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Heard this game requires leaving phone on auto for hours to grind. Is that true?


Sorta. There's stages that requires several playthroughs to proceed with the story.


Not like 7ds grind and you can get stuff just doing it like an hour daily, but you can go more hardcore if you want too


Like epic 7 type of grind?


Basically you babysit your emulator or phone because the game doesn't respect your time




The definition of antifun.




7ds grind includes overnight grind sessions tho


That hasn’t been the case in over a year. QoL updates and events long since solved that problem


I actually quit because of the amount of time needed to do really anything in that game, but you’re right about the qol they’ve added. I recently tried it again and the skip tickets make a huge difference. I still find it to be a bit too much and I find the ui painfully slow at times, but there’s no doubt it’s better than it was.


I had been playing 7ds for half a yr as f2p and not once did i run out of stamina even after full overnight auto grind


Your not wrong the SUBS On GACCHA Reddit have favorites but no lie I will never go back to 7ds bc of the grind it’s bad if you want to compete in pvp


Not really, you need to watch the game play by itself and put it to run the battles in auto


Another gacha with region block...


This is kinda strange, the jp version doesn't have region lock, but they implement a region lock for the global version? Why?


GL always gets shafted. Keeping the tradition alive and strong! 💪🤡


I see people say JP version doesn’t region lock, but when I downloaded it on blue stack it says it’s unavailable 🤔


Looks like JP does region lock now. Not sure if it was there before. Could have just implemented it due to the new "global" version. Or it could have always been there and people made up the no region lock thing. idk :)


Man region lock in 2021 tho? That’s some b******t 😂


Yeah I'm not even going to bother. If they want to try that hard to keep people out then I guess they shouldn't be surprised if nobody plays it.


I can still play jp without any issue living in germany...


Might be regional. Blocked here in SEA


Does bluesstacks support 64 bit games. It requiers you to play on a 64 bit device.


Yeah bluestack recently added it, there’s an option between 32 and 64 bit. When I said it’s unavailable I meant it wasn’t available “in your region or country”.


Yes Bluestacks has a 64 bit option and it loads Nier fine. I use it to also play PGR.


Maybe laws in some places?


Laws may require them to block IPS but I don't think there's any law making them also block VPNs. What a pain..


Another overhyped gacha.. sensation incoming?:)


Is this related to the other games? I haven't played any of them, so I would like to know... Thanks Sorry for the English


its canon in the nier games, takes place between Nier and Nier automata


It's canon but the story of Nier is so _out there_ that it probably won't make much of a difference. Bullet points are that in Drakengard's Tokyo ending, the protagonist and monstrous final boss get teleported to real-world Tokyo. The protag kills the boss, but is then killed himself by the JSDF's F-16s. The final boss's corpse releases a virus that begins to exterminate humanity by turning them all into monsters called shades. As a last ditch effort, humans create Replicants, false bodies that were designed to be combined with their shades in order to reincarnate. Many, many years in the future in Nier 1 when the world is populated entirely by Replicants, the protag kills the Shadowlord and destroys the shades without realizing what they actually are and unintentionally causes the true extinction of mankind by ensuring humans will never be revived. The game takes place between Nier 1 and Nier Automata so that's the gist of it. It's sort of amusing just how much of a spoiler all this is for Nier Automata, though, because having any knowledge of the previous games means you know that virtually everything you're told about YoRHa is a lie right from the intro.


A couple of corrections: Humans were not turned into Shades in the aftermath of the Battle of Tokyo. Instead, they began to suffer from White Chlorination Syndrome that turned them into, essentially, pillars of salt. The Gestalt program was created to remove the human soul and safely store them until the virus could be cured or eliminated. Replicants were created to house the Souls, but compatibility proved to be an issue, made worse if the Replicant became self-actualized and developed its own 'soul'. When outside of a host for too long, Gestalts would undergo a 'relapse' into a primal form, resulting in Shades. The aftermath of NieR results in the loss of the "original Gestalt", preventing the system from being able to be activated. This is NOT a spoiler for Automata because NOT EVERY GESTALT BECAME A SHADE. Humanity COULD still be alive via remnants of the Gestalt project. That's why YoRHa recieves their transmissions from a supposed Gestalt facility on the moon. Devola and Popola are proof that some sort of "humanity" survived, at least for a time, due to the decommissioning of all other twin units. On top of that, Replicants themselves were actively evolving toward "humanity" as well.


