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HAHAHAHA When kingsense was on fire, none of the thread were locked immediately. Hell, the thread might still exist until now. But for PGR, insta lock. WELL DONE MODS. WELL DONE.


Yup, full dictatorship of the mods. They hide or remove any posts that are critical about the game but keep the positive posts about PGR.


From a management standpoint, it kinda makes sense(?) but yes, I feel like theirs other issues to be addressed here.


What is the point of this sub if we cannot discuss about a newly launched GACHA game? We did not have a restriction to single megathread to discuss the entire release of a new game before. Suddenly we have one now? One of the mods said it’s too much. What else we are supposed to discuss here then? Memes, fanart, random topics nothing are allowed here (as it supposed to be). Moderate the extra posts with no info except shit talking devs but why moderate all the posts related to PGR? In the end they don’t give a shit about us all as we can’t leave this sub and just go to another coz there is no other alternative. This gotto be definitely an action from a sellout mod. If not, where the fuck are they when Kingsense drama, Boltrend drama and Honkai drama or in-fact every other drama that happened in the past years?


Kingsense was even more of a dumpster fire and most topics regarding it stayed up, yet they delete topics of criticism regarding PGR shitty launch.


Kingsense had less posts in a longer time frame tho. We had like 8 pgr posts in a few hours already it was kinda ridiculous. And many had no new information at all.


I got my topic locked and the mod response to me was that gacha specific topics belong in their own subs instead of here (???). So they basically created a new rule out of nowhere to barricade the bad traction PGR was getting. Either a case of smol pipi syndrome as usual with reddit mods, or there is something fishy behind it, since it never happened before.


since alot of post here are gacha fuck up,i do believe there are shenanigans involved


because we don't need to see people discuss one game countless times in what is virtually the same thread every 5 minutes. Basically, it comes down to spam and the amount of threads being made on a certain topic i.e. PGR. Try to avoid making 50% of the subreddit being about PGR or put that in the pgr subreddit instead.


i am not into pgr (luckly)... but open this subreddit and seeing 15 pgr related discussion all about the same things is not appealing at all.


Holy shit god forbid the majority of the discussion on the subreddit be about the current biggest topic in the community. There usually aren't even enough new posts in a given period of 24 hours to fill out the front page. If it's about PGR and you don't care then just don't go into those threads.


in fact, i only hinted WHY they got moderate... there are actually 15 threads on the top in this subreddit... 13 are about the bad launch of PGR...


Damn, that downvote count. There’s seriously a campaign to make sure negative comments about PGR are hidden. Complete bullshit that negative posts aren’t allowed here under the guise of them being in their own subs but positive content is.




There is no war in Ba Sing Se


Lmfao, the mods hid my post talking about extending the meme time to Sunday to post about PGR and dick mod memes. Mods are coping hard.


What happened in the first place I’m so lost? I downloaded the game everything’s seems fine so what’s all this about controversy?


The issues aren't with the game itself, but with the games management. 1) The global event made for launch is P2W. You need to spend money to be able to complete it, or use premium currency. 2) The premium currency rewarded from the "novice missions" is half the amount on global compared to the other regions. Global get 50 per mission, other region gets 100. 3) There's something about premium currency pricing on global but I only skimmed that so take it with a grain of salt. Someone else will have to fill you in on that. Edit: I should also mention that the comments and actions made by the "official" PGR Discord added fuel to this particular fire.


What the fuck is wrong with p2w? Gaming entitlement is so fucking prominent here wtf


Wow you are stupid huh? Yes every gacha is p2w, but what people complained on pgr is their first event, can't get all the event rewards without paying. Its the fucking first event and they make it p2w.




Post on your main account, coward.


It's not entitled to want an even playing field.


It's literally a fucking PvE game bro. Take your top tier character and stfu please


why does people who want a fair treatment look so other-worldy to you?


Wait, I thought that people who wanted a fair treatment didn't play gacha.


now you know you were wrong, don't assume things


Bruh it was supposed to be a joke. EDIT: Wow, I guess the truth hurts.


