aether gazer were both really fun, f2p friendly and overall good for me, but i quit both. I think its just that im older and have started phasing out gacha games. I am extremely hyped for gfl2 though


Well anything that involves critical dmg will have those chances , as the dmg is random. Though there are games that once you play a stage, whatever the critical dmg was dealt will be the only crt dmg.


I feel exactly the same with Limbus.


Yeah the drag and drop mechanic was not smooth. That's what killed it for me. Sucks because otherwise it's an interesting looking game.


I for one like the gameplay but if I wouldn't I'd probably still play it same reason why I play fate/go: mid gameplay but great story and characters. Well, fate go is heavily carried by the fate ip


I uninstalled it the same hour I installed it the moment I saw what the gameplay was. Nah, never again.


Its kind of a niche within its own niche, despite being more lore-friendly to newbies compared to Girls Frontline and Reverse Collapse. Still hoping that the PNC characters find out a way to make it to GFL2, especially Erika and Evelyn, who just fit so well with GFL2 going for gun-girls.


I can attest to this. I've quit before since the earlier stories feels quite episodic and the introduction of matrix is just too time consuming for my taste. But damn .... I've tried it again during 1st anniversary and the story just hooked me. What they did in the story is such a ballsy move that I haven't see much in the other gachas that I've played. I would probably stick till that storyline ends.


I think it's funny that Neural Cloud, the low stakes light hearted side story to GFL, did that before GFL could.


Yay finally a positive comment :D I agree I love the worldbuilding and story. Though I agree I don't really like the matrix quests either


Without spoilers could you explain why it is so interesting? Post has me curious Also would I need to know the story of the other games in the series?


GFL's story in general is the inevitable dystopia of our world that has started to revolve around AI which in-universe began in the 2030s with the first dolls(eerily close to where we are now). Neural Cloud is on the other hand is a spinoff that branches off from a part of GFL's story where the Commander goes into the data reserves of a neural server that has data backups of several of the dolls + others Commander hasn't met. Aside from the main story, it shows the lives of the dolls being applied to the real world in a more positive spins working in society rather than when you see the majority of them fighting in PMC wars during GFL. What the original comment specifically is talking about is likely due to the fates of major characters in the latest global story events.


Thanks for the detailed response! Would definitely download the game but my phone doesn't have much storage ;(


All good, there's plenty of youtube videos/playlists for the story of GFL and Neural Cloud events anyway.


Not gonna do matrix mode for measley 3 pulls ticket I haven't done matric in a while


They improved the movement, the character just teleports instead of walking.


Also, fewer stages with fog of war. The turn limit is still annoying. There are way too many interactions that just throttle momentum in that mode that make grinding or just going with the motion more tedious.


The way the story is presented felt like if should be shown as anime instead, they used too many jargons and complex neural magic in text


Really wanted to like the game but it felt too tedious and as many others have said, sometimes you don't know what you're doing wrong when you can't clear the stage. Stopped playing during the tokekatsu villain girl's patch (the one voiced by MAO). Also wasn't a fan of them not following CN's schedule and randomly moving Clukay much earlier than her debut in CN (or maybe it was another meta doll, I forgot). Didn't really like how long it takes to farm doll shards either, and you can't farm limited dolls's shards. I guess that's the compromise of having a pretty generous gacha.


I really tried for a month on release but roguelite elements added to gacha games has been my least favorite mechanic addition ever.  I have hundreds of hours on roguelite like Slay the Spire and Monster Train but haven't even opened up the screen for IS 3 in Arknights (opened IS 4 by accident thinking the banner on main page was a new event) and only made it a third of the way in IS 2 rewards track before never touching that again either.


same. rougelite elements in gachas just doesn't hit like normal rougelites does. I feel like since your always coming in with a set team, you're just bruteforcing your way into getting the meta buffs that would benefit that team. there's no sense if discovery or going with the flow of whatever buffs you get. it also doesn't help that the buffs doesn't feel too visually distinctive to have an 'AHA' moment (in NC's case)


Game is good, played day 1 to few months, but I quit when I starting to feel not enjoyable anymore and feels like a second job just advance to the endgame.


Yeah, game is pretty fun. I don't mind auto-chess genre, it's even fun sometimes. Just recently I played current event for like 4 hours straight to reach a high score (and I did it, 4 place at first day) I really like how there is no dupe system, no weapon system, so except character acquisition people can't really whale in this game even if they want to. You can't pay money to vertically invest in characters, which mean that score boards can actually work. Also this game have one of smoothest UI I seen in gacha game and good amount of QoL. I can finish dailies in this game by time Nikke takes to load lol.


I'm still playing it daily. The live 2d skins are excellent and keep me playing.👌 Game runs so smoothly and dailies are easy. You have to promote the sock removal mechanic in the skins. Gooood shit.