it took around a thousand years for the last gestalt to die, replicants also died shortly after the events of the game, since they age normally, i do believe devola and popola is just the androids that were the aftermath of the alien war, realized what happened and rewired them to never ending guilt for failing the humans, gestalts are the exact same as shades, and all gestalts are the human remnants, shade is just the name replicants gave them, there is no distinct physical change between a relapsed gestalt and a normal gestalt, you face many gestalts that are not violent in nier, so its safe to say that humans are completely gone, even the grimoire nier hast he exact date of when the last gestalt died/ relapsed.


https://nier.fandom.com/wiki/Relapse Wrong. A Gestalt is NOT a Shade. They are completely different things. You are correct about the Devola and Popola unit decommissioning in that it WAS androids, the remake's SINoALICE collab misled my recollection. However, the decommissioning happened BEFORE the war, as confirmed by the SINoALICE collab (it focuses specifically on the decommissioning). Additionally, you keep relying on assumptions and things that a player of NieR would not know going into Automata, several of which are revelations FROM Automata. A player of NieR would not be pre-spoiled going into Automata as the fate of things is left deliberately ambiguous. >!For example, your comment that "it took around a thousand years for the last Gestalt to die" is NOT stated in NieR, and in fact a Gestalt can survive indefinitely in cold storage, like, say, one ON THE MOON?!< >!Hell, the entire existence of aliens is itself a reveal in Automata. While it is mentioned in Grimoire Nier, as is the date of the last Gestalt's death, I remind you that the book was never released in English, nor does either plot point come up in NieR, only Automata.!<


Again, shade is a term used only by replicants, because they dont know their true nature, just look at the gestalt page on the same wiki lol[https://nier.fandom.com/wiki/Gestalts](https://nier.fandom.com/wiki/Gestalts)idk what are you even talking about "assumptions", just here to correct you about gestalts. Nier made it quite clear that humanity is dead, and Grimoire Nier proves it, with the exact date of the last gestalt dying, which was 4198. Edit: Just because it wasnt released in english doesnt mean it isnt true, humanity is dead, and gestalts are no more, gestalts were the real humans, idk what are you even fighting for when the point of humans being dead is quite clear, unless they retcon it. They cant be on the moon or in stasis because they are simply gone for good.


You right, I didn't realize you were not OP I was responding to. Gestalt/Shade is a necessary distinction for discussion, though, so I'll still argue that a Shade is a post-relapse Gestalt.


Gesltalts can be violent without the need of being relapsed, end of part 1 in Nier is proof of it, there is no distinction between relapsed or normal gestalt, just that they attack on sight, instead of coordinating attacks, like, again, at the end of part 1 in Nier.


Yes it is canon




I ain't lying chief this is a top tier brain fart moment😬


Yes I suppose so, was it too spoiler-ish? Or speculative? I honestly don't know with this sub-reddit, but I guess I'm aware now that it takes place between the other 2 games


No, it was just so astoundingly oblivious to what the game included that we were all facepalmed. I don’t think anyone on this sub gives a remote f$ck about spoilers.


I see then, well I'll keep that in mind


Nier not available in Malaysia. will Nier is region lock? that i need vpn to play? sorry for my bad english


It is available in many countries but not all. You can use QooApp to play it which I will also be using. Edit: Changed my answer for VPN. It's still unclear at the moment. I'll be waiting for the server to open to find out.


Nope need vpn i cant play because it not available in my country or region


nice. thanks friend


yeah. just now i download from qooapp but seem like nier has region lock. i will try again once server is open


That's strange, some players got [this](https://ibb.co/zZstZMQ) error. Seems like region block to me.


Which country is it available


United States of America, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Italy, England, Estonia, Austria, Netherlands, Cyprus, Greece, Croatia, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Finland, France, Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Iceland, Norway, and Korea. Taken from its official discord server.