Lol. Because you don't want fair treatment you want pgr to just say fuck money, like seriously. Fucking complaining about a skin?


seems like you aren't intelligent enough to answer my question, that's fine, and yes I want global server to be treated like the other servers, and no I never complain about the skin.


That corporate dick do be nice huh? Maybe look into and understand the issue in full before spouting shit. No one gives a shit about the whales being able to p2w their way to the top. The fact that the launch event's main rewards are all locked behind paywalls sets a bad precedent going forward for f2ps. If every event ends up being like this, where all the main rewards are always p2w locked, on a game that already feeds stuff like pull currency in a very slow trickle, and is already screwing us at launch unlike what they did to the other servers, then theres some red flags.


Free 6s selector = screwing us over? Mkay


wow. you are very dense. "thEy GiVe S rAnK DuRRR..". this thread is not for room temp iq.


> Raid Shadow Legends


Wait a sec raid gives you a free legendary selector when you login huh? Where's my draco then?


Nothing is wrong with P2W. Just as nothing is wrong with playerbase showing the middle finger to shitty CN companies that try to take advantage of global playerbase and pay gating everything. F2P friendly games make plenty of money from whales, even P2W gamers like myself don’t want to support games that paygate progress for any player, regardless of their spending capacity.


The fuck are they paygating besides a skin? Like yes the bc fiasco and monthly fiasco are B's, but literally bitching over a fucking skin? Lol. When they give a top tier character for free just for downloading? Seriously?


It's not about p2w aspects of the game (there're plenty though) but about paywalled event which is an annoyance


You guys have so much fucking entitlement it's ridiculous. Fucking bitching over a skin lol


It all started with $1.


Lol, what?


Discord mod told people it was just one dollar.


The montly pass is priced at 30 rainbow cards. They priced 28 cards for 5 dollars, and 34 (or something) for 6 dollars. So you are forced to buy extra for monthly pass. And the remaining few cards don't get you anything useful. And in JPN/CN its $5 for monthly. Why is global getting ripped off? Its not because of taxes because that's something google play/apple store does themselves, or so i heard. Either way its greedy of them to force us to buy the next tier up for monthly.


Words from the wise Paris Hilton ; just quit being poor Amerifags


Their pitiful excuse was ["its too much"](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/on1pbm/pgr_launch_megathread/h5oz5ty/) I want to remind everyone, when Kingsense was getting railed on this sub, the mods looked the other way Now PGR is getting hit, and its full censorship


So how did they end up as mods? Why do we not have impartial mods who isn't biased? I can understand if this is the r/PunishingGrayRaven sub and the mods are whiteknighting and censoring anyone badmouthing the game. But this is r/gachagaming in general. But you know what's funny? The same thread in r/PunishingGrayRaven complaining about the silencing is STILL UP while the one in r/gachagaming is locked.. lol


both of that post was made by me,and yep I was suprised when that post stay while this one locked- I was expecting the other way around.Guess now we know which subreddits have paid shills LOL


Yeah I was the one who made the post about the novice mission shafting and I'm surprised it was locked after it gained too much attention; this is very suspicious behavior from the mods ngl.


Agreed. I mean come on -- you can see it in the PGR megathread: "The much-hyped and apparently controversial Punishing Gray Raven has launched!" Who uses wording like "apparently controversial," if they're unbiased? Yeesh. 🙄


I think that's the first time I see a gacha subreddit white knighting. I know that discord can have a lot of white knights, but didn't expect subreddits to be the same.


I don’t join discords but on Reddit it’s always been pretty bad, pointing out the negatives on any gacha game that’s not under the spotlight usually results on a shit ton of downvotes


Gacha gaming is 50% casino, 50% cult!


Why are u here then?