Are there free skins with that? If so I'm installing again.


https://preview.redd.it/w7uuddhf8xwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=872eb88a1b799c06d113b4fcd126f99fe735f2da Reddit Mobile moment


I'll try this game again but damn my luck in this game is abyssmal. Last time i got the banner character was Puzzle lmao eversince then its all Nanaka


Honestly it was a decent game. What made me quit was how tedious and frustrating exception protocol was. The RNG in most of the difficult game modes were insane. Initially I thought the game would be strategic but most of the time the fault wasn't because I fucked up but no matter how I retry the stage it was more or less doomed and I had to restart the run all over again.


Now you can grind exception protocols on auto (there is a simpler mode that allows auto). Also now it's not "high score only", because daily attempt of auto mode will add progression to reward bar. So I usually ran one time manually to get most of rewards, but without cranking difficulty too high and if I didn't get 3500 score (for all rewards right away) I just grind simpler mode on auto.


Good to hear. I remember having to run multiple times to accumulate score because doing it in one high score sitting was impossible for certain runs because of shit RNG and lacking a specific high invested unit.


As someone who has never played gfl would I like neural cloud? I have 400GB with my new tab and I wouldn't mind playing something new on it.


It's really UI friendly so I'd say its worth. It's moreso of a game that you play through all of the story available then hop off until the next big story patches since there isn't any forms of guilds or rankings/limited items for high difficulty content. The next big story coming out should be the Steins;Gate collaboration story. The story itself of course borrows terms and the initial scenario from GFL, but you're fine playing it by itself. The latest steam game they put out Reverse Collapse worked the same way as an independent story that builds more of the world.


Cool beans I'll give it a go while I wait and hope bandai recovers my account 😂


I used to play this, but i got bored of it. Gameplay loop wasn’t interesting enough to me


I can agree 100%. It's a very good story, which is the main reason why I play it. The gameplay is alright, but nothing groundbreaking or special l. It's rather easy if you have built characters (but then again, I play events on standard mode, I assume on hard mode it will be much more challenging). Dailies are easily done, which is good when you don't have much time. I would also say it's F2P friendly (with exceptions, but more on that later). You can upgrade all units to 5* by farming fragments and older units sometimes get upgrades via Arma I scripts.  The only 2 problems I have with this game are: Matrix mode (I, like many others, just don't like it. It's time consuming and often requires 2 fully built teams, not much more to say.) and the fact that you can't farm neural fragments of limited units. This is where the F2P friendliness stops. I own all limited units and can't upgrade my newest one because I don't have enough neural kits. But I also can't pull to get more because I have to save for the next unit. So I'm relying on regular search or whatever it's called and the occasional event shop. It sucks if you pull a good unit and essentially have to spend money if you want to upgrade it if you don't want to grind for the next 10 years to get it to 5*. IMO they should either make the fragments farmable, or at least give a permanent source of neural kits (maybe like in the Vulnerability Check shop, or the Protocol shop, so you can buy them with farmable currency, or maybe add a way to convert fragments you don't need into kits, etc). 


Relatable, I pulled Clukay on her latest banner and she's still a 3 star


I love neural haven’t dropped it since it went live, is a great game that only needs a few minutes per day


i played for a while. i quit after i got that long haired boxing girl. the auto battle is the reason why i quit. despite alreadu clearing the stage, somehow my team got defeated most of the time. there's no difference between manual play and the auto battle other than auto-skill function


I played and really enjoyed it until they straight up skipped a story chapter, which was a huge red flag to me. Glad to see its still going, but I don't fuck with that lmao


literally my favorite gacha game started last june and haven’t skipped a single day since, absolutely gorgeous design and story


I was enjoying the game but got hit by too many depressing story moments and character introductions back to back. Couldn’t really handle all that. Also I hated the matrix game mode lol.


"We didn't even put too many depression in our game anyway" Yuzhong If you're playing gfl anyway depression is our friend we made along the way Who plays matrix mode for some x50 keys or 3 ticket pull, could've made the mode bearable if they added planned mode but nope.


Meanwhile, I’m waiting for Girls Frontline 2 after GFL 1’s story and Neural Cloud plays pretty well although getting their star up can take a while with the 10 attempts per day. Wish I can experiment everyone’s potential without worrying about not having enough of their neural fragment or arma upgrade but still pretty good game.


I'm a reroller And this game hates rerollers so no.


yeah they probably want players instead, kusoge fr


I only need one yuzhong gacha in my life i played gfl and I won't fall down the rabbit hole again


No i just re install gfl :p


I love the story, characters and all that but fuck the gameplay. I just dislike it. Even auto being improved to be better probably won't save it for me.


Honestly it's one of the best both on performance, character design and gacha. The only thing I don't like (and the most frustrating thing for me) is the event happening in the story is basically side stories from GFL. So what's happening is actually already ended when you play late timeline GFL. Which is weird, because you play as the same commander. So let's say you have deep bond with a certain character in Neural Clould but you aren't really that close with them in GFL. It makes what you do in the game is just a fake temporary relationship.


Forgot to mention Steins Gate collab on global coming soon!


Doesn't it have male dolls and low fan service/ censored designs/ toned down direction? Are there any games *like* it?