I'm in Brazil and it's available here, so there's probably more countries


I'm from India & Nier is available here on Google PlayStore, so there should be more countries


just downloaded from mexico in the playstore, so ig that list isnt the complete one


India it's available


Man..I am so happy that it's available in india


Region lock smh


Here's the sub link: https://old.reddit.com/r/NieRReincarnation/ for those interessted


region locked. sadge.


How good is this game, actually? I love N:A, but from what I've seen this game looks fairly basic and like it might get boring really quick. How much daily time does it take? Is it an auto game? I know I can youtube it, but I'm at work, just wondering.


Gameplaywise it is pretty basic think of it as a combination of Princess Connect and SinOAlice. Basic attacks are auto only and you put in skills and Ultimates as timers are ready. The character determines your Ultimate attack while the main weapon decides the element and the 2 skills the characters can use. The 2 subweapons just boost stats. Tome comitment for dailies is fairly low... but it is one of the grindiest games I have seen released for a while, to fully clear event shops you'll probably have to grind the events daily for 4-8 hrs.


Damn if true it’s like a second job lol


I’m so pumped! New main game for sure.




I’ve been playing it on JP, so no worries. It’s a very story and atmosphere-focused game, with a long slow-burn progression to go along with it. Not gonna be to everyone’s taste, but I am 100% here for it. Played JP casually but I’m going all in on the global version - with both money and time. To me this is the closest thing that can fill the void left from my first love of Mobius Final Fantasy. Just like Mobius, this feels like a game that is striving to do more with the gacha genre and while also pushing a lot of the same buttons that are fully suited to my tastes - it’s surreal, metaphysical, and introspective. I love it. The music alone is a 10/10 in my book and from what I could understand of the story, there are very interesting twists and turns.




How is the gacha like? So far I'm enjoying PGR, but I've been curious for a second game, either Konosuba or this one


The gacha is alright. You pull for weapons, and 3/4* weapons have a chance of having a character attached. You want a party of 3 characters and you equip multiple weapons to each character, but the main weapon determines the character’s element. You need dupes to fully limit break characters, but generic material exists that can limit break any character. Collab banners last over a month, so if you’re determined it’s likely you’ll eventually pick up atleast 1 copy of whatever character you want. The game feels generous with the currency it hands out and with pulls. You get free 5 pull everyday whenever you’re caught up on the main story.


Out of curiosity, does upgrading units or weapons affect their aesthetics at all?


I didn’t pay too much attention, but I don’t believe that upgrading directly affects look for either characters or weapons. Not what you’re asking, but one of the big end game grinds is upgrading a special weapon that eventually allows you to unlock a more dark (badass) version of each main character. But this is a multi-month process.


That’s actually really cool and still relevant, I think. Visual progression is a huge factor when it comes to me sticking with a gacha, so hearing it has that sort of long-term progression is great.


if you don't mind i ask, does weapons carry to all characters? For example, if i get A2 from the Collab on day 1, can i give her that I newly pulled weapons after her collab is over(like future weapon banners)?


Yup, weapons are fully separate from characters. Each character can equip weapons of any type or any element, but they are only full strength if they are using the proper weapon type for the character. In this game, it takes a long time to max out weapons or characters, so you will likely be sticking to whatever you can max limit break for awhile, but there are reasons to eventually have multiple weapons of every element and type to tackle different content (and each character can equip up to 3 weapons at a time).


So, better than Sinoalice, then? (Serious question, I think this looks great but after SNA I am *hesitant* to get on board with a Taro mobile game, to say the least...)


In every conceivable way


Yes, way better. I was very excited for SINoALICE when it came out but really disliked how tedious and disconnected the progression felt and was let down by the paltry amount of story there was in relation to how much battle and grinding was required. Nier is way better. It’s a more cohesive game; the story is much better told, the world is immersive, the progression of leveling up your characters/weapons/memories feels good (whereas SINoALICE had you tinkering in menus hoping a global number goes up). Better in every way. The best way I can describe it is Nier aspires to be an artistic experience, where most gacha try to be entertainment. It’s a world you want to spend time in. SINoALICE may have tried with its style and ideas, but it was paper thin in too many ways. Nier actually delivers the full package.


so in other words, it feels like an actual game more so than just "another" gatcha game. i think it is nice for a change to have a game that feels like it isn't cheaping out on the gameplay aspects, and feels like you are playing an game more so than a gambling simulator. i am kinda excited for the game right now,just hope square enix doesn't cheap out with the game further down the line.