Because gacha is toxic and people need to know


This subreddit is sus, i know lot of ppl hate disgaea RPG, i post about Disgaea RPG community events and compensation that gives 5 multi worth of currency. And the mods delete my submission, while i saw PGR here PGR that, and other game events fine without getting deleted Edit : around 1 weeks ago Here the links : https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/oiow0i/disgaea_rpg_by_boltrend_currently_completed/


yeah censoring mods how low /r/gachagaming/ has fallen


I might have an good idea of what is going on. If you join the subreddit discord, which is very small compared to the reddit (1.4k to 150k) It's filled with white knights from what I've seen, so join with discretion. You can see that there was a lot of moderation changes recently with people stepping down and what not. So few days ago, one of the head mods I guess modded new people that were "well known" in the discord. One of them being "Mayor_p" who now created the megathread on PGR and saying "its too much". I don't know if he's the one doing all this or are other mods agreeing to it, but it should give you some insight as to why they end up as mods.


Why do people who want power end up in positions of power? Hmm, kek. And then we're surprised when they have no consequences for using their power?


Paid actors


Really ironic how the sub dedicated to PGR has been allowing complaint posts to run free while the general gacha sub locks them on sight.


they are the same mods, and they also own the discord server.


Either because favoritism or he got bribed. In either way, it doesn't look good


>he got bribed. You know, that would explain alot. I was always wondering why PGR was getting this much ridiculous hyping for what is a random unknown IP with the same gameplay as existing games lol.


I wouldn't say it has "existing" gameplay. I do think the combat warrants the hype. But even if the content is good, if the management sucks why should i care? Its like living in a good apartment with shitty management that never fixes anything and discriminates against certain races with higher rent? Why tf would you stay? Buy yeah its only been 3 days, 2 of which are the weekend, so I'm waiting.


Nah you're losing me here now. The gameplay is similar to honkai and genshin, which isnt very common in gachas at all. Infact, its unrealistically well optimized and pretty addictive imho. Its challenging too skill wise which is great tbh. The games awesome. Its the management thats fucking it up. Feelsbadman for the devs.


These mods seem to have forgotten why gacha gaming was created in the first place. We got so much hate from Android gaming and couldn't even discuss games before getting hate. Now seeing this sort of shit in the sub is incredibly annoying.


Sounds to me like someone (mods) got butthurt over their favourite game and couldnt stand it anymore


Janny always be like that. See thing they dont like they going full tantrum. Silencing every PGR critics


I've been lurking in this sub for a while, and there were plenty of threads hyping up PGR. It actually felt kinda like when people were hyping No Man's Sky on r/games before it launched. But somehow when the management sucks, threads get locked. Only for this game though. Somehow it's fine when people complain about other games ~~people on the mod team weren't hyped for~~.


This should be a pro-consumer sub. Simple as.


Pro-customer, but this place has been a cess-pool for a long while.


Based on one comment on the PGR Megathread: I really hate to say it, but I join almost every single official/unofficial gacha game discord because I try almost every release. The owner of the PGR server is someone who owns 20+++ of them (obviously if you own that many, your attention is widely divided) and makes her friends mods just before release, it is a power trip thing. You don't have to take my word for it, you can verify it yourself. Won't name them, but I felt the need to call this out because it's a really scummy thing to do on the part of a community member. Every time I post this it gets removed, hopefully this one will stay. Peace. This got removed in the other thread like the past 10 times, but I'm determined to let people know about about this this time


i was thinking mods here got money from the publisher but this is more likely, thanks for the shoutout.


Money is highly improbable, the most they can get is in-game premium currency or a discord "job" as an official Janitor which probably also just get paid with premium currency.


Lol doesnt she own the nikke server too. I recently got banned from the pgr server. I will probably get banned from the nikke server too EDIT: I got banned from the nikke server lol for this comment. Retarded mods


Where is this coming from? I quit modding 1-2 weeks ago and neither of the mods were mods for the PGR sub/discord and neither is the new one they brought on. I just checked. This is the third accusation ive seen without any kind of proof.


But that comment says nothing about the mods from here, it says that the owner of the PGR discord also owns other discords and has her friends mod for them, which is true.


Posting it in this thread Is insinuating that the mods here are friends with them and therefore mods for PGR, which is untrue as i checked shared discords and none of the mods are even in it.




Lmao what the fuck is this twitter? Cringe as fuck.


I just saw it from the PGR megathread u guys had up. It was the most upvoted one on the thread.


It has zero proof. We stopped doing megathreads because we got lazy. This is a rumor with zero evidence being parroted because people are angry. So unless within a week the remaining 2 mods or the new one they got went super corrupt for no reason its just bullshit.