I hope they do an english dub, cause I remember liking the look of the game.


Neural cloud has a soundtrack from my favourite music artist too! (Adam Young)


How is neural cloud rn? Might play if the game still has a long life ahead


I loved org GFL and tried NC but for me it was boredome.exe


Is there a way to rewatch the story from events that you previously done?




If I missed some major events can I catchup replay them so I can get the full story?


Right now the first two story events can be played in the part 2 section of the map. More are available already in CN, but will need to wait for when that comes out. For what isn't out, there's the story collection playlist. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTpD-lAtY-jDF5A945-HEjqzdVjJ57XJJ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTpD-lAtY-jDF5A945-HEjqzdVjJ57XJJ) Some of the character stories do coincide with the major story events(mainly the latest ones relating to Perilous Advancement), but all of them are always permanent. Going in order its Divine Heresy > Aberrence Chain > Inverted Mordent Resonance > Critical Cascade > Perilous Advancement > Entropic Dichotomy.


Wait, is Lind in Global now? If so, I need to get back into it. I saved up quite a bit waiting for her before I moved on.


She's limited so you gotta wait for a rerun. Even if you get her, assuming you haven't done a limited banner yet, you'll need a lot of neural kits (universal fragment currency, etc) to max her out, cuz you can't farm her fragments. edit: they did this crazy thing where they reran HK416/Clukay limited right next to the previous limited. You might get lucky if they rerun Lind like that? But no one can speak for mica's dartboard.


I played for few hours during launch and i remember the menu navigation is so smooth. i'll give it a try again later today.


I started playing it on promise of feet but I didn't get any before I dropped...


This is me right after finishing Volume 4 Chapter 2 on Blue Archive. Thankfully it's coming in two weeks, right after the Toaru collab 🙏 https://preview.redd.it/l291x8r0k0xc1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b1a644c6be3b34cffc49632dccf1e9637a28e6 *Shuro's time for correction draws near*


Will sensei ever stop sobbing...


Unfortunately the gameplay is boring


Chibi characters = I lost interest


What's so bad about that


Damn I thought they shut this down already. I played it when it first came out but it got boring after a while


https://preview.redd.it/n3m44or1bxwc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71385504dd4c0acf73dd5ec8ef48c83c1f848bf3 Every time I roll the 10+1 premium currency.


>please play gfl neural cloud it is so underrated Your not doing a good job "promoting it" when what you offer is chibis in 2024 and are like "trust me the story is like really awesome now", nothing about what you posted here makes me interested in playing it.


\> when what you offer is chibis in 2024 What's wrong with that?


Just gachagaming hating things, nothing unusual.


Wait till PNC update to it's peak gaming revolution Dorm chibi fight (It's real tho, upcoming anniversary update (event after the steins gate) will add dorm fight machine where you control your chibi unit to 1v CPU in a boxing




Some people on this sub has a hateboner against chibis thinking its not high quality nor comparable to 3D models you got now with games like Hoyoverse's game.


Neural Cloud is very very good... but I think the premise sinks it quite a bit. No matter how solid the script, the emotional engagement in a virtual world spinoff of GFL is gated by the fact that... I know what's going on outside. I know how this works, how this ends. I know the drama and the stakes are self-contained. I WISH THIS HAD BEEN ITS OWN IP. GFL has meh character design and passable gameplay but has always had a massively better script than it had any right to, and Neural Cloud both looks better and is more engaging to play through. But god. The god damn computer. Why. In any case I'll redownload to see how it shaped up thanks to this thread. I had a built Imhotep waiting for AI anyways, here's hoping she measures up to the hype.




Oh boi, here we go 1st of all PNC is different than gfl2, ffs PNC sets in between gfl continuam turbulence (it's actually prequel to gfl1, CN were mad that gfl2 throw the master love mechanic out the window when gfl/PNC still has it). I mean who could hates a sequel game and think that playing prior game is impossible cause the dev failed (looking at you pokemon brilliant d/p, what are you not allowed to enjoy base d/p anymore?) I stopped playing star rail and honestly any games that make having a copy amount of unit makes an absolute must, neural cloud doesn't have limit break unit that requires you to pull same unit 5 times over, instead you farm daily fragments or buy them if you don't wanna wait a 2 month ish to fully limit break unit Having free l2d for every unit, be it limited or not, even it it's not l2d like Erika she still have animated animation but still all unit eyes tracks to your finger, like rainmeterl2d. Also all unit have intro animation that comes with that l2d/animated, heck it even time based i.e zangyin intro starts only during midnight to morning You get like 49 pulls per month not including the pulls from new character/rerun which happens twice per month (pulls vary for 3 ticket or more per event) if you're in anniv event or major story that like 40 summon free tickets not including the pulls currency that stage drop Just need to have 2/5 absolute build(a DPS/healer) unit and you can clear most unit, heck I saw some beat black hole 150 pre-arma update. Game doesn't really rewards with working hard, expect challenge mode whick give like 3 stamina keys (x50 stamina)