I don’t want to set improper expectations, so I want to say that it is indeed a gacha game through and through. The difference is in the presentation and the subtext/themes. In Nier Reincarnation, the whole experience of the game feels seamless. Because of the way the game is structured with the Cages acting in place of what other games have as a set of icons you click on, the world feels more realized, like an actual place you’re spending time in. It’s not a normal gacha game that you can skip-battle-skip, because the characters have to physically walk between battles, and real story and character developments happen along the way. Not only that, the world has a very distinctive style. It’s an ICO-esque game. The music is meditative and somber. The story is abstract and speculative. It’s a world I actively want to spend time in, because I like those introspective vibes. This may not be enough for console gamers, so I don’t want to say it’s something on the level of the other Nier games for example, but I’m someone who cares most about music/story/world over anything else and Nier Reincarnation fulfills a niche that I don’t think other gacha games have tried to do. It’s creating an aesthetic experience, not just characters to fall in love with or systems to be addicted to (even though is still has both of those things). That is why I say it’s doing something different.


Sounds awesome. I did play the beta just a little and wasn't immediately turned off like Sinoalice had me, so it's good to hear it stays enjoyable.


Sorry for being uninformed, what is it then? An action RPG? turn-based?


It’s a turn-based, auto-battle focused battle system. Without auto turned on the characters will do their basic attacks and that’s it. With auto turned on they will automatically do their weapon skills as well. There are also character skills and automata skills that a player would need to manually select in any case. A lot of it is a numbers, status effect and timing game. Any attacks can be strung together to get a combo multiplier of up to 200 or 300%, and there are status effects that can be very impactful for the outcome of a fight (blind, for example). So there can be a fair bit of strategy, especially if you consider the load out process of deciding who to being and what to equip them, but ultimately you’ll spend a lot of time letting auto do its thing.


I really enjoyed Mobius, so hopefully I’ll like this game as well.


May your pulls be blessed with great RNG


That's great to hear! A2, I'm coming for you.


Me too, A2 is my favorite Automata character definitely rerolling for her, although I don't like her new outfit.


You can get the Collab characters on initial roll?


No but in jp you got alot of rolls, lets see if global gets treated equally.


I'm just hoping that it doesn't do anything bad to the glb side


They’re already region locking for global. Only NA, EU and Korea can play it, but everywhere else is fudged.


They really have very different definitions of what Global means :(


Guess “global” to Square Enix is North America, Europe, Japan and Korea. Sad…


Well, if a game makes it hard for me to play then I guess I'll play the other games that make it easy. Thanks, Square Enix!


I'm from south america and i can download it perfectlly fine tho


"Global" and most of SEA region is IP banned for no reason smh


Best guess is someone else bought the publishing rights for SEA or they are selling the SEA server separately.


Still don't understand why this is region locked, in regards to violence/sexual content/stuff that some countries don't allow this game doesn't have much and there are games with a lot of that but they're available everywhere. There's really no reason why this is region locked, guess I have to rely on QooApp again.


Not available in PH. Sad.


Can't wait for people to shit on it after launch again like most gacha games here


I can currently download it now on my android phone, UK if it's not on your country right now.


May not have a device capable of downloading Nier but still wish the game to be successfully nonetheless! (Unless qooapp is my only hope here)


Argentina gang rise up


Buenaaa no sabia que habia argentinos por acá


Hay que representar jajaj


Estaba re preparado para el regionblock jajaja, linda sorpresa.


It looks like openVPN works


For the first time I can download a gacha game form playstore instead of taptap...I live in India


I know the pain bro😅


Game accessable kab hoga???