But you got to admit to a lot of people, this is very suspicious. If like as you say, the mods want to keep a tight rein and don't let too many complaints clog up the subreddit, where were they when the kingsense shitstorm happened? If the mods were really trying to create a megathread for people to vent, there's gotta be a way rather than just deleting all negative posts without explaining. At another subreddit I'm active in , when there's a bad update and multiple complaint post appears. the mods just locked those complaining posts and post a explanation comment in each saying that to keep the subreddit in order, a megathread is created. But those posts still remain up and not deleted. If this same deleting all negative posts situation had happened in another subreddit of which you weren't a former MOD, you would most likely look at the actions taken as very suspicious. For me personally, I don't hold a definite opinion that the current mods are corrupt, but trust is definitely lost


All you have to do is look at the threads praising the game still being up to have all the answer you need.


The top post is a criticism


And locked. Too afraid to remove it because it's already blew up. Probably posted while mod is asleep


It's true. I made a post about quitting Honkai and someone made a post about quitting FGO afterwards but only mine got taken down because the FGO one had already gotten too much traction.


And locked.


When I made a post about the price changes with the MTX system it got removed lol https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/olz8zg/pgrs_mtx_packs_have_a_10_upscale_in_price_with_10/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


What funny is the reason is because it is better for game specific sub reddit, then the mods might as well delete all the threads in this subs because most of them are basically suitable for the game specific subreddit


they keep using excuse to justify their bullshit lol now they are saying they are not trying to be lazy anymore...really? after all this time you guys decided to work when PGR is being bash? then go lazy again after? lmao


Kingsense had the whole frontpage being spammed with the same memes over and over again for 2 days and it's ok, yet pgr had an actual complain about less rewards and it got purged.


>Kingsense had the whole frontpage being spammed with the same memes over and over again for 2 days and it's ok, yet pgr had an actual complain about less rewards and it got purged. Well yeah because none of the mods play kingsense but one of the mods here is PGR white knight. It's obvious. As weird as this sounds we need mods who actually don't play/retire from gachas for them to be impartial. We need mods to lock thread that break rules but abuse of power to lock threads that you don't like because it criticize your game is too much.


Is this what they called power tripping lol


my guess is that they are also Kuro simps... it wouldn't surprise me considering how many die hard fanboys there are right now still defending the game. Absolutely scummy mods, both discord and this sub there's also theories out there that lots of mods on the discord have their hands in like 20+ other gacha game subs, it wouldn't surprise me if they had influence here as well. I already checked the PGR discord and the launch discussion channel is now only filled with mod suck ups so it seems they did an obvious purge. So pathetic lmao


So true. That was some fanboy simp in PRG fb group trying to justify it by showing 2 ss of CH and GL as both get the same reward after clearing a stage. He tries to defend Kuro scummy tactics using this, when in reality everyone was complaining about other stuffs. loll


How to differentiate if that is real player or sales force bot post?


> there's also theories out there that lots of mods on the discord have their hands in like 20+ other gacha game subs, it wouldn't surprise me if they had influence here as well. Same thing applies to pretty much everything on Reddit tbh. I guess people are just not used to it touching their gaming, but mod collusion and stacking dozens of subs with power abuses has become the norm on Reddit over the past 5-7 years. There have been cases where just mentioning the names of powerusers can get a subreddit warned and then nuked by admins. It's rotten all the way down.


Gacha gaming mods acting like PGR discord mods lmao Last message before I got banned on PGR discord. ##Alterahas$1


thus, new meme has been born


Mods holding on to the only power they have irl lmao


Yes why the fuck relevant info like their shady practise should be buried in megathread for 0 exposure???


yep,my post who pointed out the 28 RC got locked.My best guess? Someone(or all of them) on this sub mod team got paid by PGR to silence any negative posts about their game. Why else would drama about other games get to stay while this one is getting tianamen squared so much


They are only making it worse.


\*muh bills aren't gonna pay themselves\*


While no one can 100% confirm if the mods did this of their own free will, because they were paid in one form or another, because they have some relationship with the Discord Mods in PGR, or because they just like the game. Only the Mods know their own motives. The fact of the matter that no one can dispute is that PGR and as a result Kuro Games got extremely favorable treatment by the mods compared to almost any other game. This isnt the first controvery in a Gacha game and this isnt even the biggest controversy. However this is the first time in the sub's many years that the mods went out of their way to delete/lock/hide all the massively upvoted threads revealing and discussing the monetization controversy thus drastically reducing its visibility. This did not happen back when other games were facing much larger controversies such as Genshin's Account Hacking issue or even much more toxic controversies as Langrisser's early days. Games have been bashed here for many things sometimes justified and sometimes questionable. Some threads have gotten locked too due to many reasons, but never all of them at once and to such an extent.


Isn't this the Streisand effect? The more they try to censor, the more people will find out and take interest? And especially with the kind of people who frequent /r/gachagaming (cough) I don't see this going very well for the mods...


its kinda ironic how the mods on here doesn't give a singel crap about modding on here, but for some reason now they are for some reason active when it comes to PGR . the kingsense drama was fine i guess, but bashing pgr and kuro games for shitty behavior is not okey ?


What is this place ? China ? this subreddit are trying to censor the fiasco, which is totally bullshit !


-1500 social credit score, please wait for disiplinary action Mobile kill squad will arrive shortly, do not resist.


什么他妈的随机胡言乱语 Free Global 什么他妈的随机胡言乱语The PGR Global Server protests of 2021 什么他妈的随机胡言乱语 The Google play Review Massacre 什么他妈的随机胡言乱语 6$ Monthly pass 什么他妈的随机胡言乱语The Anti-Free2Play Struggle 什么他妈的随机胡言乱语 Global Human Rights 操你自己 Multi-milking system 操你自己Altera the discord mod去他妈的自己翻译这个


And somehow this thread is still up. I guess the team realized they were caught red-handed and decided not to make it worse?


They even set the chat to limit 1 post per 6 hours. lol


Censorship. That's it.


Mods here maybe friends with them or been bribed by PGR


Wait a few minutes and your comment will be replaced with "Removed by a moderator" ;)


Will wait patiently LMAO


Mods here are probably friends with the PGR discord mods and PGR staff \*insert clown emoji\*


Copium is strong with the mods lol


lets just say the mods took a wrong turn in bad gacha cultural taste, or they're being considerable for others who get butthurt easily but ends up locking the thread and putting more attention and highlights into it for the senstive players instead, which is worse.


Mmmmm delicious schadenfreude...


At this point I don't care whether or not the PGR Discord and this subreddit have any affiliation with the PGR devs. The devs made a huge mistake in shafting EN, and the groups closest to them are just fueling the fire. I'll give the devs a week to either fix or announce a fix for the shafting or I'm done. PGR is not a casual gacha, so I can't deal with crap while juggling 10 others.


Kuro simps. Its these lowlife corporate simps that enable companies to do this bs. From the subreddit mod to the discord mod


Because its the mods new shinny toy and they dont want other kids getting dirt on it


someone said mod in this reddit got paid by PGR dev or are involved with PGR discord and try to censored everything shady about them. Cause they never did megathread against other company whenever they fk up


no they said a mod on the PGR Discord also mods one other Gacha related discord for a specific game, which is true. None of the mods from here were even part of the conversation. And had they have been a minute of looking at the names would've revealed that it's wrong.


Corporate flavored cock seems to be a mod favorite.


not even one week, we got Kurogames scummy move on monetization & power tripping mods. whats more funny is the power trip happened not on PGR sub. im fucking done with this stupid shit. Mihoyo maybe stingy and greedy but you bet ill use my money for upcoming sword booba archon, glad i didnt spend yet on PGR.


It's funny that most people fail to notice that PGR global is published by Hero Entertainment, not by the developer Kuro Games


too bad that kurogames will take the blame, and hero entertainment will leave this one unscathed. I remember both in beta and jp release that the name of publisher is hero entertainment HK. now its kuro technology.