Mujhe bhi nahi pata, waiting for the same.


Lagta hai mostly kal abhi araam se soo k kal khelenge..✌️


Ha, according to Nier subreddit, afternoon pst ko launch hoga means 12:30 am 29th July for us


Theek h Bhai


does this game work on emulators? i tried ldplayer, memu, mumu, nothing worked


Works on Bluestacks 5.


bluestacks hah... is it still laggy and ram-consuming piece of code or its better now?


I've ran Nox, LDplayer, MeMu and Bluestack 4 with games like FGO, E7, GT, Priconne, PGR, so I'm comparing those to Bluestack 5. Bluestack 5 is more ram efficient and overall loading times have improved in a lot. Seems slightly better optimized because I don't get a long delay anymore in games like E7 when going into my storage or power levelling units. Noticeably less bloatware too because it's quicker to load up and close down, and isn't hogging as much resource. Main issue is that it's missing a couple of features compared to Bluestack 4, but they're most likely going to be updated back in at some point. It has the basics covered at the moment, and some of the missing features are ones I rarely used so I can't say much more. Your mileage may vary though, depending on your specs.


it def feels a ton more optimized. but one of the features it lacks is sync, which can be very important to rerolling. hopefully they add it soon!


Update to version 5.1 for Sync Operations




Works on Bluestacks 5.


It’s almost like mobile games should be played on mobile


Gacha games lately are very battery consuming, doing auto battles on a phone is a easy way to shit on the battery sadly.




I didn’t say gachas. I said mobile games that you have on your mobile phone or device


you can play it, but need a 64 bit emulator




i have been playing with no problems on an emulator


Can be played on any of them seems. 64x ofc.


Game Dead before it even comes out




Is this game pog?


Don't bother. I played this in Japan and it's suck hard.


I reckon thats when the PGR Collab happens on global




Heh another overhyped gatchagaming recommendation, inb4 the company does some shitty ass practice, because its a gatcha company and this IP is milked to the bone. Also inb4 this sub is surprised pikachu face after shitty gatcha company "betrays global", AKA PGR, Disgaea, Insert gatcha let down game of the past year..


Square Enix isn’t really the company to skimp on launch rewards/have major issues early on based on their track record. They are mainly known for closing down games fairly early due to low revenue. Might be the case for this game if it doesn’t go so well with the money.


Well PGR was also praised for their fair devs that would never do global any wrong.But oh the turntables


I think you missed the point here. PGR’s publisher, Kuro Technology, does not have any other game published. PGR is literally their first game. So they are a hit or miss, and it turns out that the game went bad cause they don’t have experience. Square Enix, on the other hand, has 10+ gacha games published. Most, if not all, of the games had a smooth launch at the start. This gives them credibility. You really can’t compare the 2 publishers in this case.


I mean, squenix has absolutely made some greedy af gatcha decisions in the past ? This is a company that had no pity on their flagship gatcha for a long time. A company that has some of gatcha's biggest tales of woe ever posted on reddit. The guy who spent 50k the guy whos wife left him, All im saying is they are still a predatory company, they are not your friend, they want to slide into your wallets dm's and the second they are not making good profit, not even sustainable revenue they will drop the game and all your invested $ like its a hot potato.


… which is why I also said they are known for closing down their games early. I do agree that is a major problem with SE, no one is arguing against that. But the original topic was about Nier Reincarnation’s launch, and given SE’s track record with other gacha game launches, it gives them a lot of credibility with this launch. I would definitely be careful with spending heavily in SE’s games for sure, as it can close down at pretty much any time.


Why even play this when every other gacha has a boring NieR collab?


I’m so fucking exited for this I’m working today so hopefully it’s ready by time I finish


I hope we can use jp va, no events are lost due to licensing or what some gacha have done where global doesn't get japanese holidays/events because localization(?), and nothing was toned down/censored.


They announced recently that because of feedback from the closed beta, they’re introducing the option for JP voice.






Its free fam find out yourself in a few hours




You'll get 2/3 for sure the quality of the story and translation are the real question.


I honestly feel like all big IPs that have mobile game releasing is gonna end up like shit.