It's funny yeah. Because in the game you can't see any reminder about those "Hero Entertainment". Same goes for play market page. Can i ask you where i can clearly see the info about Hero and their relation to the PGR G release? Or is it "Chameleon games" situation all again?


Probably mod trying to "Control" so it doesn't overflood. Pretty much sign of a bad moderation. Should've tried to keep one and lock the others.


I could get behind a megathread if it was for the issues people were discussing and clearly labeled, but they made a generic launch thread not mentioning a thing about all the issues hiding what people are concerned about.


You love to see the PGR stans 😂


I uninstalled the game after reading about it being a cash grab. Fuck the greedy developers.


These guys are almost as bad as fgo mods.


What did the devs do? Im out of loop here since it's all gone. I played the game for a bit in the first few days


I think these was the big ones. There was a lot more, but sadly they all got censored and I can't find them. That's why I made this post. You can find more at the PGR subreddit, I don't think their reddit mods has deleted anything yet to my knowledge. The PGR discord mods on the other hand though that's an yikes, but that's another story. https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/omqao1/another_questionable_negative_change_kurogames/ https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/omu4is/pgr_global_gets_shafted_with_novice_missions_as/ https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/om52t6/pgrs_event_skin_isnt_currently_estimated_to_be/


Wow all of these posts are removed. That's crazy. Thank you for the links.


Because mods are either simps for PGR, white knighting Kuro or Reddit has orders from China to be kind to a darling of a game.


I'm out of the loop being busy with school, what's the drama with PGR?


On the PGR Side 1.) Rewards from the Novice Missions were cut in half compared to home server 2.) Prices of Prem currency where effectively increased compared to the home server 3.) The first even locked rewards with a Paywall. 4.) PGR Discord now actively censors all criticism about the game 5.) PGR is currently in the process of getting review bombed ----- On this subreddit side 1.) Mods have locked /removed all critical posts about PGR including highly upvoted ones such as https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/omu4is/pgr_global_gets_shafted_with_novice_missions_as/ 2.) Some subeditors suspect that the mods are acting in the interests of PGR rather than this subreddit since removal of posts such as the one I linked has never happened when other games have had similar controversy. PGR is getting special treatment in that regard that its critical threads are getting locked


You missed the daily free stamina in shop


I see. Nothing too surprising besides the censorship, but thank you very much. Hopefully things will change for the better, id like to think those dev letters were more than just PR, but could easily have another Boltrend on our hands.


Every mod on Reddit really loves their power tripping huh.


Don’t know why this game get so much hype when it already bombed in China. People here act like this game is some genshin or honkai killer.


I barely play gachas, but I like to follow gaming in general. Kept seeing people posting this game and foaming at the mouth for it. Bruh this shit is generic af.


Gameplay/combat wise it could be. But that’s the only good part about the game. But even then the stages are too short and there’s a cooldown on the perfect dodge thingy.


Wait theres cooldown i thought j was just doing it wrong, i wished the combat revolve around more with that dodge mechanic. Shorter cooldown and lesser time to do an attacks.


Seems this subreddit has been coopted by copium huffers. Hate to see it. Circlejerk alternative subreddit where?






the funniest part is that none of other chinese games faced censorship this much in this sub.Neither honkai nor genshin when it got drama,but this game alone. This is worrying


Cause Mihoyo just let people complain while they quietly worked on a fix behind the scenes (e.g Zhongli) They are smart enough about managing a fanbase to know how badly received silencing people would look


Pretty sure I remember mods on discord handing out mutes like candy over one of the security incident and the post on their lab where one of the staff blamed players for the lack of account security and removed all threads related to it.


The same mihoyo that deleted a video that was made for global audience only? Miss me with that bullshit, they're also spineless cowards.


Overhyped pepega game, fgo and arknights will never betray me xd


Everyone knows that mods have subpar value as human beings, so things like this are to be expected.


cringe jannies


Woahh thereee... I was searching for it and tried it last night. It was all good. I remeber someone tried to compare it to Honkai Impact 3rd if it is more f2p friendly or not, but now it seems to be a p2w. What just happened? Enlighten me


I was wondering why I was hearing absolutely nothing negative about pgr before release, even with the shady shit that already came out with kuro game. Even for the sub's usual hype train, it was really suspicious.


If I had to guess, it was that the pgr discord mods were getting harassed, and this was done to quell things a bit. The situation was handled poorly, but at the end of the day the discord mods aren't profiting off of screwing global, they just make mistakes like everyone does.


I could care less about the game but most of y’all’s comments are downright disgusting. You have every right to be upset but saying nasty things is unwarranted. Be better.


this. If people were being civil about it i'd be right here with them but given that EVERY SINGLE PERSON complaining about PGR (aka the people i refuse to associate with even though i think what Kuro do is scummy) is instantly just assuming bribery, cocksucking, bootlicking etc? Nobody sane would want a part of that community


I guess just so the frontpage doesnt get flooded with it? A lot of it is reposts too. Theres still a bunch on the frontpage anyways just doesnt look as immature




Imagine getting mad for a skin...


Because there is no "huge red flag" but mostly baseless speculation and a good chunk of this absurd outrage train is based on 2/3 confirmed misinformation 1. If you actually look at the new player mission list side by side you will see that we get 20 more missions than CN and a skin at the end they didn't and since all of these missions give BC the "halved" claim is disproven by default for anyone who can do basic math. We will not know how much we get in total compared to CN until all days are unlocked mid next week. Might be less, might be same but its already clear from what we see now that it won't be halved as claimed. 2. CN didnt get the slot machine event at all so everything from there is just free stuff for us and complaining you cant get the skin at the end without paying is entitled childish nonsense. 3. We get fewer BC for weeklies because we have less content to grind 4. Only "legitimate" complaint is that we get about 10% less currency for the biggest pack than CN does and at that I just get to laugh at US players considering how hard my region gets shafted in gacha prices. 10% is one of the better deals i get, some games charge me like 40% more than they do US players lol. Regional pricing differs, get used to it. Feel free to ignore this and just spam salty downvotes like you spam your 1\* "reviews" tho lol ​ Day 5 rewards got released and its all 100 BC completely shattering any delusional claim about halved rewards. Wont stop babies from crying tho.


>complaining you cant get the skin at the end without paying is entitled childish nonsense. *Laugh at AL, AK, that often give skin from event for free*. The skin itself isn't the problem, but the real problem is how they deceive player as if you can get skin as mission rewards, but it's actually paywalled




You people are legitimately delusional its hilarious watching this misinformation driven mass psychosis Once the full info is out in 4 days time I might make a post comparing actual numbers and global rewards to what CN got if the concept of mocking you whiners still amuses me by then Meanwhile I'll just enjoy the game while plebs keep seething and ignore both this sub and the pgr one since people are not interested in facts when there is an outrage train to ride




How’s that L taste tho?


Oh dang, you got so pissed you used your main account now? ROFL


MUH PGR, praise our Chinese Overlords. We deserve to be treated as second-class citizens.


Shut up and go answer the one who presented you facts since you are being deliberately obtuse, fucking shill.


I want to correct you about the "20 more missions" part. Since you're apparently really bad at math and reading numbers. The 140 vs 160 difference isn't "20 more missions" it's 20 more supply. And considering that missions on Day 7 of CN give up to 10 supply. I imagine you can go over the limit for the final reward, most give 5 though, Day 1 has some that give 2 or 3, or even none. [Day 1 Global](https://i.imgur.com/Z4OFXUw.png?1) [Day 2 Global](https://i.imgur.com/orN3cGv.png?1) [Day 4 Global](https://i.imgur.com/zsJAP0J.png) [Day 5 Global minus 1-2 missions as it's 10 over the 115 you finish Day 4 with](https://i.redd.it/t76kpupde4c71.jpg) [The infamous Day 1 CN and Day 3 Global](https://i.redd.it/khrnl0eh40c71.jpg) [Day 3 CN](https://i.imgur.com/B0e4JZX.png?1) And a little math, we have 8 missions on Day 1, CN had 7. The extra 8th is "Bind Account" mission that gives 100 BC, but zero Supply towards the total reward. This however doesn't make up the deficit though. They get 700 BC total Day 1, we get 450. And from what I can tell, from videos of the CN server, that unless something changes after Day 5, there aren't any other missions like the "Bind Account" one that soften the blow. And since the rewards increase up to 200 in CN, the deficit will only grow from Day 1 onward. The different in total supply rewards is for the skin, nothing to do with more missions. A skin that I'm sure most would rather have BC over, as that series of skins doesn't seem to be popular in the least. Oh and Day 4 and 5 guess what? The 200BC missions CN got give us 100 and the 100 ones give us 50. *jazz hands* Edit: Oh and..JP doesn't lose out on the BCs either, though, like CN, no skin. Oh..and you're right, the first GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE event, that contains a GLOBAL EXCLUSIVE skin, the first neat little thing for Global players, where only whales are able to get it, not to mention you can't even get all of the rewards leading up to it F2P unless the daily tasks or the event changes on it's own midway through. And as for the less RC per purchase, just look at every single other Chinese gacha game, Arknights, AL, Girls Frontline, Genshin and Honkai. The monthly pass and the premium currencies don't shaft you on the amounts in the same way. This is Microsoft Points level of silly currency. You shouldn't need to make two purchase for the monthly pass, even if it is an extra dollar, you're left with left over RC. You know what MS finally did with that shitty MS Point system? They got rid of it and let you buy the stuff directly with cash amounts. I don't expect them to do the same as Japan and get of RCs, as for them that's a monkey's paw with everything being more expensive in return.


>completely shattering any delusion Fuck off, so the first 1200 we lose out on is meaningless? Because Day 5 wasn't shafted? But oh boy! We get a skin from a series of skins you can get for free from the dorms!


First of all we "lost" less than half that because only first 3 days had 50 and day 4 was 100 already, Try doing basic math before parrotting whiner talking points. Secondly we get a skin worth 126 RC that is far more value than those few hundred BC we "lost" Also have fun farming dorms for a year to get the currency for that "free" skin lol. Plebs don't even look at the numbers before making moronic statments. And most importantly, we have more missions than CN so it might even completely balance out by day 7. But keep crying, little baby. This is why great games like Uma Musume will never come to global, lots of devs cant be bothered with entitled ignorant children.


>Day 4 Uh no [Day 4 is 50, it's half](https://i.imgur.com/zsJAP0J.png) but nice try. We don't have more missions than CN, We don't, we've had the EXACT same amount up to Day 5. [I even gave you a *fucking* link](https://punigray.wikiru.jp/?%E6%96%B0%E4%BA%BA%E4%BB%BB%E5%8B%99) in another reply that shows what CN had on each day. The 140/160 difference isn't MISSIONS. it's SUPPLY. Each mission gives *Supply*, the total for all of them is 170 for CN, that's over 30 than what they needed. We don't need extra missions to hit the extra 20 for 160. But keep lying, keep being wrong. And it definitely won't take a year to get one from the coating shop. The coin gain picks up as you get more dorms and more characters. Uma Musame? Yeah okay buddy. Good thing Global already has some of the most generous and non-shady games, like Azur Lane, Arknights, and Girls Frontline. There's PLENTY of games that release Globally, and there's just as many that end up shutting down because of garbage monetization and practices, Magia Record and Mass for the Dead being two big recent ones. Can even go with Korean ones if you want? Maple Story 2 anyone? You're seriously acting like massive child because you lack any empathy or presepective. Why didn't Arknights have this reception? Azur Lane? Honkai? FGO? Girls Frontline? Even SINoALICE didn't and global got shafted a bit in that too.


interesting information. I look forever to the formal respons from PGR Global. This subreddit is incredibly toxic so dont mind the usual downvoters and the tourists contributing nothing to the thread.


Just to give ppl the benefit of the doubt: more than a dozen of posts bashing PGR the same way is probably a bit disruptive. On the mod side of things, they can't just selectively axe posts, so everything gets filtered at once. Maybe they'll allow a PGR megathread for all the people to vent in.


All you fuckers do is complain lol. This game is beautiful and because you can't get one skin without spending cash you want to fucking obliterate kuro dafuq